I've been working off and on for the past 2-3 years on a Star Wars RPG that merges the combat from SWM with traditional dungeon (or in this case map) crawling. I've been playing a scenario with some coworkers for the past year and this is a good time. I think I've ironed out most of the kinks and I didn't want this experience to be used exclusively by me and mine. The merging of SWM combat with tactile RPG scenarios fits really well.
Despite my heavy modifications and cleanups, this started out as the SWM RPG [CE] and I wanted to give a shout out to the guys that put that together because without it I wouldn't have known where to start.
If you want the files (its quite a few) hit me up at
multch_007@yahoo.com or keep posting on this forum. Or let me know how to distribute files more easily to those that want them. I usually only use the internet for the basics and haven't worked out my tech muscles as much as I should......
Any and all feedback is appreciated and I'd be more than happy to answer questions since if something is missing its probably because I just do it automatically and forgot to put it in the rules; even after the numerous edits. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy!!!!!