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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 5:14:05 PM
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Galactic Alliance Trooper, from Legacy of the Force

11 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 17
Attack: 7
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Penetration 10 (Enemies' Damage Reduction is reduced by 10 against this character's attacks)

The Galactic Alliance Trooper has some interesting offensive potential - with a +7 attack and built in double attack, as well as easy access to twin, evade, and greater mobile, you can boost it into a double/twin GMA shooter. You can even give it ranged defense with evade from Wedge or superstealth from Mirith Sinn. But he's in a faction with poor access to attack and damage boosts, and even more crucially, he has 10 hit points. I don't think that you can rationally play a squad built around such fragile attackers - while there's potential, the potential isn't enough to outweigh the risks in playing an 11 point piece, with 10 hit points who's almost completely reliant on external help. 3/10.
Posted: Monday, July 6, 2015 1:30:19 PM
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Twi'lek Scoundrel, from Rebel Storm

7 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 14
Attack: 5
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)

There are a few very similar pieces around with the combination of melee attack, base 10 damage, and cunning attack - the Ithorian Scout and Ewok Scout also feature the same combination of abilities. With the Ithorian Commander and Han in Storm Trooper Armor, there is decent support for this kind of piece, albeit not at a competitive level. But while the Twi'lek features the highest attack of the three pieces, it's the weakest overall - the other two have Stealth and are a point cheaper, meaning that the Twi'lek Scoundrel doesn't even qualify for a Tier 3 squad, 1/10.
Posted: Monday, July 6, 2015 5:11:16 PM
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This is a classic 1, IMO.

Outclassed by a piece in the same set.
Posted: Monday, July 6, 2015 5:19:06 PM
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fingersandteeth wrote:
This is a classic 1, IMO.

Outclassed by a piece in the same set.

Sure, I was thinking that a +1 attack was enough to differentiate, but I guess you'd never play him over an Ithorian Scout. Amended.
Posted: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 1:50:34 PM
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Vette, from The Old Republic

31 points, Fringe

Hit Points: 90
Defense: 17
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Pirate (Counts as a character whose name contains Pirate)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, she makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Master Slicer (Replaces attacks: This turn, this character can ignore doors while moving)
Slave (This character has Savage and -2 Defense unless an allied commander is within 6 squares)
Slave Collar (Allies named Juggernaut or Sith Marauder count as a commander for purposes of Slave)
Stealth (If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Traps (Enemy characters within 6 squares get -4 Defense)

There's a logjam of really good Fringe shooters around the 30 point mark - think Dash Renegade Smuggler, Mira of Nar Shaada, and Morrigan Corde - and Vette ends up in the second tier in comparison. But she's a piece with a bunch of fascinating stuff - her most interesting facet is Slave, where she's Savage unless she has an allied commander within 6 squares. This gives Vette an obvious synergy with Celeste Morne, but also means that she requires careful placement to be effective. The game's other savage shooter, Chewbacca Enraged Wookiee, has Charging Assault, which means that Savage is far less of a drawback since he can always make an attack, even if he has to base an enemy more than 6 squares away.

Vette also has Pirate, which allows her to pick up accurate shot from Hondo Ohnaka, as well as Traps, another really useful ability. She's also durable for a shooter, with 90 hit points and stealth. There are plenty of interesting things you can do with Vette, but she does suffer in comparison with some of the other Fringe shooter options, and Slave means that you need to be careful with your placement, 7/10.
Posted: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:27:37 PM
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Possiblilities to make her a shooter with overwhelming power. That's cool.

Still agree on 7. But it's a fun idea.
Posted: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 12:25:46 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
Possiblilities to make her a shooter with overwhelming power. That's cool.

Still agree on 7. But it's a fun idea.

Yeah, I kind of figured Malakili followed on with pairing her with Celeste. But you can get a similar effect using Morrigan Corde with a boost like Thrawn or Talon, it's cheaper, there's no savage to worry about, and Morrigan comes with a built-in movement breaker.
Posted: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 1:03:16 PM
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Darth Vader, Imperial Commander, from Alliance and Empire

53 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 140
Defense: 23
Attack: 15
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)

Force Powers
Force 5
Force Grip 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: sight; 10 damage)
Lightsaber Deflect (Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Lightsaber Riposte (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker)
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once)

Commander Effect
Trooper followers get +6 Defense.

I don't know if this Vader was ever a competitive piece, but he's at least noteworthy for his part in squads that boost Stormtroopers to a 30 defense in cover. With his and the Felucian Stormtrooper Officer's Advantageous Cover CE's stacking, Stormtroopers suddenly become very difficult for a lot of shooters to touch. On the other hand, the defense boost still doesn't do a whole lot against the Stormtrooper's worst matchups - strafers and gallopers can ignore the advantageous cover, and Yobuck or a Lancer with GGDAC only need 4s to kill a trooper. It's also noteworthy that Vader's CE doesn't stack with Grand Admiral Thrawn's +3 defense; effectively Thrawn provides the same overall benefit to stats.

Otherwise, Vader is a decent melee fighter with a great statline, but if you're not utilising his CE, you'll want to opt for a better fighter like Scourge of the Jedi or Vader Unleashed. Uber-defense is an interesting build, and it can probably cause some casual squads issues, but there are better things to do with Imperial troopers in competitive play (Daala........), 6/10
Posted: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 1:18:37 PM
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Here's a graph of the grade distribution for the 309 WOTC pieces covered so far:

And for the 232 v-set pieces so far, in what actually looks like a nice bell curve centered around 7s and 8s:

Posted: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 3:00:42 PM
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TheHutts wrote:

And for the 232 v-set pieces so far, in what actually looks like a nice bell curve centered around 7s and 8s:

This is freaking beautiful. What a great visual Graham, thanks for all your work continuing this EPIC thread. It really is becoming the definitive source for power levels.

My goal (and I beleive most of the design team's goal as well) is to continue making the graph look very similar to this.
Posted: Thursday, July 9, 2015 2:48:41 PM
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Sith Meditation Sphere, from Armed and Operational

45 points, Sith
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 16
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Double Attack (On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)
Burning Attacks (Characters (including this character) damaged by this character are considered to be burning. Each time a burning character activates, it must attempt a save of 11. On a failure, that character takes 10 damage. On a success, that character is no longer burning.)
Meditation Sphere (At the start of the skirmish, choose 1 Unique Medium ally with a Force rating; that ally may spend this character's Force points as if they were its own. This character may transport 1 Medium ally that ends its move adjacent: Remove that ally from the battle grid; it is considered adjacent to and moves simultaneously with this character, but cannot be targeted or make attacks. A transported ally can return to the battle grid immediately before your first activation of the round. If this character is defeated, the transported ally is defeated; save 6.)
Shields 1 (When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11)
Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)

Force Powers
Force 4
Blaster Barrage (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack every legal target once)

The Sith Meditation Sphere is one of the most interesting casual pieces in the game, but it has casual written all over it; it has a huge base, it's in a faction that's not good at out-activating, and even with Shields it's fragile for 45 points with a weak statline. But despite all its weaknesses, it's a fascinating piece - it's a movement breaker with Meditation Sphere, it's a force battery, and it's an interesting shooter with Splash 10, Burning Attacks, and Blaster Barrage, albeit restricted by a +9 attack.

With its movement breaker and force battery, it's an interesting pairing with Darth Caedus Sith Lord; while Caedus can't make attacks while on the Sphere, he can still use his Sith Battle Manipulation and other force powers. He can use Sith Battle Manipulation to set the Meditation Sphere up for a big Blaster Barrage as well. Because of its huge base and fragility, the Sith Meditation Sphere is unlikely to enjoy table time in tournaments, but it's a very fun casual piece, 6/10.
Posted: Friday, July 10, 2015 9:51:21 AM
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Sith Sphere is one of the best pieces in the game. I did very well with this piece at gencon mystery map tournament. One of the few blaster barrager with access to accurate in the game. Love It!- pieces for life!
Posted: Friday, July 10, 2015 10:49:03 AM
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DarkDracul wrote:
Sith Sphere is one of the best pieces in the game. I did very well with this piece at gencon mystery map tournament. One of the few blaster barrager with access to accurate in the game. Love It!- pieces for life!

oh the meditation sphere... How I loath you, lol
Posted: Sunday, July 12, 2015 8:20:31 PM
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Carth Onasi, Old Republic Soldier, from Renegades and Rogues

29 points, Old Republic
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 16
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Soldier (Counts as a character named Old Republic Soldier)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Force Powers
Force 2
Surprise Move (Force 1; Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his Speed before any other character activates)

On his lonesome Carth isn't the strongest shooter in the game by any stretch, but he synergises beautifully with some other Old Republic power pieces, enough to make him a top tier option for the Old Republic. With twin, he's a great candidate for the Old Republic Senator's Cannon CE, while he can also pick up Speed 8 and Evade from the Klatooinian Captain. When you add in Bastila's Advanced Battle Meditation for a +10 damage bonus, you're looking at a very powerful shooter, and even though he's squidgy he can do enough damage to justify his place. He's also reliant on Cunning - without it, his +9 attack is underwhelming - but Surprise Move does helps him to set up for the top of the round. With his in-faction synergy, Carth is one of the Old Republic's stronger cogs - even though fellow shooter Atton 'Jaq' Rand is arguably the stronger overall piece with Greater Mobile, Carth's twin synergises well with the Senator and he's an interesting option in builds like this Weeks' construct:

--S&V Old Republic--
37 Satele Shan
36 Atton "Jaq" Rand
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
29 Carth Onasi, Old Republic Soldier
27 Lobot
18 Klatooinian Captain
14 Old Republic Senator
6 Mouse Droid x2
(200pts. 9 activations)

Posted: Monday, July 13, 2015 12:02:48 AM
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TimmerB123 wrote:
TheHutts wrote:

And for the 232 v-set pieces so far, in what actually looks like a nice bell curve centered around 7s and 8s:

This is freaking beautiful. What a great visual Graham, thanks for all your work continuing this EPIC thread. It really is becoming the definitive source for power levels.

My goal (and I beleive most of the design team's goal as well) is to continue making the graph look very similar to this.

+1 and great job on the graph and this thread!
Posted: Monday, July 13, 2015 5:26:31 PM
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Dark Side Adept, from Revenge of the Sith

16 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: 7
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Lightsaber (+10 Damage against adjacent enemies)

Force Powers
Force 2

The most interesting aspect of this otherwise mundane and uninspiring piece is that WOTC replicated its stats and abilities exactly for the Sith piece, the Dark Jedi, in Champions of the Force. Both versions are unlikeable - while a 60 hit point shooter with an almost decent attack isn't too bad for 16 points, there's not a lot of compulsion to play it when you can access very strong tech pieces (Imperial Officer) or useful attackers with door control (Security Officer Stormtrooper, Storm Commando) in the same price range. 3/10.
Posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 1:59:54 PM
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Darth Bane, from Champions of the Force

82 points, Sith
Hit Points: 200
Defense: 20
Attack: 16
Damage: 30

Special Abilities
Jedi Hunter (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against enemies with Force ratings)
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Lightsaber Assault (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks)
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once)
Lightsaber Throw (Force 1, replaces attacks: Attack 1 enemy within 6 squares)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Sith Rage (Force 1: +10 Damage on all attacks this turn)
Sith Sorcery (Force 2, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters within 6 squares are considered activated this round; save 11)

While Darth Bane isn't a seriously competitive option at 200 points in 2015, there was a time when he ruled a meta. With his 200 hit points, Darth Bane paired with 6 Ugnaughts was the dominant squad at 100 points - many squads couldn't get enough damage through to kill Bane before he took them. With Lightsaber Assault and Sith Rage, Bane can do 80 damage on the move, and 100 against Jedi, while he also has other offense options with Sweep, Throw, and Sith Sorcery. Where he's lacking is his defense - apart from his hit points, he has nothing to protect him, and that's especially problematic against heavy shooters. Bane's been replaced for competitive play by the 63 point Darth Bane Sith'ari, who's very similar, but comes at a cost which is much easier to build around. But with his mountain of hit points, more than any other piece in the game, and stack of offensive powers, Darth Bane's still a capable enough piece outside the competitive tables, 6/10.
Posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 3:21:53 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Dark Side Adept, from Revenge of the Sith

16 points, Separatist
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: 7
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Lightsaber (+10 Damage against adjacent enemies)

Force Powers
Force 2

The most interesting aspect of this otherwise mundane and uninspiring piece is that WOTC replicated its stats and abilities exactly for the Sith piece, the Dark Jedi, in Champions of the Force. Both versions are unlikeable - while a 60 hit point shooter with an almost decent attack isn't too bad for 16 points, there's not a lot of compulsion to play it when you can access top tier droids (IG-86, BX Sniper) or better grunts (Whiphid Tracker, Rakghoul) in the same price range. 3/10.

Everything here I agree with, except I believe this one is Imperial Wink
Posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 3:28:15 PM
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pegolego wrote:
Everything here I agree with, except I believe this one is Imperial Wink

Oops... I don't know why I was thinking of Separatists. Imperials probably makes it even worse, but a 3 is probably fine still.
Posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 7:45:26 PM
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Veteran Snowtrooper, from Command of the Galaxy

11 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 18
Attack: 5
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Squad Cover (+4 Defense while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares)
Stable Footing (Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects)

With Admiral Daala around, most Imperial troopers are strong options - a charging fire CE and +4 +10 bonus is enough to make mediocre pieces very good. Having said that, the Veteran Snowtrooper struggles for game time compared to the vanilla Snowtrooper. The most significant upgrade is the extra 10 hit points, as it means that Yobuck can't rip through your squad as easily. But otherwise, it doesn't do enough to displace the Snowtrooper in Snowtrooper swarms, as the other upgrades aren't big deals - the extra base damage isn't too important with the damage boosts available, and actually precludes use of the Czerka for twin, the stat upgrades are minor, the Snowtrooper Officer gives commanders access to Pathfinder, and Squad Cover is useful but not essential. Given that the Vanilla Snowtrooper is 6 points with the Officer's rapport, it's difficult to justify paying 11 points for a Veteran Snowtrooper. Having said that, they can still have a place in some Snowtrooper squads - if you're worried about Yobuck, the extra hit points can be valuable to block a doorway, a strategy used in FlyingArrow's 5th place GenCon squad last year:

--Daala Code 11S-P2EC-2V (GenCon 2014 5th place)--
27 Admiral Daala
16 Admiral Gilad Pellaeon
32 Security Officer Stormtrooper x2
14 Snowtrooper Commander
12 Snowtrooper Officer
22 Veteran Snowtrooper x2
8 Mas Amedda
8 R7 Astromech Droid
55 Snowtrooper x11
3 Mouse Droid
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist
(200pts. 23 activations)

The Veteran Snowtrooper is a solid enough piece, and a squad comprising of them would be competitively solid, but there are enough better trooper options out there that they're on the fringes of competitive play, 7/10.
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