surf_rider56 wrote:Interesting pics. Looking at the two sides, how many turns did the Rebels really last vs. the Imp armor? The Falcon is interesting; its not a model, is it a foam carving?
@Surf_ridr56 - The game was based on the Ultimate Missions. Imperial aimed to destroy the Shield Generator and then capture the rebel leaders (Leah and Riekkan). The Rebels should reactivate the Falcon (10 activations) and get away with the rebel leaders in Falcon.
Yes Falcon was made of Styrofoam and scrap.
kobayashimaru wrote:Thats some awesome stuff!
Is that an arcade game in the background also?
That game setup is awesome...
turning to the game itself, were the rebels completely wiped out?
or, did it lead to a XWing carry over game?
Are you the same blue knight from the Wizards of the Coast forums? If so, thats awesome to see you've made the transition to bloo milk
Are there any other games in the pipeline?
Also, are you looking forward to Star Wars: Imperial Assault, the boardgame from FFG?
Thank You Kobayashmaru. Yeah, I'm the old Blue Knight from the Wizard's Forum.
Yeah, it is a arcade game ... have pacman and another 80' classic games.
The Rebels were winners, because when the Imperials destroyed the Shield Generator, Chewie fix the Falcon então a Leia fled in the Falcon,just like in the movie.
In 2015 we must recreate Endor's Battle. I'm finishing a new map.
If I'm looking forward to Star Wars: Imperial Assault, the boardgame from FFG?