agreed, and here here
well said jenari
on indulgence,
If I might encourage the vision hinted at in this and similar recent threads here at bloomilk and boardgamegeek.
because, it is a great idea, and ground-breakingly awesome in scope.
think of the n^X! combinatorics!
it's always been a what-the to me, If chess has chess-compositions...
why doesn't SWMinis have SWMinis combinatorics and compositions?
If there are "Chess tutors" and "chess schools" - then, why aren't there SWMinis schools haha.
SWMinis is arguably as great a game as those.
SWMinis is one of the greatest games WotC has ever made.
if we had such a move-repository database or SWMinis composition database,
I can recreate some of those nail-biting matchups from 2012 and 2015 "the duel"...
I've always wondered -- is SWMinis NP-P complete, and is there a bound to the metacombos?
if not, why not? is it only because of regulation on the new introduction rate of pieces?
or, is there some other factor at play?
(I suspect there are Fibonacci-Wieferich-Zhuvstronsky-Penrose sequences and Conway-Coxeter manifolds,
and these seem to explain the matchups and some effects in game...
for such a 'simple' game, SWMinis can produce very complex interactions.
it's not just 'chess-plus", it has some really neat 'stalemates')
I digress;
TheHutts and KezzaMachine do some awesome stuff,
and I thoroughly concur with recording the squad compositions and meta-combos of SWMinis games,
as well as, a "full play report" turn structure and movements, much like in GW "White Dwarf" proceedings of an after-action play report.
even if "only" for regionals and championships.
Ideally, we take the tournament entrance list (paper scanned or digital, 5% discount entry fee for digital-ready versions, you can just hold up a QR or string-ref and scan it), so, on a business card, you could have your name, squad and tournament particulars.
and we can then also record their movements on the board;
we have a few ways we can record that - tokens on the pieces with CID chip ID's,
much like having inductor-mats for light-up pieces and memristor tokens in some other tabletops,
movement tray rings or markers, such as found at bak-2-basix or galeforce studios, or,
AGI from overhead camera which associates that way.
I believe the latter would be easier and more cost-effective to achieve.
that way, we take a photo of the move, or gather the telemetry,
without needing to sift through copious amounts of typing and manually record etc.
that's the upside to automation hehe.
not only would this be awesome to see for antiquity as a 'history of SWMinis',
though, it would potentially have applications in SWMinis AGI,
and in Combinatorial SWMinis compositions,
and as such, I thoroughly support the scope of such
to be considered for the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics online.
If chess and checkers and Go compositions can be there, so too ought be SWMinis and GW W40K combinatorics.
not to mention, extra-honors credit projects for some AGI folks to really make a system that works,
and to build their portfolio.
for the SWMinis live-stream and coverage at events,
it would be awesome to have better commentary (in terms of live compositions and such),
though the podcast and livestream voiceovers are awesome and lively as-is.
its just, some of the commentary in other sports and games, they have awesome overlays and visuals...
so, I'm wondering what SWMinis 'pro-league ESPN/gaming TV" would look like.
It is like the commentary for Go, or for poker and baccarat,
and helps the legitimacy of the game hehe.
I feel like I'm actually there, in the audience while that livestream is on, and a close game of SWminis is...
it's a good game and pasttime.
not only that, but Tabletop TV/livestream,
that could be a great way to go going forward,
to help the hobby continue to flourish.
you could reinvest that into venues and into prizes for sets at the tournament,
it would be self-sustaining.
I would be proud to add such a thing to my gaming coverage 'tv lineup".
I look forward to seeing other riffing on this idea,
and I hope to see some prototypes and collabs form, so as this awesome can happen.
this'd be great as collab stuff and as project/portfolio builder, and for LAN clubs etc.
I trust we will also be cross-posting this to "ThisWeekInTech", github,
boardgame tabletop simulator (that apple app which also now supports/emulates SWminis),
and to code stack exchange?
Is that a direction folks would be keen to head down?