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Welcome to Galactic Escalation Spring 2025! V-set 27 will be legal for play and we will be playing on the new restricted map list. Last year we tried a new change to the format and it worked great, so we are going to continue the use of Divisions to encourage more people to join and for the tournament to go a little quicker. Open to suggestions as always for ways to improve this format!
Hope you all can join!
Rules: Each participant makes a initial 100pt team following normal squad building rules. For returning players from our previous GE tournament (Fall 2024), you must build a 100pt squad from a different faction than in that tournament. If returning from another earlier tournament (prior to Fall 2024), you must also build a 100pt squad from a different faction than the one you used in that tournament. Rounds 1-4 will consist of matchups between all participants in round robin in your division and a random matchup with a player (or players) from the other division. The 100pt team used will be built upon in subsequent rounds.
Important note: If you use a Reinforcements piece, you must submit your up to 10 separate lists of preferred reinforcements prior to the start of a rounds matchups.
Important note: If you use a piece with Rapport, you don't get to benefit from it in reverse. It only applies to mini's added in the current round and in the future rounds. If you don't have someone with Rapport in round 1, but add one in latter in round 2, Rapport doesn't apply to any mini's from the previous round's build. For example: Round 1 you have a 100pt squad of 25pt ERC's Sev, Fixer, and Scorch with 25pt Republic commando Atin. If you add in 26pt ERC Boss in and 24pt (because he does get rapport from Atin) Republic commando Fi for round 2, you don't get Rapport -2 for ERC's Sev, Fixer, or Scorch because ERC Boss wasn't present when they were a squad build. Likewise, Atin doesn't benefit from Rapport -1 since RC Fi wasn't in the squad at the time he was included. Any further ERC's and Omega Squad RC's would benefit from Rapport -2 or -1 in future rounds 3 and 4. So in conclusion, if you want to benefit from Rapport, add in the character with rapport as early as you can to fully benefit from it when escalating from round 1-4.
Maps: Restricted list for 2025:
Desert Palace #160
Dark Academy #99
Anchorhead #88
Theed Palace #77
Throne Room #22
Korriban #49
Banned list: Tulak Horde for rounds 1 & 2 only. However, you can feel free to use him in rounds 3 & 4! Pending any changes to Tulak with the Balance committee, he may become open in Rounds 1 & 2. IMO, Tulak is not balanced for 100pt and 150pt games as he is way too tanky for his cost and it is hard to build a squad effectively to counter him at those point levels, hence the current ban in rounds 1 and 2.
Important Rule exception for subsequent round squad building: If you wish to bank points, you may carry over up to 10pt into the next rounds build total. This is the only exception to adding 50pts in round 2 & 3, giving you up to 60pts instead if either Round 1 build total is 90-99pt and Round 2 build total is 140-149pts.
Time per game in rounds 1-3 is 75 minutes. Round 4 is 90 minutes. You will have 1 week after posting matchups to get your game in against your opponent.
Start date: March 26th (Wednesday). Please sign up/submit squads by midnight on March 25th (Tuesday).
Mando UrbanShmi spryguy1981 DarthMaim Lightsaber thereisnotry gandalf Hi-Fives NoffyD urbanjedi
If anyone else is interested in joining, please post below! This is a tournament that will take place over about a 1 month period. We are using divisions of groups of 5 players each again this year, so hopefully we can get at least 10 players to sign up (if its less we can do more cross division matchups). The tournament will take place over 4 rounds. Each player will usually have 1 week to get their game in against their opponent. Rounds 1-3 will consist of 1 game each, and round 4 will be 2 games. Round Robin format will be used for pairings. The top 2 players of each division after all 4 rounds are completed, will progress to the playoffs. The rounds will happen in this order:
Round 1: 100pts Round 2: 150pts (use exact team from round 1 + 50pts of new miniatures. You may choose to upgrade 1 unique character from the previous round to one that has a higher cost and counts as the same character, following faction rules, to be a part of the 50 additional points) Round 3: 200pts (use exact same team from round 2 + 50pts of new miniatures. You may choose to upgrade 1 unique character from the previous round to one that has a higher cost and counts as the same character, following faction rules, to be a part of the 50 additional points) Round 4: Challenger approaching! 200pts + 150pts (this 150pts is for 2 to 3 regular non-epic minis totaling up to 150pts). You use exact same team from round 3 + whatever 2-3 miniatures you use for the 150 additional points. You may choose to upgrade 1 unique character from the previous round to one that has a higher cost and counts as the same character, following faction rules, to be a part of the 150 additional points. The combination of 2-3 regular non-epic additional mini's must be from your squads faction or be allowed into your faction/squad via CE/SA (Fringe 100pt Revan and regular Fringe characters can be used in any faction).
The goal is to encourage more participation with the lower time frame needed to complete the tournament. With just 1 game being played in rounds 1-3 and 2 games in round 4, we should be able to determine an overall winner in half the time compared to previous seasons. If you have never tried this format before, this is a good time to try it out! For people who had joined before and felt it was too much of a time commitment (previously took about 3 months to complete initially), I hope this format of scheduling will be something you'd like to try again.
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Count me in!
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Joined: 7/27/2008 Posts: 1,257 Location: Los Angeles, California
"Red 5 standing by........."
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Joined: 7/27/2008 Posts: 1,257 Location: Los Angeles, California
Nightsister Hunters are fair game?
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My squad is still Republic... Back to the drawing board. (I'm in!)
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I'm in
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 10/14/2008 Posts: 1,449 Location: Chokio, MN
DarthMaim wrote:
Nightsister Hunters are fair game?
That is correct. Use them if you wish. Tulak is the only piece with restrictions of when he is to be played.
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I shall participate
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In, I am. Where the fun begins, this is.
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I'm in
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Remind me: if you want to upgrade to a duo piece, do you need both in the squad?
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 10/14/2008 Posts: 1,449 Location: Chokio, MN
UrbanShmi wrote:Remind me: if you want to upgrade to a duo piece, do you need both in the squad? Correct
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"Mando" wrote:For returning players from our previous GE tournament (Fall 2024), you must build a 100pt squad from a different faction than in the those other tournaments. When you say "a different faction than in those other tournament s", does that just mean I can't play the faction I played last time, or does it mean I can't play a faction I've played in any of the GE tournaments? I think I'll do the latter anyway, but I want to check.
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 10/14/2008 Posts: 1,449 Location: Chokio, MN
gandalfthegreatestwizard wrote:"Mando" wrote:For returning players from our previous GE tournament (Fall 2024), you must build a 100pt squad from a different faction than in the those other tournaments. When you say "a different faction than in those other tournament s", does that just mean I can't play the faction I played last time, or does it mean I can't play a faction I've played in any of the GE tournaments? I think I'll do the latter anyway, but I want to check. sorry, i think the way i worded it made it confusing. i'll edit it. It means you just can't play the faction you did last tournament, whatever GE tournament that was. If someone wanted to alternate with Rebels and Imperials every GE they play for example, they absolutely can. Just no back to back uses of a faction no matter what GE tournament you join. It encourages some variety that way.
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Joined: 2/17/2009 Posts: 1,476
I have something super fun planned for this. Definitely a different faction for me.
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 10/14/2008 Posts: 1,449 Location: Chokio, MN
UrbanShmi wrote:I have something super fun planned for this. Definitely a different faction for me. Awesome! Can't wait to see what everyone is going to run this time around!
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 7/27/2008 Posts: 1,257 Location: Los Angeles, California
How many people do you need in order to be able to have 2 divisions?
Rank: Advanced Bloo Milk Member Groups: Member
Joined: 10/14/2008 Posts: 1,449 Location: Chokio, MN
DarthMaim wrote:How many people do you need in order to be able to have 2 divisions? we already have enough for 2 divisions of 5 people each. obviously, the more people that join the better! we can either make the 2 divisions bigger with up to 6 people each (5 rounds of games with round robin, each against others in the same division), or we can have more smaller divisions (minimum 4 people) with rounds 1-3 played against in division opponents, and round 4's 2 games played against players from other divisions. We still have a lot of time left for people to sign up, so hopefully we can have 16 people sign up eventually. Last GE in the Fall of 2024, we had 12 players. There have been others interested in playing in the past so hopefully it will work out to join this time around.
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