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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Sunday, August 3, 2014 2:40:12 PM
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Jedi Knight, from Revenge of the Sith

13 points. Republic
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 17
Attack: 5
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)

Force Powers
Force 2

This piece definitely has problems, but the biggest of all might be the name; Mediocre Padawan or Semi-Trained Jedi would probably be a more appropriate name, as the name Jedi Knight raises expectations that a 13 point piece will never be able to meet. On the positive side, 50 hit points and 17 defense aren't too bad on a 13 point piece - the Jedi Knight's major problems are the low attack and lack of any interesting force powers. There's no good reason to play this piece - for starters, I'd probably take the Jedi Guardian from Clone Strike with +1 attack and Lightsaber Sweep over this every time. 1/10.
Posted: Monday, August 4, 2014 5:42:13 PM
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Mirialan Jedi Knight, from Galactic Heroes

20 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 18
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, she makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Acrobatic (Ignores enemy characters when moving)
Makashi Style (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11. Shii-Cho Style cannot be used against this character.)

Force Powers
Force 2
Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)

Mirialan Jedi Knights are almost like a cheap Jedi Embo equivalent for the Old Republic. While they only have 60 hit points, they're reasonably sturdy with Makashi and Deflect. Their most interesting facet is their combination of Acrobatic and Twin, which means that they can go after any enemy within 8 squares with a free space next to them; assuming you're running Bastilla JM, which you should be in this type of build, hit them for 60 damage. Like a lot of Old Republic pieces, Mirialan Jedi do suffer from a relatively low attack, and +9 attack means that they won't hit consistently against big pieces. With Twin, they are really good candidates for the OR Senator's CE, and as cheap followers there are plenty of other CEs they benefit from, like Belth Allusis' death shots and Master Kavar's stat boost. The Mirialan Jedi Knight is cheap enough to fit into a bunch of Old Republic builds, and while their low attack means they won't hit consistently, they're still a good piece for 20 points. 8/10.
Darth O
Posted: Monday, August 4, 2014 10:56:28 PM
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I found Mirialans good with Valenthyne Farfalla, as they get Prideful. They can then hit for 90 on senator shots.
Posted: Monday, August 4, 2014 11:29:14 PM
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Yeah, that sounds like a really good use - the +4 +10 would really help them out.

Niles Ferrier, from Destiny of the Force

20 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Deceptive (+10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round)
Rapport (A character whose name contains Defel costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

Commander Effect
Allies with Stealth whose name contains Defel and who have cover cannot be targeted by non-adjacent enemies. Allies whose name contains Defel get +4 Attack.

Niles Ferrier is commander of his own little sub-faction - two Defel pieces, the Defel Spy from Bounty Hunters and the Defel Pirate from Vengeance. He gives them +4 attack and super-stealth, as well as having rapport with them, while he's also a decent shooter with a +10 attack and deceptive. While his commander effect is useful, he does often have problems with his attack boost not stacking - it's quite natural wanting to run him with another attack boosting commander like Talon Kardde IB or Xizor, but his +4 attack boost doesn't stack with theirs. And while Defel Pirate/Niles Ferrier builds could hold their own, I think you're always going to find Klatooinian Assassin builds do the same thing more efficiently with more hit points and less reliance on Commander Effects. Niles Ferrier is a competent enough piece, but his niche has largely been taken over by subsequent pieces and he's unlikely to see much play. 5/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 6:36:10 AM
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5/10? Confused methinks thou art too generous
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 7:11:15 AM
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Fun fact: The original version of Niles Ferrier was crazy overpowered. It was a few years ago, so I don't remember the details, but Graham and I playtested him and he was very abusable. Obviously he got toned down to his tier 2 intended version.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 7:23:04 AM
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Actually, I just went back to check, and I'm remembering that wrong. Niles was fine (although apparently he was a gigantic pain to design!), the Defel Pirate from Vengeance was the broken piece when combined with Niles. Either way, Defel squads would have been meta-defining.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 1:05:10 PM
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Echo24 wrote:
Actually, I just went back to check, and I'm remembering that wrong. Niles was fine (although apparently he was a gigantic pain to design!), the Defel Pirate from Vengeance was the broken piece when combined with Niles. Either way, Defel squads would have been meta-defining.

I think you guys were maybe under the impression that Xizor and Niles' attack boosts stacked?

Niles and Defel Pirates is still a decent build, I reckon (hence the 5) - it's just totally eclipsed by Klat Assassins, which come with Cloaked out of the box, don't get Momawed, and have a good attack without boosts.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 1:07:06 PM
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Actually the squad he tested used Mitthrawn for opportunist. The Defel had higher attack and a lower cost at the time so he was able to fit a lot more in, also.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 1:43:45 PM
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Probe Droid, from Rebel Storm

8 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)
Self-Destruct 10 (When this character is defeated, each adjacent character takes 10 damage)

Since it's a negligible attacker, the Probe Droid is mainly used as a cheap Recon piece. At 8 points it's the cheapest Recon piece in the game, although in Imperials I'd generally go with the Stormtrooper Advance Scout at 11 points, which has stealth and is a more reliable shooter. It might get some play in Reserves squads from other factions - like Kazdan Paratus and Wat Tambor squads - but otherwise it will struggle to see play. It's a really cool sculpt - I guess it's definitely a piece that could do with a remake sometime, but for now it's a 2/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 1:48:23 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Probe Droid, from Rebel Storm

8 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)
Self-Destruct 10 (When this character is defeated, each adjacent character takes 10 damage)

Since it's a negligible attacker, the Probe Droid is mainly used as a cheap Recon piece. At 8 points it's the cheapest Recon piece in the game, although in Imperials I'd generally go with the Stormtrooper Advance Scout at 11 points, which has stealth and is a more reliable shooter. It might get some play in Reserves squads from other factions - like Kazdan Paratus and Wat Tambor squads - but otherwise it will struggle to see play. It's a really cool sculpt - I guess it's definitely a piece that could do with a remake sometime, but for now it's a 2/10.

I think a probe droid remake is a great idea! Forward positioning, better Self Destruct ect.

I think he would be more playable with the Spacetrooper if they could swap with Thrawn but that pesky fact that he's a droid really messes that plan up.
2/10 is a good call
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 2:15:25 PM
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Deathwielded wrote:
I think a probe droid remake is a great idea! Forward positioning, better Self Destruct ect.

I think he would be more playable with the Spacetrooper if they could swap with Thrawn but that pesky fact that he's a droid really messes that plan up.
2/10 is a good call

It'd be a good candidate for Sensors, right?
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 2:53:35 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Deathwielded wrote:
I think a probe droid remake is a great idea! Forward positioning, better Self Destruct ect.

I think he would be more playable with the Spacetrooper if they could swap with Thrawn but that pesky fact that he's a droid really messes that plan up.
2/10 is a good call

It'd be a good candidate for Sensors, right?

Indeed! We could use some more cheap Sensors characters
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 2:56:25 PM
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it's seems you and me are of the same mind TheHutts, maybe you would like to check out my custom version of a probe droid re-make that I made at the beginning of the year. I just bumped it up in the customs section.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 3:43:02 PM
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That Probe Droid custom does look pretty cool - I'd be keen to see something like that sometime. Talking of Droids, here's one that's undeniably top drawer.

Mouse Droid, from Imperial Entanglements

3 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 20
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Relay Orders (Each allied commander can count distance from this character as well as from itself for the purpose of commander effects

A 3 point piece, that can cost 2 points with Gha Nachkt, with a 20 defense? You can understand what the WOTC designers were trying to do, in providing a cheap and robust source of Relay Orders, but surely some thought would have made it obvious that people would spam them to block up corridors, hide their shooters behind, and other shenanigans. While they obviously are used for CE propagation, and factions like the Mandos and Separatists benefited from Relay Orders, Mouse Droids have had far more impact in terms of activation control and board blockage in the competitive game. Plenty of top tier squads, including the 2010 GenCon winning Rebel Commando squad and Solo Charge, used the 10 Mouse dump tactic by using the Lobot and Gha Nachkt combo to bring in 10 Mouse Droids only when necessary. Another popular choice for Lobot's reinforcements is the 6 Mouse Droid/Muun Tactics Broker combo, which can sacrifice 6 Mouse Droids for the MTB before it needs to start giving the opponent points.

Fortunately, thanks to the v-sets, there are a few disincentives for bringing a Mouse Wall now - particularly Momaw Nadon's War Throat, which can cut through a Mouse Wall quickly, and which can also be bought in via Lobot's reserves. But even despite the neutering of the 10 Mouse Droid dump, the 6 Mouse Droid/MTB combo is still a very viable tactic, especially if your name rhymes with Grim Mallard. And even without the 10 Mouse Droid dump tactic, the Mouse Droid is still an amazing piece for 3 points - a 20 defense shield with Relay Orders, with access to rapport, is obviously a bargain. 11/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 6:47:49 PM
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Quick question. Will you review the epics on this thread? I ask because none have come up yet so I wondered If you were skipping them and also because they aren't legal in most torunament formats so therefore aren't really "mainstream" pieces.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 6:50:29 PM
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Yeah that Jim Kallard guy is pretty amazing and uses the 10 mouse dump really, really well. LOL
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 6:54:00 PM
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harryg wrote:
Quick question. Will you review the epics on this thread? I ask because none have come up yet so I wondered If you were skipping them and also because they aren't legal in most torunament formats so therefore aren't really "mainstream" pieces.

Yeah, I've been skipping them - they do feel like they belong to a different format, plus I also don't have a lot of experience with them. I'm not really thinking about things like King of the Ring/Tile Wars etc when doing ratings either.
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 7:02:48 PM
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Owen and Beru Lars, from Armed and Operational

10 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 12
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Draw Fire (If an enemy targets an ally within 6 squares of this character, you may force that enemy to target this character instead if it can; save 11)
Heal 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from a living character)

Commander Effect
When this character is defeated, 1 ally whose name contains Luke gains Force Renewal 1 for the rest of the skirmish.

There are some good Lukes out there who don't have force renewal. Rebel Commando, Commander Luke Skywalker, Luke's Snowspeeder, and Luke and Leia on Speeder could all benefit from some extra force points, and Owen and Beru Lars provide an alternate mechanism for Lukes to get some, rather than the usual Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Spirit. Since some of the Lukes listed above are relatively high speed, this piece can be a good alternative to Obi, as with Speed 2 he struggle to keep up with the Snowspeeder and Luke and Leia on Speeder.

Owen and Beru don't do much outside of their Renewal CE - they're weak shooters, so heal 10 is probably their stronger option, and draw fire can provide some annoyance. With a switch to 10 point gambit, Owen and Beru might not be the worst gambit takers - if your opponent knocks them off, it means a Luke can get force renewal. I don't think Owen and Beru are as competitive an option as Obi-Wan Jedi Spirit - their CE does get cancelled by Bastila or Disruptive - but they can be an interesting choice for some squads. If nothing else, you can bring them in with Lobot if you feel that force renewal is a more useful option than other potential Lobot choices. I think that Owen and Beru have been sitting in the too hard basket for a while for the designers - they're one of the last speaking movie characters to get a mini, not surprising given their pacifist nature, but this is an elegant rendition. 7/10 (I really want a 6.5 for these guys - 7 seems a bit high, 6 seems a bit low).
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 8:59:32 PM
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Jabba the Hutt, Galactic Crime Boss, from Scum and Villainy

60 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 200
Defense: 13
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Emplacement (Cannot move or be moved. Set up anywhere on your half of the battle map.)
Fringe Reinforcements 30 (During setup, after seeing your opponent's squad, you can add up to 30 points of Fringe characters to your squad)
Rapport (Costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character named Salacious Crumb)
Trap Door (Replaces turn: range 6; Target enemy and 1 adjacent character take 10 damage and are placed in their starting area; save 11. Characters with Flight ignore this special ability.)

Commander Effect
Allies whose names contain Bounty Hunter or with the Bounty Hunter special ability can attack Unique enemies even if they are not the nearest enemy.

This Jabba's like an update of Rebel Storm Jabba - he shares Fringe Reinforcements 30, but adds a few more abilities to justify the difference between his printed cost and his reinforcements. You're effectively paying 30 points for this Jabba after Reinforcements are factored in, and for the cost he brings 200 hit points, Emplacement (which is looking more attractive with the changes to 10 point gambit), Trap Door (a fun mechanism to help control gambit), and a Commander Effect for Bounty Hunters. Accurate shot against uniques for bounty hunters has some potential - it's helpful for pieces like Cad Bane, Bounty Hunter with Furious Assault, Greedo Bounty Hunter with snare rifle, as well as shooters like the WOTC Cad Bane and v-set Zam. I do think he's limited in scope - he'd be a natural pairing with Talon Karrde IB, but it's already a lot of points to tie up in two commanders. I haven't seen a really competitive use at 200 points for this piece - feel free to prove me wrong - but he is a nice flavourful version. Jabba Crime Lord is still the most competitive Jabba The Hutt in the game though. 6/10.
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