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Wars not make one great. (But Bloo Milk does.)

Set / Faction Set / Faction Character

Hit Points: 70
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 20
Rarity: Rare
Base: Huge
Gender: Male
Years: 322 BBY - ??
Mustafarian Flea Rider

Special Abilities

  • Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
  • Careful Shot +4 (On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +4 Attack)
  • Deadeye (On this character's turn, if he doesn't move, he gets +10 Damage)
  • Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)

The agile lava flea mount easily leaps across the fiery surface of this Mustafarian's molten homeworld.

Average Rating: 6.39 (51)
Synergy Providers ()
Synergy Receivers ()

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