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Rules by fear.

Hit Points: 10
Defense: 1
Attack: 1
Damage: 30
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Creator: gandalftheaveragewizard
Created: 9/16/2024
Updated: 10/8/2024

Special Abilities

  • Unique
  • Speed 16 (Can move up to 16 squares and attack, or 32 squares without attacking)
  • Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to his speed before any other character activates)
  • Battle Ready. (After setup, Gandalf characters in your squad (including this character) may move up to double speed immediately before the first activation.)
  • Master Slicer 2 (This character ignores doors while moving)
  • Average (This character cannot be damaged by special abilities.)
  • Faith in the Force (This character and allies with a lightsaber within 2 squares cannot be prevented from spending Force points or be forced to spend extra Force points. Their Force powers cannot be cancelled or prevented from affecting characters.)
  • Less Than Average (This character gains -10 damage when versing a player named Gandalfthegreatestwizard.)
  • Mettle (If this character spends 1 Force point to reroll, add +4 to the result)
  • Advanced Override 3 (At the end of this character's turn, choose to open or close 3 doors within this characters line of sight. These doors cannot be affected by other characters until this character's next turn.)
  • Successful (This character cannot fail saves.)
  • Last Say (After all your opponent's character's have activated this character activates.)
  • No Disintegrations (Damage dealt by critical hits cannot be increased. Commander effects and special abilities that trigger based on a critical hit or the attack number rolled are suppressed.)
  • More Faith in the Force Than You (Enemies lose Special abilities that force their force powers to work.)
  • Suppressing Suppressive Fire (This character is not affected by abilities that say that a characters attacks cannot be prevented, redirected, reduced or responded to.)
  • Disruptive (Suppresses enemy commander effects within 6 squares)
  • Rival (Cannot be in a squad with a character whose name contains a letter. (or a number).)
  • Bomb Defuser (Adjacent characters lose self destruct.)
  • Force Immunity (Enemies cannot affect this character with Force powers, or spend Force points to reroll attacks against this character or to respond to this character's attacks and abilities)
  • Force Reach 3 (While at full hit points this character's force powers have unlimited range.)
  • Master Tactician (You automatically choose who goes first except on a roll of 1)
  • Never Tell Me the Odds (Suppresses enemy special abilities that modify initiative)
  • Disciplined Leader (This character's commander effect cannot be suppressed)
  • My work here is not done. (This character cannot be defeated by enemy characters until he has scored more than 200 points.)
  • Humble (This character is worth 1 point when defeated.)
  • Ethical (This character is always considered unbanned for the purposes of squad building and skirmishes.)
  • Delusions of Fame (Enemy characters are worth 200 points when defeated.)

Force Powers

Commander Effect

Allied and enemy characters gain Less Than Average. This character's abilities that modify Initiative cannot be suppressed. This character is always considered to be in gambit and is worth 101 points of gambit.

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”

Average Rating: 10.00 (4)
Creator's Rating: 10/10
9/16/2024 9:18:42 AM

I kinda wanna find a way for him to die.
9/16/2024 9:56:14 PM

Proxy mini - Bara Do Sage (just because he can be)
9/16/2024 9:56:22 PM

I like it.
9/16/2024 10:03:11 PM

9/16/2024 10:16:15 PM

What is that rival??
9/16/2024 10:23:00 PM

Yeah, also who owns this account?
9/16/2024 10:25:15 PM

maybe gandalf the greaetest wizards alt
9/16/2024 10:27:35 PM

I don't think so, he already has an alt.
9/16/2024 10:28:43 PM

No Soresu!
9/16/2024 10:33:07 PM

9/17/2024 11:32:00 PM

If someone can find a way to kill this piece tell me and you will win 10 dollars.
9/17/2024 11:54:18 PM (Updated: 9/17/2024 11:56:09 PM)

i got it, all you have to do is take the card from your opponent before they see force infinite and master infinite and pretend you just killed him he shoulda read the card ez dub
9/18/2024 1:27:01 AM

din djarin with a cable grab followed by whistling birds? Or I suppose flamethrower would also do it.
9/18/2024 8:23:54 PM

Lord Kann?
9/18/2024 8:59:10 PM (Updated: 9/18/2024 9:02:06 PM)

Nah, he can Force Defence. I'm thinking Lightning Assault, any Flamethrower, Force Push 4, Force Grip, Disintegration etc.
9/18/2024 9:28:08 PM (Updated: 9/18/2024 9:34:34 PM)

No, average states you are not damaged by special abilities, force range is unlimited while at full hp so can force absorb from anywhere (Force Reach 3). Force immunity also stops thought bomb and all that jazz.
9/18/2024 9:29:08 PM (Updated: 9/18/2024 9:32:06 PM)

true and faith in the force so he can force absorb anything.
9/18/2024 10:21:39 PM

damn he's unkillable, UNLESS you simply hold your opponent at gunpoint and make him "forget" he has that card...
9/18/2024 11:20:57 PM

You could just lightsaber defense the gun.
9/18/2024 11:22:38 PM

jokes on you i have force absorb
9/18/2024 11:25:56 PM

i You can literally auto win as long as your opponents don't get to gambit as well.
9/18/2024 11:26:23 PM

Joke on you spudz, I have faith in the force
9/18/2024 11:46:45 PM

Disintegration could still kill him.
9/19/2024 12:50:18 AM

if gandalf the average is your alt you screwed yourself over because I have more faith in the force than you
9/19/2024 3:00:50 AM

No disentegrations would stop it
9/19/2024 12:59:28 PM

You'd need to have a small litany of pieces forming a squad to do it but it can be done. 37 Cassus Fett for NTMTO 8 Muun Tactics Broker to make Gandalf roll a 1 3+ something to explode with the Muun 24 Mando Tactician to activate 3 on your turn A good attacker like Mandalore the Vindicated 6 Central Isopter Cultist within 6 You win init and activate 3. Vindicated hits Gandalf who then has to make a save. He makes the save and is therefore tagged by Force Heresy therefore taking 10 damage and then dying.
9/19/2024 9:35:06 PM (Updated: 9/22/2024 11:35:57 PM)

Wouldn't [Average] stop Force Heresy from affecting him? Also he could just run away with intuition and speed16 before you get to him and get back to gambit just in time. Also how does the last say ability work gandalf?
9/23/2024 12:37:54 AM

I need my own GTAW to defeat him. In an epic-500 mirror match, my GTAW's More Faith negates your Faith in the Force. Then I get yours into an Ysalamiri bubble. At that point any attack will kill him since he has no other damage mitigation.
9/23/2024 8:34:12 PM

wait what is GTAW?
9/23/2024 10:02:24 PM

Gandalf The Average Wizard
9/25/2024 3:21:09 AM

but i wouldn't play him in an epic 500 mirror match then.
9/25/2024 1:27:06 PM (Updated: 9/25/2024 1:30:08 PM)

Eminence Harrar stands next to him. Anyone attacks him. He automatically fails saves and takes damage and dies. In theory, he could reroll indefinitely, but that results in an automatic loss for slow play. That's a whole lot of abilities trying to make him invincible. It would simpler to just have an ability that says, "This character cannot take damage or be defeated."
9/26/2024 12:54:28 AM (Updated: 9/26/2024 1:01:09 AM)

disruptive. also that idea is less fun and there would be less engagement. And isn't there a special ability that prevents you from ignoring defeat, idk if it would be different but just wondering how that would work? (also i'm really slow to pick up acronyms. :/)
9/26/2024 1:04:19 AM

would MONS stop GTAW from LSJ in a YB with FIF and LIL KSL? Just asking you GTAW? I find NSLA and and DIS to be affecting the TMP of GTA5? just wondering how that would interact with the PS5 and IP68 water resistant :)
9/26/2024 9:43:12 PM

Tsavong Lah, Warrior Elite would be able to kill* this character with Yun-Yammka Devotion. GTAW automatically fails saves through a special ability. Not a CE (disrupted) or a Force power (Force defensed). The special ability isn't causing the damage, so Average does not kick in. Suppressing Suppressive Fire also does not kick in, because the attack can still be responded to - but saves are failed. *GTAW can re-roll indefinitely in theory, but would eventually take a loss for slow play.
9/26/2024 11:58:38 PM

would [Successful] stop that?
9/26/2024 11:59:28 PM (Updated: 9/27/2024 12:04:14 AM)

Yeah it would, I saw that yesterday.
9/27/2024 12:07:22 AM

i'm bumping the reward up to 20 dollars
9/27/2024 2:23:29 AM

I ban gandalftheaveragewizard and delete all of their custom characters. :)
9/27/2024 7:01:06 AM (Updated: 9/27/2024 7:01:23 AM)

just took a screenshot of this character
10/6/2024 8:52:38 PM

just updating the flavor text
10/8/2024 7:20:58 AM

Needs [Revive]: Select one defeated ally; they are placed adjacent to this character and are considered to have 10 hitpoints.
10/8/2024 9:15:49 AM

It has rival for all characters.
10/9/2024 8:52:42 AM

I have just found a 23-pt piece that can take you down. $20 please ;).
10/9/2024 12:29:48 PM

Gandalf the White just simply wins now because of what he represents.
10/12/2024 11:31:42 PM

Gandalf the White would be banned
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