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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 6:28:33 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:


Tionne Solusar is Kam Solusar's wife.

Whoops - updated - I had no idea!
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:18:14 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Tionne, from Armed and Operational

34 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 100
Defense: 18
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On her turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Affinity (Characters with Light Spirit may be in your squad regardless of faction)
Distraction (Suppresses adjacent enemy commander effects)
Light Tutor (At the start of the skirmish, choose an ally. If that ally does not have a Force rating, it gains Force 1 and can spend this Force point normally; it is considered to have a Force rating for the rest of the skirmish. If that ally already has a Force rating, it gains 1 Force point.)
Rapport (Characters with Light Spirit cost 1 less when in the same squad as this character)
Synergy +4 (+4 Defense while an ally whose name contains Kam Solusar is within 6 squares)

Force Powers
Force 3

Commander Effect
Characters with Light Spirit or Dark Force Spirit are subject to this effect: Allies with Light Spirit or Dark Force Spirit get +2 Speed.

They don't all have to be Tier 1, and Tionne feels like a piece that is designed to introduce some interesting new builds to the New Republic, but not seriously challenge for tournament time. At 34 points, Tionne is a very weak fighter, with moderate stats and hit points, and no defensive abilities, and Distraction as her only real selling point as a combatant. But she is excellent at introducing force spirit options into New Republic builds.

- Light Tutor allows a non-force user to gain a force point - this can be useful to give a non-force user access to a force spirit. With Gantoris able to bring in Exar Kun DFS, you can give a fringe shooter like Dash Renegade Smuggler or Boba Assassin access to Sith Rage.
- She has rapport and affinity for Light Spirits - Qui-Gon Jinn, Force Spirit for Sense the Future or Anakin FS with her Mettle CE are both interesting options.
- Force Spirits gain an extra 2 Speed, allowing them to keep up a bit better - most force spirits are up to Speed 6 with his CE.

There probably are some interesting builds with non force-users getting access to Sith Rage with Tionne, but it's an expensive setup at 200 points, and it's probably not going to get competitive play. Pieces like Tionne are good designs though - not everything has to be at tournament level, and a piece like this that creates a bunch of interesting casual squads is good for the game. 6/10.

She does allow for the first combo in the game to 100% guarantee an initiative win. Never tell me the odds (Han GH) + sense the future (Qui-Gon FS through Tionne).

This doesn't change the fact that I agree with all you said, including her rating. Just an interesting point.
Posted: Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:19:28 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
General_Grievous wrote:
TheHutts wrote:
Grievous on Tsmeu-6 Wheel Bike, from Vehicles of War

63 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: 11
Damage: 30

Special Abilities
Cyborg (Counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid; living; subject to critical hits and commander effects)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)
Damage Reduction 10 (Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Galloping Attack (As this character moves, he can attack each adjacent enemy, +4 Attack; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space he has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
Vehicle (At the end of his turn, you may replace this character with a Medium character of equal or lesser cost who counts as Grievous. The replacement character starts with damage equal to the damage currently on this character and is considered activated this round.)
Wall Climber (This character ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving as long as a square he occupies and a square he is moving into are adjacent to a wall)

Commander Effect
Droids are subject to this effect: Non-Unique droid followers within 6 squares gain Double Attack.

I appreciate the big gallop and strafe pieces that came out in Vehicles of War - one of the main reasons that the Lancers are overpowered is that they're so fast with Speed 12 and the ability to be pawned. On the other hand, a beefy unique commander, who's subject to far less boosts, is a great idea - it adds another square to the wonderful patchwork quilt that is our game. There are all sorts of things going on with this Grievous:

- as a high hit point galloper, the closest comparison is Yoda on Kybuck. They play quite differently though - Yobuck is in a faction with movement breakers and has Speed 10, so he's good at getting all over the board. Grievous is in a faction that often has high activations, tempo control, and initiative control, so often he's about going last then going first.
- with the Vehicle mechanic, he can swap at the end of his turn for another Grievous - Hero of Hypori for some tough anti-Jedi action or Scourge of the Jedi, for a big hit on one piece while retaining the CE, are both strong options.
- if you build around his commander effect, you certainly need to keep him alive - double attack for non-unique droids is very useful, and you'll often see Grievous with BX Snipers.

It's a shame that Grievous is affected by Buzz Droids; as he seems fairly costed without this vulnerability, and he'd be a really good meta choice as he has a good chance against other popular yet disliked meta squads such as Daala and Klat Assassin swarms. But he's still a really good piece for the cost - it's nice to see some beefier swarm control pieces, as it adds some more diversity to the game. 8/10.

This Grievous is my favourite piece in the game and such a well designed piece. He also works very well with Tann and gets advanced shields from her, becoming even tougher. While buzz droids are annoying, I think he is the strafe/gallop piece least affected by them due to his damage reducing abilities and has allowed me to win tournaments utilizing his wide range and damage reducing power. Another thing to consider is that he is similar to Palleon in allowing you the choice of what to swap for. DAC for some board wide twin, Scourge for those with twin or single shot, or HoH to steal potential points from your opponent and lay down the Jedi hate. A very versatile piece and one of the best designed so far. I still wish Buzz droids only targeted non uniques but I suppose everyone needs it's counter.

If you Gallop early in the round and are sure he will die before his next turn... and if you have taken 60 damage or less so far... then one of the dirtiest plays in the game is still legal. Kaleesh Warlord dismounts. He dies, but your opponent gets 22 points instead of 63.

Haha super dirty but tons of fun. I love the ability to customize the Grievous after the fact
Posted: Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:18:19 PM
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Elite Scout Trooper, from Destiny of the Force

13 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 17
Attack: 8
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Scout Trooper (Counts as a character named Scout Trooper)
Evade (When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Stealth (If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)

You may think I'm only covering the Elite Scout Trooper because it just came second in GenCon today (good work atmsalad!), but I actually started this on Wednesday - it's just crazy randomiser doing its thing again.

Unlike most Imperial troopers, the Elite Scout Trooper is relatively self-sufficient with 50 hit points, stealth, and evade, but unlike most popular Imperial troopers it costs 13 points, so you can typically only have 5-6 troopers in a build. Since it's an Imperial trooper, it has obvious synergies with Admiral Daala, where it can pick up Charging Fire and the +4 +10 bonus from Prideful. Even with Prideful, the Scout is still only at +12 for 30 damage, so it's certainly not a heavy hitter for its cost, although it makes up for its lack of offense with its tough defense - 50 hit points, 17 defense, stealth, and evade is a lot of durability for a 13 point piece.

I played around with Elite Scout Trooper builds before the Daala errata, and they were definitely very good, but I would have thought that losing rapport, as well as the extra 10 damage on the Charging Fire, would have been enough to relegate them to the fringes of the competitive game. However, they've shown some solid results during the competitive season this year - pegolego went unbeaten through Swiss at the Tennessee Regional running:

Daala's pre-party troopers, Daala, 6 elite scout troopers, palleon, ozzel, piet, commander to give super stealth,forget the rest right off hand.

While atmsalad was top after Swiss at the GenCon 2014 Championships, and second overall, running something like this (not sure if I have the latest version):

--Only Tarkins Finest--
27 Admiral Daala
16 Admiral Gilad Pellaeon
16 Security Officer Stormtrooper
14 Imperial Officer
14 Stormtrooper on Repulsor Sled
65 Elite Scout Trooper x5
11 Captain Needa
8 Mas Amedda
8 R7 Astromech Droid
15 Imperial Dignitary x3
3 Mouse Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Preferred Reserves:
(Admiral Daala) 14 Stormtrooper on Repulsor Sled
(Admiral Daala) 5 Imperial Dignitary

(200pts. 18 activations)

Elite Scout Troopers, with their defensive abilities and access to Imperial commanders, can be a very good trooper option to build around - with their higher cost they're quite a different kettle of fish than most trooper builds. But as atmsalad has shown today, they can be very effective, 9/10.
Posted: Friday, August 15, 2014 11:10:54 AM
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Utapaun Soldier, from Revenge of the Sith

10 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 16
Attack: 5
Damage: 20

With no Special Abilities, there's nothing interesting about the Utapaun Soldier. 20 base damage is nice, and the attack of 5 isn't bottom shelf, but he's unplayable compared to the Klat Assassin, which is obviously the gold standard for fringe shooters in this price range. He even looks bad compared to other dated pieces in his point range like the Quarren Assassin. WOTC made a lot of bad fringe attackers in the 6-12 point price range, and at the end of the day the Utapaun Soldier is just another filler piece, 1/10.
Posted: Friday, August 15, 2014 11:24:27 AM
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Dr. Evazan, from Universe

10 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Homicidal Surgery (Replaces turn: touch; deal 10 damage to a living character. An allied character can instead remove 10 damage from itself with a save of 11.)
Rapport (Ponda Baba costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

While competitive players are going to reach for the v-set Evazan the majority of the time, this version still has his uses. Homicidal Surgery is weak for a 10 point piece, since it replaces turn, and its only 10 damage, but it is one of the only methods to put damage on your own pieces, which can be useful to activate abilities like Protective and Scarification. In a lot of cases though, Momaw Nadon is much stronger at the roles of damaging your own pieces and killing diplomats, so Evazan's scope is limited, but since he's cheaper and can come in with Bribery too, there is still a role for him occasionally. 3/10.
Posted: Saturday, August 16, 2014 11:29:16 AM
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Jax Pavan, from Dark Times

16 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: 10
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Affinity (May be in a Republic squad)
Lightsaber (+10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Mettle (If this character spends 1 Force point to reroll, add +4 to the result)

Force Powers
Force 2
Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)

Jax Pavan is a 17 point Jedi shooter, who's vying for a position as third or fourth attacker in a Rebel or Republic squad. He feels like one of those pieces that has some interesting potential, and may have got some attention upon release,
but who's not really strong enough to revisit later. He's fine defensively for 16 points - 70 hit points and lightsaber deflect is good defense for a 16 point piece, but he's limited offensively with only 10 damage and a single attack. Of course, you can boost him; in Rebels he can pick up twin from the cloaked SpecForce Technician or via Camaraderie from Laranth Tarak, as well as Evade and Mobile from General Rieekan. In the Republic easy boosts include twin from a Czerka and Opportunist from Yularen. But realistically, you can't build heavily around a 16 point piece, and his only real chance of seeing play is slotting in with another piece with similar synergies - Dass Jennir from the same set is much more feasible to build around, and has similar Special Abilities as a non-melee Jedi, so requires similar support. But the vast majority of the time, Lando Dashing Scoundrel is a much better shooter in the same price range with Mobile and better damage output. Jax can work, but only in a few specific builds; not a bad piece for 16 points, but very limited in scope, 6/10.
Posted: Sunday, August 17, 2014 7:31:37 PM
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Zann Consortium Droideka, from Armed and Operational

21 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Advanced Shields 1 (When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 6)
Blast Cannon (+10 Damage against targets within 6 squares)
Defensive Plates (If this character does not move, until the end of its next turn, it gains Damage Reduction 10)
Ion Gun +20 (+20 Damage against nonliving enemies)
Rival (Cannot be in a Separatist squad)
Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)
Wheeled (Replaces turn: Can move up to 18 squares, then attack)

I've enjoyed playing Old Republic droid squads in the past, so it's a shame that I haven't had a chance to run the Zann Consortium Droideka yet; it's such a natural fit for Bao Dur TS squads that it may as well be an Old Republic piece. The Zann Droideka has Rival, so they can't be in a Separatist squad - which means that they're a good option for Bao Dur squads, a great idea to increase diversity for them, as like WOTC Separatist squads, it was easy for them to get into the rut where IG-86s were the strongest option. The Droideka is definitely strong enough to rival the IG-86 for playing time, as it's tougher defensively, and has interesting extras like Splash 10 and Blast Cannon - although probably an optimised Bao Dur squad contains a mixture of IG-86s and Zann Droidekas.

Bao Dur Tech Specialist gives the Zann Droideka double attack and fire control, and along with the +10 damage from Bastila's Advanced Battle Meditation, they turn into reasonably nasty attackers, with their own Splash, Blast Cannon, and Ion Gun +20. They're also sufficiently tough defensively, with Advanced Shields 1 and Defensive Plates, which was previously only on an obscure Dejarik piece, while Wheeled allows them to move 18 squares then attack.

Outside the Old Republic, the Droideka might see some play in a Kazdan squad, or as a reinforcement in a squad with Gha Nachkt - but overwhelmingly it feels like it's mostly going to be useful in an Old Republic squad. As I haven't played them yet, I don't quite have a gauge on how good they are, but I do feel like there's at least a semi-competitive squad with them somewhere, right now I'm going with 8/10.
Posted: Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:01:13 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Jax Pavan, from Dark Times

16 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: 10
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Affinity (May be in a Republic squad)
Lightsaber (+10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Mettle (If this character spends 1 Force point to reroll, add +4 to the result)

Force Powers
Force 2
Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)

Jax Pavan is a 17 point Jedi shooter, who's vying for a position as third or fourth attacker in a Rebel or Republic squad. He feels like one of those pieces that has some interesting potential, and may have got some attention upon release,
but who's not really strong enough to revisit later. He's fine defensively for 16 points - 70 hit points and lightsaber deflect is good defense for a 16 point piece, but he's limited offensively with only 10 damage and a single attack. Of course, you can boost him; in Rebels he can pick up twin from the cloaked SpecForce Technician, while in Republic easy boosts include twin from a Czerka and Opportunist from Yularen. But realistically, you can't build heavily around a 16 point piece, and his only real chance of seeing play is slotting in with another piece with similar synergies - Dass Jennir from the same set is much more feasible to build around, and has similar Special Abilities as a non-melee Jedi, so requires similar support. But the vast majority of the time, Lando Dashing Scoundrel is a much better shooter in the same price range with Mobile and better damage output. Jax can work, but only in a few specific builds; not a bad piece for 16 points, but very limited in scope, 6/10.

Also twin from Laranth.
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2014 12:19:48 AM
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Oops I forgot about Laranth. I don't think there's much tournament potential with that pair, but it's such a specific boost that I should have mentioned it.
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2014 6:07:55 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Dr. Evazan, from Universe

10 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: 3
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Homicidal Surgery (Replaces turn: touch; deal 10 damage to a living character. An allied character can instead remove 10 damage from itself with a save of 11.)
Rapport (Ponda Baba costs 1 less when in the same squad as this character)

While competitive players are going to reach for the v-set Evazan the majority of the time, this version still has his uses. Homicidal Surgery is weak for a 10 point piece, since it replaces turn, and its only 10 damage, but it is one of the only methods to put damage on your own pieces, which can be useful to activate abilities like Protective and Scarification. Additionally, he can also kill diplomats, since there's no targeting on Homicidal Surgery. In a lot of cases though, Momaw Nadon is much stronger at the roles of damaging your own pieces and killing diplomats, so Evazan's scope is limited, but since he's cheaper and can come in with Bribery too, there is still a role for him occasionally. 3/10.

Something I always enjoyed doing with this guy was using him to clear diplomat walls away in my Vong squads. His Homicidal Surgery, unlike the newer Evazan, isn't an attack and thus can kill diplomats easily. Just little known use for him that I've enjoyed suprising my opponents with over the years. I once played a game with this Evazan and he won me the game cause I was playing th Yuuzhan Vong Quednaks and the opponent had set up a wall of diplomats that my Quednaks could get past. I used Evazan earlier in the squad to purposefully damage my quednaks to get scarification to work, but I ran Evazan up and he took out 3 diplomats that game with his Homicidal Surgery, and turned the tide for my squad which went on to win once the wall was broken. So I'll always love this piece for a long time.
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2014 6:27:59 AM
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Mando wrote:
TheHutts wrote:
Dr. Evazan, from Universe

Homicidal Surgery (Replaces turn: touch; deal 10 damage to a living character. An allied character can instead remove 10 damage from itself with a save of 11.)

Something I always enjoyed doing with this guy was using him to clear diplomat walls away in my Vong squads. His Homicidal Surgery, unlike the newer Evazan, isn't an attack and thus can kill diplomats easily. Just little known use for him that I've enjoyed suprising my opponents with over the years. I once played a game with this Evazan and he won me the game cause I was playing th Yuuzhan Vong Quednaks and the opponent had set up a wall of diplomats that my Quednaks could get past. I used Evazan earlier in the squad to purposefully damage my quednaks to get scarification to work, but I ran Evazan up and he took out 3 diplomats that game with his Homicidal Surgery, and turned the tide for my squad which went on to win once the wall was broken. So I'll always love this piece for a long time.

I probably misunderstood when I first read this. If there are no other enemies in LOS, it would work in that case. Nonetheless, it should be mentioned that it targets since there is no reference in the card text or glossary.

Homicidal Surgery uses targeting rules to select an enemy (since no alternative method is specified and selecting an enemy is required.)
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2014 1:41:10 PM
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Oops, I read that somewhere on Bloomilk about Homicidal Surgery not targeting and assumed it was true - I've edited the original article.
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2014 5:32:36 PM
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Sith Trooper, from Champions of the Force

8 points, Sith
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 14
Attack: 5
Damage: 20

In a post Lancer/Yobuck game, it's risky to build around a 10 hit point scrub. Despite access to some passable boosts, building an entire squad around Sith Troopers is asking for trouble, and I've never seen them on the table. Having said that, Gloom Walker Snipers with 50 hit points and Stealth have seen action at major tournaments recently, probably the first Sith troopers to see competitive play for a long time - they can pick up Cunning from Grand Admiral Rulf Yage and Double Attack from a Sith Trooper Captain. So while it would be foolish to build an entire squad around Sith Troopers, as they're not powerful enough to justify the risk of running into a really bad matchup, having competitively viable Gloom Walker Sniper builds does give them a chance of seeing some play, as there's no reason why you can't throw in a Sith Trooper or two to shoot fodder and combine fire. The Sith Trooper isn't a great piece for 8 points, but as a cheap shooter with access to trooper bonuses, it might be worth throwing into some Sith trooper builds, 4/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 12:26:17 AM
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Jedi Trainee, from Command of the Galaxy

18 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Padawan (This character can spend a Unique ally's Force points as though they were its own. It still cannot spend Force points more than once per turn and cannot combine the ally's Force points with its own.)
Trainee (While adjacent to an ally with Melee Attack and a Force rating, this character uses the printed Attack and Defense ratings of itself or that ally, whichever are higher)

Force Powers
Force 2
Lightsaber Defense (Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Lightsaber Flurry (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 4 attacks at -10 Damage)

Command of the Galaxy was chock full of power pieces, so it's not surprising that some of its less competitive pieces slipped by relatively unnoticed. The Jedi Trainee has some potential - with Trainee it can easily pick up really good stats if it's paired with a high stat piece like Shado Vao Jedi Master (13 attack and 22 defense), while it's sufficiently hardy for the cost with 50 hit points, lightsaber defense, and a high defense rating from another Jedi. Offensively, it's relatively limited, with just a single attack, except it does have Lightsaber Flurry where it can make four attacks at -10 damage. Damage boosts are relatively hard to come by in the New Republic; it can pick up Deceptive from the Corellian or Deadeye from Queen Mother Tenel Ka, but both are situational and difficult to use. But at the least, the Jedi Trainee isn't bad as a fodder clearer - with a potentially high attack it should be good at clearing out Ugnaughts and Mouse Droids, although Momaw Nadon's War Throat is still probably the stronger option. Strangely the Jedi Trainess is also overshadowed by the similar Jedi Training Droid, which was released in the previous set; maybe it's not surprising this piece hasn't had so much attention; 5/10.
Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 4:13:37 PM
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Old Republic Senator, from Destiny of the Force

14 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 14
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Diplomat (If an attacker has line of sight to any enemies without Diplomat, this character is not a legal target and does not count as the nearest enemy, even if adjacent)

Commander Effect
At the end of this character's turn, 1 Old Republic follower within 6 squares can make an immediate attack at +10 Damage.

Cannon CEs are very strong, and the Old Republic Senator is an Old Republic staple. The Senator grants an immediate attack at +10 damage to an Old Republic Follower - he's often used in conjunction with Carth Onasi Old Republic Soldier and his twin Cunning attack, but there are plenty of other good candidates among the OR. It's worth noting that when for a twin attacker, only the first attack is at +10 damage, and the second doesn't receive the bonus.

As well as the cannon CE, the Old Republic Senator is a Diplomat, and can use all the normal Diplomat tricks like acting as walking cover and generally getting in the way. With only 10 hit points, it is very vulnerable to Momaw Nadon - it can use a Mouse Droid to transmit its CE, but the Mouse is vulnerable to Momaw as well. It's tempting to stack up on OR Senators since they're powerful and can increase your damage output markedly, but I think that one is often the optimum number as they're vulnerable to counters like Bastila's CE negation and disruptive. Great piece though, and you'll see one in most Old Republic squads, 10/10.
Posted: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:23:23 AM
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Mira, from Knights of the Old Republic

47 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
Demolition Charge (Replaces turn: 1 adjacent Huge or larger enemy with Mounted Weapon is defeated; save 6)
Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking)
Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, she makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Sense (Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters lose Stealth for the rest of the round)

Talking of potential recipients for the Old Republic Senator's cannon CE, here's another - Mira is a twin attacker, and with Splash and accurate as well as Bounty Hunter +4, she can wreak some havoc. Force Sense is a really useful Force Power on a shooter too, as it means she can deal with super stealth, while Mobile allows her to keep out of line of sight of enemy shooters. But Mira does pales in comparison to the GMA double/twin turrets that followed her in the next few sets - at 47 points she's pricey for just a twin attack, even though Splash 10 and Accurate Shot make her twin attack a lot more useful than it might look at first glance. Mira's also fragile for 47 points with only 80 hit points and no defensive abilities, so she doesn't have much to protect her if she's standing out in the open to use the Old Republic Senators shots, since the Old Republic don't have many movement breakers.

Mira does have a lot of potential - the Accurate/Splash combination is very strong, and she's the only piece in the entire game to have it - but at 47 points and with limited defensive skills, she's currently mostly outside the competitive game. She is a very interesting and unique piece though; it'd be great to see her improved via Camaraderie (stealth or evade would be very helpful) or an Old Republic remake of her at some stage. But right now, I think a low 7/10 is about right; lots of offensive potential, but too squishy for her cost to really make it as a competitive piece.
Posted: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 7:52:31 PM
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Boma, from Knights of the Old Republic

22 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 100
Defense: 13
Attack: 10
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Savage (This character must end its move next to an enemy if it can and does not benefit from commander effects)
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Charging Assault +10 (Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then make an attack at +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy)

For 22 points, the Boma is significantly underpowered - a large base and Savage are significant drawbacks, and there's not enough here to make up for it. Charging Assault +10 is useful, as it means the Boma can charge 12 squares to hit something, but the pitiful 13 defense basically cancels out the very respectable 100 hit points, meaning that the Boma isn't particularly robust for 22 points, given its other limitations. You could have a bit of fun with a Boma in a Celeste Morne squad, where it can pick up the +4 +10 bonus, but there are much better options for a Savage squad. The Boma is a weak piece for 22 points, 2/10.
Posted: Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:39:44 AM
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SpecForce Technician, from Scum and Villainy

15 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Blaster Upgrade (Allies within 6 squares with nonmelee attacks that deal exactly 10 Damage gain Twin Attack)
Munitions Supplies (Replaces turn: choose 1 adjacent ally to gain Grenades 10 for the rest of the skirmish)
Rig Blaster (Allies within 6 squares with nonmelee attacks that deal exactly 10 damage gain Jolt)
Stealth (If this character has cover, does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)

With 30 hit points and Stealth, the SpecForce Technician is like a Rebel Czerka Scientist with a semblance of survivability. I'm not a big fan of grenades, so I don't think Munitions Supplies is especially significant, but Jolt and Twin for 10 damage non-melee pieces is very helpful. One obvious beneficiary is Leia Rebel Commando from the same set - with Accurate Shot and Surprise Attack she can activate a key piece before the round has even started. But there are plenty of other options for the Technician too - Fringe accurate shooters like the Rodian Assassin or Jawa Scavenger can also activate big pieces, it's the best way for Dass Jennir to get twin for his big Dispassionate Killer attack, Cunning/Opportunist SpecForce Infiltrators can keep hurting the target after it's activated, while the Rebels have Han Smuggler to hurt any piece who's activated. The SpecForce Technician is potentially a very useful tool for the Rebels, and feels like it's been overlooked to some degree, 8/10.
Posted: Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:52:01 PM
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General Veers, from Rebel Storm

21 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 10

Special Abilities

Commander Effect
Non-Unique followers within 6 squares gain Accurate Shot.

General Veers stands up better in the modern game than any other unique from Rebel Storm (although you could make an argument for Grand Moff Tarkin too). With high hit points for a 21 point commander, and decent stats, he can hold his own, but really it's all about his Commander Effect, and giving non-unique followers Accurate Shot is very strong in some builds. He's really come into his own with the shift to 200 points; he's almost impossible to build around at 100 points, and difficult to squeeze in at 150 points, but he fits the 200 point format really well. He made the top 8 at GenCon this year, 10 years after his release, with this squad:

Jason Kiernan (urbanjedi)
thrawn (mithkungfunudo)
3x handmaidens
jabba cl

While he's also seen some competitive action with Storm Commandos/General Weir and with some Daala trooper swarms. General Veers is still a very impressive piece for 21 points - he's way out of step with most of Rebel Storm, which looks antiquated in comparison. 9/10.
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