Howdy Shmi (is that like Smee... from Hook, or Shmi, as in Anakin's mom? cool either way)
Great SA's/CE's here! You're experimenting, and thats awesome!
My concrit is simple since the scope for honed feedback is brief,
just beware how your pieces might interact with all the other VSet pieces, and be on the lookout for potentially broken combos and cost accordingly.
Specifically regarding mandalorian charge: this seems like a weaker version of the already officially existing Ambush (move up to speed and attack a single unactivated target) or a regular SBD's Charging Fire (move up to 12 squares and attack one target - can't combine fire in this attack) - was that intentional, so as to lower the mandalorian unit's net cost?
What would the difference be? Do mandalorian charge's allowed to combine fire? Is a mandalorian charge get to make additional attacks, where x is the number of attacks a player can do to the mandalorian? (ie, the mandalorian makes the victim attack themselves on the round they charge at the target).
Do mandalorian charges avoid attacks of opportunity/repostes?
See, especially with those existing abilities ontop of the proliferation of superstealth and Greater Mobile Attack... I just don't see how Mandalorian Charge brings anything unique at the present time.
Focused Combat is interesting: could you shed some more light on the stylistic intent behind it: what does it represent?
Sorta like aing-tii flow walking/superspeed and cramming loads of attacks into a very short space of time (ala The Flash of DC Fame)?
I think Flying Arrow has layed the options out there; this otherwise could result in weird stuff where a person can attack through a closed door/wall/pit... hehe, which isn't so bad, if that character is called "Dark Woman".
It would also make attacks of opportunity, retaliation options etc... harder to process: consider this, you attack through a wall, can the victim you've attacked, attack you back through the wall? Or do their attack of opportunity targetting rules mean they can't, because a wall is in the way?
Or this: you attack over a pit, can the person on the other side of the pit retaliate, even though 5 squares of pit are in the way?
Dodge is a bit of a hodgepodge: its sorta like Rolling Cleave and Evade, rolled into one. I like it. Its like Advanced Evade.
Attuned with the Force: interesting!
how does this work? So, lets say im using General Skywalker v2, and he's got Attuned With the Force.
He also still has Greater Mobile Attack, and uses lightsaber sweep. Can he potentially use Lightsaber Sweep twice in a turn? Or is it a case where I make all my twin Greater Mobile Attacks, and THEN I get to Lightsaber Sweep on top of that? (so 2 attacks + up to 8 more attacks from Lightsaber Sweep, each with Twin... so 18 attacks at +20odd, for 20DMG each).
That could be quite damaging!
I'm looking forward to any new abilities and characters you come up with,
and particularly any new abilities which are terrain-deforming/ alter the turn structure or game mechanics,
"Force Maelstrom: F3, Range 12, Replaces Attacks, this attack does 2 attacks per square of green-bordered low terrain, 3 per yellow bordered... between the attacker and the victim." This represents Vader hurling relentless amounts of objects at luke at bespin (which, according to Star Wars Purge, was really just Vader doing to Luke what the Conclave at Kessel had done to Vader 20 odd years prior...).
Abilities that force people to consider placement and terrain would be very welcomed!
Or hows abouts
landmines: all greenbordered squares explode in a 2 square radius, any living character on those squares is instantly defeated, save 16.
Characters with Armor, Mounted Weapon, or Flying, ignore this effect.
This represents IED's etc, which FFG is exploring as equipment in its new Star Wars BoardGame (which on a related tangent, sucks just that little bit, because it doesn't incorporate the colour targetting system of Tannhauser etc).
We need more abilities to mitigate against "gambit campers" as a strategy.
As loathe as I am to say this, we also need a way to mitigate against droid swarms etc... area of effect ion weaponry, or stuff that freezes them and makes them skip turns/activations.