kezzamachine wrote:Oh yeah... Fett too! The four of us would play and we'd shuffle the cards and play what was dealt. Ha! that was awesome fun... about 40 minis between 4 of us... Usually, whoever drew Vader won! Oh man... we didn't know anything then...
...probably still don't now!
that's what it was like for us, when me and my friends started. my brother carried all his minis in a rebel storm booster, my friend just used his pocket, my cousin also used a rs booster, and i put all my minis in the rots starter. we didn't understand what the points were for so we just said how many people you could use. it's a good thing we knew about factions though cuz i got thrawn in my first universe pack but had a total of 2imperial pieces, him, and palpatine, sith lord