A lot will depend on your meta, on how you resolve collisions, and what maps/terrain you're using.
B6R7's blog and FFG thread talk about his Z95 "Scum" builds. They're supposed to get locks early, then 'dumbfire' missiles, set and forget.
There's also a cloak build...
I haven't seen any damage-sponge builds or 'gimmick' builds as yet... maybe it could be a damage sink or something for targetlock?
I use Z's for their autolock, or as missile threats with decent survivability and maneuverability. I do a left centre right scissor play,
and Z's are usually a pair on left to right crossover. Don't flog the Z's (don't rush in with em), and that autolock will treat you right.
The heavy hitter is centre for options, and I try to counter any variable the team brings to the table with righty. Righty might be an E-Wing with the cloak-sensor, Righty might be another BWing... righty might even be Wedge in an Xwing sometimes.
So, Lefty movement: Centre 4/6 turn 1, Centre 2 or left to right curve 3.
Centre movement: centre 4/6 turn 1, either arc 3 or 180 on turn 1 to stall.
Righty movement: 180 to stall or right to left full (so i think thats a 5)
So, usually Ties setup regulars in formation, elites on furthest flank and maybe bombers or defenders as wildcards.
I try and guess which one has the ace pilot and aim for it.
We play in local meta, if you can't guesstimate the move right, and you end your move in collision, its a best 3 of 5 "sudden death" roll off -
if tie or both roll odd number - both ships die in collision,
if colliding player beats stationary player, colliding player takes half damage and survives (stationary is destroyed). if already at half health, defeated.
if stationary player beats colliding player, stationary player takes half damage and survives (colliding is destroyed), if already at half health, defeated.
We play this way to prevent suicide runs and to emphasize movement strategy, and also to capture the spirit of the computer game better
its collision detection was... unforgiving.
A single Z95 with a decent pilot card and supedup blasters (anything that'll let you ignore shields or do +1 damage on attacks) or autolock enhancing stuff can take down a Lambda or even Slave 1 easily enough, provided you exploit the turning arcs and don't push too much.
The Z95 is like a less agile AWing IMHO, with less of the drawbacks the AWing's have: so, cruddier turn arcs and top speed, but better HPs and nice lock autolock-synergy (letting you convert those miss-symbols into hits). You can do 180s in a Z95 and not push if the build is right, whereas a AWing has more turning options and is, well, faster. The AWing doesn't push for going fast, but it doesn't do 180s well.
The Z95 isn't as good as the Ewing or Xwing, but can turn circles around the small freighters and the Ywing/Bwing and imp equivalents.
The Xwing is a little more expensive, and you get a lot more for it.
The Ewing is a little more fragile, but IMHO the turning and maneuverability is much more worth it, and its like a Awing on steroids + a hint of Xwing.
YWings and the new Virago fighter are too nasty at the moment... they're cruising for an errata.
When the official TIE DRONE and TIE CHISS CLAWFIGHTER come out, then we'll see who's laughing...
I prefer to field B-Wing/E-wing squadrons, maybe with a Moldy Crow mk 2 every now and then.
BWings are a high damage output damage sponge (but dang are they slow!)
EWings are better than XWings and have slightly better maneuverability.
If/When T-Wings and K-wing gunship/BlastBoats are officially released, I'll probably include them.
I wish they'd make Dagger, Morningstar A-E and Dianoga type starfighters... for even more fringe variety.
and im REALLY hoping they make KOTOR themed stuff official.
Definitely check out Teri Litorco and B6R7's stuff, and the FFG forums - loads of people are in a similar perspective with you when it comes to Z95s
if you're into kill-death ratios and stuff,
the z95 does exceedingly well vs Lambda shuttles and the HWK290, due to maneuverability advantage
the Z-95 does very well against Tie Bombers and regular Tie's, avg. 3:1 and 4:1 respectively in gameplay (not controlling for player playstyle). so, if they have a flight of 3 Tie Bombers, to your 2 Z95s, you'll likely walk away with a z95 at half health. If they've got 4-6 regular ties, against your 2 Z95s, you'll probably walk away with both at half health, or maybe 1 with full health and 1 with half health for all 4 confirmed destroyed.
The Z-95 is hit or miss against Tie Defender or Tie Interceptor,
or Aces with a regular Tie, or Vader's Concept Tie; and
is hopelessly outclassed by: Tie Phantom, Slave 1, Virago, IG2000, Luke Xwing build, new Sorrosuub "Snub Scum" build.