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Posted: Saturday, August 9, 2014 8:54:15 PM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
TheHutts wrote:
Ithorian Commander, from Alliance and Empire

Too high of a rating friend. Maybe when he first came out he was a 9. Scissor squads aside, disruptive was very rare then. Then once disruptive became much more popular (just a few sets later), it pretty much crunched these squads. Because they have to be Melee, there is no way to stay outside the disruptive bubble and attack anything within it. And now with even more disruptive, along with distraction and ABM . . . It's pretty well dead in the water.

I'd say 6/10. Maybe 7

I just adjusted him to an 8. He is a very efficient commander for the points - a Rodian swarm is brutal (excuse the pun) for the cheap cost if you get the right meta. And I do think a Rebel Jarael build is something that hasn't really been explored post-Marn Hierogryph, but you can get a really nasty Jarael with Jarael + Ithorian + stolen CE. But maybe 9 was a little high.

Anyway, I don't think anyone's going to disagree with this rating....

R5 Astromech Droid, from Champions of the Force

8 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 16
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Repair 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from 1 Droid character)

For 8 points, all you get is Repair 10 - it's just not worth tying up 8 points in such a weak ability. The R5 can't do anything else - can't attack, can't combine fire, nothing. 1/10.

Posted: Saturday, August 9, 2014 9:00:23 PM
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General_Grievous wrote:
Wow no way, this guy is legendary. With marko this guy can actually somewhat work around the force cancel/absorb since he can eternal hatred again if someone tries to stop him. As well with either the Watto/Celeste combo or even just malak and bandon this guy can be a staple of some very fun almost competitive squads. Plus in this day of swarm/strafers force absorb isn't too common I find. And some games with Marko and Pawns I have brought this guy back three to six times. I would give him at least a 7 or 8 with the support available to jack him up. Now the new Sion on the other hand... Meh this guy's blatant force points abuse is legendary

I'd just never bring Sion to a tournament - in our recent NZ Nationals, 3 of the top 4 squads had Ysalamari, which just wrecks his day. He's going to auto-lose to almost every Imperial and Fringe squad for starters.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 1:25:53 AM
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Clone Trooper with Night Vision, from Galaxy at War

13 points, Republic
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 13
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Order 66
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)

I would deduct points for the terrible name, but the Clone Trooper with Night Vision is a 1 all the way in any case. A Sev is way better for 3 extra points, and it's not like that's any better than mediocre either. If you're paying 13 points for a 10 hit point piece, it better be spectacularly good (like the Czerka Scientist) - this is just jank.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:20:15 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
General_Grievous wrote:
Wow no way, this guy is legendary. With marko this guy can actually somewhat work around the force cancel/absorb since he can eternal hatred again if someone tries to stop him. As well with either the Watto/Celeste combo or even just malak and bandon this guy can be a staple of some very fun almost competitive squads. Plus in this day of swarm/strafers force absorb isn't too common I find. And some games with Marko and Pawns I have brought this guy back three to six times. I would give him at least a 7 or 8 with the support available to jack him up. Now the new Sion on the other hand... Meh this guy's blatant force points abuse is legendary

I'd just never bring Sion to a tournament - in our recent NZ Nationals, 3 of the top 4 squads had Ysalamari, which just wrecks his day. He's going to auto-lose to almost every Imperial and Fringe squad for starters.

I suppose it depends on the meta in your area, just seems a low rating for the great undying Sith Lord.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:51:54 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Clone Trooper with Night Vision, from Galaxy at War

I would deduct points for the terrible name, but the Clone Trooper with Night Vision is a 1 all the way in any case. A Sev is way better for 3 extra points, and it's not like that's any better than mediocre either. If you're paying 13 points for a 10 hit point piece, it better be spectacularly good (like the Czerka Scientist) - this is just jank.

For that matter, an ARF Trooper (from the same set) is way better for 2 less points. Accurate is an ability where the cost should scale with the quality of the piece. Regular Clone Troopers are so bad they aren't an appropriate benchmark for cost. I figure this guy is 8-9pts max.

Jank, indeed.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 4:22:33 PM
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Death Watch Saboteur, from Vengeance

11 points, Mandalorian
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Death Watch
Cloaked (If this character has cover, he cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
Internal Strife (On an attack roll of natural 1, this character joins the opponent's squad until the end of the skirmish)
Satchel Charge (Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed)
Traps (Enemy characters within 6 squares get -4 Defense)

Death Watch Saboteurs are well worth considering for Mando squads - they're a great tech piece with Cloaked and a couple of very useful Special Abilities. The best part about them is the Cloaked/Traps combination - Mandos often struggle to hit big targets, so Cloaked Traps can be a tremendous help against high defense rock squads. Additionally, Satchel Charge is another crucial Special Ability, and a Cloaked door blower who won't get shot after blowing a door is another big asset. With that combination of abilities, a Death Watch Saboteur is well worth just tossing into a Mando squad just as a tech piece.

Additionally, there is plenty of commander support for Death Watch pieces - there's a Maul, a Pre Viszla, and a Death Watch Overlord who all boost them - and the Death Watch Saboteur is probably the strongest of the three Death Watch scrubs, so there is definitely some potential for squads with Death Watch Saboteurs as the main attackers. Obviously Internal Strife is a concern, although Pre Viszla's CE does help get around it. Mike Moore Smuggler took this squad to the top 4 of the NZ National Championships in 2012:

Mike (Mandos): Jaster, Pre Visla, Quartermaster, Captain, 4 Saboteurs, and R4, 2 DW Mercs and Mousies on Cantina

The Death Watch Saboteur is a strong piece, featuring very useful tech, while's he's also a decent attacker, 8/10.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 7:13:33 PM
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Grievous on Tsmeu-6 Wheel Bike, from Vehicles of War

63 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 30

Special Abilities
Cyborg (Counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid; living; subject to critical hits and commander effects)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)
Damage Reduction 10 (Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Galloping Attack (As this character moves, he can attack each adjacent enemy, +4 Attack; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space he has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
Vehicle (At the end of his turn, you may replace this character with a Medium character of equal or lesser cost who counts as Grievous. The replacement character starts with damage equal to the damage currently on this character and is considered activated this round.)
Wall Climber (This character ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving as long as a square he occupies and a square he is moving into are adjacent to a wall)

Commander Effect
Droids are subject to this effect: Non-Unique droid followers within 6 squares gain Double Attack.

I appreciate the big gallop and strafe pieces that came out in Vehicles of War - one of the main reasons that the Lancers are overpowered is that they're so fast with Speed 12 and the ability to be pawned. On the other hand, a beefy unique commander, who's subject to far less boosts, is a great idea - it adds another square to the wonderful patchwork quilt that is our game. There are all sorts of things going on with this Grievous:

- as a high hit point galloper, the closest comparison is Yoda on Kybuck. They play quite differently though - Yobuck is in a faction with movement breakers and has Speed 10, so he's good at getting all over the board. Grievous is in a faction that often has high activations, tempo control, and initiative control, so often he's about going last then going first.
- with the Vehicle mechanic, he can swap at the end of his turn for another Grievous - Hero of Hypori for some tough anti-Jedi action or Scourge of the Jedi, for a big hit on one piece while retaining the CE, are both strong options.
- if you build around his commander effect, you certainly need to keep him alive - double attack for non-unique droids is very useful, and you'll often see Grievous with BX Snipers.

It's a shame that Grievous is affected by Buzz Droids; as he seems fairly costed without this vulnerability, and he'd be a really good meta choice as he has a good chance against other popular yet disliked meta squads such as Daala and Klat Assassin swarms. But he's still a really good piece for the cost - it's nice to see some beefier swarm control pieces, as it adds some more diversity to the game. 8/10.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 8:07:51 PM
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Magnetic Sabotage affects Mounted Weapon, Vehicle, and Strafe Attackers. So Grievous is doubly affected by them.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 8:14:12 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Magnetic Sabotage affects Mounted Weapon, Vehicle, and Strafe Attackers. So Grievous is doubly affected by them.

Oops, I overlooked that - just reworded it a little bit.
Posted: Sunday, August 10, 2014 8:34:44 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Death Watch Saboteur, from Vengeance

11 points, Mandalorian
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Death Watch
Cloaked (If this character has cover, he cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
Internal Strife (On an attack roll of natural 1, this character joins the opponent's squad until the end of the skirmish)
Satchel Charge (Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed)
Traps (Enemy characters within 6 squares get -4 Defense)

Death Watch Saboteurs are well worth considering for Mando squads - they're a great tech piece with Cloaked and a couple of very useful Special Abilities. The best part about them is the Cloaked/Traps combination - Mandos often struggle to hit big targets, so Cloaked Traps can be a tremendous help against high defense rock squads. Additionally, Satchel Charge is another crucial Special Ability, and a Cloaked door blower who won't get shot after blowing a door is another big asset. With that combination of abilities, a Death Watch Saboteur is well worth just tossing into a Mando squad just as a tech piece.

Additionally, there is plenty of commander support for Death Watch pieces - there's a Maul, a Pre Viszla, and a Death Watch Overlord who all boost them - and the Death Watch Saboteur is probably the strongest of the three Death Watch scrubs, so there is definitely some potential for squads with Death Watch Saboteurs as the main attackers. Obviously Internal Strife is a concern, although Pre Viszla's CE does help get around it. Mike Moore Smuggler took this squad to the top 4 of the NZ National Championships in 2012:

Mike (Mandos): Jaster, Pre Visla, Quartermaster, Captain, 4 Saboteurs, and R4, 2 DW Mercs and Mousies on Cantina

The Death Watch Saboteur is a strong piece, featuring very useful tech, while's he's also a decent attacker, 8/10.
As someone who enjoys playing Mandos (ever since Kelborn), I think the DW Saboteur is absolutely golden. I might even consider him a 9, but 8 is good enough. Cloaked and Traps with door control is just SO good in the Mando squads. I think that since the release of this piece I've always had at least 1 in every Mando squad I've made.
Posted: Monday, August 11, 2014 5:31:44 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Grievous on Tsmeu-6 Wheel Bike, from Vehicles of War

63 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 30

Special Abilities
Cyborg (Counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid; living; subject to critical hits and commander effects)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)
Damage Reduction 10 (Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Galloping Attack (As this character moves, he can attack each adjacent enemy, +4 Attack; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space he has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
Vehicle (At the end of his turn, you may replace this character with a Medium character of equal or lesser cost who counts as Grievous. The replacement character starts with damage equal to the damage currently on this character and is considered activated this round.)
Wall Climber (This character ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving as long as a square he occupies and a square he is moving into are adjacent to a wall)

Commander Effect
Droids are subject to this effect: Non-Unique droid followers within 6 squares gain Double Attack.

I appreciate the big gallop and strafe pieces that came out in Vehicles of War - one of the main reasons that the Lancers are overpowered is that they're so fast with Speed 12 and the ability to be pawned. On the other hand, a beefy unique commander, who's subject to far less boosts, is a great idea - it adds another square to the wonderful patchwork quilt that is our game. There are all sorts of things going on with this Grievous:

- as a high hit point galloper, the closest comparison is Yoda on Kybuck. They play quite differently though - Yobuck is in a faction with movement breakers and has Speed 10, so he's good at getting all over the board. Grievous is in a faction that often has high activations, tempo control, and initiative control, so often he's about going last then going first.
- with the Vehicle mechanic, he can swap at the end of his turn for another Grievous - Hero of Hypori for some tough anti-Jedi action or Scourge of the Jedi, for a big hit on one piece while retaining the CE, are both strong options.
- if you build around his commander effect, you certainly need to keep him alive - double attack for non-unique droids is very useful, and you'll often see Grievous with BX Snipers.

It's a shame that Grievous is affected by Buzz Droids; as he seems fairly costed without this vulnerability, and he'd be a really good meta choice as he has a good chance against other popular yet disliked meta squads such as Daala and Klat Assassin swarms. But he's still a really good piece for the cost - it's nice to see some beefier swarm control pieces, as it adds some more diversity to the game. 8/10.

This Grievous is my favourite piece in the game and such a well designed piece. He also works very well with Tann and gets advanced shields from her, becoming even tougher. While buzz droids are annoying, I think he is the strafe/gallop piece least affected by them due to his damage reducing abilities and has allowed me to win tournaments utilizing his wide range and damage reducing power. Another thing to consider is that he is similar to Palleon in allowing you the choice of what to swap for. DAC for some board wide twin, Scourge for those with twin or single shot, or HoH to steal potential points from your opponent and lay down the Jedi hate. A very versatile piece and one of the best designed so far. I still wish Buzz droids only targeted non uniques but I suppose everyone needs it's counter.
Posted: Monday, August 11, 2014 4:50:02 PM
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Ewok Chieftain, from Scum and Villainy

19 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, he gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Swarm +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target)

Commander Effect
Non-Unique Ewok allies who end their move within 6 squares of this character gain Momentum.

It feels like deja vu covering the Ewok Chieftain, as he's very similar to the Ithorian Commander from a few days ago - really the main differences are that it:
- works only on non-unique Ewoks, rather than anyone with melee 10 damage.
- it's Fringe instead of Rebel.
- it's a ranged CE, so it will generally work better in factions with booming voice.

The Ewok Chieftain is weaker overall than the Ithorian Commander, and I would have written Ewok squads off altogether, but UrbanJedi did take this build to first place in FrostyCon earlier this year, albeit with the now errata'd Zygerrian Slaver, which greatly increased this squad's range and potency:

Mas Amedda
Jabba, CL
Ewok Chieftain
Chief Chirpa
Ewok Hanglider
Uggie Demo
Rodian Brute
Ewok x16

Ewok squads do have some potential - like Ithorian Commander-based squads, you can boost very cheap pieces into relatively potent attackers, but you also have to deal with your entire squad having the toughness of a thin jelly, and a bunch of popular matchups like big disruptive, Bastila, Jedi Reflexes, Yobuck, and Lancer are very difficult to overcome. Like the Ithorian Commander, the Ewok Chieftain is a good piece that only really thrives when the meta lets it, 6/10.

* I want to concentrate on v-set pieces for a while, as I've covered 20% of WOTC pieces on this thread, but only 17% of v-set pieces, so I'm mainly cycling through the randomiser until I hit v-set pieces this week. Also, I'm on baby watch at the moment, so this thread might take a hiatus for a week or two very shortly.
Posted: Monday, August 11, 2014 5:03:05 PM
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Ponda Baba, Galactic Criminal, from Cantina Brawl

15 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 15
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Pirate (Counts as a character whose name contains Pirate)
Bodyguard (If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead)
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
Rapport (Dr. Evazan costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

I think all of the Fringe bodyguards in the 10-15 point range are 8s - they all seem fairly costed for what they can do compared to each other, and of course bodyguard is a great Special Ability which can mess with your opponent's plans as you spread damage out in different ways. A 60 hit point bodyguard, who's also a decent fodder shooter with +6 attack, is a great deal for 15 points, and Ponda is well worth keeping in your Lobot reinforcements box. Sometimes you'll need more activations with your Lobot reinforcements, and will want the cheaper Human Bodyguard instead, but Ponda is still a very solid 8/10.
Posted: Monday, August 11, 2014 5:23:48 PM
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General_Grievous wrote:
TheHutts wrote:
Grievous on Tsmeu-6 Wheel Bike, from Vehicles of War

63 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 30

Special Abilities
Cyborg (Counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid; living; subject to critical hits and commander effects)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)
Damage Reduction 10 (Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Galloping Attack (As this character moves, he can attack each adjacent enemy, +4 Attack; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space he has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
Vehicle (At the end of his turn, you may replace this character with a Medium character of equal or lesser cost who counts as Grievous. The replacement character starts with damage equal to the damage currently on this character and is considered activated this round.)
Wall Climber (This character ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving as long as a square he occupies and a square he is moving into are adjacent to a wall)

Commander Effect
Droids are subject to this effect: Non-Unique droid followers within 6 squares gain Double Attack.

I appreciate the big gallop and strafe pieces that came out in Vehicles of War - one of the main reasons that the Lancers are overpowered is that they're so fast with Speed 12 and the ability to be pawned. On the other hand, a beefy unique commander, who's subject to far less boosts, is a great idea - it adds another square to the wonderful patchwork quilt that is our game. There are all sorts of things going on with this Grievous:

- as a high hit point galloper, the closest comparison is Yoda on Kybuck. They play quite differently though - Yobuck is in a faction with movement breakers and has Speed 10, so he's good at getting all over the board. Grievous is in a faction that often has high activations, tempo control, and initiative control, so often he's about going last then going first.
- with the Vehicle mechanic, he can swap at the end of his turn for another Grievous - Hero of Hypori for some tough anti-Jedi action or Scourge of the Jedi, for a big hit on one piece while retaining the CE, are both strong options.
- if you build around his commander effect, you certainly need to keep him alive - double attack for non-unique droids is very useful, and you'll often see Grievous with BX Snipers.

It's a shame that Grievous is affected by Buzz Droids; as he seems fairly costed without this vulnerability, and he'd be a really good meta choice as he has a good chance against other popular yet disliked meta squads such as Daala and Klat Assassin swarms. But he's still a really good piece for the cost - it's nice to see some beefier swarm control pieces, as it adds some more diversity to the game. 8/10.

This Grievous is my favourite piece in the game and such a well designed piece. He also works very well with Tann and gets advanced shields from her, becoming even tougher. While buzz droids are annoying, I think he is the strafe/gallop piece least affected by them due to his damage reducing abilities and has allowed me to win tournaments utilizing his wide range and damage reducing power. Another thing to consider is that he is similar to Palleon in allowing you the choice of what to swap for. DAC for some board wide twin, Scourge for those with twin or single shot, or HoH to steal potential points from your opponent and lay down the Jedi hate. A very versatile piece and one of the best designed so far. I still wish Buzz droids only targeted non uniques but I suppose everyone needs it's counter.

If you Gallop early in the round and are sure he will die before his next turn... and if you have taken 60 damage or less so far... then one of the dirtiest plays in the game is still legal. Kaleesh Warlord dismounts. He dies, but your opponent gets 22 points instead of 63.
Posted: Monday, August 11, 2014 9:09:48 PM
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Rune Haako, from Battle of Theed

12 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Diplomat (If an attacker has line of sight to any enemies without Diplomat, this character is not a legal target and does not count as the nearest enemy, even if adjacent)
Distraction (Suppresses adjacent enemy commander effects)
Rapport (A character whose name contains Nute Gunray costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

Rune Haako's a weird little tech piece - Distraction and Diplomat is an interesting combination that can make life very difficult for some squads. Because he's a piece who you don't build around - he's tech you throw in to fill out a squad - he feels like he's competing with 6 Geonosian Drones for a space in tournament Separatist squads, and the vast majority of the time you'll choose 6 Geonosian Drones over Rune. If you really need a Distraction piece you can bring one in with Lobot; 12 points is a lot to spend on a tech piece that may not be useful in some matchups. 10 points Gambit does improve his chances of table time - a 12 point Diplomat could be a good choice in some squads, - but overall Rune Haako is unlikely to see much play, 3/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 10:49:34 AM
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Ben Skywalker, from Destiny of the Force

22 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Stealth (If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Twin Blaster 10 (Replaces attacks: sight; make 2 attacks against 1 target at +8 Attack and 10 Damage. These count as nonmelee attacks.)

Force Powers
Force 3
Force Withdrawal (Force 1, useable only on this character's turn: Until the start of this character's next turn or until he spends a Force point, he gains Force Immunity)

It was surprising that WOTC never made a Ben Skywalker, since he's a relatively prominent and well connected New Republic character. This version feels very much like a young Jedi - he's only 22 points, with 70 hit points, a 17 defense, and no defensive abilities apart from Stealth. Despite weak stats, Ben Skywalker does have a couple of abilities that make him an interesting option - Twin Blaster means that he can shoot, and with Cunning he's shooting for a respectable twinned 20 damage at +12. He also has the relatively rare Force Withdrawal, which can be a very helpful tool - if he switches it on before he attacks, it means Jedi can't use force powers to defend against him, while he can also gain immunity against force powers like Lord Kaan's Thought Bomb. Overall, Ben feels a little underpowered with his low stats, even with Cunning, he's only hitting at +10, and I haven't seen him on the table since the Destiny of the Force era. Ben Skywalker is a nice flavourful design, but not quite strong enough for the competitive tables, 6/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 1:11:33 PM
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Here's a summation of the ratings so far by set - there are enough ratings to make the numbers somewhat meaningful. According to the ratings, the four most power filled WOTC sets are Imperial Entanglements, Alliance and Empire, Galaxy at War, and Knights of the Old Republic, which seems fair enough. The set that has been underrepresented by good pieces is Clone Wars - none of the 13 highest rated pieces on Bloomilk, including staples like GGDAC, Yobuck, IG-86, Sidious Hologram, Captain Rex etc, have come up on random yet.

Average Rating by Set (the % indicates the percentage of the set rated, ignoring reprints)

Command of the Galaxy has an average rating of 8.7 so far - which doesn't surprise me, as there are a lot of powerful pieces in that set.
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:07:34 PM
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Huge Crab Droid, from Bounty Hunters

39 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 140
Defense: 17
Attack: 9
Damage: 30

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, it gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)

Like just about every WOTC droid, the Huge Crab Droid fails the IG-86 test - it's more expensive than 2 IG-86s, while IG-86s have very similar stats and two of them can put out more damage than the Huge Crab Droid can. The Huge Crab Droid does have a very good hit point to cost ratio over the IG-86s, but more significantly it is disadvantaged with its huge base size. As always it's subject to all the Separatist droid boosts - with a Battle Droid Officer and General Grievous DAC, it's hitting for twin +17s for 30, and with built-in Momentum its damage can get even higher against adjacent pieces. A huge base is a major disadvantage, and a smart opponent will probably be able to stop you basing their major pieces with this, but with its high hit points for its cost, it at least has something going for it. 2/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 5:53:18 PM
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Tionne, from Armed and Operational

34 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 100
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On her turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Affinity (Characters with Light Spirit may be in your squad regardless of faction)
Distraction (Suppresses adjacent enemy commander effects)
Light Tutor (At the start of the skirmish, choose an ally. If that ally does not have a Force rating, it gains Force 1 and can spend this Force point normally; it is considered to have a Force rating for the rest of the skirmish. If that ally already has a Force rating, it gains 1 Force point.)
Rapport (Characters with Light Spirit cost 1 less when in the same squad as this character)
Synergy +4 (+4 Defense while an ally whose name contains Kam Solusar is within 6 squares)

Force Powers
Force 3

Commander Effect
Characters with Light Spirit or Dark Force Spirit are subject to this effect: Allies with Light Spirit or Dark Force Spirit get +2 Speed.

They don't all have to be Tier 1, and Tionne feels like a piece that is designed to introduce some interesting new builds to the New Republic, but not seriously challenge for tournament time. At 34 points, Tionne is a very weak fighter, with moderate stats and hit points, and no defensive abilities, and Distraction as her only real selling point as a combatant. But she is excellent at introducing force spirit options into New Republic builds.

- Light Tutor allows a non-force user to gain a force point - this can be useful to give a non-force user access to a force spirit. With Gantoris able to bring in Exar Kun DFS, you can give a fringe shooter like Dash Renegade Smuggler or Boba Assassin access to Sith Rage.
- She has rapport and affinity for Light Spirits - Qui-Gon Jinn, Force Spirit for Sense the Future or Anakin FS with her Mettle CE are both interesting options.
- Force Spirits gain an extra 2 Speed, allowing them to keep up a bit better - most force spirits are up to Speed 6 with his CE.

There probably are some interesting builds with non force-users getting access to Sith Rage with Tionne, but it's an expensive setup at 200 points, and it's probably not going to get competitive play. Pieces like Tionne are good designs though - not everything has to be at tournament level, and a piece like this that creates a bunch of interesting casual squads is good for the game. 6/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 6:22:42 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Tionne, from Armed and Operational
- He has rapport and affinity for Light Spirits - Qui-Gon Jinn, Force Spirit for Sense the Future or Anakin FS with his Mettle CE are both interesting options.


Tionne Solusar is Kam Solusar's wife.
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