These are dark times. The Republic has fallen and has been replaced by the Galactic Empire. Chancellor Palpatine... self-proclaimed Emperor now... along with his new apprentice Darth Vader has succeeded in sweeping away all opposition...almost. You, my friends, are all that stand between freedom and tyranny. You have gathered secretly and seperately on this world to strike a blow in the name of freedom. A few bothan spies have died to bring you information that a select group of wookiee slaves are being transported through this spaceport on their way to certain death. Among them are heroes of the Republic, Merumeru and Tarffuls. A successful rescue of these iconic wookiees will send a message throughout the galaxy that freedom may yet be won if more beings will take up arms and join the rebellion.
This will not be an easy task, for there is a large number of stormtroopers stationed here. It has been rumored that Vader himself has been known to make surprise visits here from time to time. That, coupled with the importance of the prisoners, has the spaceport on a high state of alert. It has taken the better part of a week for everyone on your strike team to filter in undetected. Now it is time to act. You must rescue the wookiees and get them to the ship that will be waiting for you. May the force be with you.
This will be a scenario run at 'That Game Convention' Saturday, November 13 from 11am to 2pm. There is a minimal amount of scenario-specific rules and changes to several characters that will be explained at the outset of the tournament. The convention is sponsored by 'That Game Place', and convention information can be found at . Convention fee for gaming all day Saturday: 7$. Rescuing the wookiees from slavery: priceless.