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Imperial Sith Kamek 37  
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: 3
Damage: 10
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Creator: NoffyD
Created: 3/24/2025
Updated: 3/24/2025

Special Abilities

  • Unique
  • Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
  • Flight (Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving)
  • Rapport (This character costs 7 points less in a squad with a character whose name contains Boswer)
  • Affinity (May be in a squad with Bowser)
  • Cloaked (If this character has cover, he cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies)
  • Force Attuned (Once per turn on his turn, this character may use a Force Power that replaces attacks or turn, without replacing attacks or turn)

Force Powers

  • Force 2
  • Force Renewal 2 (This character gets 2 Force points each time he activates)
  • Master of the Force 3 (May spend Force points up to 3 times in a single turn)
  • Force Enlarge (Force 2: Replaces Attacks, target ally gains +4 attack and +10 damage and is considered large when it next activates. This ability lasts until the end of it's next activation. The chosen ally also gains stomp for the rest of the skirmish.)
  • Force Shrink (Force 2: Replaces attacks, target enemy is considered small and gains diminutive and -10 damage until the end of it's next activation.)
  • Force Fireball (Force 2: Replaces attacks, target character and each character adjacent to that target takes 10 unpreventable damage and target is considered burning. Each time a burning character activates it takes 10 damage)
  • Levitation 1 (Force 1, replaces attacks: Move 1 Small or Medium ally within 6 squares to any unoccupied square within 6 squares. This move does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)
  • Teleport (Force 1: Move this character to any unoccupied square within 12 squares)
  • Rubble Alchemy (Force 2, replaces attacks: Target unoccupied square with low objects within 6 squares is no longer low objects. You can immediately add a character named Koopa Troopa to your squad. The new character sets up in the square that was formerly occupied by low objects. That character gains Damage Reduction 10 and if this character is defeated any character created by this ability is also defeated.)
  • Sith Battle Manipulation (Force 3, usable on this character’s turn: Choose 1 target character within line of sight. Move target and all characters within 6 squares of that target up to 3 squares. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This character cannot be moved by this Force power.)

"Yaaaaaaaaaack! How long do I have to do this?!"

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