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Ounce for ounce, more nutritious than Ewok meat.

Hit Points: 10
Defense: 7
Attack: 0
Damage: 10
Rarity: Very Rare
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Creator: NoffyD
Created: 2/19/2025
Updated: 2/19/2025

Special Abilities

  • Unique
  • Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
  • Egalitarian (Does not count as Unique for the purposes of Allies' abilities and commander effects but counts as non-Unique instead)
  • Exclusive Loyalty (Not subject to commander effects of allies who are not Ewoks)
  • Swarm +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target)
  • Faith in the Force (This character and allies with a lightsaber within 2 squares cannot be prevented from spending Force points or be forced to spend extra Force points. Their Force powers cannot be cancelled or prevented from affecting characters.)
  • Force Attuned (Once per turn on his turn, this character may use a Force Power that replaces attacks or turn, without replacing attacks or turn)
  • Lightside (Cannot be in a Sith, Imperial, Separatist, Yuuzhan Vong, or Fringe-only squad)

Force Powers

  • Force 7
  • Master of the Force 4 (May spend Force points up to 4 times in a single turn)
  • Force Renewal 4
  • Thought Bomb (Force 5, replaces turn or when this character is defeated: 80 damage to all living characters within 6 squares; save 11 to reduce damage to 40. Remove this character from play. This Force power cannot be canceled.)
  • Eternal Love (Force 2: Whenever this character would be defeated, make a save of 6; on a success, this character is restored to full Hit Points instead of being defeated)
  • Force Lightning 5 (Force 5, replaces turn: range 6; 60 damage to target and 2 characters adjacent to that target. Huge or smaller characters are considered activated this round; save 16)
  • Force Repulse 5 (Force 5, replaces turn: 50 damage to all characters within 5 squares; push back Huge or smaller characters to 6 squares from this character. Huge or smaller characters are considered activated this round; save 16.)
  • Force Push 5 (Force 5, replaces turn: range 6; 50 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 5 squares if Huge or smaller. Huge or smaller characters are considered activated this round; save 16)
  • Force Pull 3 (Force 3, replaces turn: range 6; move target Large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. Make an immediate attack against that enemy at +4 Attack and +10 Damage.)
  • Lightsaber Throw 5 (Force 5, replaces turn: Choose 1 enemy within line of sight, ignoring cover. Make 2 attacks against the chosen enemy and against each character adjacent to that enemy.)
  • Force Grip 4 (Force 4, replaces attacks: sight; 40 damage)
  • Counter Push 2 (Force 2, usable only when this character takes damage: range 6; 20 damage; push back target 2 squares if Huge or smaller)
  • Force Heal 40 (Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 40 damage from a living character)
  • Force Bubble 3 (Force 3: When this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 40)
  • Jedi Mind Trick 3 (Force 3, usable only on this character's turn: range 6; target living enemy and each living enemy adjacent to that target are considered activated this round and cannot make attacks of opportunity this turn; save 16)

"Despite her small stature, Kneesaa's power increased once she tapped in to her connection with the force."

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