This is my last shot at the squad builder, so please people, leave a comment behind the ratings. Shinja puts in alot of hard work to have people drop 1's with no reason why & its gonna lead to people not using this squad builder, which isnt fair to the site period. So please leave a comment behind the rating weither it be a 1 or 10. If you dont, that means you have no respect for the site.
Republic Destruction ForceDarth Percocet Commented:
Ok updated, threw yoda in giving RC's double shield rolls. A Twi vigo doesnt need to be in this one because single attacks only need amidala granting mobile.R@ override & two yoda.Mas CE stretcher,younglin as just a fill in.tell me what you think thanx. Reserves chose a bith to grant evade & if u get another set of reserves, use ur imagination lol.. thanx, (Please comment behind your rating)