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Posted: Thursday, February 24, 2011 4:51:34 AM
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just posted one. I didn't place it in the tradehouse itself. He quite probably has admin rights if he can filter out his negative trades so well there. I placed it in the star wars general forum where there are different mods.
Posted: Thursday, February 24, 2011 1:36:13 PM
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gregoryF wrote:

just posted one. I didn't place it in the tradehouse itself. He quite probably has admin rights if he can filter out his negative trades so well there. I placed it in the star wars general forum where there are different mods.

You overestimate how many people they give mod powers over there. I can assure you, he can only edit his own posts.
Posted: Friday, February 25, 2011 5:15:56 AM
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Alas, I have found the problem.

The user name for the guy listed as having 40+ good trades in Wizards Marketplace is Kaxel Vofer, not Kaxel_Vofer. No underscore _

He hijacked his name. I went through every entry on this GTL and the prior one in the original tradehouse. He either isn't the same guy, or; are the same guy with one user name to trade and a seperate one for when he intends to rip people off. That explains why he went from a +40 to a streak of ripoffs.

Nobody trade with this guy. He's scamming people to send first under the pretense he is someone else. I assume he'll hijack another name when this one is banned. if anyone has any doubts, email me and I'll tell you if he's using the same address or one close by.
Posted: Friday, February 25, 2011 5:46:38 AM
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It's the same guy. The forums were updated at some point, and that messed a lot of stuff up. It might have changed there.
Posted: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:48:07 AM
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i went through the trade list from the trade house from before it moved to the marketplace. Nothing. I looked through every single one of the 200 pages, which covers a great deal of time, and there wasn't one reference for him. There's only five references for him posted on the new new list in the marketplace. Nothing at all to justify how he somehow has a +35 beside his name in the first place. I'm assuming he is either mimicking another users name in attempt to ride off of their + rating, or; he conned someone into giving him a +35 by saying it was lost when the list changed. It doesn't add up that someone would have a +35, quit trading altogether for over two years, then show up later and begin a string of ripoffs.

Posted: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:52:26 AM
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Either way it crushes his argument. It's the same postal system. It's hard to claim the post office aided in 35 consecutive smooth trades, then, try to explain how the post office is totally screwed up and you have now lost items over ten times in a row. Either his post office is fine and he's really had 35 good trades,or; it's all screwed up and none of the last ten are his fault. Both can't be true.
Posted: Thursday, March 3, 2011 3:13:09 PM
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reporting a poor trade: Freedom ThumbDown

they contacted me with a trade offer on 1/16.
agreed to a trade on 1/17.
No DC# sent and no package arrived.
Ping them about it on 1/30. No response.
Bumped his trade thread on 2/1.
They responded saying they were going to send with additional pieces on 2/2.
2/3 I sent response saying just send the original trade. No DC# and no package.
Pinged again on 3/1. No response.
3/3 I canceled the trade in their trade thread since they do not read their PM's.

Note: I did not send first or simul-send due to trade status. So I have lost nothing.
Posted: Thursday, March 3, 2011 5:11:25 PM
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Here's a kaxel_voffer update

He just sent me this email

"Listen Greg I'm not really one of those [ethnic slur]. I live in Mexico because I'm retired and living with a women HALF my age. I scam people because i have nothing else to do. So I'm gonna say L O L to you. Because no one believes you that's why I'm not on the bad traders list! You pansy muffin I know how to scam people and get away with it! Greettings! LOL"

if anyone has been ripped off by this guy, send me any information you have. I'll need your name,contact information, a log of the conversation if possible, and the dates to submit a report. I have no intentions of stopping until I can rest knowing someone's big mouth landed them in prison over a star wars toy. Oh and Kaxel, I'd keep your reason for being arrested to yourself. That won't go over well in the prison showers in Mexico.


I have a new hobby now and it's you. You can thank your mouth for this.

[edit - swinefeld]
Posted: Friday, March 4, 2011 8:18:24 AM
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Feel free to lift my entire conversation with him from my post in the bad trade list. I wonder if his half age woman is jailbait (retired or not...)?Also thanks for giving a pointed grammar lesson. I cringed every time I read that ridiculous "greetttings".
Big D
Posted: Friday, March 4, 2011 8:26:52 AM
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BENE wrote:
Feel free to lift my entire conversation with him from my post in the bad trade list. I wonder if his half age woman is jailbait (retired or not...)?Also thanks for giving a pointed grammar lesson. I cringed every time I read that ridiculous "greetttings".
Who knows what the Law is for Jail bait in the Mex, lol. If the postal service is as Funky as people claim, then Im even more sure that the Law is just as.....funky. (as in stinks, not as in groovy)
Notice there is no Defense on the other end? once he read that Email he sent to Greg, he hasnt been on.
Posted: Friday, March 4, 2011 12:08:39 PM
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I wish to remind everyone that the primary purpose of this thread is for members to post trading issues, and their supporting information for those specific claims.

There has been a lot of, um, controversy regarding Kaxel Vofer. I have upgraded his status to bad trader/scamming for refusing to send his end of the trade in the issue posted by sack1085. I invested a lot of time trying to get that resolved, to no avail. Of everything posted here, that is the only issue where he clearly acknowledged receiving the shipment sent to him. The issue posted by Bene sort of meets that criteria, but not to the same extent. I tried to get that resolved as well. Oddly enough, another trade involving Kaxel that I did some mediation in was recently completed by him.

I have rather strong opinions about what "good" trading practices are. My opinions do not equal the "rules" for trading here, nor are they acceptable as the basis for putting people on the BTL. Whether I or any of you like it or not, I have to take a careful and objective approach when making decisions on these issues, particularly where the details are messy, and trust me, they were messy.

I've received a lot of additional information regarding Kaxel that I need some time to digest. It probably doesn't matter, as the volume of complaints posted here should be enough to dissuade anyone from trading with him, but I do appreciate the assistance. BlooMilk

Those of you with unresolved trades with him, please do keep me posted if he acknowledges receipt of shipment and doesn't reciprocate.

Posted: Saturday, March 5, 2011 12:42:02 PM
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Ok I hate to put anything here, but I would like to warn anyone trying to work out a trade with revandarth. He and I were working out a trade and he had posted that he would trade trade his AT-AT for Cad Bane. I agreed to that and then he began to complain and make excuses about the shipping charges. He continued to make excuses over the next week and finally the trade offer ended with no deal sealed. Just be prepared to have a "fun" experience working out any deal with him.
Posted: Saturday, March 5, 2011 1:16:34 PM
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well I then give a +1 to cicrush13 for bullying.

1. He does not have Cad in trade stock so it is my thinking that he does not own and trying to steal my walker.

2.Furthur more no address's were exchange so it was not a confirm trade.

3. I do not reply to bully's

I have send all pm to swinefeld
Posted: Saturday, March 5, 2011 3:50:24 PM
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Greg F.

i feel your pain. I made a trade with Kaxel over three years ago. It resulted in me sending the same mini twice and it costing me cash versus having an extra mini. I cannot say whether I was being scammed or the postal service in Mexico sucks. I will say that I will never trade again with anyone in Mexico or further south. I have had the same problems sending to Brazil.

Posted: Sunday, March 6, 2011 8:32:37 AM
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revandarth wrote:

1. He does not have Cad in trade stock so it is my thinking that he does not own and trying to steal my walker.

I hardly ever update that section of my collection. When I try to work out a trade with an incoming mini, I don't post it since I would like to be able to trade it before someone else tries to make me an offer on it. I have him sitting on my desk right now and the trader who sent him to me can confirm that he sent.
Posted: Tuesday, March 8, 2011 3:34:31 PM
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Commenting on an issue:

cicrush13 wrote:
Ok I hate to put anything here, but I would like to warn anyone trying to work out a trade with revandarth. He and I were working out a trade and he had posted that he would trade trade his AT-AT for Cad Bane. I agreed to that and then he began to complain and make excuses about the shipping charges. He continued to make excuses over the next week and finally the trade offer ended with no deal sealed. Just be prepared to have a "fun" experience working out any deal with him.

cicrush13 discussed the circumstances with me in more detail before posting the above, and revandarth also contacted me and provided bloomails.

revandarth wrote:
well I then give a +1 to cicrush13 for bullying.

1. He does not have Cad in trade stock so it is my thinking that he does not own and trying to steal my walker.

2.Furthur more no address's were exchange so it was not a confirm trade.

3. I do not reply to bully's

I have send all pm to swinefeld

In response to revandarth's post:

1) Whether or not someone has the piece listed in their trades is not really relevant. (see below)
I understand the concern for protecting yourself, but keep in mind you were negotiating with the #1 trader (by a wide margin) on the GTL here.

2) This is correct - per the guidelines the trade was not finalized. cicrush13 acknowledges that, and therefore after he and I talked, he did not request a +1 BTL for a canceled trade.

3) I didn't see any bullying going on. A bit of frustration that the deal fell through at the last minute probably, but not bullying.

cicrush13 wrote:
revandarth wrote:

1. He does not have Cad in trade stock so it is my thinking that he does not own and trying to steal my walker.

I hardly ever update that section of my collection. When I try to work out a trade with an incoming mini, I don't post it since I would like to be able to trade it before someone else tries to make me an offer on it. I have him sitting on my desk right now and the trader who sent him to me can confirm that he sent.

After reviewing the bloomails, I don't really understand why this trade wasn't completed. Everything was pretty well worked out, though revandarth was asking about the possibility of an in-person trade, which cicrush13 responded to asking where he was located, without follow up by revandarth.

revandarth's communication could have been better. I think if he was having second thoughts about the trade he should have just came right out and said so, rather than let the negotiations get as far as they did. In the end, there was no confirmation of the deal, so I won't be taking any action on this.

Address exchange has to be what finalizes the deal. There just isn't another way that wouldn't result in a Pandora's box of issues cropping up. At the same time, I'm not thrilled to see it functioning as an 11th-hour technicality that relieves traders from responsibility in an otherwise fully negotiated trade. And I'm not referring to this trade specifically, as there is another similar situation I will comment on soon.

This is where posting an issue here without calling for a bad trade reference comes into play. It's a heads-up for other traders, and a reminder to all to be diligent in communicating and to negotiate trades in good faith. And of course, both parties can give their story. Having said that, this isn't a place to post any little irritation you feel over how a particular deal goes down. You can alway contact me first. I'm here to help any way I can.

On a side note, Kaxel Vofer is gone (I've already suspended him, and an IP ban request, assuming he can be pinpointed, will be going to Shinja shortly).

Let's get back to having fun trading BlooMilk
Posted: Friday, March 11, 2011 4:23:42 AM
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Demosthenes wrote:
+1 for Billy Dooku
+1 for lord_osma

I really hate to put them on here because I was holding out hope they would complete the trades. Both of them failed to send anything after exchange of addresses was made. Both agreed to send first, and I haven't seen anything in over a month, or gotten any responses to my messages. I'm hoping they'll get back in contact with me, but until then, the BTL is where they should be.

Adding 90-day warnings to these traders for effectively canceling confirmed trades. This can be changed to a slow shipping warning if these trades end up completed (or removed if Demosthenes wishes).

They both have been absent from the site for 2 weeks or more and did not respond to my messages.

(hopefully most traders here are making use of e-mail notifications for bloomails...)

[edit: removed expired warnings on 6/26/2011 - swinefeld]
Posted: Friday, March 18, 2011 4:32:37 AM
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One more bad trader mark for Kaxel Vofer, but since he is already banned it seems I am late.
Posted: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 9:11:35 AM
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I set up two trades back at the beginning of this month. I haven't heard from either person since then. They were both supposed to send first, but I have yet to recieve minis from either. I have messaged them both several times, since then and have heard nothing back. How long do I wait before giving them +1 on the btl?
Posted: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:25:41 AM
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Djstarr05 wrote:
I set up two trades back at the beginning of this month. I haven't heard from either person since then. They were both supposed to send first, but I have yet to recieve minis from either. I have messaged them both several times, since then and have heard nothing back. How long do I wait before giving them +1 on the btl?

I believe its 3 weeks within US and 9 weeks outside. SF should be able to clear this up.
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