Segastorm wrote:If Zuckuss, bounty hunter used force sense on a republic commando sev who was within 6 squares of a bith black sun vigo, would sev still get evade.
Yea alot of factions too have access to force sense now a days & it could be a real vigo killer & superstealth killer. Also abilities like Its A Trap & Disruptive would do the same, its a trap would if you were witnin 6 of the character gaining evade & superstealth cuz it takes away stealth for figs within 6 squares..
& disruptive would work & take away evade from the chatacter gaining it, or you could be within 6 of the vigo or bacara for it to take effect.. Would work like if within 6 of bacara he wouldnt grant superstealth but if not within 6 of the vigo or fig gaining evade, they would still be ok with the CE. Or if your within 6 of the character such as the sev gaining evade & superstealth, your knocking any CE being granted to him away..