Special Abilities
Melee Attack
(Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Double Attack
(On his turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Covenant Watch Circle
(Unless you roll a 1, add +1 to the initiative roll for each Covenant ally adjacent to this character. Only one character with this ability may modify your initiative roll.)
Force Powers
Force 4
Force Awareness
(Force 2: replaces attacks; For the rest of the skirmish, once per round, this character can immediately move up to his speed after an enemy changes position outside of its turn)
Lightning Assault
(Force 1, usable on his turn: each enemy he moves adjacent to takes 10 damage once this turn)
Overwhelming Force
(Force 1: This character's attacks cannot be prevented or redirected this turn)
"And whoever heard of a Feeorin Jedi? But Feln is a natural." -Krynda Draay