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Rolling Mini of the Day (Urai Fen) Options
Posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 8:42:37 PM
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Klatooinian Assassin, from Scum and Villainy

12 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Cloaked (If this character has cover, he cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
Jedi Hatred +10 (+10 Damage against enemies with Force ratings)
Self-Destruct 20 (When this character is defeated, each adjacent character takes 20 damage)

In first glance, this piece looks comparable to the Kel Dor Bounty Hunter - with a low defense and 30 hit points, the only noteworthy aspect of its statblock is the +12 attack, the same as the Kel Dor. But while the Kel Dor only had stealth, making it relatively easy to avoid the self-destruct damage in most cases, the Klat Assassin comes with Cloaked, so there are only a few limited ways of circumventing the self-destruct damage, like targeting bonuses like Focused Attack or area force powers like Force Repulse. Additionally, the Jedi Hatred meant that they were nasty against Jedi, especially when they were often found in squads with another damage boost like Talon Karrde, Thrawn, or Bastila. Along with their natural protection against strafers, it meant that basically you could throw in a bunch of Klats with a key faction commander, and instantly create a powerful squad, like this Darth O effort which made the top 4 in last year's NZ Championship:

--Kick in the Green--
32 Talon Karrde, Information Broker
27 Lobot
21 Marn Hierogryph
120 Klatooinian Assassin x10
(200pts. 13 activations)

The Klat Assassin was easily the strongest non-unique in its price range, and if you read through this thread, you'll notice that it was often used as a point of reference for other pieces in its price range, where it outclassed most of its cost contemporaries effortlessly. It's also the first ever non-tech piece covered on Rolling Mini of the Day to get an 11/10.

Errata - the Klat Assassin's cost has been raised to 17, which I think makes it more like a 8/10. I think they're still handy, but you can't just throw 10 in a squad with Talon and make a Tier 1 squad.
Posted: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 11:18:36 PM
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TheHutts wrote:
Klatooinian Assassin, from Scum and Villainy

12 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Cloaked (If this character has cover, he cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
Jedi Hatred +10 (+10 Damage against enemies with Force ratings)
Self-Destruct 20 (When this character is defeated, each adjacent character takes 20 damage)

Note - the Klat Assassin is currently banned from tournament play.

In first glance, this piece looks comparable to the Kel Dor Bounty Hunter - with a low defense and 30 hit points, the only noteworthy aspect of its statblock is the +12 attack, the same as the Kel Dor. But while the Kel Dor only had stealth, making it relatively easy to avoid the self-destruct damage in most cases, the Klat Assassin comes with Cloaked, so there are only a few limited ways of circumventing the self-destruct damage, like targeting bonuses like Focused Attack or area force powers like Force Repulse. Additionally, the Jedi Hatred meant that they were nasty against Jedi, especially when they were often found in squads with another damage boost like Talon Karrde, Thrawn, or Bastila. Along with their natural protection against strafers, it meant that basically you could throw in a bunch of Klats with a key faction commander, and instantly create a powerful squad, like this Darth O effort which made the top 4 in last year's NZ Championship:

--Kick in the Green--
32 Talon Karrde, Information Broker
27 Lobot
21 Marn Hierogryph
120 Klatooinian Assassin x10
(200pts. 13 activations)

The Klat Assassin was easily the strongest non-unique in its price range, and if you read through this thread, you'll notice that it was often used as a point of reference for other pieces in its price range, where it outclassed most of its cost contemporaries effortlessly. It's also the first ever non-tech piece covered on Rolling Mini of the Day to get an 11/10.

I never played them myself because I enjoy a challenge and using lesser used pieces but the Klats made a great team build for new players, my wife loved Klats and Talon in pretty much every game and it helped her stay competitive against the more senior experienced players with having such a strong team. But they did grossly outclass nearly everything else in their point range
Posted: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 6:44:28 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
pegolego wrote:
Everything here I agree with, except I believe this one is Imperial Wink

Oops... I don't know why I was thinking of Separatists. Imperials probably makes it even worse, but a 3 is probably fine still.

I had to do a double-take myself; "Oh, wait; Dark Side ADEPT, not ACOLYTE... Wait, isn't that one... Imperial?" Laugh
Posted: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 4:04:05 PM
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Mace Windu, Jedi Master, from Revenge of the Sith

65 points, Republic
Hit Points: 150
Defense: 22
Attack: 16
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Triple Attack (On his turn, this character can make 2 extra attacks instead of moving)

Force Powers
Force 5
Lightsaber Block (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Shockwave (Force 2, replaces attacks: All characters within 6 squares are considered activated this round; save 11)
Whirlwind Attack (Force 1, replaces turn: Attack each adjacent enemy twice)

One of three Mace Windus with identical stat blocks, Triple Attack, and costed at 65 points, Mace Windu Jedi Master feels like a WOTC Sith piece. He has no ranged defense, he has a budget replaces attacks version of Sith Sorcery, and he's immobile; his two primary attacking options, Triple and Whirlwind Attack, both replace turn, so he needs to be still in order to use them. The most interesting thing about him is Whirlwind Attack; he's the only piece in the game to have it, and it's a variation of Lightsaber Sweep - it replaces turn, but it allows Mace to make two attacks against each adjacent piece. But while it's unique, it's not strong on a 65 point piece, as your opponent can spread out to avoid it, and it's difficult to boost Mace's damage; in Republic you can get the same effect from AniStap's strafe or Aayla Secura's twin sweep.

Mace Jedi Master is a very poor melee piece - with mediocre damage output and no ranged defense, he has nothing of note apart from a good statline. Not bad ass, just plain bad; 2/10.
Posted: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 8:11:58 PM
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Xizor, Head of Black Sun, from Shadows

55 points, Fringe
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 22
Attack: 12
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
Crime Lord (Living allies get +2 Attack and +2 Defense if your squad contains only Fringe characters)
Pheromones (Cancel an attack from a living enemy within 6 squares that targets this character; the attacker can avoid this effect with a save of 11)
Rival (Cannot be in a squad with any character whose name contains Vader)
Teräs Käsi Style (Whenever this character takes damage from a melee attack, reduce the damage dealt by 10)

Commander Effect
Black Sun allies within 6 squares gain Extra Attack.

Black Sun followers gain Accurate Shot.

Xizor's a very good piece - he's a competent attacker in his own right, and he has two great commander effects - but at 55 points he's expensive, and most builds for him seem to want another commander of two, and therefore don't scale well for 200 points. With Crime Lord, he's just asking to be put in Fringe with Talon Karrde, but the Xizor/Talon combo is already 87 points. There are also Imperial commanders that work well with him - Imperial Governor Tarkin gives him and other commanders Extra Attack, and Thrawn gives them all Opportunist, but again, it feels like the basis for a higher point squad, and not for 200 points. One idea for a fun squad is to turbo charge Cad Bane in Fringe, via a Nautolan Black Sun Vigo for something like this:

--Turbo Cad--
55 Xizor, Head of Black Sun
54 Cad Bane
32 Talon Karrde, Information Broker
27 Lobot
23 Nautolan Black Sun Vigo
3 Mouse Droid
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
(200pts. 8 activations)

Of course, with 8 activations, it's going to struggle against a lot of things, but a 180 damage, accurate shooting Cad Bane with Ysalamari is a nightmare for most tank squads. Xizor's a strong piece and there's potential for him to really shine in higher point games, but he doesn't scale well to 200 point builds, 7/10.
Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2015 4:44:43 PM
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Antarian Ranger, from Jedi Academy

12 points, Republic
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 15
Attack: 7
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Affinity (May be in a New Republic or Old Republic squad)
Stealth (If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Synergy +4 (+4 Attack and +4 Defense while an allied character with a Force rating is within 6 squares)

The Antarian Ranger is an interesting piece to gauge. On one hand, along with pieces like the Rodian Trader, it's something of a n00b honeytrap - it turns up in plenty of bad squads, and Sharron mocked me for owning four when I started playing. But on the other hand, the Antarian Ranger is a competent stealth shooter - and it certainly surprised me when it made the top half of the table in the GenCon Championship 2014 with DarkDracul:

--"Hollaback Girl" (Bastila's Rangers, the GenCon 2014 10th place Squad)--
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
27 Lobot
23 Jedi Shadow
20 Antarian Ranger Captain
19 Old Republic Captain
17 Jedi Sentinel
55 Antarian Ranger x5
6 Mouse Droid x2

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 20 Bith Black Sun Vigo

(200pts. 14 activations)

The Ranger is essentially a simple shooter with stealth - his synergy ability does allow him to get up to a very respectable +11 attack and 19 defense when he has an allied character with a force rating within 6, while it also stacks with other Commander Effects. They also have a specific commander - the Antarian Ranger Captain gives them Sniper and Squad Firepower. Despite their showing at GenCon last year, they do feel somewhat Tier 2 to me - with only a single attack, they're not big damage dealers and rely on Commander Effects to do significant damage, while 40 hit points means they're in the danger zone against strafers like Durge on Speeder. But they're still a solid piece in the right squad, as demonstrated at GenCon last year, 7/10.
Posted: Sunday, July 19, 2015 11:45:50 AM
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TheHutts wrote:
The Antarian Ranger is an interesting piece to gauge. On one hand, along with pieces like the Rodian Trader, it's something of a n00b honeytrap - it turns up in plenty of bad squads, and Sharron mocked me for owning four when I started playing. But on the other hand, the Antarian Ranger is a competent stealth shooter - and it certainly surprised me when it made the top half of the table in the GenCon Championship 2014 with DarkDracul:

--"Hollaback Girl" (Bastila's Rangers, the GenCon 2014 10th place Squad)--
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
27 Lobot
23 Jedi Shadow
20 Antarian Ranger Captain
19 Old Republic Captain
17 Jedi Sentinel
55 Antarian Ranger x5
6 Mouse Droid x2

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 20 Bith Black Sun Vigo

(200pts. 14 activations)

The Ranger is essentially a simple shooter with stealth - his synergy ability does allow him to get up to a very respectable +11 attack and 19 defense when he has an allied character with a force rating within 6, while it also stacks with other Commander Effects. They also have a specific commander - the Antarian Ranger Captain gives them Sniper and Squad Firepower. Despite their showing at GenCon last year, they do feel somewhat Tier 2 to me - with only a single attack, they're not big damage dealers and rely on Commander Effects to do significant damage, while 40 hit points means they're in the danger zone against strafers like Durge on Speeder. But they're still a solid piece in the right squad, as demonstrated at GenCon last year, 7/10.

Having built this squad with/for Bryan and play tested with him extensively I would have to say this squad has some surprising toughness. They get up to a 22 defense and a 15 atk for 40 damage when bastillas is on. The bith was brough in against accurate shooters and the Jedi are very stout for their cost and also recieve the defense increase.

If Bryan had brough in strafe hate against Chris's Durge squad he could have made top 8, but he brough in the bith to help against cad bane. A mistake that wouldn't be made twice. Chris was the only match Bryan didn't get a point in all day. He was on the bottom half of the 9 point cut off, despite his 2 losses being to Chris and myself.

1 door control and 2 beefy door destroyers in the base squad. I have never viewed destroying a door as having control, but that is just me. The shadow being able to flurry someone for 80 damage with Bastilla is a nice trick to boot. With the CE heavy swap squads I wouldn't count this squad out of the top 8 if someone chooses to play it.
Posted: Monday, July 20, 2015 6:00:09 AM
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atmsalad wrote:
1 door control and 2 beefy door destroyers in the base squad. I have never viewed destroying a door as having control, but that is just me.

Trying to change well-established terminology just causes confusion. Door control just means that you're preventing lock-outs. When you destroy a door you control it for the rest of the skirmish: permanently open.
Posted: Monday, July 20, 2015 10:28:15 AM
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FlyingArrow wrote:
Trying to change well-established terminology just causes confusion. Door control just means that you're preventing lock-outs. When you destroy a door you control it for the rest of the skirmish: permanently open.

My apologize, I am not attempting to change terminology. Removing a door only ever seems like a very limited amount of control to me. I understand why the term is all inclusive. It is just a personal preference I have when referring to some of the door control abilities. Kind of like referring to melee attack as a "handicap" instead of a "special ability".
Posted: Monday, July 20, 2015 12:56:54 PM
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atmsalad wrote:
FlyingArrow wrote:
Trying to change well-established terminology just causes confusion. Door control just means that you're preventing lock-outs. When you destroy a door you control it for the rest of the skirmish: permanently open.

My apologize, I am not attempting to change terminology. Removing a door only ever seems like a very limited amount of control to me. I understand why the term is all inclusive. It is just a personal preference I have when referring to some of the door control abilities. Kind of like referring to melee attack as a "handicap" instead of a "special ability".
Something can be a special ability and still be a handicap. Just like Speed 4 or Single-Shot Blaster...those special abilities keep the piece from doing something that it would normally be able to do.

And so yes, Melee Attack is a's a SA that keeps a piece from attacking anything that it is not adjacent to...other pieces without the Melee Attack SA don't have that restriction/handicap.
Posted: Monday, July 20, 2015 1:58:07 PM
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thereisnotry wrote:
Something can be a special ability and still be a handicap. Just like Speed 4 or Single-Shot Blaster...those special abilities keep the piece from doing something that it would normally be able to do.

And so yes, Melee Attack is a's a SA that keeps a piece from attacking anything that it is not adjacent to...other pieces without the Melee Attack SA don't have that restriction/handicap.

Exactly! Just another way of looking at it. Also makes the negative side of the ability stick out, which I like.
Posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 4:34:07 PM
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Lord Vader, from Bounty Hunters

71 points, Imperial
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 21
Attack: 14
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Dark Armor (Whenever this character takes damage, he reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)

Force Powers
Force 2
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time he activates)
Force Leap (Force 1: This turn, this character can move through enemy characters without provoking attacks of opportunity)
Lightsaber Assault (Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks)
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once)
Master of the Force 2 (May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn)
Overwhelming Force (Force 1: This character's attacks cannot be prevented or redirected this turn)
Sith Rage (Force 1: +10 Damage on all attacks this turn)

Commander Effect
Followers within 6 squares gain Advantageous Attack.

Even though he has his issues, Lord Vader is still one of the strongest pure offense pieces in the game; an impressive feat given that he was originally released in 2006. His obvious synergy partner is Mitt'Thrawn, who provides him with a movement breaker and Opportunist, boosting him to an impressive +18 for 30. Lord Vader will generally want to utilise Lightsaber Assault or Sweep when he attacks, but with Master of the Force 2, he can augment it with Force Leap, Overwhelming Force, or Sith Rage. A Lord Vader squad went all the way to the GenCon final in 2010, in this build:

--Gimp Imps--
71 Lord Vader
32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
27 Lobot
23 Jarael
11 Admiral Ozzel
8 Mas Amedda
5 Imperial Dignitary
21 Rodian Brute x7
(198pts. 14 activations)

Despite all of his attacking prowess, Lord Vader does have his weaknesses. As he's reliant on the force for offense, he's much less effective against force counters like Talon Kardde's Ysalamari or Mace's Force Absorb. And simply because he's melee, he's also vulnerable to disruptive; it's often easier to base a Thrawn squad around a shooter like Cad Bane or Boba Assassin for Hire, who can usually attack from outside the disruptive bubble. But Lord Vader's offensive power is still impressive, and he's still capable of creating a splash in competitive play if he avoids his bad matchups, 9/10.
Posted: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 2:16:31 AM
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Kind of like referring to melee attack as a "handicap" instead of a "special ability".

Melee Attack isn't a handicap... Its a badge of honour.
Posted: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 2:20:36 PM
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Senator Padmé Amidala, from Scum and Villainy

24 points, Republic
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: 8
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, she makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Disciplined Leader (This character's commander effect cannot be suppressed)
Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to her speed before any other character activates)
Jolt (An enemy hit by this character's attack is considered activated this round; save 11. Huge and larger characters ignore this effect.)

Commander Effect
At the start of this character's turn, she can switch positions with an ally within 6 squares named Royal Handmaiden.

Ms Amidala is the third least used unique of 24 points or more in the game, which is probably a good indication of her perceived power level. Padmé brings some potentially powerful abilities to the table - she has access to good movement with Intuition and her Commander Effect, while Jolt and Cunning also give her the ability to activate an enemy piece at the start of the round. But given her 60 hit points and lack of defensive abilities, her mediocre stats, and the relatively underwhelming nature of the Royal Handmaiden, she feels comfortably overcosted at 24 points. It's difficult to utilise her, especially in a faction with no tempo control to help get her into position. Leia Rebel Commando from the same set shares a lot of the same characteristics, and can access Jolt and Twin easily - she's a much better choice, 3/10.
Posted: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 2:36:49 PM
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I like that Padme so much in theory, but yeah I think her biggest handicap is that the Royal Handmaidens just aren't that great. They can do lots of weird flip flopping though between her CE and Padme's Decoy
Posted: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 7:54:03 PM
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Hoth Trooper Officer, from The Force Unleashed

17 points, Rebel
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 17
Attack: 7
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Deadeye (On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage)

Commander Effect
Rebel trooper followers within 6 squares gain Deadeye.

I guess the Hoth Trooper Officer is appropriate for themed battles, since **spoiler alert** the Rebels lost the battle of Hoth, but Deadeye is a terrible commander effect for Rebel Troopers. Since Rebel Troopers are generally 30 hit points or less, even with Rieekan providing Evade they're unlikely to survive long enough in the open to use Deadeye. With only 40 hit points, for 17 points, the Hoth Trooper Officer is also fragile and a mediocre attacker. The Hoth Trooper Officer is good for themed squads when you want the Rebels to lose, but I doubt anyone's ever put one in a competitive squad, 2/10.
Posted: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 8:13:23 PM
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Here's the average rating per set at the moment:

Rebel Storm : 4.25
Clone Strike : 4.42
Revenge of the Sith: 2.88
Universe: 4.74
Champions of the Force: 3.43
Bounty Hunters: 4.40
Alliance and Empire: 6.32
The Force Unleashed: 4.17
Legacy of the Force: 5.35
Knights of the Old Republic: 6.56
The Clone Wars: 4.94 (including Battles, map packs, starter set)
Imperial Entanglements: 7.47
Jedi Academy: 5.09
Galaxy at War: 6.59
Dark Times: 4.86
Masters of the Force: 4.75
Destiny of the Force: 7.32
Renegades and Rogues: 7.34 (all subsequent sets' stats including accompanying mini-set)
Vengeance: 7.06
Scum and Villainy: 6.84
Galactic Heroes: 7.30
Command of the Galaxy: 7.97
Armed and Operational: 7.13
Shadows: 7.80

The Clone Wars set has noticeably been badly represented so far: a lot of big pieces to come from that set. But it's probably not surprising that Imperial Entanglements is the strongest WOTC set, and CotG is the strongest v-set.
Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2015 4:22:04 PM
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Yun-Yammka Fanatic, from Renegades and Rogues

19 points, Yuuzhan Vong
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 14
Attack: 10
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Charging Assault +10 (Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then make an attack at +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy)
Demolish (Ignores Damage Reduction of adjacent targets)
Droid Fanaticism (At the start of this character's turn, if a nonliving enemy with a printed Damage rating of 10 or more is within 12 squares, this character gains Savage until the end of the turn)
Droid Hunter (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against Droid enemies)
Razorbug (Replaces attacks: sight; 10 damage; save 11)
Vonduun Crab Armor 11 (When this character takes damage, he can reduce the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11)

With built in Charging Assault, the Yum-Yammka is one of the better Vong non-uniques out there. While a lot of Vong are strong against Jedi, the Yum-Yammka is specialised against Droids - with Droid Hunter and the usual Shaper, it's hitting a droid for 70 damage from 12 away, while Demolish ignores damage reduction. The built-in Charging Assault +10 makes them a solid option to build around, although their hit point to cos ratio is on the low side, and most of the time you're better off using the cheaper Domain Lah Warriors with a Subaltern for Charging Assault. The Yun-Yammka is also a very valid option for Quorreal reinforcements if you're playing against a squad with a key droid like R2-PO or an IG-88. The Yun-Yammka Fanatic is a solidly competitive mid-priced grunt option for the Vong and you should make sure that you at least have one in your Quorreal box, 8/10.
Posted: Sunday, August 9, 2015 8:36:09 PM
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Sorry for the gap in updates - been busy, and there has been plenty of other SWM stuff happening with GenCon etc!

Republic Commando - Fixer, from Champions of the Force

16 points, Republic
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 17
Attack: 9
Damage: 20

Special Abilities
Order 66
Door Gimmick (At the end of his turn, this character can designate 1 door that he can see as open; it remains open until the end of this character's next turn, or until he is defeated)
Stealth (If this character has cover, he does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)

Fixer is the last of the Republic Commandos from Champions of the Force to be covered on Rolling Mini of the Day. Like the other Republic Commandos, he was looking fairly dated - prior to the release of v-set 8 with the new Elite Republic Commandos, I think he would have been a fairly pedestrian 2 or 3. But the new Elite Republic Commandos with their boosts for Commandos give all the old Republic Commandos a boost - by the time they get Shields 2, Coordinated Movement, +4 attack, and Stable Footing from the Elites, even the CotF commandos are fairly solid.

Having said that, Fixer is probably the least interesting of the four - his main ability is Door Gimmick, and since the Elites already have Shatter Beam and Override between them, it's not especially helpful. On the other hand, Sev's a pretty good backup attacker with Deadeye and Accurate, while Boss is a very viable competitive option with his ability to cannon the Elite Sev. So here's what I've amended the COTF Commandos in light of the new Elites boosting them:

Fixer, 4/10
Scorch, 5/10
Sev, 7/10
Boss, 9/10 (cheap cannon CE is very powerful now that he has a good follower to cannon).

Posted: Monday, August 10, 2015 8:26:47 PM
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Tycho Celchu, from Renegades and Rogues

26 points, New Republic
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 16
Attack: 9
Damage: 10

Special Abilities
Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Affinity (Rebel pilots may be in your squad regardless of faction)
Evade (When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
Resilient (Immune to critical hits)
Synergy +4 (+4 Attack and +4 Defense while an allied character whose name contains Wedge or Winter is within 6 squares)

Commander Effect
Pilot allies gain Flanking Support.

Essentially Tycho is a weak shooter with a limited Commander Effect, and the main reason that he's useful is because he can bring Rebel pilots into the New Republic. While there are a number of good pilots in the Rebels, the most significant is probably Jon "Dutch" Vander and his Commander Effect for Pilots attacking adjacent enemies. It's potentially useful to give Corran Horn Jedi Master this boost, and make him into a destructive melee beat, as in this Darph Nader build:

--Toot Your Horn--
60 Corran Horn, Jedi Master
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
26 Tycho Celchu
21 Jon "Dutch" Vander
18 Klatooinian Captain
18 Twi'lek Black Sun Vigo
10 Jagged Fel
9 General Dodonna
3 Mouse Droid
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
(199pts. 11 activations)

But with Tycho and Vander already costing 47 points, and neither of them much chop as attackers, it's almost prohibitively expensive to make the combo work at 200 points - it's probably more applicable in Epics. Tycho Celchu's abilities to mix factions is powerful, but it's too cost prohibitive to really flow at 200 points, 6/10.
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