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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:17:15 PM
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fingersandteeth wrote:
Pair with Ackbar SC for some brutal synergy.

It gets costly but there are fewer more effective tank busters out there.

Yeah, I thought about mentioning that, but I have no idea what the rest of that squad would look like.
Posted: Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:49:45 PM
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Well once you try and get everything you want in that is typical of the rebel builds it gets pricey. This was along the lines i was going for until i decided that it was probably a better option to have Han in and bring in Jawa spotters if i needed.

--see it coming?--
27 Lobot
27 Luke Skywalker, Rebel Commando
25 Admiral Ackbar, Supreme Commander
19 Princess Leia, Rebel Commando
18 Rebel Leader
16 General Crix Madine
15 SpecForce Infiltrator
15 SpecForce Technician
14 General Rieekan
9 General Dodonna
15 Mon Calamari Tech Specialist x5

(200pts. 15 activations)

Infiltrator is cloaked tech. Luke is in there because todays game moves a bit fast for spotters to be so stationary, so luke lobbing spotters helps a ton.
Posted: Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:03:10 PM
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I don't know if this is worth its salt but there are easy ways to get 160 dmg a phase while activating 2 enemies.

Lobot can bring in 5 peace brigades.

What's great about the leader is that she grants spotter to allies. SO Dodonna, ackbar, and any other usually pathetic shooter can actually influence fights, you just have to make sure you bring a lot of guns.

27 Lobot
25 Admiral Ackbar, Supreme Commander
23 Crix Madine, SpecForce Commander
19 Princess Leia, Rebel Commando
18 Rebel Leader
45 SpecForce Infiltrator x3
15 SpecForce Technician
10 Squib Trader
9 General Dodonna
9 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3

(200pts. 14 activations)
Posted: Saturday, May 31, 2014 2:10:20 AM
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501st Legion Stormtrooper, from Dark Times

Hit Points: 20
Defense: 16
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Rapport (This character costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character whose name contains Vader)
Squad Assault (+4 Attack while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares)
Squad Firepower (+10 Damage while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares)

The 501st Legion Stormtrooper is a bona fide contender for the worst paint job on a WOTC mini; I've even seen comparisons to Frida Kahlo. It's not a bad piece though; with squad assault and squad firepower built in, it can pile on damage with the right support. It doesn't tend to be the most popular option for Daala swarms, as the Snowtrooper Officer's rapport makes Snowtroopers far more efficient, but the 501st is a great option with Darth Vader Agent of Evil. A few of these with Vader handing out Double Attack and Careful Shot +6, along with other CEs, can really pile on damage quickly, even though they're fragile with only 20 hit points. Vader can bring in two for reserves, since his rapport brings them down to 10 points each. Like most reserves squads, it's not a Tier 1 tournament build - although it's certainly one of the better reserve squads out there, as the reserves can at least synergise efficiently with the rest of your squad, and it's worth picking up a few of these guys for Vader Agent of Evil reinforcements fun. 7/10.
Posted: Saturday, May 31, 2014 11:06:44 PM
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Lord Scourge, from Armed and Operational

41 points, Sith
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Child of the Emperor (This character can spend his own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from an enemy character whose name contains Emperor once per turn. This character cannot be activated by enemy Force powers or special abilities.)
Dark Armor (Whenever this character takes damage, he reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Internal Strife (On an attack roll of natural 1, this character joins the opponent's squad until the end of the skirmish)
Shifting Loyalties (Whenever he targets an enemy with a higher point cost, this character joins the opponent’s squad until the end of the skirmish; save 11 negates)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Lightsaber Bravado +20 (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks at +6 Attack and +20 Damage against adjacent enemies with a higher point cost)
Overwhelming Force (Force 1: This character's attacks cannot be prevented or redirected this turn)

Are you feeling lucky, punk?

Scourge is an amazing tank buster - with Lightsaber Bravado and Overwhelming Force he can drop 160 unpreventable damage on a higher cost piece at +16 attack. But he's also scarily risky - according to FlyingArrow, if he uses his 2 force points on Lightsaber Bravado and Overwhelming Force, he has a whopping 60% probability of changing teams, even with a Sith Recruit to help him on rerolls, thank to Shifting Loyalities and Internal Strife. So basically, he's an extreme piece; he has amazing damage potential if you can pull the 160 damage off, but the probability of him defecting is extremely high. As far as 200 points competitive games go, I wouldn't touch this piece with a bargepole - even if the meta consisted almost entirely of Darth Zannah squads, he's still too luck reliant to be an efficient tournament option. Scourge might be more viable at 500 points Epic where larger targets are inevitable - it might even be worth using the Watto/Celeste/Malakili combo on him so that he can get Overwhelming Force from Malakili, and still have an extra force point for a rerolled save. But at 200, there are safer ways to get Overwhelming Force - try Luke Hero of Endor and Jon 'Dutch' Vander together in Rebels for instance. 3/10 (but much better at 500 points).
Posted: Saturday, May 31, 2014 11:23:26 PM
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Ghhhk, from Masters of the Force

17 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 18
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Enraging Screech (Dejarik allies within 6 squares get +4 Attack)
Painful Screech (Replaces attacks: 10 damage to each character within 3 squares)

It would have been weird if the Dejarik pieces from Chewbacca's chess set had gone on to dominate the meta, but in reality, they were a larger waste of plastic than anyone was expecting. The Ghhhk has more potential than most of the other Dejariks, but is still far outside the competitive scene. It hands out +4 attack to other Dejarik allies within 6 squares, although squads based around Dejariks are going to struggle even against Clone Strike booster draft builds. More interestingly, the Ghhhk's painful screech deals 10 damage to all characters within 3 squares - a useful mechanic with Mouse Droid walls and Geonosian Drones about. The Ghhhk, however, is limited by its large base - it can't take advantage of most movement breakers, and so Painful Screech is difficult to utilise. The same principle was applied to the Cantina Brawl piece Momaw Nadon, a much more efficient clearer of fodder with a War Throat range of 6 squares and a medium base. The Ghhhk is better than most of the other Dejariks, but that's not saying much, since he only gets 2/10.
Posted: Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:50:59 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Lord Scourge, from Armed and Operational

41 points, Sith
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Child of the Emperor (This character can spend his own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from an enemy character whose name contains Emperor once per turn. This character cannot be activated by enemy Force powers or special abilities.)
Dark Armor (Whenever this character takes damage, he reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Internal Strife (On an attack roll of natural 1, this character joins the opponent's squad until the end of the skirmish)
Shifting Loyalties (Whenever he targets an enemy with a higher point cost, this character joins the opponent’s squad until the end of the skirmish; save 11 negates)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Lightsaber Bravado +20 (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks at +6 Attack and +20 Damage against adjacent enemies with a higher point cost)
Overwhelming Force (Force 1: This character's attacks cannot be prevented or redirected this turn)

Are you feeling lucky, punk?

Scourge is an amazing tank buster - with Lightsaber Bravado and Overwhelming Force he can drop 160 unpreventable damage on a higher cost piece at +16 attack. But he's also scarily risky - according to FlyingArrow, if he uses his 2 force points on Lightsaber Bravado and Overwhelming Force, he has a whopping 60% probability of changing teams, even with a Sith Recruit to help him on rerolls, thank to Shifting Loyalities and Internal Strife. So basically, he's an extreme piece; he has amazing damage potential if you can pull the 160 damage off, but the probability of him defecting is extremely high. As far as 200 points competitive games go, I wouldn't touch this piece with a bargepole - even if the meta consisted almost entirely of Darth Zannah squads, he's still too luck reliant to be an efficient tournament option. Scourge might be more viable at 500 points Epic where larger targets are inevitable - it might even be worth using the Watto/Celeste/Malakili combo on him so that he can get Overwhelming Force from Malakili, and still have an extra force point for a rerolled save. But at 200, there are safer ways to get Overwhelming Force - try Luke Hero of Endor and Jon 'Dutch' Vander together in Rebels for instance. 3/10 (but much better at 500 points).

As one of the designers on vset 7 I can say that this piece was very hard to balance. We certainly wanted a more "fun" piece than top tier. Credit certainly goes to Brad for the initial concept and basic design, but then we all had a hand in trying to balance on a razor's edge with this piece. I am happy with how he turned out actually. (I might have given him a 4 or a 5). He is a character of extremes, and you certainly highlighted those extremes. But what I like about him is that you don't have to crank the dial all the way to 11 each time. Here's the breakdown that flyingarrow gave us:

2fprrs available, 1 pawn, normal Twin attack. Probability of turning: _7.7_ %
1fprr available, 1 pawn, Overwhelming Force (Twin attack). Probability of turning: _15.6_ %
1fprr available, 1 pawn, Lightsaber Bravado (4 attacks total, targeting twice). Probability of turning: _30.5_ %
0fprr available, 1 pawn, OF/LSB (4 attacks, targeting twice, unavoidable dmg). Probability of turning: _61.3_ %

So - as you can see - some are quite reasonable risks. Only the big mammajamma is the HUGE risk. And really - I'd only ever use that if my back was against the wall and I was desperate. You can get 80 unblockable damage to a higher cost character (100 with Bandon) at only a 15.6% risk. Now that seems reasonable. Unless you're facing some monster with 200 hps, that's probably all you need. In fact - you can probably go for the 160 damage (200 with Bandon) WITHOUT overwhelming force unless you're facing like a crab-armored Malgus or a dooku with makashi and MotF2. It's a very rare situation when you'll attempt the big strike WITH overwhelming force. Usually you won't need both, you just use one or the other.

If I were to run him in 200 (and I agree he is certainly not top tier, or really even close) I'd never use LS Bravado + overwhelming force unless it was my only chance to win. I'd probably use him with Brandon, Revan, Jaq, and a bunch of pawns. If I face a big baddie, I'd wait until I can shave them down to 100hps by using Jaq, then swap him in for the reasonably safe kill (15.6% chance of switching).

There's also times when you'd WANT him to switch. If he's already been beat on and he does his big thing maybe throwing down 80-100 damage on someone then switching. Then you could use your second action to kill HIM and put those 41 points in YOUR bank. Rare, but I've seen it happen. That same scenario with Ferus Olin helped me win a regional.

Outside of competitive play - he is just plain fun. At Frosty-Con SEVERAL people played him in King of the Ring. If I remember correctly 3 (out of 4) players on 1 board were playing him, and combined I think they swapped teams like 8 or 9 times. We all were laughing our heads off each time as they bounced around like a pinball machine.
Posted: Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:54:20 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Ghhhk, from Masters of the Force

17 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 18
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Enraging Screech (Dejarik allies within 6 squares get +4 Attack)
Painful Screech (Replaces attacks: 10 damage to each character within 3 squares)

It would have been weird if the Dejarik pieces from Chewbacca's chess set had gone on to dominate the meta, but in reality, they were a larger waste of plastic than anyone was expecting. The Ghhhk has more potential than most of the other Dejariks, but is still far outside the competitive scene. It hands out +4 attack to other Dejarik allies within 6 squares, although squads based around Dejariks are going to struggle even against Clone Strike booster draft builds. More interestingly, the Ghhhk's painful screech deals 10 damage to all characters within 3 squares - a useful mechanic with Mouse Droid walls and Geonosian Drones about. The Ghhhk, however, is limited by its large base - it can't take advantage of most movement breakers, and so Painful Screech is difficult to utilise. The same principle was applied to the Cantina Brawl piece Momaw Nadon, a much more efficient clearer of fodder with a War Throat range of 6 squares and a medium base. The Ghhhk is better than most of the other Dejariks, but that's not saying much, since he only gets 2/10.

Spoiler alert - DEJARIK 2.0 - Debuting at GenCon this year! This guy is actually pretty awesome in the new Dejarik game - come check it out!
Posted: Sunday, June 1, 2014 3:01:58 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
If I were to run him in 200 (and I agree he is certainly not top tier, or really even close) I'd never use LS Bravado + overwhelming force unless it was my only chance to win. I'd probably use him with Brandon, Revan, Jaq, and a bunch of pawns. If I face a big baddie, I'd wait until I can shave them down to 100hps by using Jaq, then swap him in for the reasonably safe kill (15.6% chance of switching).

There's also times when you'd WANT him to switch. If he's already been beat on and he does his big thing maybe throwing down 80-100 damage on someone then switching. Then you could use your second action to kill HIM and put those 41 points in YOUR bank. Rare, but I've seen it happen. That same scenario with Ferus Olin helped me win a regional.

I think in hindsight, I did oversimplify it a bit; you're right about only using one power at a time in most scenarios. I do think Ferus Olin with bodyguard is easier to manipulate into switching than Scourge though.

The other reason that he's not really a competitive piece at 200 points is that he's very situational - if you're not playing against any pieces that are more than 41 points, he's low powered for his cost. Much better in Epics, where you can guarantee that there's a big piece for him to chase.
Posted: Sunday, June 1, 2014 4:06:39 PM
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Also keep in mind that those probabilities with ls bravado are for targeting twice. If you burn a pawn and fprr on the first attack you can give up the second if you don't want to take a bigger risk with no rerolls on the second.
Posted: Monday, June 2, 2014 5:21:13 PM
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General Grievous, from Clone Strike

Hit Points: 100
Defense: 20
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Cyborg (Counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid; living; subject to critical hits and commander effects)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)

Force Powers
Force 1

Commander Effect
Droids are subject to this effect: Non-Unique Droid followers within 6 squares gain Double Attack.

We already covered the Commando Droid Captain, and it feels like this Grievous is jostling for playtime with it; they're very similar, both shooters with double attack and a very similar commander effect, although the Captain's is wider in scope. Given the similarities, it's really not worth paying an extra 20 points for Grievous' improved stat line and hit points - especially since he's a commander that you're going to build your squad around, he's not going to be in the front lines anyway. There are also other Grievous with extra attack CEs too, but it's the Commando Droid Captain that really makes this Grievous look so 2004. 1/10.
Posted: Monday, June 2, 2014 5:54:54 PM
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Other than his gun, this grievous was supplanted within one set by grievous SC that was pretty much the grievous for a very long time.

Even when released you could make a better droid squad using the bdo and geno overseer to cram more droid on to get the benefit.

WotC didn't do expensive figs very well in the beginning
Posted: Monday, June 2, 2014 8:04:10 PM
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Nikto Pirate, from Destiny of the Force

8 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Black Sun (If a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo is in the same squad, this character gains Grenades 10)
Gregarious (+4 Attack if an ally is within 6 squares)
Rapport (Costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character whose name contains Hondo Ohnaka)

These guys are overlooked - they've been used in three 200 point squads in Bloomilk at the time of writing. At 8 points, they're all offense and no defense - they have only 10 hit points and no defensive abilities whatsoever. But they have a base 6 attack, gregarious, plus access to Xizor's CE, they can hit high attack damage numbers easily, and as pirates they can also access Hondo Ohnaka's Accurate CE.

With their fragility, they're probably best suited to a Mon Mothma death shot squad with Hondo, Mon Mothma, a Czerka for twin, Yularen, Xizor, and Jabba Crime Lord - although by the time you get all that in, you don't really have enough Pirates to cause really good squads problems.

The Nikto Pirate is probably not a tournament level piece - most 8 point pieces have some form of defense, even if it's just an extra 10 hit points. But they probably don't deserve to be as overlooked as they have been either. 5/10.
juice man
Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 3:36:00 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Also keep in mind that those probabilities with ls bravado are for targeting twice. If you burn a pawn and fprr on the first attack you can give up the second if you don't want to take a bigger risk with no rerolls on the second.
Except the second attack of a twin is not optional. (unless my brain is still sleeping)
Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 9:09:13 AM
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juice man wrote:
FlyingArrow wrote:
Also keep in mind that those probabilities with ls bravado are for targeting twice. If you burn a pawn and fprr on the first attack you can give up the second if you don't want to take a bigger risk with no rerolls on the second.
Except the second attack of a twin is not optional. (unless my brain is still sleeping)

He's talking about choosing not to do the second set of twin attacks. You are correct in that the twin is not optional. It also doesn't target. So when you double twin, you also target twice (once for each regular attack, not for the twins). So with Scourge, you make the save with each time you TARGET.
Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:53:33 PM
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New Republic Elite Trooper, from Renegades and Rogues

18 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 17
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Deadeye (On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage)
Deceptive (+10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)

New Republic are infamous in that their best squads almost exclusively utilise non-uniques; while the v-sets have attempted to give them some more trooper options, and more trooper support, they're still seldom used. The New Republic Elite Trooper certainly has some constraints - with deadeye and double attack, it's most effective when it's sitting still, so it has to sit in the open for the round to get optimal damage. There are a couple of ways to allow this - it can pick up Evade from Wedge or pseudo Super Stealth from Mirith Sinn. Additionally, its +8 attack is very low, although one helpful option for it is Careful Shot +4 from the New Republic Commander from the Universe set. They can also pick up additional help, like Cunning Attack and Advantageous Attack from Kenth Hammer and the New Republic Tactician respectively.

Personally, if I'm using New Republic Troopers, I generally use the 17 point Galactic Alliance Special Guards with Backlash, Opportunist, and access to Blaster Upgrade, while the 19 point Galactic Alliance Special Forces Trooper with Intuition, Stealth, and Stable Footing are also good. But the New Republic Elite Trooper has some untapped potential - as new commanders have come out, noone's really gone back and tried them, and there are only six 200 point squads utilising them. I still don't know that a squad entirely built around New Republic Elite Troopers is good enough to compete at the top levels, but they're so stolidly unsexy that noone's bothered to try it. 5/10.
juice man
Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:58:18 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
juice man wrote:
FlyingArrow wrote:
Also keep in mind that those probabilities with ls bravado are for targeting twice. If you burn a pawn and fprr on the first attack you can give up the second if you don't want to take a bigger risk with no rerolls on the second.
Except the second attack of a twin is not optional. (unless my brain is still sleeping)

He's talking about choosing not to do the second set of twin attacks. You are correct in that the twin is not optional. It also doesn't target. So when you double twin, you also target twice (once for each regular attack, not for the twins). So with Scourge, you make the save with each time you TARGET.
Just read LS Bravado.Blushing
Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 4:11:47 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
TheHutts wrote:
Lord Scourge, from Armed and Operational

41 points, Sith
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Child of the Emperor (This character can spend his own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from an enemy character whose name contains Emperor once per turn. This character cannot be activated by enemy Force powers or special abilities.)
Dark Armor (Whenever this character takes damage, he reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Internal Strife (On an attack roll of natural 1, this character joins the opponent's squad until the end of the skirmish)
Shifting Loyalties (Whenever he targets an enemy with a higher point cost, this character joins the opponent’s squad until the end of the skirmish; save 11 negates)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Lightsaber Bravado +20 (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks at +6 Attack and +20 Damage against adjacent enemies with a higher point cost)
Overwhelming Force (Force 1: This character's attacks cannot be prevented or redirected this turn)

Are you feeling lucky, punk?

Scourge is an amazing tank buster - with Lightsaber Bravado and Overwhelming Force he can drop 160 unpreventable damage on a higher cost piece at +16 attack. But he's also scarily risky - according to FlyingArrow, if he uses his 2 force points on Lightsaber Bravado and Overwhelming Force, he has a whopping 60% probability of changing teams, even with a Sith Recruit to help him on rerolls, thank to Shifting Loyalities and Internal Strife. So basically, he's an extreme piece; he has amazing damage potential if you can pull the 160 damage off, but the probability of him defecting is extremely high. As far as 200 points competitive games go, I wouldn't touch this piece with a bargepole - even if the meta consisted almost entirely of Darth Zannah squads, he's still too luck reliant to be an efficient tournament option. Scourge might be more viable at 500 points Epic where larger targets are inevitable - it might even be worth using the Watto/Celeste/Malakili combo on him so that he can get Overwhelming Force from Malakili, and still have an extra force point for a rerolled save. But at 200, there are safer ways to get Overwhelming Force - try Luke Hero of Endor and Jon 'Dutch' Vander together in Rebels for instance. 3/10 (but much better at 500 points).

As one of the designers on vset 7 I can say that this piece was very hard to balance. We certainly wanted a more "fun" piece than top tier. Credit certainly goes to Brad for the initial concept and basic design, but then we all had a hand in trying to balance on a razor's edge with this piece. I am happy with how he turned out actually. (I might have given him a 4 or a 5). He is a character of extremes, and you certainly highlighted those extremes. But what I like about him is that you don't have to crank the dial all the way to 11 each time. Here's the breakdown that flyingarrow gave us:

2fprrs available, 1 pawn, normal Twin attack. Probability of turning: _7.7_ %
1fprr available, 1 pawn, Overwhelming Force (Twin attack). Probability of turning: _15.6_ %
1fprr available, 1 pawn, Lightsaber Bravado (4 attacks total, targeting twice). Probability of turning: _30.5_ %
0fprr available, 1 pawn, OF/LSB (4 attacks, targeting twice, unavoidable dmg). Probability of turning: _61.3_ %

So - as you can see - some are quite reasonable risks. Only the big mammajamma is the HUGE risk. And really - I'd only ever use that if my back was against the wall and I was desperate. You can get 80 unblockable damage to a higher cost character (100 with Bandon) at only a 15.6% risk. Now that seems reasonable. Unless you're facing some monster with 200 hps, that's probably all you need. In fact - you can probably go for the 160 damage (200 with Bandon) WITHOUT overwhelming force unless you're facing like a crab-armored Malgus or a dooku with makashi and MotF2. It's a very rare situation when you'll attempt the big strike WITH overwhelming force. Usually you won't need both, you just use one or the other.

If I were to run him in 200 (and I agree he is certainly not top tier, or really even close) I'd never use LS Bravado + overwhelming force unless it was my only chance to win. I'd probably use him with Brandon, Revan, Jaq, and a bunch of pawns. If I face a big baddie, I'd wait until I can shave them down to 100hps by using Jaq, then swap him in for the reasonably safe kill (15.6% chance of switching).

There's also times when you'd WANT him to switch. If he's already been beat on and he does his big thing maybe throwing down 80-100 damage on someone then switching. Then you could use your second action to kill HIM and put those 41 points in YOUR bank. Rare, but I've seen it happen. That same scenario with Ferus Olin helped me win a regional.

Outside of competitive play - he is just plain fun. At Frosty-Con SEVERAL people played him in King of the Ring. If I remember correctly 3 (out of 4) players on 1 board were playing him, and combined I think they swapped teams like 8 or 9 times. We all were laughing our heads off each time as they bounced around like a pinball machine.

Certainly a fun piece, and you bring up great points; it's a risk/reward thing. The more you risk, the more you could gain. And you can pawn him off on your opponent, as you mentioned, to 'steal' points.

One time, I faced this guy with Palps on Throne in a 400 point game. You can bet THAT got fun lol.
Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 7:12:50 PM
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Location: The Hutt, New Zealand
Valenthyne Farfalla, from Armed and Operational

45 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 19
Attack: 11
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Army of Light
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Makashi Style Mastery (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11. Shii-Cho, Soresu, Ataru, and Niman Style cannot be used against this character.)
Old Republic Reinforcements 20 (During setup, after seeing your opponent's squad, you can add up to 20 points of Old Republic characters to your squad)
Prideful (While this character has a higher printed cost than any other character in your squad, Army of Light allies with a Damage value greater than 0 get +4 Attack and +10 Damage until this character is defeated)

Force Powers
Force 4
Force Bubble (Force 1: When this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 20)

Commander Effect
Old Republic characters added to your squad via Reinforcements or Reserves get 1 Force point and gain Army of Light for the rest of the skirmish.

Valenthyne Farfalla isn't game breaking but he's awesome - he does a number of things for the Old Republic:
- since he's effectively 25 points, he's a tank for his cost with 110 hit points, Force Bubble, and Makashi Style Mastery.
- he provides reinforcements, and pimps them up with a force point and Army of Light
- he hands out Prideful to Army of Light pieces, notably his own reinforcements and Lord Hoth, who starts to look very nasty with Prideful and Impulsive Twin.

A build based around Valenthyne could look something like this:

Darth O - Valenthyne's Day
Valenthyne Farfalla
Lord Hoth
Bastila JM
Carth Onasi, ORS
OR Senator
Salacious Crumb

It's not the most mobile build, but with 40 points of reinforcements, it's very flexible, and you get Bastila turning off CEs, a nasty top of the round shooter in Carth Onasi, and two reasonably tough beatsticks in Lord Hoth and Valenthyne. Valenthyne is a really strong piece and a really nice design, who opens up some new builds for the Old Republic with his Prideful and his Reinforcements, 9/10.
Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 7:48:49 PM
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Joined: 6/23/2010
Posts: 3,562
Location: The Hutt, New Zealand
Bao-Dur, from Knights of the Old Republic

33 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 17
Attack: 7
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Demolish (Ignores Damage Reduction of adjacent targets)
Destabilize Shields (Suppresses Shields abilities of adjacent enemies)
Mighty Swing (On his turn, if this character doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Repair 30 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 30 damage from 1 Droid character)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

In the interests of disclosure, up until now we'd only covered one piece from KOTOR, so I cycled through until I got one.

Bao-Dur is one of those jack-of-all-trade pieces who does a bunch of things, but doesn't do any of them very well and who is far too expensive to have much practical application. He can attack - he has decent hit points, and twins for 20s, but at only +7 he's going to struggle top hit big targets. He has repair 30, but since he has little synergy with droids otherwise, and since Old Republic only has one Droid - the Juggernaut War Droid - there's not much scope for building Old Republic Droid squads around him. And he has demolish and destabilize shields, which are merely situational abilities. For 33 points, Bao-Dur is simply not worth it - the v-set update is a much better piece and makes Old Republic droids squads actually feasible. 1/10.
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