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Just made a deal that'll keep the Empire out of here forever.

Hit Points: 40
Defense: 16
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Rarity: Very Rare
Base: Medium
Gender: It
Creator: SpudZ
Created: 3/3/2025
Updated: 3/4/2025

Special Abilities

  • Grenades 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)
  • Unique
  • Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
  • Draw Fire (If an enemy targets an ally within 6 squares of this character, you may force that enemy to target this character instead if it can; save 11)
  • Wookiee
  • Cleave (Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent enemy by making an attack, it can make 1 immediate attack against another adjacent enemy)
  • Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, it gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
  • Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
  • Accelerate (This character can move up to 24 squares if it does not attack)
  • Strafe Attack (As this character moves, it can attack each enemy whose space it enters; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space it has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
  • Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
  • Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
  • Double Attack (On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
  • Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
  • Impulsive Shot (If a Unique allied character is defeated, this character can make 1 immediate attack)
  • Override (At the end of its turn, this character can designate 1 door that it can see as open or closed; it remains open or closed until the end of this character's next turn, or until it is defeated)
  • Repair 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from 1 Droid character)
  • Stealth (If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
  • Pilot
  • Triple Attack (On its turn, this character can make 2 extra attacks instead of moving)
  • Heavy Weapon (Can't attack and move in the same turn)
  • Hand of the Emperor (This character can spend its own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from a character whose name contains Emperor Palpatine once per turn)
  • Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)
  • Self-Destruct 10 (When this character is defeated, each adjacent character takes 10 damage)
  • Emperor's Bodyguard (If (a character whose name contains) Emperor is an adjacent ally and would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead)
  • Advantageous Cover (+8 Defense from cover instead of +4)
  • Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
  • Swarm +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target)
  • Careful Shot +4 (On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +4 Attack)
  • Mighty Swing (On its turn, if this character doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
  • Hutt Cartel
  • Speed 2 (Can move only 2 squares and attack, or 4 squares without attacking)
  • Fringe Reinforcements 30 (During setup, after seeing your opponent's squad, you can add up to 30 points of Fringe characters to your squad)
  • Ion Gun +20 (+20 Damage against nonliving enemies)
  • Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking)
  • Double Claw Attack (On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving; both attacks must be against adjacent enemies)
  • Bodyguard (If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead)
  • Twi'lek
  • Savage (This character must end its move next to an enemy if it can and does not benefit from commander effects)
  • Rend +10 (If both of its attacks hit the same adjacent enemy, this character's second attack gets +10 Damage)

Force Powers

  • Force 1
  • Force 3
  • Force Leap (Force 1: This turn, this character can move through enemy characters without provoking attacks of opportunity)
  • Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once)
  • Force 2
  • Force 5
  • Force Spirit 8 (If this character is defeated, immediately add 8 Force points to an ally with a Force rating; that ally can spend Force points 1 extra time per turn for the rest of the skirmish)
  • Force Heal 20 (Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 20 damage from a living character)
  • Force Grip 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: sight; 10 damage)
  • Force 4
  • Force Lightning 2 (Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target and 2 characters adjacent to that target)
  • Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time it activates)
  • Force Storm 2 (Force 2, replaces attacks: 20 damage to all adjacent characters)
  • Blaster Barrage (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack every legal target once)

Commander Effect

Non-Unique followers within 6 get Accurate Shot, +2 and after your turn, 1 can attack, Bounty Hunter followers and Bespin Guards get +2, Allies can spend your Force points, non Force users that roll a 1 are defeated and others get +2, If you can see an enemy, you can activate up to 3 characters, Followers that end within 6 can move 2 extra, Non moving Trooper followers within 6 get +3.

My, how far we have come.

Average Rating: 7.00 (3)
Creator's Rating: 10/10
3/3/2025 10:05:12 PM (Updated: 3/4/2025 12:41:25 AM)

every force ability and special ability, average point cost, attack, defense, hp, and damage, and has affinity for all 3 factions in the set. EDIT: added CE but damn i had to shorten and shorten and shorten it so it's VERY abbreviated
Cassus fett
3/4/2025 3:06:44 AM

Thanks, I hate it! Seeing that this is all there was in RS is... quaint. Hutt Cartel and Twilek were technically added later by V-Set errata just FYI.
3/4/2025 7:29:33 PM

oh cool
3/4/2025 9:29:19 PM (Updated: 3/4/2025 9:30:15 PM)

I don't think Pilot was in RS, Bloomlik just adds that on Pilot characters.
3/4/2025 10:23:48 PM

yea, i just put the bloomilk abilities so this probs isnt 100% accurate to the original RS
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