I set up Google Analytics on Bloo Milk at the beginning of last month, and I thought I'd share the information with the community.
--From Google Analytics--
Visits: 34,857
Pageviews: 338,232
Absolute Unique Visitors: 5,768
Average Unique Visitors Per Day: 556
--From Web Host--
Bandwidth Used: 120.07 GB
Total Hosting Costs: $66.72
--From Bloo Milk Database--
Bloo Mails: 3035
Comments: 838
Donations: 7 ($30.00 total)
Forum Posts: 3472
Forum Topics: 356
Members: 65
Squads: 1974
I almost didn't post the donation and hosting cost info, and I really, really don't want it to be the focus of discussion on this post. I'm not asking for your money. I'm also not looking for a cheaper host (I'm very happy with the current one). Thanks. Now move along.Frankly, I'm blown away by the numbers. Thanks everyone for continuing to make Bloo Milk a very popular and successful site!