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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 7:35:28 PM
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Marka Ragnos, from Vengeance

76 points, Sith
Hit Points: 150
Defense: 21
Attack: 15
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Affinity (Characters whose names contain Ragnos may be in your squad regardless of faction)
Melee Duelist (+4 Defense when attacked by an adjacent enemy)
Poison +10 (+10 Damage to living enemy; save 11)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Force Essence (When this character is defeated, you may immediately set up a character named Marka Ragnos, Dark Force Spirit in the square this character formerly occupied. Any "at the start of the skirmish" instances are immediately resolved.)
Lightsaber Assault (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks)
Lightsaber Defense (Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Sith Sorcery (Force 2, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters within 6 squares are considered activated this round; save 11)

Commander Effect
At the end of this character's turn, you may activate 1 ally within 6 squares who has not yet activated this round. This does not count toward the number of activations this phase.

At 76 points, Marka Ragnos is one of the most expensive pieces in the game. You could argue that he's only 59 points, since he's replaced by the 17 point Marka Ragnos Dark Force Spirit when he's defeated, but that only works if Marka Ragnos isn't the last unique force user to be defeated, and in any case you don't get the benefit from Marka Ragnos DFS for the whole game.

As you'd expect, Marka Ragnos offers a lot for 76 points - Lightsaber Assault, twin, and Poison ensure he can do plenty of damage on the move, while he's also a practitioner of Sith Sorcery. He's also defensively stout with good stats, Melee Duelist, and Lightsaber Defense with Master of the Force 2. He also has a commander effect that allows you an extra activation in Marka's round - so you can activate two pieces if you go first; this synergises well with the Sith method of hitting hard at the start of a round.

Despite his high cost, Marka Ragnos is a very good piece for the Sith - 76 points is a fair cost for everything he brings to the table. He's not particularly playable in the current meta as he'll get pwned by swarms and by force immune shooters, but if the meta ever comes back to Jedi he could be an option, 7/10.
Posted: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 3:58:50 PM
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Tso'asu, from Invasion

5 points, Yuuzhan Vong
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 13
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Speed 4 (Can move only 4 squares and attack, or 8 squares without attacking)
Defensive Reflex (An adjacent enemy that damages this character takes 10 damage. That enemy cannot attack for the rest of that turn; save 16.)
Force Immunity (Enemies cannot affect this character with Force powers, or spend Force points to reroll attacks against this character or to respond to this character's attacks and abilities)
Non-sentient (Not subject to commander effects. This character cannot gain Diplomat or Aggressive Negotiations.)
Spit Poison 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target living enemy; save 11)

With Supreme Overlord Quorreal, the Vong got a great reinforcements piece - good enough that Lobot is rarely seen in Vong squads. To go with him, the Vong have an interesting toolbox of reinforcement options, and the Tso'asu is a specialised reinforcement piece. You'd never play him in a normal squad since he's squishy and has low damage output, but his Defensive Reflex makes him an excellent defense against strafe - a strafer that damages a Tso'asu takes 10 damage and cannot attack for the rest of that turn. The Tso'asu has a couple of other interesting things going on; speed 4 is a constraint, meaning that the Tso'asu might struggle to keep up with the rest of your squad. Meanwhile Non-sentient's biggest implication is that it can't gain Aggressive Negotiations via Quorreal - without this, the Tso'asu would be almost unplayable, since strafers would be unable to attack it. I've never seen the Tso'asu in game, but it's logical to assume that it's the Vong's best choice when there's a strafer at the other end of the table, 8/10.
Posted: Thursday, April 23, 2015 3:34:16 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
Tso'asu, from Invasion

5 points, Yuuzhan Vong
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 13
Attack: 0
Damage: 0

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Speed 4 (Can move only 4 squares and attack, or 8 squares without attacking)
Defensive Reflex (An adjacent enemy that damages this character takes 10 damage. That enemy cannot attack for the rest of that turn; save 16.)
Force Immunity (Enemies cannot affect this character with Force powers, or spend Force points to reroll attacks against this character or to respond to this character's attacks and abilities)
Non-sentient (Not subject to commander effects. This character cannot gain Diplomat or Aggressive Negotiations.)
Spit Poison 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target living enemy; save 11)

With Supreme Overlord Quorreal, the Vong got a great reinforcements piece - good enough that Lobot is rarely seen in Vong squads. To go with him, the Vong have an interesting toolbox of reinforcement options, and the Tso'asu is a specialised reinforcement piece. You'd never play him in a normal squad since he's squishy and has low damage output, but his Defensive Reflex makes him an excellent defense against strafe - a strafer that damages a Tso'asu takes 10 damage and cannot attack for the rest of that turn. The Tso'asu has a couple of other interesting things going on; speed 4 is a constraint, meaning that the Tso'asu might struggle to keep up with the rest of your squad. Meanwhile Non-sentient's biggest implication is that it can't gain Aggressive Negotiations via Quorreal - without this, the Tso'asu would be almost unplayable, since strafers would be unable to attack it. I've never seen the Tso'asu in game, but it's logical to assume that it's the Vong's best choice when there's a strafer at the other end of the table, 8/10.

One of the objectives for vset 7 was to try and create even playing field (or at least a chance to compete) against some of the match ups that were formally nearly auto losses for the Vong. Seers helped vs disruptive, shaper adepts helped vs droids, Zenoc Qua helps vs shooters, and of course this piece helps versus strafe and galloping attack. Although it's not quite as effective vs galloping attack as it is versus strafe, taking 2 or 3 of these guys to block a key door or hallway could certainly help give you at least a round or two of aid versus Yodabuck.

Full disclosure; we knew the general mechanic we wanted and had to search for the creature that would fit the use. The Tso'asu was really obscure, but the little we know about it was close enough, and so we made it work. There probably was more written about the Tso'asu in the post above than from the actual source material.

We spent a bit of time fine-tuning defensive reflex, and we were just about all set this send it to the printer (without nonsentient existing). It was a last-minute catch that it's main functions (Quorreal reinforcement, therefore having aggressive negotiations, and MEANT to be attacked) worked at odds with each other. Thus non-sentient was born. Side note, I had long felt that we needed an ability like that. Not all creatures were aggressively Savage. An ability that prevents these types of creatures from gaining CEs, but doesn't force them into the aggressive action or give them boosts like savage does. The second part was obviously purely to make it functional with Quorreal, although a non sentient creature not becoming a diplomat does make perfect sense. It's an ability that could certainly be used in the future.
Posted: Thursday, April 23, 2015 4:32:29 PM
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Young Anakin Skywalker, from Armed and Operational

14 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 17
Attack: 8
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Evade (When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his speed before any other character activates)
Repair 20 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 20 damage from 1 Droid character)

Force Powers
Force 1
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Destiny of the Force (Force 2, replaces attacks: For the rest of the skirmish, this character gains the following Force Ability: This character and allies may reroll each missed attack once against enemies within 6 squares of this character, except on a roll of 1)
Use the Force (Force 3: This character's next attack roll counts as a natural 20)

I think I recall at least one designer threatening to quit if a kid Anakin was ever made, as well as an infamous April Fools version:

What does this button do?
Whenever this character activates, roll a D20:
13-15: Until Anakin activates again, all allies gain Bombad Gungan.

But this version is actually well thought out, and probably won't cause anyone to quit the game; Young Anakin Skywalker is an interesting piece who reflects the young movie version relatively well. With 50 hit points and Evade, he's relatively robust for 14 points, and the addition of Use the Force gives him a little bit of attacking punch. Repair 20 is also helpful, but the main reason to play him is his Destiny of the Force force ability - he allows pieces to reroll missed attacks as long as he's within 6 of the target.

Since it's a force ability, it doesn't work very well with Daala and Pellaeon swarms, especially as Needa does much the same thing. But it's potentially useful for other swarms, especially as you can bring him in with Lobot against high defense pieces - it might help in squads like the Rebel Aces or the Naboo Troopers. Since he has to be within 6 of the enemy for it to work, it can be hard to set up, but Intuition does help him get into position. I don't know that Anakin's seen a lot of play, but he's certainly worth bearing in mind as a support piece for swarm squads, 7/10.
Posted: Thursday, April 23, 2015 5:22:22 PM
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Yeah, SOMEBODY said they would quit if kid Anakin was made....Unsure

Since then we got Luuke Skywalker, and then One-Arm and Sebulba. Is it really jumping the shark if you never come down?
Posted: Friday, April 24, 2015 7:39:01 AM
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Young Anakin is a major character in a major movie, regardless of what peoples opinion of the film, it is upper level cannon, as is subulba.

Luuke and One arm are stretching it. The latter more than the former.
Posted: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:19:19 PM
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Peace Brigade Thug, from Jedi Academy

4 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 10
Attack: 2
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Yuuzhan Vong Collaborator (Yuuzhan Vong get +1 Attack for each character with Yuuzhan Vong Collaborator within 4 squares of their target)

As one of the cheapest shooters in the game - it only gets beaten by other 4 point pieces with access to rapport like Battle Droids with Gha Nachkt and Mon Calamari Tech Specialists with Admiral Ackbar - the Peace Brigade Thug is useful anyway. As the cheapest Fringe shooter, it can get some play via Lobot to combine fire, while it also provides a useful damage boost to Yuuzhan Vong, with the unusual range of 4 squares. So while it wasn't a power piece, it actually stood a chance of seeing table time, and would have maybe received a 6 or a 7.

But it has recently seen a boost from the Peace Brigade Commander, from the most recent set. The Peace Brigade Commander gives it a big boost to make a swarm of Peace Brigade Thugs tournament playable - they gain Stealth, so they can pick up Superstealth and Self Destruct 20 from Nom Anor, while he also gives them twin. While their attack still isn't high, they can pick up commander effects like Jabba Crime Lord's Cunning and +2 attack from Viqi Shesh to boost it up; you basically get Nom bombs that can shoot. While they haven't popped up in a major tournament yet, I think Peace Brigade Thug builds have some potential to be interesting, 8/10.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 8:57:34 AM
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In the current meta Mira of Nar Shadda, versatility Leia, and either NR Leia makes the PB Commander builds much less viable.

Blame the Republic Commandos
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 9:53:45 AM
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They are an interesting option with the new commander, curious that no one has brought them yet
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 2:23:24 PM
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Echo24 wrote:
Yeah, SOMEBODY said they would quit if kid Anakin was made....Unsure
jumping the shark

I have never heard this idiom before. Thank you for inspiring a pleasant 5 mins on wikipedia!
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 2:45:08 PM
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Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:31:07 PM
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Haha, it's one of my favorite idioms. The phrase "It's not jumping the shark if you never come down" is actually another (more obscure) pop culture reference entirely; it's from Supernatural, and it was basically the writers poking fun at themselves for the number of ridiculous things that happen in it. I was basically doing the same thing.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:47:34 PM
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After the last Indiana Jones craptacular movie, the new phrase is

"Nuke the fridge"

. . . and that happened for us when One-Arm was made.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:02:47 PM
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I guess I don't see the harm in One-Arm.

Maybe because I grew up with Decipher's ccg and I had already heard of her?
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:04:22 PM
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Maybe we should have a poll, but I think the worst v-set offender for non-canonicity is the Ugnaught Jedi.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:10:13 PM
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Don't speak ill of Treetower! LOL

One-Arm was originally thought up by greentime, a long time player of the CCG, so that is where she came from. I championed her to get her into set 9 because I thought a Wampa buff would be cool and fun.

I will agree that the earliest and probably biggest offender of silly pieces is Ugnaught Jedi.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:24:29 PM
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I don't mind One-Arm at all - boosting an interesting, unplayed WOTC piece is good, and she is the best known Wampa.

Ugnaught Jedi just seems like a v-set in-joke, and it's not really a playable piece.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:29:58 PM
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That's pretty much exactly what the Ugnaught Jedi was.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:31:23 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
I don't mind One-Arm at all - boosting an interesting, unplayed WOTC piece is good, and she is the best known Wampa.

Ugnaught Jedi just seems like a v-set in-joke, and it's not really a playable piece.

My big issue with One-Arm was it taking up a valuable unique fringe slot. A republic non-unique slot is not nearly as fought over (as admittedly silly as an ugnaught jedi is).

Everyone wants to do uniques. In my experience making set lists it's always the uniques that have to get cut down and non-uniques that have to get pulled up.
Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 4:38:18 PM
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Kit Fisto, Jedi Master, from Masters of the Force

42 points, Republic
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 20
Attack: 13
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his speed before any other character activates)
Shii-Cho Style (+4 Attack and +4 Defense when 3 or more enemies are within 6 squares)

Force Powers
Force 4
Lightsaber Block (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once)

Kit Fisto, Jedi Master was a surprise inclusion in the Masters of the Force set, given that Jedi Master Kit Fisto was released a couple of sets earlier in Galaxy at War. While that version was way overcosted at 60 points, this version's just interesting enough to be worth a look. On one hand he's limited in damage potential for his 42 points, but Intuition and 130 hit points are both strong assets. Shii-Cho does stack with other Republic CEs, which means that he can get very good stats with someone like GOWK or Grand Master Yoda, and Sweep is a very useful force power as well. He's passable enough, but ultimately his lack of damage potential and lack of shooter defense make him a little overcosted. Out of the three Kit Fistos that WOTC released, this one's easily the most playable, but he's still not particularly impressive, 6/10.
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