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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Monday, May 5, 2014 8:50:39 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Kazdan Paratus from The Force Unleashed

55 points, Republic (with Rebel Affinity)
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Affinity (May be in a Rebel squad)
Droid Mark (When this character activates, you may choose an allied Droid character within 6 squares. Until the start of the next round, that character gains Draw Fire)
Immediate Droid Reserves 30 (If you roll exactly 5, 10, 15, or 20 for initiative, you can add up to 30 points of non-Unique Droid characters from any faction to your squad, adjacent to this character, immediately before your first activation of the round)

Force Powers
Force 3
Lightsaber Block (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Surprise Move (Force 1; Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his Speed before any other character activates)

Before we get started, here are some of the best quotes from Kazdan's page:

Whoever placed the errata on his Surprise Move should be castrated.

Wonderfull figure, but more than ever the essencial is in the iniciatives. The sculp is wonderfull too

Reserves pieces are intrinisically fun, but mostly intrinsically uncompetitive. Just bring in an Muun Tactics Broker against it (as long as your squad has enough activations to handle it), and your opponent won't get any reserves all game, and all the fancy reserve infrastructure that they have in their squad will be wasted. Kazdan especially fits into the fun category, since he allows some weird combos - with Gha Nachkt in your base squad, you can get a Lancer in a Rebel or Republic squad. Furthermore, he also fits into the fun category as he generally brings in pieces that have little synergy with each other - you can have a Rebel Lancer, but without the support it can get in a Separatist squad, it's nowhere near as effective. Kazdan can definitely provide some fun builds, and blur inter-faction boundaries, but he's not a very strong piece overall. 4/10.

One of my favourite pieces of all time and only second to Pong Krell in the Republic for me. I think with Force Ghost Quigon he counters the MTB somewhat. But still he is tons of fun to play
Posted: Monday, May 5, 2014 8:53:39 PM
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It only counters the MTB if you roll a 1 and can give it to your opponent.
Posted: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6:54:07 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
It only counters the MTB if you roll a 1 and can give it to your opponent.

That's why I stick with my sep/Vong teams, sure being the MTB, thanks for the reserves haha
Posted: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 1:37:38 PM
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Gha Nachkt, from The Clone Wars

12 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Rapport (Non-Unique Droids cost 1 less when in a squad with this character)
Regeneration 10 (If this character doesn't move on his turn, remove 10 damage from him at the end of that turn)
Repair 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from 1 Droid character)

Rapport is potentially a very powerful SA and should be used sensibly. That's certainly not the case here, where Gha Nachkt's Rapport, especially for the already powerful 3 point Mouse Droids, made him a competitive mainstay. With Gha Nachkt and Lobot in a base squad, a player has the option to bring in 10 Mouse Droids with Lobot, if they need to have an activation advantage. The 2010 GenCon winning squad used the Lobot/Gha Nachkt trick, as does the very popular and successful Solo Charge squad. He also gets plenty of play in Separatist squads, where his Rapport allows cheap droids, and his Repair 10 is great for fixing up a pawned Lancer.

The Gha Nachkt/Lobot combo still gets some use, but it's not as widespread as it used to be; one good counter from the v-sets is Momaw Nadon, who can come in via Lobot and War Throat through a Mouse Wall easily. While his impact has been lessened, Gha Nachkt is still both a badly thought out piece and uber-powerful piece; a piece with little screen time who was almost ubiquitous in tournament squads during 2010 and 2011. 11/10.

Update - since the errata to rapport not being able to reduce pieces below 3, Gha Nachkt is much less significant. I think you might see him in some Sep squads, but he's more like a 7/10.
Posted: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6:22:34 PM
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Pre Vizsla, from Vengeance

29 points
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Death Watch
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Darksaber (+20 Damage against adjacent enemies; this counts as a melee attack with a lightsaber)
Gregarious (+4 Attack if an ally is within 6 squares)
Parry (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Rapport (A character whose name contains Death Watch costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

Commander Effect
Death Watch followers gain Self Destruct 20.
Once per turn, each follower within 6 squares may reroll 1 attack. If the result of the rerolled attack is a miss, the attacking character is defeated.

Pre Vizsla is an accomplished Mandalorian fighter/commander. While he's not a powerhouse fighter himself, he's capable enough for 29 points, with a high attack, Darksaber, and Parry. You're unlikely to run him just as an attacker though - it's his commander effect for Death Watch pieces that makes him worthwhile as a piece - he hands out rapport (a nice targeted rapport, as opposed to Gha Nachkt's crude blanket rapport), self destruct 20, and a reroll CE. Although the reroll CE applies to all followers, it's especially useful for Death Watch pieces, as both the Death Watch Raider and Death Watch Saboteur have Internal Strife, so Pre Vizsla can stop them defecting. When combined with Jaster Mereel and the Mandalorian Captain, he does open up some possibilities for Death Watch Saboteur squads with Cloaked, Twin, Self Destruct 20, and Death Shot; Mike Moore Smuggler took this concept to the top 4 of the NZ National in 2012. I think he's at the lower end of competitively viable pieces, hence the 8, but if had stronger Death Watch pieces to work with, he could get strong very fast. The v-sets have done a great job for the Mandalorians, and Pre Vizsla is one of a long list of accomplished recent Mando pieces. 8/10.
Posted: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 8:16:53 PM
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Jedi Master Kit Fisto, from Galaxy at War

60 points, Republic
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Shii-Cho Style (+4 Attack and +4 Defense when 3 or more enemies are within 6 squares)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Force Powers
Force 4
Lightsaber Precision (Force 1: This character gets +10 Damage on his next attack)
Surprise Move (Force 1; Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his Speed before any other character activates)

"He was great in sealed." is the strategy mini equivalent of " He has a good personality"

WOTC really didn't do expensive melee pieces very well; albeit there were a few notable exceptions like Lord Vader. At 60 points this Kit Fisto is priced out of the game - 130 hit points is very good, and his stats get impressive with Shii-Cho. But with no defensive abilities, and not a very impressive damage output given his cost, he's a lame duck. For one point more, a Republic squad can grab Captain Rex AND Dash Renegade Smuggler, who between them can pump out way more damage than this Fisto can. Shii-Cho does give him some interesting potential for really high stats, but overall he's costed far too high to be of any conceivable use. 2/10.
Posted: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 6:54:21 AM
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he at least needed assault. I guess surprise move has its uses but only 4 force and no renewal on a 60 point piece is craptacular.

He's pretty much 15-20 points too expensive.
Posted: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 7:49:14 AM
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I don't think it was that they didn't do melee pieces... I think they just did what everyone does when making a trading game. You make some pieces that are awesome, a lot that are mediocre and and even more than suck. It's a money thing, and that is why personally I was really excited when the community picked up the game and not another corporation. Granted we lose the new pieces(and some players) but we have gained some great new mechanics and characters. I think the meta is much more interesting than it was before. Yes if you play daala snow troops you will most likely end up in the top 4(they are very beatable), but we have lancers, tantives, poggle bombs and talon karde squads. And no two of those squads are the same. This community really enjoys thinking up new ideas on how to use current cards and there isn't a lot of net decking that goes on. I used to play magic and that was one of the things that frustrates me the most... That is a bit of a difference, but you get the idea.
Posted: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 12:40:53 PM
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This is a list of all the melee pieces 60 points and over that WOTC made. Some of them are quite powerful, but overall I think there's a pattern of most of them being overcosted to some extent.

Darth Caedus
Darth Vader, Sith Lord
Jedi Master Kit Fisto
Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith
Ulic Qel-Droma
Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord
Darth Plagueis
General Grievous, Scourge of the Jedi
Mace Windu
Warmaster Tsavong Lah
Naga Sadow
Yoda, Jedi Master
Mace Windu, Jedi Master
Master Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi General
Darth Sion
Luke Skywalker and Yoda
Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force
Lord Vader
General Windu
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master
Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter
Darth Krayt
Darth Bane
Exar Kun
Darth Revan
Grand Master Luke Skywalker
Posted: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 3:42:39 PM
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Shock Trooper, from Imperial Entanglements

13 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Missiles 30 (Replaces attacks: sight; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)
Squad Cover (+4 Defense while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares)

A Missiles 30 piece for 13 points doesn't seem that bad. Browsing through squads with Shock Troopers, most seem to revolve around boosting their defenses to ridiculous levels via Vader IC and the Felucian Stormtrooper Officer:

--shocker defense--
53 Darth Vader, Imperial Commander
32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
16 Felucian Stormtrooper Officer
14 Dark Trooper
65 Shock Trooper x5
8 Mas Amedda
5 Caamasi Noble
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
(199pts. 13 activations)

Boosting their defense to ridiculous levels can cause headaches for some shooter squads, but it doesn't help Shock Troopers much against Jedi, who can reroll their missiles saves and should be able to get up close and cut through a high defense quickly. If you're going with Shock Troopers, I think Ysalamari is the way to go with them, to cut out rerolls - at least that way, they're scary for Jedi.

Even with the help of Ysalamari, Shock Troopers are intrinsically a Tier 2 or 3 squad type - a swarm of slow, 20 hit point pieces is asking for trouble, they're very vulnerable to a Lancer or Yobuck. Gungan Artillerists are a similar piece with much better support options, and have enjoyed some tournament success - I'd much rather go that way, and leave these guys in the box. 5/10.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 7:11:38 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Pre Vizsla, from Vengeance

29 points
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Death Watch
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Darksaber (+20 Damage against adjacent enemies; this counts as a melee attack with a lightsaber)
Gregarious (+4 Attack if an ally is within 6 squares)
Parry (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Rapport (A character whose name contains Death Watch costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

Commander Effect
Death Watch followers gain Self Destruct 20.
Once per turn, each follower within 6 squares may reroll 1 attack. If the result of the rerolled attack is a miss, the attacking character is defeated.

but if he had stronger Death Watch pieces to work with, he could get strong

There might just be another Death Watch piece coming in vset 9.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 7:51:44 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Gha Nachkt, from The Clone Wars

12 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Rapport (Non-Unique Droids cost 1 less when in a squad with this character)
Regeneration 10 (If this character doesn't move on his turn, remove 10 damage from him at the end of that turn)
Repair 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from 1 Droid character)

Rapport is potentially a very powerful SA and should be used sensibly. That's certainly not the case here, where Gha Nachkt's Rapport, especially for the already powerful 3 point Mouse Droids, made him a competitive mainstay. With Gha Nachkt and Lobot in a base squad, a player has the option to bring in 10 Mouse Droids with Lobot, if they need to have an activation advantage. The 2010 GenCon winning squad used the Lobot/Gha Nachkt trick, as does the very popular and successful Solo Charge squad. He also gets plenty of play in Separatist squads, where his Rapport allows cheap droids, and his Repair 10 is great for fixing up a pawned Lancer.

The Gha Nachkt/Lobot combo still gets some use, but it's not as widespread as it used to be; one good counter from the v-sets is Momaw Nadon, who can come in via Lobot and War Throat through a Mouse Wall easily. While his impact has been lessened, Gha Nachkt is still both a badly thought out piece and uber-powerful piece; a piece with little screen time who was almost ubiquitous in tournament squads during 2010 and 2011. 11/10.

The only thing I disagree with is that his impact has lessened. I just won a regional using him (and he was very important) and in the MI regional I beat the Daala squad using him with my rebels, (then losing to Critdu rolling 2 crits on his first 2 attacks against me to allow the Daala squad to win the tournament). Used to great effect in both tournaments in many different ways.

Yes the 10 mouse dump can be quite effective. Mouse walls can be really tough to get around (20 defense is stupid), but I think the more important factor is the flexibility of being able to bring in more activations through Lobot when needed. Being able to out active is awesome. Even being able to match or get near your opponents activations can sometimes be the difference. I spent most of my game vs Daala in MI throwing one of my 10 FREE mice in front for the snow troopers to kill. I'll trade a free mouse for your supped up 5 point super attacker any day. The strategy worked, I won.

But I feel the greatest benefit of Gha is being able to bring the MTB and SIX mice. We refer to Gha and Lobot as having an MTB Engine. Especially used to devastating effect when you already outactivate an opponent. Kill your FREE mouse at the start of the turn, win init virtually everytime, outactivate, then pound. Win init again and get yourself out of danger or pound more. Bringing an MTB in your base squad is dangerous and unnecessary (no reason to give San hill or other characters with reserves on a 1 more characters on the board). Without Gha, you can only bring in 4 more figs with an MTB, and that's not quite enough. I find that games rarely go more than about 8 rounds these days (even complete ones), so you don't need more than a couple pieces of fodder in your base squad with an MTB engine and you're good to go.

Plus, he's a gambit getter himself, and another sacrifice to the MTB if necessary. Also, don't overlook the simple -1 to figures like R7s, IG-86s, Treadwell Droids, Buzz Droids, LINs, etc. It allows you to often get an extra activation or 2 in with your reinforcements while getting that key droid (or droids) you need.

Honestly, I don't always play him, but I do consider him in every single squad I make.

Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 8:11:00 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
TheHutts wrote:
Gha Nachkt, from The Clone Wars

12 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Rapport (Non-Unique Droids cost 1 less when in a squad with this character)
Regeneration 10 (If this character doesn't move on his turn, remove 10 damage from him at the end of that turn)
Repair 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from 1 Droid character)

Rapport is potentially a very powerful SA and should be used sensibly. That's certainly not the case here, where Gha Nachkt's Rapport, especially for the already powerful 3 point Mouse Droids, made him a competitive mainstay. With Gha Nachkt and Lobot in a base squad, a player has the option to bring in 10 Mouse Droids with Lobot, if they need to have an activation advantage. The 2010 GenCon winning squad used the Lobot/Gha Nachkt trick, as does the very popular and successful Solo Charge squad. He also gets plenty of play in Separatist squads, where his Rapport allows cheap droids, and his Repair 10 is great for fixing up a pawned Lancer.

The Gha Nachkt/Lobot combo still gets some use, but it's not as widespread as it used to be; one good counter from the v-sets is Momaw Nadon, who can come in via Lobot and War Throat through a Mouse Wall easily. While his impact has been lessened, Gha Nachkt is still both a badly thought out piece and uber-powerful piece; a piece with little screen time who was almost ubiquitous in tournament squads during 2010 and 2011. 11/10.

The only thing I disagree with is that his impact has lessened. I just won a regional using him (and he was very important) and in the MI regional I beat the Daala squad using him with my rebels, (then losing to Critdu rolling 2 crits on his first 2 attacks against me to allow the Daala squad to win the tournament). Used to great effect in both tournaments in many different ways.

Yes the 10 mouse dump can be quite effective. Mouse walls can be really tough to get around (20 defense is stupid), but I think the more important factor is the flexibility of being able to bring in more activations through Lobot when needed. Being able to out active is awesome. Even being able to match or get near your opponents activations can sometimes be the difference. I spent most of my game vs Daala in MI throwing one of my 10 FREE mice in front for the snow troopers to kill. I'll trade a free mouse for your supped up 5 point super attacker any day. The strategy worked, I won.

But I feel the greatest benefit of Gha is being able to bring the MTB and SIX mice. We refer to Gha and Lobot as having an MTB Engine. Especially used to devastating effect when you already outactivate an opponent. Kill your FREE mouse at the start of the turn, win init virtually everytime, outactivate, then pound. Win init again and get yourself out of danger or pound more. Bringing an MTB in your base squad is dangerous and unnecessary (no reason to give San hill or other characters with reserves on a 1 more characters on the board). Without Gha, you can only bring in 4 more figs with an MTB, and that's not quite enough. I find that games rarely go more than about 8 rounds these days (even complete ones), so you don't need more than a couple pieces of fodder in your base squad with an MTB engine and you're good to go.

Plus, he's a gambit getter himself, and another sacrifice to the MTB if necessary. Also, don't overlook the simple -1 to figures like R7s, IG-86s, Treadwell Droids, Buzz Droids, LINs, etc. It allows you to often get an extra activation or 2 in with your reinforcements while getting that key droid (or droids) you need.

Honestly, I don't always play him, but I do consider him in every single squad I make.

Well said, as an avid Separatist player I can say I bring this guy in 95% of my squads. He is amazing for the mouse reasons you mentioned but also the dropping the cost on the new B2s with Tann, or to bring in those 21 point pieces with reserves/reinforcements. And finally my favourite, 3 point twinning at +8 battle droids. Gha may have been a random from the Clone Wars show but he is a legend and a top tier piece, and in the Seps you end up trying to find a reason not to bring him.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 8:13:12 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Pre Vizsla, from Vengeance

29 points
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Death Watch
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Darksaber (+20 Damage against adjacent enemies; this counts as a melee attack with a lightsaber)
Gregarious (+4 Attack if an ally is within 6 squares)
Parry (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Rapport (A character whose name contains Death Watch costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

Commander Effect
Death Watch followers gain Self Destruct 20.
Once per turn, each follower within 6 squares may reroll 1 attack. If the result of the rerolled attack is a miss, the attacking character is defeated.

Pre Vizsla is an accomplished Mandalorian fighter/commander. While he's not a powerhouse fighter himself, he's capable enough for 29 points, with a high attack, Darksaber, and Parry. You're unlikely to run him just as an attacker though - it's his commander effect for Death Watch pieces that makes him worthwhile as a piece - he hands out rapport (a nice targeted rapport, as opposed to Gha Nachkt's crude blanket rapport), self destruct 20, and a reroll CE. Although the reroll CE applies to all followers, it's especially useful for Death Watch pieces, as both the Death Watch Raider and Death Watch Saboteur have Internal Strife, so Pre Vizsla can stop them defecting. When combined with Jaster Mereel and the Mandalorian Captain, he does open up some possibilities for Death Watch Saboteur squads with Cloaked, Twin, Self Destruct 20, and Death Shot; Mike Moore Smuggler took this concept to the top 4 of the NZ National in 2012. I think he's at the lower end of competitively viable pieces, hence the 8, but if had stronger Death Watch pieces to work with, he could get strong very fast. The v-sets have done a great job for the Mandalorians, and Pre Vizsla is one of a long list of accomplished recent Mando pieces. 8/10.

I think when you add in the new Death Watch overlord or mando Darth Maul this guy gets bumped up to a 10. Death watch are amazing now.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 1:07:20 PM
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General_Grievous wrote:
I think when you add in the new Death Watch overlord or mando Darth Maul this guy gets bumped up to a 10. Death watch are amazing now.

Death Watch Overlord and Vizsla don't really work together, right? Maul + Pre Vizsla could be interesting though - I've never seem them on the table together.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 2:19:06 PM
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Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord, from Revenge of the Sith

62 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: 15
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Betrayal (On an attack roll of natural 1 against this character, the attacker joins this character's squad until the end of the skirmish)
Execute Order 66 (Cannot be targeted by characters with Order 66)
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Triple Attack (On his turn, this character can make 2 extra attacks instead of moving)

Force Powers
Force 6
Lightsaber Assault (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks)
Sith Lightning 30 (Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage)

Commander Effect
Your squad may include characters with Order 66.

On one hand, this piece is dated for 62 points - with no defensive abilities and limited mobility, he doesn't quite stack up as a competitive piece. On the other hand, he has far more than his share of really interesting and unique capabilities:
i) he can bring Order 66 pieces into the Imperials. While there are some interesting possibilities, the most significant is arguably Captain Rex, who can be boosted up the yazoo with Thrawn and Imperial Governor Tarkin, making him into a triple/twin/opportunist at +16 monster.
ii) Execute Order 66 means that no Order 66 characters can target him. It's a weird ability that's never been seen again in any form, as far as I know - a piece that's immune to a specific faction/sub-faction. I'm glad it hasn't seen much play, as it would obviously lead to some lop-sided games.
iii) Betrayal - it's a little bit scary attacking Palpatine if you can't reroll your 1s - other pieces have Betrayal, but he's probably the strongest front line attacker with it.
In some ways, the game has moved past Palpatine Sith Lord, and he's not really a competitive piece anymore. But with Pellaeon around, he's probably back in the game as soon as a strong Imperial attacker with a commander effect who costs 62 points or less is released (for the Tarkin, Rex, Thrawn, Pellaeon combo). But even now, he does have a unique place in the game, and I think he deserves a good rating. 6/10.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 2:26:09 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
General_Grievous wrote:
I think when you add in the new Death Watch overlord or mando Darth Maul this guy gets bumped up to a 10. Death watch are amazing now.

Death Watch Overlord and Vizsla don't really work together, right? Maul + Pre Vizsla could be interesting though - I've never seem them on the table together.

you are completely correct here. MAul and Vizla are nice, but the issue is that Vizla makes the Overlord cost less than himslef which makes prideful not work.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 2:51:48 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
TheHutts wrote:
Gha Nachkt

The only thing I disagree with is that his impact has lessened. I just won a regional using him (and he was very important) and in the MI regional I beat the Daala squad using him with my rebels, (then losing to Critdu rolling 2 crits on his first 2 attacks against me to allow the Daala squad to win the tournament). Used to great effect in both tournaments in many different ways.

Yes the 10 mouse dump can be quite effective. Mouse walls can be really tough to get around (20 defense is stupid), but I think the more important factor is the flexibility of being able to bring in more activations through Lobot when needed. Being able to out active is awesome. Even being able to match or get near your opponents activations can sometimes be the difference. I spent most of my game vs Daala in MI throwing one of my 10 FREE mice in front for the snow troopers to kill. I'll trade a free mouse for your supped up 5 point super attacker any day. The strategy worked, I won.

But I feel the greatest benefit of Gha is being able to bring the MTB and SIX mice. We refer to Gha and Lobot as having an MTB Engine. Especially used to devastating effect when you already outactivate an opponent. Kill your FREE mouse at the start of the turn, win init virtually everytime, outactivate, then pound. Win init again and get yourself out of danger or pound more. Bringing an MTB in your base squad is dangerous and unnecessary (no reason to give San hill or other characters with reserves on a 1 more characters on the board). Without Gha, you can only bring in 4 more figs with an MTB, and that's not quite enough. I find that games rarely go more than about 8 rounds these days (even complete ones), so you don't need more than a couple pieces of fodder in your base squad with an MTB engine and you're good to go.

Plus, he's a gambit getter himself, and another sacrifice to the MTB if necessary. Also, don't overlook the simple -1 to figures like R7s, IG-86s, Treadwell Droids, Buzz Droids, LINs, etc. It allows you to often get an extra activation or 2 in with your reinforcements while getting that key droid (or droids) you need.

Honestly, I don't always play him, but I do consider him in every single squad I make.

Yeah, maybe it would have been fairer to say that he's less ubiqitous than he used to be. You had him in an Old Republic squad last year too, right? I agree that the 10 Mouse Droids is useful against a Snow Trooper swarm too (less good against a Raxus Prime squad).

With Seps, I don't know if he's an auto-include, even in MTB engines. I kind of think MTB + 4 activations can work fine in a lot of builds, especially if they're not droid-oriented. Hopefully by round 3 or 4, you'll want to start triggering your drones with the MTB. That's open to debate though - I'm not really a big Separatist player.
Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 8:42:51 PM
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The randomiser hit Daala - might save that for later, since the thread about her is active enough at the moment :). She clearly an 11 though.

Chewbacca, Galactic Hero from Command of the Galaxy

32 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 17
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Bodyguard (If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead)
Camaraderie (An ally whose name contains Han Solo gains Pilot)
Noble Sacrifice (When this character is defeated, 1 Unique New Republic Ally may make an immediate attack)
Protective +20 (+20 Damage while a wounded ally whose name contains Leia or Solo is within 6 squares)
Repair 20 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 20 damage from 1 Droid character)

Chewbacca, Galactic Hero is a great v-set piece. He boosts other pieces, has some fun options that encourage thematic squads, and he's good enough that he's at least an option for a competitive squad. I think he's best as a companion for Han Galactic Hero, who's a great piece, and Chewbacca helps him with his two biggest weaknesses - with his Pilot camaraderie he can give Han access to Gregarious via Jagged Fel, and with Bodyguard he can help keep Han alive. He opens up some fun Pilot builds for the New Republic, with other options like Zekk and Dash Renegade Smuggler available, you can make some fun pilot squads. He's probably only just on the fringes of competitive, since he's not that mobile - he can pick up GMA, but it's not necessarily the most efficient option. If I was rating him for good design, I'd give him a 10, but in terms of competitive play, I think he's at the fringes of tournament level (which is a great level to pitch pieces). 8/10.

Posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 9:08:08 PM
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Commando Droid Captain, from Galaxy at War

24 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 18
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Double Attack (On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Deadeye (On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage)

Commander Effect
Droids are subject to this effect: Droid followers within 6 squares gain Double Attack.

Separatist Droids have at least three ways of picking up double attack - they can get it as a Special Ability from the fragile Geonosian Overseer, there are a bunch of fighter/commander Grievous iterations who hand out double or extra attack, or there's this guy. They all have their advantages and disadvantages - but the Commando Droid Captain is strong enough that he's definitely an option for some builds. He's cheap, since he's also a decent supplementary or cleanup attacker. Of course, Separatist Droids also have access to twin via Whorm or GGDAC, and twin is often stronger than double since it can be used on the move, but there are some builds where double is the way to go; especially with BX Sniper droids who have Intuition, Stealth Single Shot Blaster, and Stealth, making them an ideal candidate for double attack. Some builds might still opt for Grievous on Tsmeu-6 Wheel Bike to hand out double, since he doubles as a galloper and he's much hardier, but the Commando Droid Captain is still a nice, efficient piece for 24 points, and he definitely has the chance to see some competitive play. 8/10.
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