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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 2:04:36 PM
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He is a fitting candidate for two 1s in my book. Same cost and same set as R2 Astromech Droid - one is obviously better than the other.

Since we're 25% of the way through all the pieces, here's a graph of average rating per set so far:

There's a big line between the best 10 sets and everything else at the moment. I'm still waiting for a Clone Wars comeback, but a lot of the other 40 piece WOTC sets are quite uneven.
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 4:24:09 PM
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Republic Commando - Scorch, from Champions of the Force

16 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 17
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Order 66
Grenades 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)
Satchel Charge (Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed)
Stealth (If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)

The Republic Commandos look quaint now, and it's healthy that they've recently been replaced by newer versions. Scorch is mostly notable for his Grenades and Satchel Charge - it's obviously expensive to have your 16 point piece tied up blowing doors, although he's a good insurance policy in case of lockout. While he starts with Grenades 10, he can pick up Grenades 30 from the Republic Commando Training Sergeant, although since it's via a CE, it's vulnerable to Bastila and Disruptive.

The Scorch/Republic Commando Training Sergeant combo hasn't been competitive for a long time, possibly never - at the end of the day both pieces only have 30 hit points - and they've been replaced by newer versions. For only four extra points you can grab Republic Commando Darman and Elite Republic Commando Scorch, where you get two pieces with 60 hit points; the new Scorch brings Delta Shield Support and Darman comes with Grenades 40, while they're also much stronger shooters.

TL;DR? This Republic Commando - Scorch is badly dated, but he's just been given a great remake; play the new one instead. 2/10.

Update - he's a decent filler option for a Republic Commando squad with support from the new Elites. There'll probably always be a better option, but he's still solid, 5/10.
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 5:18:35 PM
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WotC and Vset commandos are not mutually exclusive. All of the bonuses granted by the new Elite Commandos are also granted to the WotC versions. So Scorch here has access to Shields, Synergy, Coordinated Movement, Kolto Pack, and Stable Footing. All that together makes him well worth his points. The problem, of course, is that he's not (normally) a better choice than the other commandos. I think taking an extra WotC Sev or Boss could be worthwhile, or you could take some Omega squad pieces. The reason to take Scorch is if you want another door control option while maximizing the synergy with the commandos. You can basically fit 3 WotC commandos for 2 Vset commandos, which can be worth it when whatever you choose gets all of the bonuses listed above. The 4 Elites are virtual shoo-ins for a Republic Commando squad. Beyond that, there are Omega squad pieces that cost just as much as the Elites, and there are WotC pieces. Plus a few other pieces that might be worth including for further boosts - Captain Rex and Bacara for example.

I don't think the best combo beyond the 4 Elites has been figured out yet, and I don't think Scorch will be part of that combination. Still, I think he's a high 6/10. Might not be the best choice, but if you take him in a commando squad along with the 4 Elites, he'll do just fine.
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:32:21 PM
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I guess the new Commandos do make him a lot better, but I still don't think he'll ever see play. Part of the confusing thing is that I've already rated WOTC Boss and Sev before Shadows/Undying was released - maybe I do need to go back and rate them in view of the new v-sets. Boss arguably jumps from a 2 to an 8 now he has a good piece (new Sev) to give a cannon shot to. It feels weird giving Scorch a better rating than Boss.

I guess he gets some good synergies, but I still don't think Scorch is much use - in a Republic Commando squad you'll almost certainly have R2 Astromech (override), new Fixer (override), and new Scorch (shatter beam), and maybe Lobot too, so you have plenty of door control already. After that, I'd probably just take an Ugnaught - while Scorch synergises with the other Commandos, he's still not a great piece for 16 points (or 14 points with Rapport). Maybe a 5 or a 6 is fair enough though.

I wonder if one left-field Commando squad would be new Sev, new Fixer (for the +4), Flobi, and new Cody. Tow Sev into position and triple/twin accurate with deadeye. If you kill something significant, the rest of the squad should be able to finish up.
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 8:39:20 PM
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I think there are a lot of viable Commando squads, but something will probably stand out soon enough.

I tend to think that the strongest commando squads will not include many non-commandos. The synergies are so strong that I think it's worth it to use them on as many pieces as you can. The version I've been running doesn't even have R2-AM. 4 Elites, Niner, Bacara. 2 WotC Bosses and a WotC Sev. (Kaminoan Clone Technician so far, but I decided Mas is better.) With 8 commandos, you have a lot of options with Coordinated Movement. And 3 cannon shots lets you put out a lot of shots when/where you need to. In that squad, you could drop a boss and add Scorch and probably not feel it. Sub-optimal, but it's not going to break the squad. 5 or 6 seems right.
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 1:01:48 PM
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Telosian Tank Droid, from The Force Unleashed

38 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 15
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Damage Reduction 10 (Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
Rigid (Can't squeeze)
Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

As noted plenty of times already on this thread, Huge pieces are inherently disadvantaged by their Huge bases, especially if they don't have flight. The Telosian Tank Droid has some neat stuff - Damage Reduction is always helpful, Splash 10 is great on a shooter, and inbuilt Twin saves spending points on Whorm, but with a 38 point pricetag and huge base, it's never going to be a better option that two IG-86s. It's got enough interesting stuff to save it from a 1, but it's not going to win games at tournaments, 2/10.
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 6:08:45 PM
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Corso Riggs, from The Old Republic

31 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 100
Defense: 18
Attack: 9
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Camaraderie (An ally named Smuggler gains Twin Attack and gets +4 Attack)
Charging Assault +10 (Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then make an attack at +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy)
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Protective +10 (+10 Damage while a wounded ally whose name contains Smuggler is within 6 squares)
Quick Draw (This character can make an attack of opportunity against enemies with special abilities or Force powers that ignore characters while moving)

There's some tough competition for Fringe shooters in this price range - Corso Riggs is competing with luminaries like Dash Renegade Smuggler, Mira of Nar Shaddaa, Bossk Trandoshan Hunter, and Morrigan Corde for game time. It's a tough market to crack, but Corso does have some unique skills. With the combination of Flight and Charging Assault, he has his own inbuilt movement breaker. Quick draw means that he provide some defense against strafers, and can block paths against pieces with Flight.

His synergies also open her up some unique squad building options - he has a specific Camaderie with the Old Republic piece Smuggler, giving them Twin. He also has a broader Protective +10 for all pieces whose names contain Smuggler (although it obviously doesn't work with the 10 hit point Arcona Smuggler), so if he has an injured Dash, Han Smuggler, or Mara Jade Smuggler within 6 squares, he gains a +10 damage bonus.

Corso Riggs does suffer from a low attack - at +9, I don't he's reliable as an attacker outside of factions that offer him an attack boost, like Imperials or Fringe. Embo has quite a similar role as a Charging deep striker, and has seen more competitive play with his higher attack. Still, Darth_Jim took a Corso Riggs squad to just outside the top 4 at the 2013 PA/MD Regional.

Barney and Friends
Bothan Spynet

Corso Riggs
Nightsister Mother
Mas Amedda
Admiral Pellaeon
Admiral Ozzel
Rodian brute X 3

Corso's an interesting piece for sure - there's enough going on with his various bonuses, his quick draw, and his movement, that he's on the fringes of competitiveness, but there is tough competition for a place. 7/10.
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 6:45:47 PM
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Eh, I think a 6 or 7 would be more appropriate. Yes, Jim had some success in a regional with him, but when he brought Dessan to GenCon he dropped Corso in favor of Morrigan, and she seemed to be a much better choice. There are just too many better pieces in that point range; Jim's squad is probably the most competitive one made with Corso, and it's made better by dropping him. The Smuggler is awful, and you don't really want to play him with another smuggler piece, because they fill the same role he does and you're better off diversifying your squad. He has some compelling features, but he's not really competitive.
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 7:06:29 PM
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Agreed. Low 7 or high 6.
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 7:24:44 PM
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OK - he can be a 7.

I think there's probably room for him and Dash in the same Fringe squad, but Embo is a much more reliable deep striker.
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 8:13:08 PM
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Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand, from Rebel Storm

20 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 18
Attack: 9
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Hand of the Emperor (This character can spend her own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from a character whose name contains Emperor Palpatine once per turn)

Force Powers
Force 3
Blaster Barrage (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack every legal target once)

WOTC effectively replaced this piece with Arica in Imperial Entanglements - they're the same character, and have very similar stats and abilities, but Arica also comes with Stealth, 10 extra hit points, Twin, and Sniper. It's well worth the upgrade for an extra 11 points, especially as Sniper means that Blaster Barrage is more useful, and there are very few circumstances where you'd choose to play Emperor's Hand over Arica. She has a little bit of potential in a Daala squad, where Cunning and Prideful stack, or as a scissors option for Pellaeon, but she's still limited in scope, 4/10.
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 9:05:55 PM
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She's a viable Pellaeon swap if you need a scissors piece. I haven't ever felt the need to use her, and it would be a specific match-up to want to do it, but I think she is playable in that situation. So a 5 or 6.
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2014 11:44:50 AM
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I dunno if I'd go that high, or ever bother bringing her in with Pellaeon. If you're playing a swarm of 10 hp pieces, Momaw is way better. So you'd only play her against 20 hit point pieces, assuming she's with Thrawn or Daala and gets 20 damage all the time. Even then, without Sniper, she's going to struggle to hit more than 2 or 3 pieces at once with a Barrage, unless your opponent plays badly. I just think she's too situational to bother carrying around in your Pellaeon reserves - you'd also have to have a squad with a dispensable 20+ point Imperial commander to swap out. Maybe a 4, but I'd be reluctant to go higher than that.
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2014 11:56:35 AM
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You can't swap in a Fringe piece with Pellaeon. If you're playing against a very weak swarm (low defense/HP like Geonosians), Piett isn't needed. General Veers or Major General Veers might be able to be drooped, too. But it would be very situational - both the opponent and your own squad would have to be set up right for it to make sense. 4 sounds fine.
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2014 12:04:43 PM
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Yeah, I was thinking of Momaw with Lobot, at least in a Thrawn squad.

She might be better in a Daala squad, since Prideful and Cunning stack. Still limited though. Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike is arguably a better scissors option.
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2014 4:04:52 PM
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BX Commando Droid Spotter, from Scum and Villainy

19 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 18
Attack: 1
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Energy Shield (When this character or an adjacent character is hit by an attack from an enemy that is not adjacent to either, that character takes no damage and the attacker takes damage equal to the prevented damage; the attacker can avoid this effect with a save of 11.)
Improved Spotter +20 (If this character combines fire against a target, the attacking character gets a +20 bonus to Damage against that target)
Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to speed before any other character activates)
Rapport (Costs 3 less when in the same squad as a character named BX Commando Droid Sniper)
Single-Shot Blaster (This character cannot gain Twin Attack)
Stealth (If this character has cover, does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Vibroblade (Replaces attacks: +6 Attack for 20 Damage against an adjacent target; this counts as a melee attack)

Ranged defense is key in SWM, as the game is often shooter dominated, and evade, soresu style etc are very useful Special Abilities. Energy Shield takes things one step further, with the attacker potentially taking the damage from their own attack unless they roll a save of 11. Previously the Gungan Shieldbearer was the only piece with the Energy Shield SA - with only 30 hit points and little attacking prowess for 18 points, Energy Shield was still a powerful enough SA that it enjoyed tournament play. The 19 point BX Commando Droid Spotter adds a lot more functionality, and it's in a faction that needs the help; since Separatist droid builds are static with their lack of movement breakers, they often have to stand and deliver.

As well as Energy Shield, the Spotter also brings Improved Spotter +20; so when it combines fire, it contributes an extra 20 damage as well as the usual +4 attack. Intuition helps it get in position for Improved Spotter, and Stealth helps protect it from Snipers. The Spotter's Rapport with the BX Sniper means they're often found together - between them, they can set up for a 50 (or 80 if the Sniper has double) damage hit at the start of the round. But really, the Spotter is a strong option in a range of Separatist squads - between its Energy Shield and its Improved Spotter, it's a great piece for the cost, 10/10.
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2014 4:09:15 PM
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This could maybe be a candidate for an 11. 10 for the sniper, but this can help almost any Separatist build.
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2014 6:29:27 PM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
This could maybe be a candidate for an 11. 10 for the sniper, but this can help almost any Separatist build.

Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2014 6:45:44 PM
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I'd probably go 9 for the Sniper - it's awesome, but Heavy Weapon and Single Shot Blaster are significant limitations. Spotter is awesome, but doesn't feel quite like a power 11 piece to me.
Posted: Saturday, October 4, 2014 10:50:19 AM
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It feels like an 11 to me. And makes it into almost every sep squad I run. It is like Gha good for a faction that traditionally gets shredded at range
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