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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Monday, July 28, 2014 8:46:53 PM
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I would take this squad to beat almost any of the Daala builds nearly 100% of the time.
Posted: Monday, July 28, 2014 8:50:13 PM
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urbanjedi wrote:
I would take this squad to beat almost any of the Daala builds nearly 100% of the time.

It's a really well balanced squad - surprised it hasn't been used more. I guess Seps have a lot of good options though.
Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 7:16:48 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
urbanjedi wrote:
I would take this squad to beat almost any of the Daala builds nearly 100% of the time.

It's a really well balanced squad - surprised it hasn't been used more. I guess Seps have a lot of good options though.

It's surprisingly similar to NPE Extreme. It basically drops Grievous for some self-destruct damage that you can't disrupt (specifically for the purpose of killing enemy disruptive) and more door control.
Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 4:35:12 PM
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Chewbacca of Kashyyyk, from Revenge of the Sith

25 points, Republic
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, he gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)

Like most of the early sets, this piece feels very dated. He has plenty of problems; there's no way for him to use double attack and momentum together, his attack is very low at +6, and he has a low defense, so he's not very survivable. He is subject to a few Wookiee boosts, and he can boost his attack through a variety of other commanders too; if he could get ambush or backlash to allow him to use double attack and momentum, he could be a decent piece, but you can't get enough damage out of him to make him worthwhile, and there are far better options out there. 25 points for an 80 hit point shooter with double attack, and who can pick up plenty of boosts, is certainly not the bottom of the barrel, but he's still never going to be the best option for any squad I can think of. A Republic Chewbacca would be a good piece to see remade sometime, along with a Yoda with good relations with the Wookiees. 3/10.
Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 7:54:11 PM
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Darth Caedus, Sith Lord, from Galactic Heroes

54 points, Sith
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Affinity (Characters whose names contain Galactic Alliance may be in your squad regardless of faction)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Embrace of Pain (+1 Attack and +1 Defense for every 10 points of damage currently on this character)
Force Ascetic (Cannot spend Force points to reroll or move faster)
Makashi Style Mastery (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11. Shii-Cho, Soresu, Ataru, and Niman Style cannot be used against this character.)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 2 (This character gets 2 Force points each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Aing-Tii Flow-Walking (Force 3: Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can take an immediate turn. This does not count as activating the character this round.)
Lightsaber Riposte (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker)
Master Illusion (Force 2: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage unless the attacker makes a save of 16)
Sith Battle Manipulation (Force 3, usable on this character’s turn: Choose 1 target character within line of sight. Move target and all characters within 6 squares of that target up to 3 squares. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This character cannot be moved by this Force power.)

Commander Effect
Followers whose names contain Galactic Alliance within 6 squares get +3 Attack and +3 Defense.

Movement is crucial in this game, so it's not surprising that most successful Sith squads center around one of the two Sith Lords that provide movement - we covered Revan Sith Lord last week, and Caedus Sith Lord is the other Sith cornerstone in the modern game. He has a ton of great stuff - Embrace of Pain, Makashi, Aing-Tii Flow Walking - but his signature ability is Sith Battle Manipulation. Sith Battle Manipulation allows him to move pieces around the map - this allows Caedus to pull off all sorts of shenanigans, such as lining up a bunch of Drones to set off, dropping pieces into pits, or pulling Cloaked pieces out of cover. Aing-Tii Flow-Walking is also a useful trick, as it takes precedence over other forms of initiative control, so it allows him to potentially thwart other initiative affecting abilities like Master Tactician and Tactics Broker. Of course, both of his key force powers are very expensive, so he can easily run out of force points, even with Force Renewal 2 - it's worth considering running him with Marka Ragnos Force Spirit so that he can access more Force Points if necessary. His reliance on force powers mean that he's a little vulnerable to Ysalamari and Vong, but even then he can still use Sith Battle Manipulation to move his own pieces around.

Caedus SL is also a competent melee beatstick - with Makashi he can stand up to other melee pieces, Cunning ups his damage, while Riposte allows him to hit melee strafers like Lancers. He also has a balancing ability in Force Ascetic, where he can't spend force points to reroll saves - although he can use Sith Recruits for that. He's seen plenty of success in competitive play, especially in the 2013 season.

sthlrd2 won the 2013 Regional with this:
--Bad G.A.S.--
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
36 Atton "Jaq" Rand
27 Lobot
34 Galactic Alliance Special Guard x2
16 Grand Admiral Rulf Yage
13 Czerka Scientist
8 Sith Recruit x2
6 Mouse Droid x2
6 Rodian Brute x2
(200pts. 13 activations)

While this was one of the most talked about squads of 2013, with the Caedus/Malgus combo:
--Come, As You Are--
72 Darth Malgus, The False Emperor
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
30 Vergere
17 Marka Ragnos, Dark Force Spirit
10 Squib Trader
8 R7 Astromech Droid
8 Sith Recruit x2
(199pts. 8 activations)

Even after playing against him on Simulation Deck numerous times in casual play, and often getting virtually my entire squad tipped into a pit, I still think Caedus SL is a great piece. He's very competitively costed for what he brings to the table, and brings crucial movement and initiative control abilities to the table, in really interesting and unique ways. 11/10.
Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:11:29 PM
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This was my 2013 Delaware regional squad, which made it to the finals before losing to thereisnotry's Cloaked Mandos. (I had beaten them in Swiss.)

--ZZ Caedus--
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
48 Darth Zannah
44 Zam Wesell, Bounty Hunter
27 Lobot
24 Klatooinian Assassin x2
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 12 Klatooinian Assassin
(Lobot) 8 R7 Astromech Droid

(200pts. 9 activations)

Played on Cantina. Strong similarities to scruffyhan's Zam Caught the Klat, which won this year's TN regional (I think that was the state). But with Caedus instead of Karrde, you can move people around for Missiles and Self-Destruct - but give up all of Karrde's tricks.
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:04:27 AM
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Here was my Caedus squad I placed 2nd with in the 2013 Wisconsin regional.

--A Caedus of Immortality--
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
48 Darth Zannah
30 Vergere
27 Darth Bandon
27 Lobot
14 Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 14 Ugnaught Droid Destroyer x2
(Lobot) 6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(200pts. 10 activations)

This is probably one of the most fun squads I've ever played. It was able to beat a Naboo Trooper deathshot squad in the finals, which on paper would almost seem like an auto loss, but the squad is so tanky that it can handle even swarms. Caedus is my second favorite piece in the game! Such a fun piece to use. SBM is extremely useful. He can't quite compete with Celeste Morne tho as my favorite piece in the game, cause nothing is cooler than spawning Rakghouls and watching the opponents squad succumb to the Rak hordes.
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:55:02 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
This was my 2013 Delaware regional squad, which made it to the finals before losing to thereisnotry's Cloaked Mandos. (I had beaten them in Swiss.)

--ZZ Caedus--
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
48 Darth Zannah
44 Zam Wesell, Bounty Hunter
27 Lobot
24 Klatooinian Assassin x2
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 12 Klatooinian Assassin
(Lobot) 8 R7 Astromech Droid

(200pts. 9 activations)

Played on Cantina. Strong similarities to scruffyhan's Zam Caught the Klat, which won this year's TN regional (I think that was the state). But with Caedus instead of Karrde, you can move people around for Missiles and Self-Destruct - but give up all of Karrde's tricks.

If you could fit the new Mira in there I think this squad would be even more potent. Another 40 auto damage could be pretty powerful. This is probably one of my favorite squads. Nice build FlyingArrow.
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 6:36:49 AM
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Thanks. Mira would be a great addition here. Zannah can be dropped. She is there as melee interference, and mainly just because she's so powerful - not because she actually fits with the squad all that well (other than the squad name). Mira (28), another Klat (12), and another R7 (8) would probably work better. That frees up Lobot to bring in pure activations or Momaw, or whatever else is really needed instead of needing to bring in door control.

--Rigged Caedus--
54 Darth Caedus, Sith Lord
44 Zam Wesell, Bounty Hunter
28 Mira (Vset 8)
27 Lobot
36 Klatooinian Assassin x3
8 R7 Astromech Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 5 Salacious Crumb
(Lobot) 9 Rodian Brute x3
(Lobot) 3 Mouse Droid
(Lobot) 3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200 pts. 15 activations)
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 8:15:34 AM
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Whereas my favorite piece from a design perspective is Darth Revan SL, the process of Darth Cadeus SL was the most enjoyable.

There were a lot of great ideas being thrown about when we were designing and testing. A lot got left on the table (some due to the lack of card space available, some due to playing) but there were some great idea's being thrown about. Kind of started with Jake's SBM idea and then a number of abilities were thrown on to show his prowess with the blade, his dealings with the Vong and his galactic alliance ties. He started becoming a mesh of the other Cadeus and Jacen pieces released but he was just a bit too much. The addition of Force Ascetic (suggested by Tim) really rounded out the piece. It tied him into the last Jacen fig, it lowered his celing and focused his strengths around his movement rather than being another rerolling save machine.

He's a really interesting, unique piece with a large range of squad options open to him.
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 2:20:53 PM
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I may be biased here, (because I had a large part in the design of this piece, or because I won my first regional with him) but Caedus SL is one of the best pieces the design team has introduced to the game and it just so happens to be in the best set the design team has shown us. 10/10
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:19:42 PM
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Gungan Artillerist, from Knights of the Old Republic

11 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 4
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Cesta 20 (Replaces attacks: sight; 20 damage to target and to each character adjacent to target; save 11. A nonliving character that takes damage from this effect is considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger characters ignore the nondamaging effect.)

One of the best WOTC non-uniques, a low cost scrub with some interesting damage potential. It may not look like a whole lot on its own, but with support from Captain Tarpals and Queen Amidala, the Gungan Artillerist can mobile double cesta. While they're fragile, 30 hit points at least means they can't get knocked over by an Ugnaught and they can also survive a Yobuck gallop. They do run into trouble once an enemy closes in close - if they're based by a big enemy, they need to choose between taking an attack of opportunity or hitting themselves with Cestas. But they're still a really good piece that can put out a lot of damage - they can basically put out double missiles 20s each round.

Gungans featured in the only non-Rebel build in the GenCon 2009 top 8 - when GenCon was 150 points:

Yoda on Kybuck
R2 Astro
Captain Tarpals
Queen Amidala
3 Gungan Artillerists
Gungan Shieldbearer
Ugnaught demolitionist

Since then, Gungan builds have gained some useful tricks - Boss Nass allows them to come back on a save of 16, and allows them to target cloaked/stealth pieces, while there are some interesting new pieces that work with Tarpals' CE to build a more diverse Gungan squad - Momaw's double war throat and Dr Evazan's double homicidal surgery are both excellent options. Urbanjedi took this build to the top 4 of the WNY Regional:

--ny regional--
35 Boss Nass
23 Captain Panaka
16 Dr. Evazan, Galactic Criminal
16 Queen Amidala
15 Momaw Nadon
20 Clone Trooper with Flamethrower x2
45 Gungan Artillerist x5
9 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
4 Rodian Diplomat
8 Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist x2
3 Mouse Droid
6 Rodian Brute x2
(200pts. 19 activations)

Gungan Artillerists are a really strong non-unique - they're definitely one of the most potent attackers in their point range, and they're an interesting competitive build for the Republic, 9/10.
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 8:02:33 PM
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Qyzen Fess, from The Old Republic

36 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 19
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Consular's Decoy (Whenever a non-Unique ally whose name contains Consular within 6 squares is targeted, this character may switch positions with that character. This character becomes the target instead.)
Rapport (A character named Jedi Shadow costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)
Regeneration 10 (If this character doesn't move on his turn, remove 10 damage from him at the end of that turn)
Resilient (Immune to critical hits)
Scorekeeper's Blessing (When this character defeats an enemy with a higher point cost, he gains +1 Attack and +1 Defense. This effect is cumulative.)
Shields 1 (When this character takes damage, he reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11)
Synergy +2 (Allies named Jedi Consular get +2 Attack and +2 Defense while within 6 squares of this character)

As much as I love the v-sets, not every piece can be a winner, and Qyzen Fess is a contender for the worst v-set piece out there. He has a lot of unnecessarily complex and largely insignificant abilities - Scorekeeper's Blessing is unlikely to come into play, as he will rarely knock over a more expensive piece, and all the interactions with Jedi Shadows and Consulars are insignificant. If he was a bit cheaper, and had some extraneous abilities removed, Qyzen could be a good piece, but a melee attacker with double at +9 attack for 36 seems very expensive, even if Shields, Resilient, and Regeneration make him vaguely tough. It is good to see a Trandoshan with enough hit points to potentially benefit from regeneration, and he does benefit from the Trandoshan Hunt Master's Ambush CE and bounty hunter bonus, but he's still a very mediocre piece. You're unlikely to play Qyzen when you can get Satele Shan for just one extra point, 2/10.
Posted: Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:25:21 PM
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Princess Leia, from Alliance and Empire

20 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 14
Attack: 7
Damage: 20

Special Abilities

Force Powers
Force 2

Commander Effect
At the end of this character's turn, 1 Rebel follower within 6 squares can make 1 immediate attack at +4 Attack and +10 Damage.

GenCon winners:
2008: Rebel "Speedy Cannon" (Snowspeeder)
2009: Rebel "Cannon" (Lobbin' Luke)
2010: Rebel "Cannon" (Commandos)

If we're talking about the most successful pieces in the game, Princess Leia is certainly up there - her Cannon Commander Effect was a crucial part of three consecutive GenCon winning squads. There's not a whole lot to her apart from her Commander Effect - 20 base damage is nice, her force points help her low attack, and 50 hit points make her sufficiently robust for her cost. But really, it's all about her commander effect, which works so well in the Rebels - her cannon CE for pieces like Han Solo Smuggler, Luke's Snowspeeder, Han Solo Rogue, and Luke Hero of Endor is huge, allowing a key attacker an extra attack each round - Han Smuggler is shooting at +18 for 50 damage with Leia's CE and Opportunist. Princess Leia is a great piece, with a proven track record, 11/10.

Coincidentally, I actually used Princess Leia for the very first time ever yesterday (spooky Character randomiser is at it again....), and her and Han Smuggler are still uber good - lots of accurate damage for a 47 point combo.
Posted: Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:57:05 PM
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Jon "Dutch" Vander, from Renegades and Rogues

21 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 16
Attack: 7
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Advantageous Cover (+8 Defense from cover instead of +4)
Close-Quarters Fighting (+4 Attack against adjacent enemies)
Grenades 20 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)

Commander Effect
Allies with Pilot gain Close-Quarters Fighting and Close-Range Targeting Computer. Pilot followers with Grenades 10 gain Grenades 30.

Seeing them next to each other, Jon "Dutch" Vander looks eerily similar to Princess Leia - very similar cost and stats, and another great Commander Effect. The Rebel Pilot subfaction keeps getting better and better, and Vander, perhaps along with the Klatooinian Captain, is the lynchpin commander behind them. A lot of strong Rebel pieces now have access to Pilot CEs, with Biggs granting it to allied Lukes and Lando granting it to allied Hans, as well as v-set options like Chewie and Red Squadron Aces, and perennial favourites like Dash Renegade Smuggler. His Commander Effect encourages Pilots to get up close and engage, as he grants +4 attack and +10 damage against adjacent enemies. Vander also bumps up the 6 point Green Squadron Pilots from Grenades 10 to Grenades 30, and they're well worth considering for Rebel Pilot squads. If you're feeling adventurous, you can also bring him into New Republic with Tycho Celchu, and turbo-charge pieces like Corran Horn JM.

Jon "Dutch" Vander is a really strong piece - Rebel Pilot squads are certainly good enough to see competitive play, and he opens up lots of builds for the Rebels. 9/10.
Posted: Saturday, August 2, 2014 9:39:33 PM
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Naboo Trooper, from Battle of Theed

7 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Royal Naboo Security Forces
Deceptive (+10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)

The Naboo Trooper is one of the most dangerous cheap scrubs in the game. At only 7 points, 30 hit points and Deceptive are already a steal, but by the time you give him:
- Rapport and Mobile from Queen Amidala.
- Rapport and Twin from Captain Panaka of Theed.
- Opportunist from Admiral Yularen.
- Death shots from Mon Mothma.
You have one dangerous 5 point trooper.

Darph Nader has seen a lot of success with them over the years, and this is his 2014 WNY Regional winning build.

Mon Mothma
Panaka of Theed
Padawan Cmdr
Queenie Amidala
Naboo Trooper x11
Rodian Diplomat
Spaarti CTD x3
Naboo Soldier x4

The biggest weakness with Naboo Soldier squads is that their attack is more difficult to boost - with Yularen you get Opportunist, which is obviously good in a death shot squad, but after that you're maxed out at +9, unless you go with something fragile like Wicket or expensive like Commander Gree. It's good they have some balancing factors though, as otherwise Naboo Troopers would just be too good - they've already proven themselves with Regional wins and GenCon top 8s as one of the best builds in the game. 10/10.
Posted: Sunday, August 3, 2014 8:28:32 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Naboo Trooper, from Battle of Theed

7 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Royal Naboo Security Forces
Deceptive (+10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)

The Naboo Trooper is one of the most dangerous cheap scrubs in the game. At only 7 points, 30 hit points and Deceptive are already a steal, but by the time you give him:
- Rapport and Mobile from Queen Amidala.
- Rapport and Twin from Captain Panaka of Theed.
- Opportunist from Admiral Yularen.
- Death shots from Mon Mothma.
You have one dangerous 5 point trooper.

Darph Nader has seen a lot of success with them over the years, and this is his 2014 WNY Regional winning build.

Mon Mothma
Panaka of Theed
Padawan Cmdr
Queenie Amidala
Naboo Trooper x11
Rodian Diplomat
Spaarti CTD x3
Naboo Soldier x4

The biggest weakness with Naboo Soldier squads is that their attack is more difficult to boost - with Yularen you get Opportunist, which is obviously good in a death shot squad, but after that you're maxed out at +9, unless you go with something fragile like Wicket or expensive like Commander Gree. It's good they have some balancing factors though, as otherwise Naboo Troopers would just be too good - they've already proven themselves with Regional wins and GenCon top 8s as one of the best builds in the game. 10/10.

The biggest issue I have with this piece is the fact it has 30 hit pts. I mean seriously!?! Why the heck does it have 30 hp? There is no other NU shooter in the game with 30 hp at 7 points or less. And with the ridiculous ways you can boost him it's just a huge mistake.

He really shouldn't have deceptive either.

Bottom line is - with Naboo squads - the real issue is Panaka of Theed. Without him they'd be just good
Posted: Sunday, August 3, 2014 9:41:36 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Naboo Trooper, from Battle of Theed

7 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Royal Naboo Security Forces
Deceptive (+10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)

The Naboo Trooper is one of the most dangerous cheap scrubs in the game. At only 7 points, 30 hit points and Deceptive are already a steal, but by the time you give him:
- Rapport and Mobile from Queen Amidala.
- Rapport and Twin from Captain Panaka of Theed.
- Opportunist from Admiral Yularen.
- Death shots from Mon Mothma.
You have one dangerous 5 point trooper.

Darph Nader has seen a lot of success with them over the years, and this is his 2014 WNY Regional winning build.

Mon Mothma
Panaka of Theed
Padawan Cmdr
Queenie Amidala
Naboo Trooper x11
Rodian Diplomat
Spaarti CTD x3
Naboo Soldier x4

The biggest weakness with Naboo Soldier squads is that their attack is more difficult to boost - with Yularen you get Opportunist, which is obviously good in a death shot squad, but after that you're maxed out at +9, unless you go with something fragile like Wicket or expensive like Commander Gree. It's good they have some balancing factors though, as otherwise Naboo Troopers would just be too good - they've already proven themselves with Regional wins and GenCon top 8s as one of the best builds in the game. 10/10.

Even though their low atk is a weakness they get around it by out activating most of their opponents(with 28 acts). Then combing fire takes away that negative. Pretty powerful squad...
Posted: Sunday, August 3, 2014 11:19:31 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
The biggest issue I have with this piece is the fact it has 30 hit pts. I mean seriously!?! Why the heck does it have 30 hp? There is no other NU shooter in the game with 30 hp at 7 points or less. And with the ridiculous ways you can boost him it's just a huge mistake.

He really shouldn't have deceptive either.

Bottom line is - with Naboo squads - the real issue is Panaka of Theed. Without him they'd be just good

It's hard to know what to give the individual components sometimes - Panaka is probably an 11, but 30 hit points, deceptive, and a potential cost of 5 is enough to get the Trooper to a 10 in my book.
Posted: Sunday, August 3, 2014 11:30:30 AM
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I'll weigh in here as after all this is my favorite swarm to play and Tim is exactly right and stole my thunder, since the key to the Naboo Troopers is their 30hp.

I recall my 2012 GenCon match with Deri when I had 15 Troopers in the base build; he brought in Momaw via Lobot thinking they were Soldiers and boy did my little Ithorian friend get quite a surprise when he tried his war serenade.

Bottom line they (meaning the Troopers) are the best swarm out there IMO, as they can be nerfed and are not Daalaesque by any stretch of the imagination. If I was playing in the SWM Champs this year it would be pretty hard for me not to try to get them into the Top 8 for a third year running. They have both favorable and horrible matchups despite a having a high activation ceiling w/o act control, which removes them from being an NPE in my opinion.

They are a 10/10 in my book and have been a delight to play since their arrival on Theed. ThumbsUp
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