Special Abilities
Grenades 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)
Droid (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects)
Draw Fire (If an enemy targets an ally within 6 squares of this character, you may force that enemy to target this character instead if it can; save 11)
Cleave (Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent enemy by making an attack, it can make 1 immediate attack against another adjacent enemy)
Momentum (If this character has moved this turn, it gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
Accelerate (This character can move up to 24 squares if it does not attack)
Strafe Attack (As this character moves, it can attack each enemy whose space it enters; this turn, this character cannot attack any enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a space it has just left. This ability is usable only on this character's turn.)
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Double Attack (On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving)
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
Impulsive Shot (If a Unique allied character is defeated, this character can make 1 immediate attack)
Override (At the end of its turn, this character can designate 1 door that it can see as open or closed; it remains open or closed until the end of this character's next turn, or until it is defeated)
Repair 10 (Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from 1 Droid character)
Stealth (If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets)
Triple Attack (On its turn, this character can make 2 extra attacks instead of moving)
Heavy Weapon (Can't attack and move in the same turn)
Hand of the Emperor (This character can spend its own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from a character whose name contains Emperor Palpatine once per turn)
Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)
Self-Destruct 10 (When this character is defeated, each adjacent character takes 10 damage)
Emperor's Bodyguard (If (a character whose name contains) Emperor is an adjacent ally and would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead)
Advantageous Cover (+8 Defense from cover instead of +4)
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
Swarm +1 (+1 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target)
Careful Shot +4 (On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +4 Attack)
Mighty Swing (On its turn, if this character doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Hutt Cartel
Speed 2 (Can move only 2 squares and attack, or 4 squares without attacking)
Fringe Reinforcements 30 (During setup, after seeing your opponent's squad, you can add up to 30 points of Fringe characters to your squad)
Ion Gun +20 (+20 Damage against nonliving enemies)
Mobile Attack (Can move both before and after attacking)
Double Claw Attack (On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving; both attacks must be against adjacent enemies)
Bodyguard (If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead)
Savage (This character must end its move next to an enemy if it can and does not benefit from commander effects)
Rend +10 (If both of its attacks hit the same adjacent enemy, this character's second attack gets +10 Damage)
Force Powers
Force 1
Force 3
Force Leap (Force 1: This turn, this character can move through enemy characters without provoking attacks of opportunity)
Lightsaber Sweep (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once)
Force 2
Force 5
Force Spirit 8 (If this character is defeated, immediately add 8 Force points to an ally with a Force rating; that ally can spend Force points 1 extra time per turn for the rest of the skirmish)
Force Heal 20 (Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 20 damage from a living character)
Force Grip 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: sight; 10 damage)
Force 4
Force Lightning 2 (Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target and 2 characters adjacent to that target)
Force Renewal 1 (This character gets 1 Force point each time it activates)
Force Storm 2 (Force 2, replaces attacks: 20 damage to all adjacent characters)
Blaster Barrage (Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack every legal target once)
Commander Effect
Non-Unique followers within 6 get Accurate Shot, +2 and after your turn, 1 can attack, Bounty Hunter followers and Bespin Guards get +2, Allies can spend your Force points, non Force users that roll a 1 are defeated and others get +2, If you can see an enemy, you can activate up to 3 characters, Followers that end within 6 can move 2 extra, Non moving Trooper followers within 6 get +3.
My, how far we have come.
3/3/2025 10:05:12 PM (Updated: 3/4/2025 12:41:25 AM)
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