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2014 Michigan Regional March 22, 2014 Options
Posted: Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:40:50 PM
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Regional will be held at

Odyssey Games
1504 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI

200 pt
Entry Fee will be $15
Gencon Badge to first, store credit to other places

Start time Noon EST

Map list B
Posted: Friday, March 7, 2014 4:40:19 PM
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Map List? Time is nigh, we need to know
Posted: Sunday, March 9, 2014 6:06:40 AM
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Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend this year.
Posted: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 5:15:14 PM
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Map List B

We used A last year so will move to list B this year.
Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014 8:04:24 AM
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At the store, starting soon. Looks like a field of 8, all experienced players.

Jason K
Eric L
Mike G
Bryan H
Laura K
Tim B
Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:57:22 PM
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Top 4 after three rounds of Swiss (no particular order):

Lou (Daala)
Eric (Mace in the Face)
Laura (Talon's Hat Trick)
Tim (Rebel Commandos with Speeder)

Lou has already advanced to the finals, waiting on the outcome of Eric and Tim's match.
Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014 3:49:44 PM
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Final standings:


Play reports to follow.
Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014 3:59:25 PM
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Lou I hope you win just because you ran Daala.
Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014 5:49:17 PM
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So Daala won right? Snow Troopers?
Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06:36 PM
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Yes, Daala with snow troopers. We have squad sheets, will post tomorrow when we get home.
Posted: Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:25:41 PM
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#5. Darth Nihl, Hand of Krayt
#36. Togorian Black Sun Vigo

#7. Cade Skywalker, Legacy of the Force

These are the names of the figures that were given to us to give out at the MI regional.

Posted: Monday, March 24, 2014 4:20:47 PM
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I'm pretty interested to see squad lists for the bottom half and hear people's takes on the Snow Trooper squad sometime. There's been some discussion on the Facebook group, but not here.

For the record, without seeing any of the specific results, I'm pleased to see Daala still doing well. I was quite torn over which errata was best for her CE - whether staying with the status quo, dropping Charging Fire +10 down to Charging Fire, or going with Charging Assault instead was necessary or not, but it seems like it's maybe about right. Having Snow Troopers as part of the meta sounds good to me - they're tough, especially as they have can get really high attack and access to Pellaeon/Ozzel, but they're still way less painful than the turtle deep strike Raxus Prime Troopers with Zygerrians.

Posted: Monday, March 24, 2014 5:44:16 PM
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Squad lists

Security Officer Stormy
Snow Commander
Snow officer
11x snow
2x ugo

Eric (mace in yer face)
Captain Pancake
R2 Astrosmash
4x rodian

Tim (Endor-phin Rush)
Sweet Amazing custom of Luke and Leia on Speeder
Han Smuggler
Lobot (only one in the tourney)
3x mice

Laura (Talon's Hat Trick)
Givin BS Slocer
4x mice

Bryan (blanket of fire)
Arkanian Jedi General
3x OR Trooper
2x AoL trooper
Tactical Officer
2x OR Guard

Mike (5 ways to die)
MTB (main squad ... risky)
Cad Bane BH
Aurra Assassin
Sid (pawn is good)
11x Drone
4x ugo
2x mouse

Brad (Trooper Pooper)
R2 Astrosmash
a bunch of troopers

Jason (Scrupls)
Corn Horn
Klat Capt
Klat Assassin
Dr E.
The Celestial Warrior
Posted: Monday, March 24, 2014 5:53:11 PM
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urbanjedi wrote:
Squad lists

Brad (Trooper Pooper)
R2 Astrosmash
a bunch of troopers

Lol, I wrote the real squad list on the back:

Pong Krell
Capt. Rex
Commander Gree
Clone Repeaters x2

The entire strategy of the squad was to sit in the back starting area and spin so fast to force multiple rounds (I got to 10 in my matchup with Bryan). I rolled reserves all but a handful of times during the entire tournament.
Posted: Monday, March 24, 2014 6:08:44 PM
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Here is my report and follow-up thoughts

Rd 1 against Eric and Mace on Cantina
Round 1, I outactivate, he positions so he has mace and foul in gambit and I run up Corran to block the door (and also open it) so we can see what happens on init. I win init and use JMT he fails with Foul and makes it with mace. I then hit him (no opp) and miss the first, then hit the second (he ripostes and does 20), and I hit the 3rd and he ripostes and crit/crit/dead on corran. I put up a decent fight the rest of the way, taking out Skyguy and getting Mace almost dead (If I had won a later init I would have killed him with Dr. E) but losing corran so early spells my doom and our game is over in about 20 minutes.

Rd 2 against Brad and his trooper pooper on Cantina
Brad got reserves every round except 1 in our game. He would get them and I would kill them, but they would keep shooting and shooting at corran. I healed up with Dr E 3 times and made an absorb energy save AND made more than half my evade saves, but corran finally succumbed to shot after shot from the clones with repeaters and it wasn't long after that the rest of my squad went down as well. In the end, had I been able to kill Rex (20 or 30 left), I could have won as I ended up with 168 (only 15 pts from his base squad because he had so many reserves) when he finished me off.

Rd 3 against Mike and his Seps
He makes tons and tons of poggle don't die saves, so I can't make any headway on eating his acts. I get rid of the lancer pretty easily, but can't deal with the rest of the stuff and the SD damage from the bombs just wears me down.

I ended up 0-3 but did get to see Laura make her first ever top 4 (congrats).

I watched most of the top 4 matches. In the Mace vs rebels match, Tim brought an MTB and then at the beginning of the second rd, strafed every piece of Erics, killing everything except the 3 jedi and one lone rodian. However he made a huge mistake because he left eric a landing spot with a foul carried mace to base Han and Crix. A couple of Crits later and tim was in serious trouble. He didn't have the firepower to take down the jedi and he had an active clock (the mtb) making it so he couldn't do any sort of keep away. A few rounds later and it was all over as mace and tim's own MTB took care of tims squad.

In the other semi, Lou set up the snow troopers and just shot and shot and shot up Laura, who hadn't ever played against Daala so didn't know which way to best attack.

In the finals Eric miscounted by a square to turn his bad matchup into a total beating. Game ended about a round and a half later.

In the 3/4 game Tim beat out Laura in a tight game.

So in looking at Daala, I would say that she is powerful, but not absurd. She is on par with Naboo as far as pure power level. I think partly the fact that I don't think anyone was expecting her helped quite a bit. Tim used Luke and Leia and beat Lou in the Swiss, and in the finals, Eric would have had a chance had he not miscounted. Also talking with Lou, he said he didn't really think he could beat yobuck with Daala. I think that she ended up just about right on the power meter. If the meta doesn't prepare for her, she will win plenty of games, but if her "counter" is there, she will struggle mightily.
Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:45:43 PM
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Fourth Place Play Report

First round, I faced Mike and his diverse sep squad. I brought in a buzz droid and peace brigade thug with Bribery, and got Charging Fire through Con Artist (neither of which mattered in this game). We played on Cantina, and he set up across the back row. We positioned for a couple of rounds, him moving his bombs up and me advancing pretty much everything. I was able to use Talon's movement CE and Embo's Charging Assault/Speed 8/Acrobatic to take out Cad Bane early, and I managed to take out several bombs without taking much damage myself. I think the Lancer got off a strafe and took out my fodder, but didn't last long after that. Between Jarael, Dash, and Talon's Disruptive, Mike's squad couldn't do a whole lot, and I managed to pull out the 3-point win. 1-0, 3 points.

Round two, I drew Eric and Mace in the Face. I brought in Salacious Crumb and a Toydarian, and took the momentum CE. We again played on Cantina. Eric was at a disadvantage here, although I'm not sure he knew it at first. He was playing a squad I knew very well on a map I knew very well. I knew exactly what the squad could do and how to counter it. He advanced up the middle, while I advanced down a side hallway, sacrificing Embo to put 30 damage on Mace, using Jarael to get an early strike against Foul (I hit all three, but he defensed the first and lived). The rest of my squad soon took Foul out, and I moved Talon up to protect them with the Disruptive/Ysalamiri bubble. This proved to be critical, since having Talon up there pretty well prevented Eric's Jedi from doing most of the things they really wanted to do. I managed to avoid engaging hand to hand with Skywalker, sniping him with Dash and my other shooters, which he couldn't do much about. Toward the end of the game, it was down to most of my squad (Jarael, Dash, and Talon were all still alive, some more so than others), against Mace with 80-90 health left (Panaka was also alive and undamaged, but he didn't get a chance to do much). I had my squad holed up behind a two-square fodder wall, which Mace broke through easily. Instead of retreating, he decided to advance in an effort to get next to Talon. I think a couple of my AoOs landed, bringing him down to 60 HP. I won the critical init, opting to go first with Jarael in an effort to stun Mace with Shockstaff. First attack was a hit, and Eric failed the activation save (couldn't reroll because of the bubble). Jarael then proceeded to hit the next two attacks, finishing Mace and securing the victory. 2-0, 6 points. After the game, Eric remembered that he could have used Panaka to take the damage from Jarael; however, Mace would still have been stunned, so it probably wouldn't have made much difference to the end game.

Round three, I faced Tim with his Rebel squad. Once again, we were on Cantina, and I brought a buzz droid. I took the Cunning +20 from Crix. This was a close match. In the third round, I ran Embo pretty much into his starting area and killed Gha Nackht, which was who I could reach. Tim took a strafe with the speeder and taking his regular attack against Embo, taking him down to 10 hit points (we later realized that he should have been dead, since the Strafe attack would have gotten around DR10). I won the next init, putting damage on Han before Embo finally died. Then I opened the door and ran my buzz droid up to the Speeder, causing it to malfunction. Tim got in another strafe or two on my fodder (another mistake, as we didn't realize that malfunctioning limited the Speeder's movement and attacks) before the Speeder went down. In the end, Tim was able to get most of my squad dead, while I pretty much only killed the Speeder and Han, plus a commander or two (sorry, I don't remember exactly how it went down, but I know the final score was pretty close). 2-1, 6 points, advancing to the Top Four.

J already pretty much described my game with Lou. I got shot, I died, I conceded in the first 10 minutes.

Tim and I decided to play a 3/4 game just because, and we were both sick of playing on Cantina, so even though I won map roll, I chose his map (Starport). This was interesting, because neither of us was familiar with the map, which was evident when Tim sniped my buzz droid and put some major damage on Talon early in the game. Talon retreated, and most of my squad sought cover, with Jarael, Dash, and the R7 holding gambit. The Speeder took a Strafe over most of my squad, eliminating a good portion of my door control, then succumbed to my firepower after losing initiative. Meanwhile, both squads advanced into the large room off the center. I managed to get Embo outside of Crix's Disruptive bubble to take a charge on Han, killing him. However, without any door control on my side, Tim was free to isolate characters and pick them off at will. I hung on pretty well (and we actually scored some Gambit in this game), but it was clear I couldn't win under those circumstances.

As J said, this was my first time making a cut at a Regional, so I was pretty pleased with the day as a whole.

As I said in the Facebook group, although playing against Daala wasn't pleasant, it wasn't any worse for me than playing against any other squad that seems tailor-made to beat mine (essentially any shooter swarm). I agree with J that a lot of what allowed it to do so well (in addition to having a very skilled player at the helm) was that people weren't really prepared for it.

Talon Karrde is really super fun to play.

Posted: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 12:25:57 AM
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I played four games against Daala the weekend before the Michigan Regional.
Lost every game except for one without Palleon; I used Bastila with Dray.
I went with the Vangaurd instead.

--Blanket of Fire--
40 Vanguard
33 Bastila Shan, Jedi Master
30 Arkanian Jedi General
57 Old Republic Trooper x3
19 Tactical Officer
10 Army of Light Trooper x2
8 Old Republic Guard x2
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(200pts. 12 activations)

Rd 1 against Brad and Trooper Poop on Simulation Deck

Round 1, Brad hit reserves, gets more clones and quickly spins his characters in the corner; I run my squad 12 squares. Round 2, Brad gets more reserves and quickly spins his characters again, I run my squad into gambit. Realizing Brad is going to continue camping in the starting area building reserves, I run Bastia mid-board instead of using her ABM. The following 2-3 rounds I traverse the board into his starting area. Brad hits reserves nearly every round. Rex and clones GMA twin attack killed some scrubs and put some major damage on the Vangaurd. Finally, by Round 6 I activate ABM. The following 4 rounds are fast and furious trooper on trooper action and my taking down Pong Krell as time is called for a 2pt win. Brad was the fastest player I faced (we played 10 rounds.) Still, it was impossible for my squad to cross the length of the board and kill enough clones for a 3 point victory. 1-0.

Rd 2 against Tim and his Endor-phin Rush on Rancor Pit.

Round 1, Tim brings MTB with mice. I run my squad up along the far wall keeping them out of los. Tim brings Gha out and flies LukeN’Leia into the gambit area. Round 2, Tim lets me go first!! I GMA double on LukeN’Leia with the Vanguard do damage but better yet Jolts them activated. Sadly, I can’t get shots with any other troopers to finish them off. The ERC and others shoot at my 28 defense Troopers and miss. I move the squad into Gambit and activate ABM. Tim advances inside the room and overrides doors. Round 3, Tim flies LukeN’Leia back to her starting space and to safety. I GMA out and kill Gha Knak and mouses. I run an OR Guard with “it’s a trap” 12 squares within 6 of the ERC. Then I Triple GMA Atk with an OR Trooper and roll misses. The ERC runs away and locks the door.
Basically, Tim controls the doors, ABM turns off and Tim strafes me at the end for the win. 1-1

Rd 3 against Lou and Daala on Rancor Pit

Lou wins map and choses my map Rancor Pit instead of Casino. He brings in Pelleaon. I have him set up first and he takes the side with the rooms. Round 1, We both advance along opposite sides of the map. Round 2, I activate ABM. Lou opens the door and lines up shots. I activate force valor and run everyone up into gambit area. Lou runs out several snowtroopers and tries but misses my 28 defense troopers. Round 3, my OR troopers GMA out and pick off 6 of his snowtroopers. Lou locks the door and moves Pelleon up to get the bubble to where he needs it. I run my satchel charge pieces over to the wall by the door. Round 4, Lou hits reserves and gets 6 snowtroopers. Lou opens the door moves and shoots and kills troopers and the Vanguard like nothing ending with 7 snowtroopers in a 9x9 square area. I move an OR Trooper 6 and Grenades 20 the center cluster of Snowtroopers. Lou makes 5 saves and only loses 2 troopers. He has nearly the same amount of troopers he had at the start of the game. He out activates me by days, has a force bubble and ABM shuts off. 10+ Snowtroopers move 12 squares and hit for 80 damage. Game Over (1-2)

Posted: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 8:27:46 AM
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So do you think if the reserves aren't rolled, that you can beat daala? Sounds like the game was close until daala crapped out more troopers.
Posted: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 9:10:56 AM
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urbanjedi wrote:
So do you think if the reserves aren't rolled, that you can beat daala? Sounds like the game was close until daala crapped out more troopers.
I had like a 2 round window to thin down enough troopers to win the game. Got him down to 5-6 troopers and if on the following round I had killed a few more troopers, I might have won. After Lou hit reserves he said, "well that's probably game." He was right, after that I had no chance... it was a slaughter.

Posted: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 11:13:02 AM
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How many troopers did he get on reserve? I thought it would be four 5-pointers?

The last two competitive games I've played against Daala, she's rolled first round reserves.
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