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Finds your lack of faith disturbing.

Set / Faction Set / Faction Character

Sith Darth Sion, Lord of Pain 53 
Counts As: Sion
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 16
Attack: 11
Damage: 20
Rarity: Very Rare
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Years: ?? - 3951 BBY
Darth Sion, Lord of Pain

Special Abilities

  • Unique
  • Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
  • Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
  • Ambush (This character can move and then make all his attacks against 1 enemy who has not activated this round)
  • Long Shot 10 (+4 Attack and +10 Damage when this character is at half Hit Points or less)
  • Self-Reliant (This character cannot gain Force Points or spend Force points from another character)

Force Powers

  • Force 7
  • Eternal Hatred (Force 2: Whenever this character would be defeated, make a save of 6; on a success, this character is restored to full Hit Points instead of being defeated)
  • Lightsaber Riposte (Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker)

"I can die a hundred times, Exile, and still I will rise again, as strong as before."

Average Rating: 7.62 (13)
Synergy Providers ()
Synergy Receivers ()

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