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Cunningly opportunistic.

Hit Points: 40
Defense: 16
Attack: 3
Damage: 20
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Creator: GenCracken
Created: 6/11/2024

Special Abilities

  • Machinery (Industrial Repair removes damage from this character)
  • Speed 8 (Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking)
  • Heavy Weapon (Can't attack and move in the same turn)
  • Targeting (Until the end of the round, target enemy has -4 Defense)
  • Splash 10 (If this character's attack hits, all characters adjacent to the target take 10 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and all adjacent characters take 10 damage; save 11.)
  • Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
  • Penetration 10 (Enemies' Damage Reduction is reduced by 10 against this character's attacks)
  • Damage Reduction 10 (Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability.)
  • Weak Underbelly (Enemies with Grenades or Missiles ignore this unit’s Damage Reduction for the purposes of those Special Abilities.)
Average Rating: --
6/11/2024 4:03:24 PM

This is the unidentified imperial speeder with the targeting drone and mounted cannon seen occupying Ferrix in Andor.
6/12/2024 10:59:53 AM (Updated: 6/12/2024 11:25:32 AM)

love it! it needs more attack and hp i think to be actually playable at that cost. Heavy Weapon is really a detriment but with the right support it can be pretty good
6/13/2024 8:42:18 AM

^Well to be fair, with Targeting and Cunning Attack, this units Attack can be up to 11 which I’d say is pretty good. For one point less, you get the Sand Trooper Commander, who does the same amount of Damage but his Attack is only 8. Plus, Splash and Penteation mean even if you miss you have a chance of at least doing SOME damage to even a heavier target and its surroundings. Heavy Weapon was put there because it’s honestly helps balance the piece a bit. I also just don’t think the cannon would be good for firing while moving or hitting moving targets, hence Heavy Weapon and Cunning Attack.
6/13/2024 8:44:21 AM

And yes I know Targeting takes away 4 Defense from the target rather than adding 4 Attack to this unit, it’s just how my math works lol. It EFFECTIVEKY makes this unit’s Attack 11 with Cunning Attack
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