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Who will you be running Cad with? Options
Mandalore Da Beast
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 8:33:02 AM
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i pretty much know who i will be using him with...
just about every faction!
i know that alot of people will down him for his HP, but his offensive capabilities are endless. i see him getting more play then BFBH, for sure. as a matter of fact, he may even retire Fett altogether (i will be playing him still)
new Obi Jedi general, Yularen and Cad make for a sick combo, but is costly.
im just curious to see what my fellow gamers have in store for him.
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 8:39:39 AM
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I think SS and thrawn is the way to go with cad
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 8:40:53 AM
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Thrawn, Ozzel, Cad and an Ugnaught.

100 points!
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 8:42:02 AM
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Mandalore Da Beast wrote:

new Obi Jedi general, Yularen and Cad make for a sick combo

Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 8:43:14 AM
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Nom and some Vong JH maybe just JH and Bane
i might try rex bane and yodabuck sometime
i still feel he is overcosted at 54 points and wont be a top tournament mini even though you will see him in every squad.
Mandalore Da Beast
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:15:48 AM
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Im sorry Jonny, but this is where we have a friendly disagreement.
BFBH gets uber play all of the time, at 62 points.
Cad costs 54 points, and to me, he is under costed.
his GMA Doub/twin, with stealth and evade, BH +6 and flight make him a very competitive piece. mind you, He MUST be played right in order for you to benefit from his abilities. granted, his HP is for the dogs, but that was the medium for what his stats show.
in all honesty, i think he should have cost as much as BFBH.
his synergy with SS factions is just insane.
I.E, put him in with Nyna and Thrawn, he hits an enemy with stealth, he will hit them at + 20 for 40 damage....4 times.
Boba BH has Synergy with all factions, heck, he is his own Faction, but the benefits from stealth make Cad a monster, where Fett gets no love.
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:36:15 AM
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I believe Jonny is reflecting a commonly held opinion among the top level Gamers on Cad's affect on top tier play. And I believe he is correct in that regard. Cad will be popular, but I highly doubt you will ever see Cad, Nyna and Thrawn at the top tables at Gencon next year :)

For me, the biggest beneficiaries of Cad are Vong, OR and Imperial. I do look forward to replacing Cade in my Cade and Vader Squads with Cad. I say Nyna is a waste, because seriously, he already has GMA, stealth and evade. Its totally unnecessary to spend more points to protect him than I have already in those builds. If you can't keep him alive with swapping, stealth, evade and GMA then I don't see how you are going to win with Nyna in there either :)

As for Vong, I say the opposite. He is a natural partner for Nom, not just because of superstealth, but because he can help cover your JHs as they approach, and you aren't really spending points on Nom just for Cad in this case. Rather, you are protecting your shaper, a JH, Yomin, Scouts, etc.

OR is a natural fit as well with the Exile. She is the cheapest extra attack commander (for Cad), and Cad will fit in nicely as a compliment to my Dash and Atton builds at 200. I might try out Obi, Cad, Dash and Rex just for fun sometime as a republic glass cannon squad, but I doubt it's all that competitive, even if fun. And as for the other factions, I think he has marginal use as a Sith, because he is too costly, and does nothing for Seps (or there are better overall options for them), and nothing for the Rebels in most cases, same with NR - other than perhaps with Leia.

So for me it is this order, biggest help and factions I will run him in are:
Imperial (without Nyna)
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:13:07 AM
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I'm kinda surprised that no one seems to mention Prince Xizor as a pick to go along with Cad Bane...
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:23:21 AM
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kingsknight wrote:
I'm kinda surprised that no one seems to mention Prince Xizor as a pick to go along with Cad Bane...

Because you'd be spending 40 points to give a 54 point character accurate shot. It's not really the best decision.
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:29:07 AM
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I agree with Bill on the OR choice. I will be playing him with the Exile for sure!! (as he does not do much for my Mandos)
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:15:10 AM
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EmporerDragon wrote:
kingsknight wrote:
I'm kinda surprised that no one seems to mention Prince Xizor as a pick to go along with Cad Bane...

Because you'd be spending 40 points to give a 54 point character accurate shot. It's not really the best decision.

If he's the only you're giving accurate to, then I agree. However, in Republic or Old Republic you have Antaren Rangers who can also benefit nicely from Prince Xizor...
xx carna6e xx
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:36:35 AM
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im going to run him with Malak DLOTS , yay plus four attack
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:41:47 AM
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Like this? :)

--The new Bane--
54 Cad Bane
49 Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
27 Lobot
23 Jarael
11 Darth Sidious Hologram
5 Caamasi Noble
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 5 Jawa
(Lobot) 9 Mouse Droid x3
(Lobot) 6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(200pts. 14 activations)
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:42:00 AM
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I'm going to run him with a throng of ewoks. Yub Yub.....

And of course by that I mean: I'll never run him cause I won't pull him and I'm not going to spend $50 on a piece with only 80 hit points. I can't wait to play against this chump. I'll run anakin sith apprentice swap squad with new thrawn. Double attack for 40 each, your man is dead, game is over. I hate Cad Bane because I hate playing against squads where someone moves out, shoots, and then hides. Get your weak butt into the line of fire and fight! Chewie didn't strategically move his Atst behind cover and mobile attack on endor, he just kicked @$$ and let God sort em out- fin
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:57:31 AM
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DarthReeves wrote:
I'm going to run him with a throng of ewoks. Yub Yub.....

And of course by that I mean: I'll never run him cause I won't pull him and I'm not going to spend $50 on a piece with only 80 hit points. I can't wait to play against this chump. I'll run anakin sith apprentice swap squad with new thrawn. Double attack for 40 each, your man is dead, game is over. I hate Cad Bane because I hate playing against squads where someone moves out, shoots, and then hides. Get your weak butt into the line of fire and fight! Chewie didn't strategically move his Atst behind cover and mobile attack on endor, he just kicked @$$ and let God sort em out- fin

but if he could have he would have
Mandalore Da Beast
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 3:00:06 PM
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billiv15 wrote:
I believe Jonny is reflecting a commonly held opinion among the top level Gamers on Cad's affect on top tier play.

I forgot, the only people whose opinion really matter are the "Top Tier" players.
silly silly me......ThumbDown
i dont know if people realize this or not, but there are more people who play minis just for fun, then people who play for a rank.
like i said before, cad will have alot more play then people give him credit for, at a competitive rate i might add.
i dont mind hearing about "top tier", and whose the "biz", but when we get to talking about it ALL of the time, like its the only thing that matters, its gets a wee bit boring.
i only say this because i am not the only one who feels this way, but i am the only one who has the fingers to type it.
there is no upper echelon for really good mini gamers, and theres no badge of honor. a victory in a skirmish and 2 dollars will get you on a New York City Subway, thats it.
for those who want to be proud of their accomplishments, i say have at it.
but when a topic that asks "who will you be running with Cad" turns into, "well, Top Level, Top Tier Yadda Yadda Yadda" BS, it gets real annoying real fast.
in all honesty, No One Cares.
xx carna6e xx
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 3:19:14 PM
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DaddyCool wrote:
Like this? :)

--The new Bane--
54 Cad Bane
49 Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
27 Lobot
23 Jarael
11 Darth Sidious Hologram
5 Caamasi Noble
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 5 Jawa
(Lobot) 9 Mouse Droid x3
(Lobot) 6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(200pts. 14 activations)

actually more like this
--Bane of the Sith--
54 Cad Bane
49 Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
46 Sith Lord x2
11 Darth Sidious Hologram
6 Mouse Droid x2
6 Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

(200pts. 10 activations)
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 3:21:06 PM
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Mandalore Da Beast wrote:
billiv15 wrote:
I believe Jonny is reflecting a commonly held opinion among the top level Gamers on Cad's affect on top tier play.

I forgot, the only people whose opinion really matter are the "Top Tier" players.
silly silly me......ThumbDown
i dont know if people realize this or not, but there are more people who play minis just for fun, then people who play for a rank.
like i said before, cad will have alot more play then people give him credit for, at a competitive rate i might add.
i dont mind hearing about "top tier", and whose the "biz", but when we get to talking about it ALL of the time, like its the only thing that matters, its gets a wee bit boring.
i only say this because i am not the only one who feels this way, but i am the only one who has the fingers to type it.
there is no upper echelon for really good mini gamers, and theres no badge of honor. a victory in a skirmish and 2 dollars will get you on a New York City Subway, thats it.
for those who want to be proud of their accomplishments, i say have at it.
but when a topic that asks "who will you be running with Cad" turns into, "well, Top Level, Top Tier Yadda Yadda Yadda" BS, it gets real annoying real fast.
in all honesty, No One Cares.

I haven't played in a tournament since my LGS closed around COTF's release. I just don't get bothered when people discuss the game at its highest level, which is a legitimate thing to discuss when they talk about how they plan to use a mini.

Oh, and, how does 2-3 posts on the subject equate to the whole thread being about Cad In Top Play.

Anyway, back on topic. In addition to the previously mentioned Imperial and Old Republic ideas, I also like the idea of Cad in the New Republic. Add Leia Skywalker and you get Stealth, Evade, and free rerolls (which will make me feel a little better about that frightfully low HP). Add Dash/Jag and you've got two powerful shooters on your side both with Evade and re-rolls, then add Dodonna for Tempo Control. Hehe. Prince Xizor and Arica together might make a good combination with Cad. Arica snipes everything; Cad finishes off whatever survives the assault.
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 3:39:07 PM
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"Top tier" should be retitled "competitive" players. Top tier comes off as pompous and elitist. Sure you have a title, because you may have the means or the ability to play more than others. You may be able to play in a weekly tournament where somebody else plays when they can. Sure if theres a will theres a way, but theres always a possibility of failure on the way also. You're "ranking" may not adverstise you correctly. Same with a casual player, having a good community mix of both brings strength to both tables. Casual/fun players can be creative and unique because their emphasis isn't on 100% win. Competitive players bring great strategy and experience to the table and often have great insight.

There are also downsides to both. In competitive play you see alot of "copy cats" meaning that often times you'll see similar teams or mimicking of something that worked. Not always the case but competition has a way of finding a man's true price, if 1st place is on the line, with some boosters or cash, maybe i'll use that team thats been winning.

Casual/fun gamers often times will critique competitive players though they don't have the experience or the thought process behind that of what they are talking about.

Unwarranted but very .02 cents.
Posted: Monday, October 19, 2009 5:54:56 PM
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Personally, I've never been remotely offended/insulted/put off/made to feel inferior by any of the "top level" players talking about anything being "top tier". Nor do I think it is mentioned too much.

And I've never played the game outside of my own home. I'm probably the very definition of a casual player.

I actually enjoying reading about "top tier" play, because it's a different perspective from the one I have, and I always enjoy hearing other points of views. And second, most of the time, the people that comment about pieces being top tier or not elaborate on why they are or aren't. Which again, helps me look at the game from a different perspective.

Tournament players are tournament players. I don't say that to judge them one way or another, but to point out that if you ask a tournament player their opinion, their default response will most likely be a tournament response.

This is an internet forum. Opinions from all sides get expressed. That's what makes it an internet forum.

Having said that, here's my opinion BigGrin

I agree that Cad will be in a lot of squads. However, much like BFBH, ubiquity does not equal superiority. I'm not saying that they are both not good pieces, but that the number of people that field them is a separate parameter from how good they are. What I do find interesting is why the so called "best" in the game (and I use that term as good-naturedly as possible) don't use them.

As for myself, I'm actually waiting until the entirety of the first season of Clone Wars comes out on a single DVD before watching it. I mention that because I need to understand Cad a little better. From what I know of him now, I'm probably going to run him in a bounty hunter heavy Sep squad, without droids.

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