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Before the dark times...before the Empire.

Hit Points: 30
Defense: 16
Attack: 5
Damage: 10
Rarity: Uncommon
Base: Medium
Gender: Male
Creator: shinja
Created: 4/1/2009
Sets: Jedi Civil War

Special Abilities

  • Recon (Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy)

Commander Effect

Old Republic followers can move 2 extra squares on their turns as part of their move.

Average Rating: 7.67 (15)
Creator's Rating: 7/10
4/14/2009 8:45:00 PM

Fun piece. I'd love to see this made!
6/26/2009 9:38:00 PM

Same here.
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