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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Darth O
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2014 5:58:44 PM
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I often use Salacious in my base squad, especially if I'm running high activations where I can outactivate and base enemies to distract them. He's also the best choice for triggering impulsive abilities, since your opponent will want to kill him.
juice man
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2014 7:11:36 PM
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I've learned to never, EVER, ignore him. Move a character past him at your peril. This little bugger has crited me so many times I always kill him. (Thanks jak)Glare
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2014 5:31:53 PM
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Dressellian Commando, from Universe

14 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 15
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Deadeye (On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage)
Loner (+4 Attack if no allies are within 6 squares)
Stealth (If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)

The Dressellian Commando isn't too bad - as a Rebel Commando it can pick up twin from Lieutenant Page and Cunning + 20 from General Crix Madine, although it's a shame that it can't benefit from Twin and Loner at the same time.

But like almost every other Rebel Commando, the Dressellian's main issue is that its overshadowed by the uber-ness of the 16 point Elite Rebel Commando, which has similar stats, and while it doesn't have deadeye and loner, it does have Override and built in Twin, as well as Ion Gun. So the Dressellian is barely ever going to see play when it's competing against the ERC for game time. 2/10.
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2014 5:57:31 PM
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Kind of a crazy thought, but would a commander that says Rebel Commandos gain Override make the other commandos besides ERC more playable? A Rebel Commando squad is going to have plenty of Override anyway... that sort of CE might just make the others a viable alternative to the ERC... probably no more Override in a squad than you would have otherwise. Because for every new Commando it's one less ERC you would have had otherwise. I didn't go look to see if that would 'break' any of them. Just a thought.
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2014 6:41:46 PM
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The Dressellian is interesting, because it only really deserves a 2 - you're basically never going to choose it over the ERC, but at the same time, it could easily be a really good piece with a boost or two. If it could get opportunist, and have access to twin and loner at the same time, I think it would be useful.

Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero, from Galactic Heroes

48 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Greater Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking. This character can make extra attacks even if he moves this turn, but he must make them all before resuming movement.)
Ataru Style Mastery (+4 Attack and Twin Attack if exactly 1 enemy is within 6 squares)
Jedi Hunter (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against enemies with Force ratings)
Synergy +2 (Fringe allies with a Force rating get +2 Attack while within 6 squares of this character)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Knight Speed (Force 1: This character can move 4 extra squares on his turn as part of his move)
Lightsaber Defense (Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Lightsaber Throw 3 (Force 3, replaces turn: Choose 1 enemy within line of sight, ignoring cover. Make an attack against the chosen enemy and against each character adjacent to that enemy.)

Commander Effect
Allies with a Force rating gain Greater Mobile Attack.

Apart from the 10 point Force Spirit, the WOTC New Republic Lukes were extremely underwhelming - Grand Master Luke was too pricey at 115 points, and the 74 points Jedi Master is one of the worst points/value pieces in the game. So it's great that this version brings Luke into the spotlight in the New Republic, as an extremely good fighter/commander. Giving melee pieces Greater Mobile is always a good thing, while this Luke also boosts Fringe pieces with a force rating with an extra 2 attack. While he's very effective as a cleanup piece with Ataru Style Mastery, it also makes Luke's Lightsaber Throw 3 a major threat - Ganner Rhysode's levitation can set him up for a big throw, and it's important to remember that while he needs an enemy within 6 to trigger Ataru, he can target any enemy in line of sight for the throw.

Luke won GenCon in his first year out, with Ricky Heck's build Professor Luke's Art Class:
--Professor Luke's Art Class--
48 Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero
29 Ganner Rhysode
27 Lobot
23 Anakin Solo
23 Jarael
21 Marn Hierogryph
9 General Dodonna
8 R7 Astromech Droid
6 Mouse Droid x2
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
(200pts. 12 activations)

He also enjoyed major success in the 2013 Regional season with Universe Kyle Katarn in this type of build:
--Luke's Heroes--
48 Luke Skywalker, Galactic Hero
31 Kyle Katarn
29 Ganner Rhysode
27 Lobot
22 R2-D2 and C-3PO, Galactic Heroes
18 Jan Ors
10 Jagged Fel
9 General Dodonna
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
(200pts. 10 activations)

With this level of success, he's a Tier 1 piece, which is great, as it's excellent to see a Luke Skywalker leading the New Republic, and opening up some new builds for them. He's not an auto-include for the faction in the same way as General Dodonna or Ganner Rhysode, but he's a really tough piece, and a great iteration of Luke as a New Republic commander and strong fighter. The v-set design team did a great job on this piece, 10/10.
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2014 7:07:02 PM
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I agree Luke GH is boss! 10/10!
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2014 7:31:38 PM
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I also took Luke's Heroes to the top 8 at GenCon last year, finishing 6th with a quarterfinal loss to Professor Luke's Art Class. If we hadn't been paired against each other, he could have potentially made up half of the top 4 at GenCon.
Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2014 1:03:34 PM
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Jedi Crusader, from Jedi Academy

23 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On her turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Affinity (A character whose name contains Malak or Revan may be in your squad regardless of faction)

Force Powers
Force 3
Force Push 2 (Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage; push back target 2 squares if Huge or smaller)
Lightsaber Block (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)

The Jedi Crusader isn't completely incompetent, but she's generally inferior to the Jedi Battlemaster for an extra 4 points. But she does have one specific use - she can bring a Revan or Malak from the Sith over to the Old Republic. The best use of this is to bring Darth Revan, Sith Lord into an Old Republic squad - with his Master Tactician, his swap, and his Master Speed, he's a great piece, and can add a lot to an Old Republic build. Notable New Zealand player Sharron bought this build to the top 4 of the NZ National Championship last year:

--Spanish Inquisition--
62 Darth Revan, Sith Lord
37 Satele Shan
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
27 Lobot
23 Jedi Crusader
5 Caamasi Noble
4 Old Republic Rookie
6 Mouse Droid x2
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
(200pts. 10 activations)

The Jedi Crusader isn't going to see a lot of play on her own, but her ability to bring Revan Sith Lord (or perhaps Malak Dark Lord of the Sith) into the Old Republic makes her a relatively estimable piece, 8/10.
Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2014 5:34:24 PM
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Agen Kolar, from Clone Strike

29 points, Republic
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 19
Attack: 13
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)

Force Powers
Force 4
Lightsaber Block (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Recovery 20 (Force 1, replaces turn: Remove 20 damage from this character)

Infamously, there are a bunch of Jedi in Clone Strike with only a single attack, despite costing in the 20s and 30s. If Agen Kolar had double attack, he'd be a solid mini, even by today's standards, since he's packing good stats, 120 hit points, block, and deflect, but only getting 20 damage out of him per round is too low. While the v-sets have provided one solution, with Master Yoda's CE providing an extra attack for single attack Jedi, it's still an expensive trick that's probably not quite tournament ready. Apparently, this version was supposed to be Eeth Koth, which explains why eerily similar Agen Kolars were released in two consecutive sets. With 120 hit points, and good stats, Agen Kolar is vaguely respectable for 29 points, but even with Master Yoda's (or Commander Ahsoka's) help for an extra attack, he's still not especially powerful either. 4/10.

I've now covered 79 of the 790 WOTC pieces - that's 10%. Can I give myself some kind of badge?
Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2014 8:14:49 PM
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Kota's Elite Militia, from Dark Times

14 points Rebel (Republic affinity)
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 17
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Affinity (May be in a Republic squad that does not contain any characters with Order 66)
Grenades 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)
Independent Outfit (Also counts as a Fringe character for the purpose of commander effects)
Rapport (Costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character named Master Kota)

I don't have anything interesting to say about these guys at all; they're so blah. They're got decent stats and hit points, but with no ranged defense it's hard to justify spending 13 or 14 points on them. Plus, Master Kota is almost as high of my n00b-honey-trap list as CLobot and the Rodian Trader, which prejudices me against them. But it's not like a squad of Master Kota and Kota's Elite Militia is going to cause a very big splash anywhere, and even the addition of the v-set Kota's Militia Officer does nothing except make them an interesting Tier 2 spoiler build in some metas. Kota's Elite Militia are adequate enough for 14 points, but file them under B for Boring. 5/10.
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2014 1:19:32 PM
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As an update to Kota's Elite Militia, I reckon they should have got Splash - they have nail guns which must spray stuff all over the place - and it would have made them into a reasonably good piece. Anyway:

Republic Commando - Sev, from Champions of the Force

16 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 17
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Order 66
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
Deadeye (On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage)
Stealth (If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)

Someone posted something very intelligent about Delta Squad last week... let's see if I can find it.....

TheHutts wrote:
I guess the Delta Squad from Champions of the Force must have enjoyed some popularity upon release, but nowadays they just look quaint. With 30 hit points and low base stats, the Commandos are just too low powered to make an impression on big pieces, and with no access to tempo control they'll get out-teched by most tournament builds.

I mentioned in the Boss review that Boss is arguably the best of the Delta Squad pieces (while giving him a 2), but the title does realistically belong to Sev. He's too weaksauce to build an entire squad around, but if you want a throw-in accurate shooter, he's not too bad - although with only 9 attack he's going to struggle to hit anything big, and with Deadeye he doesn't synergise very well with Captain Rex's Greater Mobile Attack CE, which is one of the best things Clones have access to. I've met people who still swear by Sev, but the game's moved on, and he's firmly a Tier 3 piece nowadays. 4/10.

Update - with the new Elites, old school Sev is a decent backup attacker with accurate, 7/10.
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2014 3:58:40 PM
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Karness Muur, from Jedi vs Sith

68 points, Sith
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 21
Attack: 14
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Lightsaber Duelist (+4 Defense when attacked by an adjacent enemy with a Force rating)
Makashi Style (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11. Shii-Cho Style cannot be used against this character.)
Muur Talisman (When this character is defeated, choose the ally with the most Force points. That ally gains Muur Talisman, 4 Force points, and Sith Alchemy 4. If there are no allies with any Force points remaining, this ability cannot be used.)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Force Storm 3 (Force 2, replaces attacks: 30 damage to all characters within 2 squares)
Sith Alchemy 4 (Force 4, replaces attacks: Target living Medium or smaller enemy with 40 Hit Points or less remaining within 6 squares is defeated. You can immediately add a character whose name contains Rakghoul to your squad. The new character sets up in the square that enemy formerly occupied.)
Talisman Mind Control (Force 5, replaces attacks: Living enemies within 4 squares join your squad for the rest of the round; save 11. On a failure, characters are also not subject to commander effects, do not gain any bonuses, cannot use abilities that replace attacks, and cannot prevent or redirect damage.)

With a high cost and no ranged defense, Karness Muur is reminiscent of WOTC's Sith pieces. The high cost is justified with Muur Talisman - with Darth Sidious Hologram on board and handing out force points, you can have situations where Ugnaughts are getting four force points and the ability to turn enemies into Rakghoul Warriors. It's the ability to turn pieces into Rakghoul Warriors that makes Karness nasty - since the Rakghoul Warriors have 70 hit points, if you can create a couple at the start of the round, it can be very hard for the other player to kill them before they multiply and take over the board. Otherwise, he is a tough piece against melee, with 130 hit points, Makashi, and lightsaber duelist, but he has little to protect himself against shooters. He does have a couple of other force powers, which seem handy, but I've never seen them used - with only Force Renewal 1, he's only realistically going to be able to use them once a game.

It's arguable whether Karness is quite a competitive piece, especially in the current competitive environment where Ysalamari and shooters are prevalent, but I do remember him making a bit of a splash in our New Zealand group, at least in casual games; if I remember correctly, he was paired with Revan Sith Lord and a Rakghoul Warrior. While I think Celeste Morne and her Rakghouls are stronger, since they can fit into any faction and access all sorts of helpful tech, the fact that the Rakghoul Warriors are much tougher than the original Rakghouls makes Karness an interesting option, and he can potentially make a mess of some squads. Karness maybe doesn't quite make the grade as a tournament piece, but there are few greater joys in minis than turning your opponent's squad into zombies, and Karness excels at that - 7/10.
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2014 8:03:49 PM
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Cade Skywalker, Bounty Hunter, from Legacy of the Force

61 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 20
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Force Powers
Force 5
Force Heal 40 (Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 40 damage from a living character)
Force Push 3 (Force 3, replaces turn: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 3 squares if Huge or smaller)

Cade may have been useful for a short while, but he looks very overpriced compared to the Greater Mobile Attack double/twin turrets like Dash, Rex, and Cad Bane who appeared on his heels. With double, twin, and a high attack, along with Splash, he packs some power, but with no built in mobility, he's reliant on Commander Effects to make him on par with the turrets who appeared after him. He does have more hit points than any of them, and splash is very useful, but between his relatively high cost and his lack of GMA, he's barely ever going to be the Fringe shooter of choice. He can pick up GMA either from Luke Galactic Hero/Cin Dralling or from the Evade/TBSV combination, but given he's so expensive already, it's hard to build a competitive squad around. He's not a bad piece, but he simply got priced out of the market by the Fringe shooters that followed him. 5/10.
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2014 8:05:41 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Karness Muur, from Jedi vs Sith

68 points, Sith
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 21
Attack: 14
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Lightsaber Duelist (+4 Defense when attacked by an adjacent enemy with a Force rating)
Makashi Style (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11. Shii-Cho Style cannot be used against this character.)
Muur Talisman (When this character is defeated, choose the ally with the most Force points. That ally gains Muur Talisman, 4 Force points, and Sith Alchemy 4. If there are no allies with any Force points remaining, this ability cannot be used.)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Force Storm 3 (Force 2, replaces attacks: 30 damage to all characters within 2 squares)
Sith Alchemy 4 (Force 4, replaces attacks: Target living Medium or smaller enemy with 40 Hit Points or less remaining within 6 squares is defeated. You can immediately add a character whose name contains Rakghoul to your squad. The new character sets up in the square that enemy formerly occupied.)
Talisman Mind Control (Force 5, replaces attacks: Living enemies within 4 squares join your squad for the rest of the round; save 11. On a failure, characters are also not subject to commander effects, do not gain any bonuses, cannot use abilities that replace attacks, and cannot prevent or redirect damage.)

With a high cost and no ranged defense, Karness Muur is reminiscent of WOTC's Sith pieces. The high cost is justified with Muur Talisman - with Darth Sidious Hologram on board and handing out force points, you can have situations where Ugnaughts are getting four force points and the ability to turn enemies into Rakghoul Warriors. It's the ability to turn pieces into Rakghoul Warriors that makes Karness nasty - since the Rakghoul Warriors have 70 hit points, if you can create a couple at the start of the round, it can be very hard for the other player to kill them before they multiply and take over the board. Otherwise, he is a tough piece against melee, with 130 hit points, Makashi, and lightsaber duelist, but he has little to protect himself against shooters. He does have a couple of other force powers, which seem handy, but I've never seen them used - with only Force Renewal 1, he's only realistically going to be able to use them once a game.

It's arguable whether Karness is quite a competitive piece, especially in the current competitive environment where Ysalamari and shooters are prevalent, but I do remember him making a bit of a splash in our New Zealand group, at least in casual games; if I remember correctly, he was paired with Revan Sith Lord and a Rakghoul Warrior. While I think Celeste Morne and her Rakghouls are stronger, since they can fit into any faction and access all sorts of helpful tech, the fact that the Rakghoul Warriors are much tougher than the original Rakghouls makes Karness an interesting option, and he can potentially make a mess of some squads. Karness maybe doesn't quite make the grade as a tournament piece, but there are few greater joys in minis than turning your opponent's squad into zombies, and Karness excels at that - 7/10.
or using an uggie to creat rackghoul warriors, lol, that would be hilarious.
Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 4:43:00 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Cade Skywalker, Bounty Hunter, from Legacy of the Force

61 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 20
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Force Powers
Force 5
Force Heal 40 (Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 40 damage from a living character)
Force Push 3 (Force 3, replaces turn: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 3 squares if Huge or smaller)

Cade may have been useful for a short while, but he looks very overpriced compared to the Greater Mobile Attack double/twin turrets like Dash, Rex, and Cad Bane who appeared on his heels. With double, twin, and a high attack, along with Splash, he packs some power, but with no built in mobility, he's reliant on Commander Effects to make him on par with the turrets who appeared after him. He does have more hit points than any of them, and splash is very useful, but between his relatively high cost and his lack of GMA, he's barely ever going to be the Fringe shooter of choice. He can pick up GMA either from Luke Galactic Hero/Cin Dralling or from the Evade/TBSV combination, but given he's so expensive already, it's hard to build a competitive squad around. He's not a bad piece, but he simply got priced out of the market by the Fringe shooters that followed him. 5/10.

*******SPOILERS AHEAD*********
He might be better with the New Wolf Sazen. Double twin backlash and +4 to his own splash saves sounds like a nice boost to me.
Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 1:41:18 PM
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harryg wrote:
*******SPOILERS AHEAD*********
He might be better with the New Wolf Sazen. Double twin backlash and +4 to his own splash saves sounds like a nice boost to me.

Yeah, and Wolf Sazen is a solid piece in his own right - it's not like you're paying extra to make Cade good. Although the same could be said for Luke Galactic Hero as well. But I think the major issue is that Cade is really expensive.

Snivvian Fringer, from Alliance and Empire

6 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 15
Attack: 4
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)

The Snivvian Fringer is close to being passable filler; his main issue is that Bounty Hunter on a piece with a low attack just means that he's equally bad at shooting low defense non-unique fodder and uniques with a higher defense. Bounty Hunter does allow him access to Cad Bane's Charging Fire CE, although there are better non unique Bounty Hunters out there - even the Gungan Bounty Hunter's extra hit points and attack are probably worth paying an extra 3 points for. He's not that bad, but seems too fragile for 6 points with Momaw Nadon running around - there are better Fringe pieces to work with. 3/10.
Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:20:43 PM
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Darth Talon, Sith Assassin, from Galactic Heroes

28 points, Sith
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On her turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Ataru Style Mastery (+4 Attack and Twin Attack if exactly 1 enemy is within 6 squares)
Hand of Darth Krayt (This character can spend her own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from an ally who counts as Darth Krayt once per turn)
Stealth (If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Synergy +4 (+4 Attack and +4 Defense while an ally who counts as Darth Krayt is within 6 squares)
Turn to the Dark Side (Replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage to 1 target with a Force rating. The target can choose to negate this damage and instead make a save of 11; if the save fails, the target joins this character's squad until the end of the skirmish.)

Force Powers
Force 3
Force Bubble (Force 1: When this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 20)
Force Cloak (Force 2, replaces turn: For the rest of the skirmish, this character gains Cloaked)
Force Lightning 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage)

I think the most on the money opinion on this piece is:

greentime wrote:
She's the melee version of Dash Rendar.

For a 28 point piece, she has an intimidatingly long list of force powers and special abilities, which can freak people out.

Darth_Reignir wrote:
I'm just trying to figure out how insane someone has to be to think this piece is considered balanced.

But when you break it down, she can't really access use all her abilities without some serious support. She has a couple of abilities that rely on Darth Krayt being in a squad - unless we get a new Krayt down the line this isn't optimal; the WOTC Krayt is too expensive to be a tournament level piece, while Talon doesn't synergise very well with crazy transfer essence Krayt. She has some very good force powers, but to get the most out of them she really needs a source of extra force points, like Sidious Hologram or Exar Kun Dark Force Spirit. And Ataru Style Mastery is great, but she'll generally need some help from a movement breaker like Caedus, Revan, or Backlash from Wyrrlok to pull it off. Her stats and hit points are solid for a 28 point piece, but certainly not off the charts, and stealth and access to force cloak mean that she has great ranged defense.

Despite my quibbling above, Talon is a really strong piece, and the Dash Rendar Renegade Smuggler comparison is a good one; she's a mid-cost follower who can be bolstered in all sorts of ways, and pick up all sorts of commander effects, and like Dash's opportunist, she has a situational ability in Ataru Style Mastery that can seriously boost her damage.

I was really looking forward to using her when Galactic Heroes came out. On my first game with her, I was playing against a Caedus squad on Simulation Deck. Before Talon could do anything, Caedus Sith Battle Manipulated her into a pit. She failed her pit save, she failed her reroll, and she was gone. One day I may forgive her and play her again, but you can all enjoy her in the meantime; she is a nice option for a third or fourth string attacker in a Sith squad, 9/10.
Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:31:00 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Darth Talon, Sith Assassin, from Galactic Heroes

28 points, Sith
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On her turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Ataru Style Mastery (+4 Attack and Twin Attack if exactly 1 enemy is within 6 squares)
Hand of Darth Krayt (This character can spend her own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from an ally who counts as Darth Krayt once per turn)
Stealth (If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Synergy +4 (+4 Attack and +4 Defense while an ally who counts as Darth Krayt is within 6 squares)
Turn to the Dark Side (Replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage to 1 target with a Force rating. The target can choose to negate this damage and instead make a save of 11; if the save fails, the target joins this character's squad until the end of the skirmish.)

Force Powers
Force 3
Force Bubble (Force 1: When this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 20)
Force Cloak (Force 2, replaces turn: For the rest of the skirmish, this character gains Cloaked)
Force Lightning 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage)

I think the most on the money opinion on this piece is:

greentime wrote:
She's the melee version of Dash Rendar.

For a 28 point piece, she has an intimidatingly long list of force powers and special abilities, which can freak people out.

Darth_Reignir wrote:
I'm just trying to figure out how insane someone has to be to think this piece is considered balanced.

But when you break it down, she can't really access use all her abilities without some serious support. She has a couple of abilities that rely on Darth Krayt being in a squad - unless we get a new Krayt down the line this isn't optimal; the WOTC Krayt is too expensive to be a tournament level piece, while Talon doesn't synergise very well with crazy transfer essence Krayt. She has some very good force powers, but to get the most out of them she really needs a source of extra force points, like Sidious Hologram or Exar Kun Dark Force Spirit. And Ataru Style Mastery is great, but she'll generally need some help from a movement breaker like Caedus, Revan, or Backlash from Wyrrlok to pull it off. Her stats and hit points are solid for a 28 point piece, but certainly not off the charts, and stealth and access to force cloak mean that she has great ranged defense.

Despite my quibbling above, Talon is a really strong piece, and the Dash Rendar Renegade Smuggler comparison is a good one; she's a mid-cost follower who can be bolstered in all sorts of ways, and pick up all sorts of commander effects, and like Dash's opportunist, she has a situational ability in Ataru Style Mastery that can seriously boost her damage.

I was really looking forward to using her when Galactic Heroes came out. On my first game with her, I was playing against a Caedus squad on Simulation Deck. Before Talon could do anything, Caedus Sith Battle Manipulated her into a pit. She failed her pit save, she failed her reroll, and she was gone. One day I may forgive her and play her again, but you can all enjoy her in the meantime; she is a nice option for a third or fourth string attacker in a Sith squad, 9/10.

She is one of my absolute favorite pieces and I love the dash comparison. Lord knows the sith need a piece or two to give them a hand in the current meta. I love putting her in sith shooter squads as melee interference, put sideous in the squad and she can shrug off the damage with force bubble... So good!
Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:06:16 PM
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Kyp Durron, from Imperial Entanglements

26 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 17
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Impulsive Force Renewal (If a Unique allied character is defeated, for the remainder of the skirmish this character has Force Renewal 1)
Impulsive Savagery (If a Unique allied character is defeated, for the remainder of the skirmish this character has Savage)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Force Powers
Force 4
Force Lightning 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage)
Force Push 5 (Force 5, replaces turn: range 6; 50 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 5 squares if Huge or smaller. Huge or smaller characters are considered activated this round; save 16)
Lightsaber Assault (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks)

Kyp Durron is an interesting design, with his 4 force points, no conventional force renewal, and force push 5. Instead of force renewal, Kyp has Impulsive Savagery and Impulsive Force Renewal. All of this makes it hard to use Force Push 5, which is a really strong force power - unless you set him up with a Varactyl Wrangler, he's going to have to base the opponent's pieces and end up Force Pushing himself. But he can access force renewal with Luke Skywalker Force Spirit, with Anakin Solo Galactic Hero, or get the Force Spirit from the upcoming Wolf Sazen, so he can Force Push 5 without the annoyance of Impulsive Savagery. Ganner Rhysode's levitation is also essential to set up Force Push 5, but you should be packing him in every New Republic build anyway.

While Force Push 5 is his most interesting ability, since it can make a big dent in an opponent's squad, he also has Lightsaber Assault. His attack of +10 is a limitation, but since I've had my 80hp Yobuck cleaned out by Kyp in a tournament I wouldn't overlook it. Impulsive Savagery also opens up synergies with Celeste Morne, who can make his Lightsaber Assaults deadly, and turn Savagery into a perk, not a disadvantage.

So Kyp's a strong piece, with some interesting possibilities, but he does face some competition in his price range. Often Anakin Solo is the preferred piece, because Unleash the Force can be so devastating, while Jaden Korr offers the option of Force Push 5 without the trouble of Savagery or a force point provider. But Kyp's still a tournament-capable and flavourful piece for 26 points, and earns an 8/10.
Posted: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 12:42:23 PM
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Dr. Evazan, Galactic Criminal, from Cantina Brawl

16 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 15
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Avoid Defeat (Whenever this character would be defeated, make 2 saves, each needing 11; if both succeed, this character has 10 Hit Points instead of being defeated)
Emergency Life Support (Adjacent living allies gain Avoid Defeat)
Homicidal Surgery 30 (Replaces attacks: touch; deal 30 damage to a living character. An allied character can instead remove 30 damage from itself with a save of 6.)
Opportunist (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)
Rapport (Ponda Baba costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

Dr Evazan's original piece was awful, so an update is welcome. While Galactic Criminal is an update of Evazan, he also feels like a Fringe version of the Rebel piece 2-1B, with his combination of Emergency Life Support and Heal 30. But unlike 2-1B's nice cuddly Heal 30, Evazan's has Homicidal Surgery 30, which can hit an living enemy for 30 auto-damage, or heal 30 damage off an ally with a save of 6 - with the caveat that if you fail the save you take 30 damage. While he can be risky, I'm happy to take the chance with anyone with access to force powers for rerolls, and with his Emergency Life Support and his attacking prowess, he's the most cost effective healer in the game. Since Homicidal Surgery 30 replaces attacks, he works well with Captain Tarpals, who allows him to use it twice. He works really well either augmenting rock squads, where he can heal up some of the damage your opponent has worked so hard to put on you and provide Emergency Life Support, or against rock squads - he's great for putting that last 30 damage on Caedus Sith Lord. Evazan is a little luck dependent, but he brings so much to the table that he's a really useful piece - he's a great Lobot choice, but he's also worth mainlining into some builds. 10/10.
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