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A Galaxy Infested

Warev Ririp - 7/26/2015 3:41:39 PM (Created: 7/26/2015 3:17:20 PM)

A Galaxy Infested. This is a collection of units meant to represent the undead or creatures that swarm and multiply in a hive-like structure. It includes many characters from the old EU, including the ancient Sith who ruled over undead armies and even includes a special appearance from the Xenomorphs of the Alien franchise. A lot of time and thought went into making all of these units, and while they are not meant for competitive play, they make for a lot of fun and interesting themed games.

Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HP Def Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating Cmt
1. Sith Dathka Graush, King of the Undead VR 63 140 22 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Assassin, The Heart of Graush, King of the Dead, Rapport (Undead), Reanimated Dead Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Dark Aura, Sith Sorcery, Sith Alchemy 3, Force Lightning 4, Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut CE -- 0
2. Sith Darth Drear, Lord of Infection R 48 120 20 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Carrier, Flurry Attack, Murakami Infection, Quick Reactions, Rapport (Undead), The Cure, Virulent Paralyzing Poison Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Grip 2, Lightsaber Defense, Sith Alchemy 3 CE 9.00 (1) 4
3. Sith Darth Scabrous, Master of the Horde R 30 100 18 10 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Carrier, Counterattack, Murakami Infection, Poison +10, Rapport (Undead), The Cure Force 1, Force Renewal 1, Jedi Mind Trick 2, Sith Alchemy 2 CE -- 1
4. Sith Sith Necromancer UC 30 90 17 8 20 Melee Attack, Rapport (Undead), Reanimated Dead, Stealth Force 6, Force Lightning 2, Sith Alchemy 2, Sith Magic 3 CE -- 0
5. Sith Sith Undead UC 20 60 15 6 10 Sith Undead, Melee Attack, Bloodthirsty, Horde +2, Jedi Hunter, Re-Animate Force 3, Force Lightning 1 9.00 (1) 3
6. Sith Greater Sith Undead UC 26 80 17 8 20 Sith Undead, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Bloodthirsty, Horde +2, Jedi Hunter, Re-Animate Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Lightning 2, Force Lightning 4 -- 0
7. Sith Imperial Dathka Graush, Dark Force Spirit VR 20 0 0 -1 -1 Unique, Speed 4, Affinity (Imperial), Eternal Sith Spirit (Dathka Graush) Force 4, Dark Aura CE -- 0
8. Imperial Project Blackwing Canisters R 45 40 20 0 0 Inanimate Object, Airborne Contagion, Damage Reduction 10, Emplacement CE 9.00 (2) 9
9. Imperial Death Trooper C 18 30 15 5 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Sickness, Blaster 10, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Final Brotherhood, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate 8.00 (2) 4
10. Imperial Heavy Death Trooper UC 21 40 15 5 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Death Trooper, Melee Attack, The Sickness, Blaster 30, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Final Brotherhood, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate -- 0
11. Fringe Zombie C 15 30 14 5 10 Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate -- 3
12. Fringe Cyborg Zombie C 18 30 14 5 10 Undead Cyborg, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Sickness, Blaster 10, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Override, Re-Animate 9.00 (1) 2
13. Fringe Defel Zombie C 19 30 15 5 10 The Undead, Speed 5, Melee Attack, The Sickness, Blaster 10, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Stealth 10.00 (1) 1
14. Fringe Dug Zombie C 18 30 14 5 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Disease, Blaster 10, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Wall Climber -- 0
15. Fringe Ewok Zombie C 7 10 12 2 10 Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Horde +1, Outbreak, Re-Animate -- 0
16. Fringe Falleen Zombie C 18 30 14 5 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Disease, Blaster 10, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Pheromones, Re-Animate -- 0
17. Fringe Gamorrean Zombie UC 21 50 16 5 20 Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Flabby Flesh, Horde +2, Mighty Swing, Re-Animate -- 0
18. Fringe Geonosian Zombie C 19 30 15 4 10 The Undead, Speed 5, Melee Attack, The Disease, Bloodthirsty, Flight, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Sonic Blaster -- 0
19. Fringe Gungan Zombie UC 22 30 18 4 10 Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Atlatl 20, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Energy Shield, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate 10.00 (1) 1
20. Fringe Ithorian Zombie C 19 30 15 5 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Terrifying Moan, War Throat 10.00 (1) 1
21. Fringe Jawa Zombie C 8 10 12 4 10 Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Horde +1, Ion Blaster, Outbreak, Re-Animate -- 0
22. Fringe Krayt Dragon Zombie VR 52 130 17 12 30 Blackwing Undead, Melee Attack, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Charging Assault +20, Horde +3, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Swallow Whole -- 0
23. Fringe Mandalorian Zombie UC 30 50 17 6 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Sickness, Beskar'gam, Blaster 20, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Final Brotherhood (Mandalorian Zombie), Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate 7.00 (2) 2
24. Fringe Massiff Zombie UC 22 40 16 9 20 The Undead, Speed 7 (Speed), Melee Attack, The Sickness, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +3, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Vicious Attack -- 0
25. Fringe Rancor Zombie R 35 120 18 8 20 The Undead, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Triple Attack, The Sickness, Bloodthirsty, Horde +3, Indiscriminate, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Swallow Whole 9.00 (1) 0
26. Fringe Trandoshan Zombie UC 20 40 15 6 20 The Undead, Speed 5, Melee Attack, Double Attack, The Sickness, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Immobilizing Rend, Outbreak, Re-Animate -- 0
27. Fringe Tusken Zombie UC 20 40 14 6 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, The Sickness, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Rally the Dead, Re-Animate -- 0
28. Fringe Ugnaught Zombie C 9 10 12 2 10 Blackwing Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Horde +1, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Satchel Charge, Self-Destruct 10 10.00 (1) 1
29. Fringe Wampa Zombie R 28 70 14 11 20 The Undead, Speed 5, Melee Attack, Double Attack, The Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate, Rend +10 -- 0
30. Fringe Wookiee Zombie UC 25 60 16 8 20 Undead, Speed 5, Melee Attack, Blackwing Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Demolish, Horde +2, Momentum, Outbreak, Re-Animate 8.00 (1) 2
31. Fringe Zombie Grenadier C 19 30 14 5 10 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Grenade Launcher, Grenades 10, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate 10.00 (1) 1
32. Fringe Zombie with Lightsaber UC 19 30 15 7 20 The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Disease, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Lightsaber Resistance, Outbreak, Re-Animate -- 0
33. Imperial Thestriel Kymeri, Voidsister Spellweaver R 27 100 18 8 10 Unique, Nightsister, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Carrier, Intimidation, Murakami Infection, Rapport (Voidsister), Synergy (Voidsister) Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Corruption 2, Force Dominate, Force Lightning 2, Force Lightning 3 CE -- 0
34. Imperial Denkra Kymeri, Voidsister Warrior R 26 90 17 10 20 Unique, Nightsister, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Carrier, Charging Assault +10, Murakami Infection, Parry, Rapport (Voidsister), Synergy (Voidsister) Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Grip 2, Force Push 3, Indiscriminate Rage CE -- 0
35. Imperial Naija Kymeri, Voidsister Huntress R 25 80 16 9 20 Unique, Nightsister, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Carrier, Evade, Murakami Infection, Rapport (Voidsister), Stealth, Synergy (Voidsister) Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Cloak, Master Speed, Leaping Assault CE -- 0
36. Imperial Amaya Kymeri, Clan Mother Spirit VR 15 0 0 -1 -1 Unique, Nightsister, Speed 4, Kymeri Clan Mother, Restless Spirit Force 1, Force Renewal 1 CE -- 0
37. Imperial Old Daka, Nightsister Elder R 35 70 16 0 0 Unique, Awake Dead Sisters, Control the Dead, Emplacement, Immediate Army of the Dead Reserves 30, Rapport (Undead) Force 2, Force Renewal 2, Anticipation, Illusion CE 10.00 (2) 4
38. Imperial Army of the Dead Nightsister C 16 60 16 6 10 Army of the Dead, Speed 8, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Bloodthirsty, Charging Assault +10, Horde +2, Re-Animate Force 3, Force Leap, Leaping Assault 9.00 (2) 7
39. Fringe Countess Rajine, Energy Vampire R 31 100 18 10 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Advanced Drain Force, Jedi Hunter, Leech Life, Paralysis, Rapport (Undead) Force 4, Drain Life 3, Force Cloak, Sith Hunger 2 CE 10.00 (1) 5
40. Fringe Vampire Victim C 12 30 14 5 10 Drained Corpse, Speed 4, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate -- 0
41. Separatists Queen Karina the Great VR 65 120 13 7 20 Unique, Geonosian, Melee Attack, Damage Reduction 10, Emplacement, Immediate Geonosian Reserves 20 (Karina), Ovipositor, Protect your Queen, Queen Hive Mind, Rapport (Karina), Rise my Children, Subterranean CE 9.00 (2) 4
42. Separatists Geonosian Brain Worm C 15 10 20 0 0 Cloaked, Evade, Infest 9.00 (1) 1
43. Separatists Brain Dead Geonosian C 11 20 15 4 20 Brain Dead, Re-Animate, Sonic Attack, Subterranean, Wall Climber -- 0
44. Separatists Barriss Offee, Infested R 30 80 19 9 20 Unique, Geonosian, Melee Attack, Deceptive, Double Attack Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Deflect, Force Push 2 9.00 (2) 4
45. Separatists Infested Clone Trooper C 10 10 13 6 20 Geonosian, Deceptive 9.00 (1) 3
46. Fringe Dr. Evazan, Re-Animator R 22 50 15 5 10 Unique, Avoid Defeat, Cybernetic Surgery, Doctor Death, Opportunist, Overdose, Rapport (Undead) CE 9.00 (1) 2
47. Imperial Bio-Cleanup Commander UC 23 50 18 8 10 Double Attack, Advanced Biohazard Suit, Breath Mask, Fireproof, Quarantine Training CE -- 0
48. Imperial Bio-Cleanup Officer UC 20 40 18 8 10 Double Attack, Biohazard Suit, Breath Mask, Fireproof, Quarantine Training CE -- 0
49. Imperial Bio-Cleanup Medical Droid R 21 30 12 0 0 Droid, Anti-Toxin, Relay Orders, Heal 10, Emergency Life Support, Frequency Amplification 9.00 (1) 4
50. Imperial Bio-Cleanup Heavy Trooper UC 18 30 16 6 20 Biohazard Suit, Breath Mask, Fireproof, Heavy Weapon, Missiles 30 -- 0
51. Imperial Bio-Cleanup Trooper UC 16 30 16 6 10 Biohazard Suit, Breath Mask, Burning Attacks (Fixed), Fireproof, Flamethrower 20 -- 0
52. Yuuzhan Vong Facehugger Egg UC 13 10 18 0 0 Xenomorph, Corrosive Blood, Emplacement, Escape (Facehugger), Facehugger Attack (Egg) -- 0
53. Yuuzhan Vong Facehugger UC 23 10 22 0 0 Xenomorph, Corrosive Blood, Evade, Facehugger Attack (Facehugger), Quick Reflexes, Stealth -- 2
54. Yuuzhan Vong Chestburster UC 0 10 20 2 10 Xenomorph, Melee Attack, Corrosive Blood, Evade, Host Needed, Molt, Quick Reflexes, Stealth -- 0
55. Yuuzhan Vong Xenomorph Drone UC 28 60 16 8 20 Xenomorph, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Cocoon, Corrosive Blood, Cunning Attack, Evade, Move Egg, Stealth, Swarm +2 (allies with Swarm), Wall Climber 9.00 (1) 2
56. Yuuzhan Vong Xenomorph Warrior R 33 80 18 10 20 Xenomorph, Speed 8, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Double Attack, Ambush, Cocoon, Corrosive Blood, Cunning Attack, Evade, Rend +10, Stealth, Swarm +2 (allies with Swarm), Wall Climber 9.00 (1) 3
57. Yuuzhan Vong Xenomorph Runner R 33 70 20 10 20 Xenomorph, Speed 10, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Twin Attack, Ambush, Charging Assault +10, Corrosive Blood, Cunning Attack, Evade, Momentum, Stealth, Swarm +2 (allies with Swarm), Wall Climber -- 0
58. Yuuzhan Vong Predalien R 55 120 20 12 30 Xenomorph, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Corrosive Blood, Cocoon, Cunning Attack, Evade, Stable Footing, Stealth, Swarm +2 (allies with Swarm), Vicious Attack 9.00 (1) 1
59. Yuuzhan Vong Xenomorph Praetorian R 65 150 20 14 30 Xenomorph, Speed 8, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Double Attack, Call the Swarm, Charging Assault +20, Corrosive Blood, Damage Reduction 10, Queen's Guard, Rend +10, Stable Footing, Vicious Attack 9.00 (1) 0
60. Yuuzhan Vong Xenomorph Queen VR 144 200 18 18 30 CE -- 1
Showing 1 - 60 of 60 Characters

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