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Chicago Regional 2016 Options
Posted: Sunday, February 21, 2016 8:19:17 PM
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2016 Chicago Regional - May 14th 2016

Hey everyone, I'm running the tournament this year.

We are on the calendar at Chicagoland Games (Dice Dojo). Same place we've had the Regional the last several years.

5550 N Broadway St Chicago, IL 60640

$15 Entry

Registration begins at 10am,
Registration ENDS at 10:45am

Rounds begin promptly at 11AM

Gameplay in each round will last exactly 1 hour. 10 minutes of set-up time will be given before the game clock begins each round (we will start the game clock when everyone is set and ready if it is before 10 minute set-up time is done).

Number of Swiss (initial) rounds depend on number of participants.
<8 = 3 rounds
9-16 = 4 rounds
17-32 = 5 rounds
33-64 = 6 rounds (very optimistic here)

For any number of participants above 8, cut to the top 4 and play 2 rounds of single elimination finals.

Prize support will depend on number of entries. GenCon badge to 1st place (minimum 12 entries) + Store credit and other prizes to the top finishers. Draft prizes for all participants!

Short 30 minute break between rounds 3 and 4.

The whole event should be done by 7:30pm to give everyone plenty of time to get home. (Estimating 4 Swiss rounds)

This will be an official Star Wars™ Miniatures SWMGPA (Star Wars Miniatures Gamers Players Association) sacnctioned event. The SWM GPA Floor Rules will be in effect.
(The Star Wars Miniatures SWMGPA (Star Wars Miniatures Gamers Players Association) Floor Rules and the Star Wars Miniatures Game Rules should be read and understood by all players wishing to compete in sanctioned events. All SWMGPA members participating in SWMGPA-sanctioned Star Wars™ Miniatures events must abide by these rules.)

Legal Map Lists will be:

Restricted C
(Force Locales)

Dark Academy (JC) - Map Pack 5
Great Library (JC) - Map Pack 5
Rhen Var Citadel (JC) - Map Pack 4
Knight's Enclave (JC) - Map Pack 6 -
Posted: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 10:55:49 PM
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I can't make it this year due to attending motor city comiccon.
Posted: Saturday, April 30, 2016 11:56:53 AM
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Sorry to hear that you can't make it Lou.
Map list has been edited to just list D.
The legal map list for this event is map list D.
Posted: Saturday, April 30, 2016 12:50:18 PM
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Wasn't Brad going to add a new map to list D?
Posted: Sunday, May 1, 2016 2:59:35 PM
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If he does,then cool. If not, then it's a list of 3.
Posted: Sunday, May 1, 2016 3:30:34 PM
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New map list is effective May 15th (Day after your regional.)
Map list list D will become Map list C and adds a map.
Posted: Sunday, May 1, 2016 6:29:13 PM
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DarkDracul wrote:
New map list is effective May 15th (Day after your regional.)
Map list list D will become Map list C and adds a map.

Yeah, that really throws a wrench in things.

We'll think about it and get back to you all. We may go with one of the new lists.
Posted: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 7:18:54 AM
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Ok, our map list was the old "D" and is the new "C".
This is our map list for the 2016 Chicago Regional,

Restricted C
(Force Locales)

Dark Academy (JC) - Map Pack 5
Great Library (JC) - Map Pack 5
Rhen Var Citadel (JC) - Map Pack 4
Knight's Enclave (JC) - Map Pack 6 -
The Celestial Warrior
Posted: Monday, May 9, 2016 3:34:22 PM
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Overnight at my place for those wanting to come in from Southern Indiana Ohio or Michigan
Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2016 8:41:33 AM
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Looking forward to hearing updates and results in the tourney!
Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2016 12:28:41 PM
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DarthMaim wrote:
Looking forward to hearing updates and results in the tourney!

Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2016 2:17:21 PM
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standings after swiss

Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2016 2:30:26 PM
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That's just after round three. We just finished the final round, standings shortly.
Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2016 2:35:45 PM
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Top 4:

Jason--Imperial Ewoks
Lillian--Daala and sleds
Randy --Daala and Storm Commandoes
Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2016 3:30:47 PM
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Are those all swarms?
Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2016 4:46:32 PM
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Swarms, yeah.

Jason over Randy in the finals --congrats!

Lillian and Bryan are still playing for the awesome third place trophy.
Posted: Sunday, May 15, 2016 9:10:25 AM
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Location: Kokomo, IN
Thats quite the change from michigan last weekend, what did everyone else run? Wish I could have made it, Maybe someday!
Posted: Sunday, May 15, 2016 9:28:47 AM
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I ran my OR pilot squad from last week.

Brad was running Rebels (new R2 and 3PO, Son of Skywalker, etc.)

Giles ran Felucians

Jake was running Sith Caedus/Cognus/Jaq

Other Mike had Thrawn swap with Lord Vader and Boba AFH

Tim had Mandalorians
Posted: Sunday, May 15, 2016 10:08:22 AM
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thanks for the info, played against the felucians giles ran on fri. so I was curious if thats what he ended up running!
Posted: Sunday, May 15, 2016 11:18:47 AM
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I played Ewoks

Basically the ewoks turn into 30 damamge missiles (+13 for 30) plus swarm with all their bonuses. And the gliders strafe (10/20 on the strafe and 14/30 on the charging attack).

Rd 1 against Mike S and Lord Vader/Boba Swap
I brought in a Hang Glider and regular ewok and borrowed Advantageous from lord vader. Wasn't all that useful.
I roll an early reserves and bring in the disiciple and it is what wins the game for me. 60 damage to Boba and 30 to Vader in just lightning. Boba shut down my strafe options and between triple on Boba and Sweep on Vader, he had cleared out most of the ewoks before succumbing to death.
1-0 3 pts

Rd 2 against Bryan and his Vong
I borrow blast bugs and Yammosk borrowed cunning from Jabba. He had just as much range (even more) with his guys as I did. I had to use my run, swap run some more, then win init to do much damage. I do it, miss an attack on his quedneck allowing it to live (although at 10hp) and he retreats it away. He now has all his warriors up in the gambit zone. Next rd, I use Glider number 2 for the same trick. I start doing some damage to his guys and then probably the turning point of the game his BG dies without making a single avoid defeat save. Then we get into trading. Me setting up ewoks within 12 trying to draw him closer and him blastbugging ewoks like there is no tomorrow. This is about when I roll ozzel reserves and bring in 4 Raxus primes which helps swing the game towards me. We keep on trading, but with more guys to start plus the 4 extra guys from reserves, I steadily use my advantage to whittle him down. In the end, he couldn't quite get to 100.
2-0 6 pts

Rd 3 vs Lillian with Daala and Double sleds
She again has more range since she can run 12 (or 24 with the sleds) and still shoot and has the cannon shots. I have to try and hide Mas and work on trading guys 1 for 1 since we have about the same number of attackers. Basically we dance around for a while trading. Lillian makes a great deep strike taking out Ozzel and my last glider, but because her guys are worth more pts, I end up winning at time 100-68. We had both taken care of most of each others attackers and it would have come down to a commander fight. Would have been an interesting game to finish. I think because I alread had the edge and was controlling gambit, it would have been hard for her to catch back up.
3-0 8 pts

Rd 4 vs Tim and his Mandos
I again bring my same glider and ewok and borrow twin from the Resurrector with Con Artist. We are on Rhen Var and rd 1 is just moving forward. Rd 2 the carnage starts and it doesn't end well for Tim. He uses Boba pretty well to keep my strafing at bay but my ewok missiles just keep smashing in and I keep playing door games to seal it up.
4-0 11pts

Wandered around for a bit and Watched the exciting finish of Jake K and Lillian with Caedus staving off death multiple times with Master Illusion before finally falling as Lillian was nearing both the build total with Gambit and the end of her troopers.

Top 4 was Myself, Lillian, Randy, Bryan (in tiebreaks over Jake K due to HTH).
I get Bryan again and am scared to death. I do the same reinforcements and con artist tricks. Bryan decides to take Ozzels CE with his Yammosk. This doesn't work out as he had hoped. Because I still outactivate him, I can dictate the flow of the game. I use my three gliders to fly and do stuff, his BG lasts longer but still dies on I think its 3rd death. But I keep pushing up and because my ewoks do 30 it only takes 2 hits to kill a warrior. And since I outnumber him (and win init) it is in my favor. I win this matchup again.

Just as we finish up, they come over and say that Randy has won an exciting game ny 7 points with his getting gambit in the last rd the deciding factor. They said that there were only like 6 or 7 total pieces on the board total at the end of the game (maybe one of them can give a report on how that game played out).

Finals vs Randy and his Daala Storm COmmando, Nyna, Diplomats, Luuke, and Triumvirate squad
Very different take as he is using Daala more for the attack boost and not the charging. Nyna gives the storm commandos super stealth and the diplomats provide cover and also can't be attack. I again used my normal Glider and ewok thing and borrowed Ninas extra 10 damage against stealth thing. Of course I roll reserves in rd 1 (Disciple again) which was huge. End of Rd 1, I run a rodian up, swap in the disciple and run him 14. I win init and run around (AoO to Luuke) and use lighting to hit a commando and 2 adjacent Diplomats. I trade my guys for damage on his guys and as I start killing the commandos, I can then take out the diplomats. Game is over in short order.

I basically picked this squad because I thought that with the last 3 regionals being very tanky, people would be trying to play tankbusters and this can handle most tankbusters.

The ewok squad is only good in if the meta is right for it. It is very, very much an extreme squad and if it can't do its thing, it is in deep trouble. In hindsight if Bryan takes swap, it might give him an edge in the matchup although it still might be an uphill battle. Without the Disciple reserves in rd 1, I am not sure I win that match.

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