It's a massive project, so forgive the massive novella of a post.
Some folks used a cut-and-repin of a Mistral shadow guard, an Asajj Ventress from GaW, a Nightsister from Univ. set, or of the Human Force Adept from A&E,
though you could use a heap of Bones miniatures or D&D, pathfinder etc minis... just depends on if you're going for that "Lily-wan esque" look to the nightsisters or the "Marvel StarWars Comics" look, or the TCW look hehehe
For the lightning, some used an Electro heroclix figure, though with the new heroclix and shapeways stuff, you could get all kinds of effects if you wanted to. Zatanna or some of the hidden ninja, or even streetfighter heroclix might do the trick.
I don't know how others achieved that glow-y hand on their Nightsister Possessed Felcors, but maybe that was with a translucent Hulk toy or Bane toy?
(you might be able to use Vorbla's own or some other clear plastic to form that effect a different way?)
For the chains and roping, I recommend searching for some of the old White Dwarf W40K
how-to guides, on possessed chaos chains for the iron hands, or how they achieved the effects for LOTR minis and the Elves;
you might be able to use ordinary 1mm/0.3mm chainlink from a craft store and some florist wire/twist-tie wire to glue the chain to the armature, creating those flail-y chains from the RPG description and novel appearances ("Nightsisters tormented their Rancors and dressed them for war; Yoda was not intimidated by their size..." etc from the Nightwitches/sisters of Dathomir)
The articles on the Mumak Howdah and how to convert dinosaur toys to Beastmen/Horadrim etc... you might find also of use
a local who made a stunning mumakil and huge orc stuff said the trick was to use thin pleather or vellum sheets and glue those together to make the vine-effect. Initially, the Mumakil didn't have a howdah, it was a forgeworld exclusive, and people just used sailing model sails and rigging to remake the howdah.
do you have some pictures of other customs, or a sketch of what you'd like to see happen?
(just a mud map'll do, it can even be photoshopped from a picture of the Felcor).
or, a still from TCW episode?
I think a few folks around here had some good ideas for that Bull Rancor,
mutant rancor,
and terantatek
Also, there are 4 3D printed Rancor models in .obj/.stl on the web, and it's to-scale with our rancor...
maybe you'd like to give that a look into, if you wanted horns and other addons?
Goodluck, and it's an awesome custom to be building.