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Set / Faction Set / Faction Character

Hit Points: 60
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 20
Rarity: Rare
Base: Large
Gender: It
Years: 22 BBY - 19 BBY
Chameleon Droid

Special Abilities

  • Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
  • Wall Climber (This character ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving as long as a square it occupies and a square it is moving into are adjacent to a wall)
  • Invisibility (Cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
  • Mines 20 (An enemy that moves adjacent to this character takes 20 damage; save 11)

The Republic never saw the chameleon droids coming.

Average Rating: 8.40 (125)
Synergy Providers ()
Synergy Receivers ()

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