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Always keep refrigerated. In carbonite.

Hit Points: 300
Defense: 20
Attack: 18
Damage: 40
Rarity: Very Rare
Base: Colossal
Gender: It
Creator: NoffyD
Created: 9/9/2024

Special Abilities

  • Speed 2 (Can move only 2 squares and attack, or 4 squares without attacking)
  • Heavy Weapon (Can't attack and move in the same turn)
  • Mounted Weapon (Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character)
  • Colossal (Large and smaller characters may occupy squares on this character's base and are considered adjacent. Low objects and Large and smaller characters do not provide cover against this character's attack. Ignores movement costs to enter squares containing difficult terrain, low objects, and trenches. Never has cover. Cannot benefit from Bodyguard or Draw Fire.)
  • Advanced Shields 3 (When this character takes damage, make 3 saves; each roll of 6 reduces the damage dealt by 10)
  • Twin Cannon 2 (Whenever this character attacks, he makes 3 extra attacks against the same target)
  • Heavy Laser Cannon (If this character's attack hits, Large and smaller characters adjacent to the target take 30 damage; save 11. If the attack misses, the target and large or smaller adjacent characters take 30 damage; save 11.)
  • Difficult Target +6 (+6 Defense against nonadjacent enemies)
  • Demolish Terrain (This character ignores walls, low objects, doors and difficult terrain when moving. Characters moving into a square this character is, or has formerly occupied do the same.)
  • Dropped Reserves 20 (If you roll exactly 2, 7, 12, or 17 for initiative, you can add up to 20 points of Imperial characters to your squad, adjacent to this character, immediately before your first activation of the round)
  • Colossal Transport (Enemies get -6 Attack on nonmelee attacks against this character or someone being transported by this character. Transport Small or Medium allies who did not Disembark this round and who end their moves adjacent to him. Remove these allies from the battle grid; they are not considered to be on the battle grid or adjacent to this character. They cannot be targeted, attacked, make attacks or count distance from this character. Special abilities and Force abilities are suppressed. Transported allies may return to the battle grid immediately before your first activation of the round. If this character is defeated, transported allies are also defeated.))

" what you're saying is that you have a thorough knowledge of just how screwed we are."

Average Rating: --
9/9/2024 3:35:28 AM

My version of the AT-AT, hopefully making it at least a little bit easier to play and more normal.
9/9/2024 5:10:35 AM

a more balanced version of the original but maybe not worth 200pt
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