HobbieKlivian wrote:Is Randy Dark_Dracul?
How do you get your custom into a V-Set?
First question: They are different people.
Randy's board name here on Bloomilk is "Randy"
Bryan's board name here on Bloomilk is "DarkDracul"
To answer your second question briefly: you don't. Sorry, but it's a long and complicated process. The only cards that we print for the V-Sets are the cards that have been made and tweaked and re-visioned and tested by a team of dedicated designers. We work really hard to ensure that all the pieces we publish in a V-Set are balanced (not overpowered), flavorful, and also hopefully fun an interesting to play.
If you really think that some of your custom characters are worth printing, then you can submit them to the design team and ask that they be considered
as a starting point for inclusion in a v-set. IF they are chosen (and there's no guarantee this will happen) then they'll be tweaked and adjusted and go through the entire design process. In the end of the process they'll be published and printed with the rest of the cards in that V-Set.