I'll throw a whole bunch of links your way.
You're already at BlooMilk, which is the most active discussion forum. It also has a database of pieces, a squadbuilder and a collection tracker, which you may have already explored. Find them in the menus above.
Rules:Most of the important rules links are in the sticky thread in the rules forum:
http://www.bloomilk.com/Forums/default.aspx?g=posts&t=1090Here's another link that has much of the same information:
http://swmgamers.com/SWM/SWM%20Rules%20Main.htmlMaps:You asked about free maps so I'll address that first. swinefeld has some map images available somewhere in his repository of all things Star Wars Minis:
http://1drv.ms/1FhSth9But printing one out or having it printed is probably more expensive than just buying maps.
You can buy Star Wars maps at these links:
Miniature Market:
http://www.miniaturemarket.com/Christopher West "MapMaker":
http://maps-of-mastery-store.myshopify.com/Matt Francella "JediCartographer":
http://www.mcssl.com/store/dd1a825840564181b5cf8c4b35856cA complete list of Star Wars Miniatures maps (with images):
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/94b3f86ypxwje0s/AAB_FWBHtbZrZqpgXcAufK1Xa/MapList%20January%202014.pdf?dl=0(Okay, it's not quite complete... there have been some new maps that came out since that list was made, but it's still a great resource.)
The best "bang for your buck" regarding maps is generally accepted to be Matt Francella's Map Pack 4 (Strongholds). I think his Map Pack 6 (Pirate's Moon) may end being just as good. This is in terms of a good price for multiple good, playable maps that produce good skirmishes. Maps that are not too wide open, not too many or too few doors, neither side has a huge advantage.
Vsets:These are in fact just cards. Use one of the existing Wizards of the Coast minis as a proxy, or create customs. You can download images of the cards here and then print them out:
http://swmgamers.com/SWM/V-setMain.htmlThe sets were professionally printed when they came out, and many of those printed sets are still available. Contact user "urbanjedi" for details. I know the first set isn't available anymore but most of the others are. Each set is about 50-60 cards, and there are 10 sets. The 11th set will be printed this month or next month, and the fundraiser for that is happening now. (You may have already seen those threads.)
The Vsets are fully integrated into the squadbuilder and the character database here. They are legal for the regional tournaments and GenCon championship that you'll hear announcements about in the coming months.