indeed, this is an interesting thread, and thanks for sharing it.
there's nothing wrong with sharing subjective opinions or having a discussion.
a lot of folks have trepidation about discussions these days,
they don't want to have awkwardness or 'wrongthink'
to heck with that though hehe
it is potentially sharing a profound insight into people's personal preferences, (tangent: perhaps that's why Bloomilk-ers are refraining from speaking?)
so I admire people who would volunteer such information so publicly, and have those kinds of discussions.
all those buzzfeed vids or youtube "top 10" clickbaits, they're insights and a window somewhat.
well, as much of an insight as datamining from a limited subset of options can be, anyways
How do we determine attractiveness? who determines what criteria in that?
is there a male attractiveness index? a robot attractiveness index?
a SW aliens attractiveness index? ---- are we prepared to handle the thought of folks that are legitimately attracted to Hutts, Whippids, Gotals, Ergesh, Yoda's Species etc?
hey, whatever floateth the boateth.
Does Zam Wessel tie with a hologram generator and the Terminatrix (or whatever the Separatists designation for a fem-bot is) for the best attractiveness because they can be anyone and anything?
|your answer to number 2 in your top 10 list somewhat answers that - you didn't list the cameo in Rogue One... not a fan of the CGI ladies eh?|
Sorry battledroids and R2 units... you're just not as... adaptable, as the 'camouflage system' of the TX, eh? Are the Cylons a close runner up?
I mean, if Model 6 or Boomer are your thing... I think after the end of the show and in the webisodes, they make new models of cylon/synth...
For me, attractiveness ratings were not a primary facet of StarWars movies, comics, books or so on.
It was more about the story and characters;
Mara Jade, Aurra Sing*, Komari Vosa, Asajj Ventress, Adi Gallia*, Depa Billaba, The Dark Woman (a mysterious jedi master)
Tahl, Siri Tachi... to name but a few. It was a whole heap of factors which made those characters interesting.
Padme was almost on that list, though for me, Ep II and Ep III ruined that character for me.
She looked like she might question where everything was coming from, and what influences Anakin may have had over her etc...
(did you mind-trick me? what is real... self-destruct to prevent Luke and Leia from becoming trapped to Vader and Palps... its in the draft.)
and then, in Ep III, padme does a 180 heel face turn, and doesn't resemble Leia's defiant streak from Ep V.
she seemed extra powerless in EpII and EpIII, compared to Ep I.
Many actresses could play these characters.
I understand there's this effect in hollywood, a homogeneity effect which leads to a lot of them resembling one another,
a 'you don't want actors to look like the local amateur group' effect...
because then folks would ask
'hey, if they look like me and could do that, why can't I cut out the middlepeople and be a star myself? why couldn't I be an actor too..."
so, a lot of actors look pleasant on the eyes...
though there are a lot of other variables that go into 'attractiveness' than mere appearance.
attractiveness is something ephemeral -
'we know it when we see it' and 'it's in the eye of the beholder'.
it is a complexity...
its not a "homogeneous one size fits most" thing.
that's my 10 ten list worth anyhow
If you have a top 10 attractive robots list, or top 10 most attractive Star Wars Starships,
top 10 most appealing Star Wars weapons etc, you let me know!