Special Abilities
Careful Shot +4 (On this character's turn, if she doesn't move, she gets +4 Attack)
Sniper (Other characters do not provide cover against this character's attack)
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
Stealth (If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Trooper (Counts as a Trooper)
Bounty Hunter +2 (+2 Attack against Unique enemies)
Deadeye +20 (Oh this character's turn, if she doesn't move, she gets +20 Damage)
Evade (When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)
A lethal bounty hunter turned Rebel, Brand fights the Empire with ruthless efficiency.