I said "broken"
Holla Daala, Mithril, Jolly Green Giant, Luke's Speedy Hover Craft, Boba-Crit, Lord Vader, Mira Mira On the Wall, GOWK, Bastila, and the beat goes on and on and on and on. Listen, there's been controversial minis since 2004. My goodness, the game, at least for us in the community, has survived the test of time, and we're still here. Sorry to use "slippery slope", but let's just be careful that with 1 VassalCon/GenCon victory, that we're not too quick to condemn the newbie on the block in the big green guy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't DarkD lose to Tint in round 2 of the champs???? Should we ban Vindicated?????? Look, there's always going to be some controversy in a minis game every year when new sets are put out. Let's be happy that Jabba won this year, have it sink in, continue with new sets, and see where the darts go at the target, and evaluate, at least after next years GenCon, and see if Jabba repeats. If it's like 2008 with Speeders on every other team in the top 6 or 8, then let's talk about a "broken" Hutt mini
Jabba 4 the win baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!