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Has been known to rip people's arms out of their sockets.

Set / Faction Set / Faction Character

Hit Points: 10
Defense: 15
Attack: 2
Damage: 10
Rarity: Common
Base: Medium
Gender: It
Wraith Squadron Recruit

Special Abilities

  • Pilot
  • Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
  • Exclusive Loyalty (Not subject to commander effects of allies who are not Pilots)
  • Fixed Cost (This character's cost cannot be reduced or increased)
  • Manual Override (At the end of its turn, this character can designate 1 adjacent door as open or closed; it remains open or closed until the end of this character's next turn, or until it is defeated)
  • Singular Focus (Cannot gain abilities from allies)

"They're just… different. Hand them an objective without instructions and they accomplish it some strange way. I'm having a hard time anticipating them." -- Wedge Antilles, to Wes Janson on the new Wraith Squadron Recruits

Average Rating: 5.20 (5)
Synergy Providers ()
Synergy Receivers ()

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