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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Friday, May 4, 2012 12:15:58 AM
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Wow! Your cards are so cool, and so many! And a lot of great new ideas of characters among them, especially non-uniques! Great work!ThumbsUp
Posted: Friday, May 4, 2012 6:47:55 AM
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Wonderfull work again !Woot

Givin Technical Specialist is great ! ThumbsUp Where did you find this image? I need him for my RPG! ;)
Thank you very much for all the fringe characters... very well done !

Your Squib Thug has a lightsaber ?

Could you make some holocrons or others objects ?
Posted: Friday, May 4, 2012 7:14:55 AM
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Derf wrote:
Wonderfull work again !Woot

Givin Technical Specialist is great ! ThumbsUp Where did you find this image? I need him for my RPG! ;)
Thank you very much for all the fringe characters... very well done !

Your Squib Thug has a lightsaber ?

Could you make some holocrons or others objects ?

The givin was just a head swap; not as easy as it looks but not ridiculosly difficult either. Lightsaber?? I thought it was a vibroblade .... BigGrin

I actually do have a few Jedi and Sith Holocrons, swoop biles and some vehicles but didn't think anybody would want them .... maybe down the road.

ShaakTi wrote:
Wow! Your cards are so cool, and so many! And a lot of great new ideas of characters among them, especially non-uniques! Great work!ThumbsUp

I take it you've never seen the thread; in that case thank you BlooMilk Was there anything in particular you liked or suggestions on what you'd like to see?
Deus Sol
Posted: Friday, May 4, 2012 4:50:51 PM
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Surfrider: If you're looking for new ideas and you're interested in TOR series, there's tons of new uniques, non-uniques, and things somewhat in-between in the game!
Posted: Friday, May 11, 2012 8:33:09 PM
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Deus Sol wrote:
Surfrider: If you're looking for new ideas and you're interested in TOR series, there's tons of new uniques, non-uniques, and things somewhat in-between in the game!

Nver was much of a joiner, but they do have some nice ideas which I've been pillaging for a few months. I appreciate the thought though, so thanks for the invite. BlooMilk
Posted: Friday, May 11, 2012 9:15:09 PM
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Well, I’ve got a new batch. I actually had about a 100 cards and decided to take what I thought were the best while I rework the others. I’ve tried to think out of the box; the problem is its still a box You create so its still the same box … too philosophical, sorry. Cool Anyway, I’ve been reading Star Wars:Scourge and came up with some new ideas, meanwhile I’ve been doing a lot of surfing and wandering through Wook and have new ideas so on with the presentation. Comments welcomed as always.

Aing-tii Monk The Monks seemed to have been mentioned a few times instories I’ve been reading lately so I looked for a pic, found something decently workable, and came up with my version.

Armored Bounty Hunter An Outer Rim faction member; I seem to be trying to come up with quirky slightly off center characters. It’s also a good place to put an “unknown” species but otherwise good pics … besides I liked the pick.

AT-ST Mk. II I thought I’d try to redo a vehicle and make it more playable. Well ….

Besalisk Station Trader Another Outer Rim character. Another idea and I’ll see if it’s a usable new ability.

Blizz A TOR character that looks interesting; my take.

DV-1171X Can a droid be semi invisible and disruptive? I guess I could have made him totally invisible.

Felucian Chieftan I came across a concept pic of Felucians and used it to createsome new characters. Wook says they have 4 classes of Jungle Felucians; Warrior, Shaman (which have both been done) plus Chieftain and Scout; my versions.

Felucian Scout

Kel Dor Spacer A new Kel Dor and a new character for the Spacer Faction.

Kessel Miner I forget why I was surfing into the Kessel mines but I liked the pic and the new ability is amusing.

Mandalorian Recruit I always thought Mando’s were made not born and we all started somewhere.

Nikto Swoop Gang Member The Nikto’s seem to be all over the Scourge book. A Hutt Cartel member.

Ongree Station Technician A new species, the Ongree. Not much on them in Wook ….

Outer Rim Killer I thought about calling him a ”Liquidator” but until I really come up with a good name, hey Killer is as good as any and it’s an eerie, interesting pic.

Outer Rim Traps Master A strange pic, an ”unkown” species. The name and subsequent idea popped into my head during my morning drive to work. A strange combination of abilities for a strange sub faction.

Owen Lars, Tatooine Farmer I saw this pic and said, well what kind of mini would he make; he was willing be part of a posse chasing Tuskens so he must’ve been stupid/brave when he was younger ….

Platt O'Keefe I’ve had this pic around for awhile; thought she should pop up. If Dash is Han Lite, Platt is at least Dash Lite.

Quarren Jedi Knight A new pic, a new, generic Jedi species. Strange mix on my random powers generator.

Rodian Clan Underboss This character jumped out at me from the Scourge book, along with the “Clan Vendetta” ability; I also liked the idea of an endless supply of Rodian clansmen” coming at you.

Ryn Smuggler I’ve done a few Ryn, so one more wouldn’t hurt.


Sergeant Fideltyn Rusk Another TOR character; he’s a little psycho … not sure how to portray that. But hey, he’s a Chagrian. We needed a few more; still might redo once more info comes in …..

Sith Intelligence Scout A head swap to create a Rattataki Sith Agent; I kinda liked the Cold Blooded Killer idea and I hope I did it justice with the wording. Opinions?

Twi'Lek Jedi Master Ever notice most male Twi’lek’s mini’s are covering their head tails? I liked the idea of a male Jedi …..

Vultan Trade Officer A head swap to create the pic for a hard to find species, the Vultan. I made him Outer Rim and gave him Tapals CE which I always loved but he’s the only one with it. It has the potential to cause so much mayhem, which is what I want the Outer Rim faction to be.

Zabrak Tramp A strange pic and a strange new ability, but he why not…..

Well, as always, my ideas may be off the wall, but at least I can say they’re mine. Would love to hear people’s thoughts ….. BigGrin
Posted: Saturday, May 12, 2012 1:12:28 PM
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ThumpUp sweet as always!

what's the race of the outer rim trap master??
Posted: Saturday, May 12, 2012 1:21:27 PM
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jak wrote:
ThumpUp sweet as always!

what's the race of the outer rim trap master??

No idea, but it's a cool pic, so I'll go with the usual Wook response which would be "Unknown Species." BigGrin
Posted: Saturday, May 12, 2012 1:47:26 PM
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The way you have clan vendetta worded, does it even need to be a commander effect? The definition of the ability gives all rodians the attack, so why also give them the ability?
Posted: Saturday, May 12, 2012 2:40:06 PM
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crazybirdman wrote:
The way you have clan vendetta worded, does it even need to be a commander effect? The definition of the ability gives all rodians the attack, so why also give them the ability?

I see your point; maybe word the ability Clan Vendetta (If a Rodian ally is defeated, this character may make an immediate attack.)

... and the CE gives Vendetta to each allied Rodian.
Posted: Sunday, May 13, 2012 3:17:57 AM
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Neat new bunch of customs; the hit of new fringers is appreciated greatly, as are the awesome jedi.
If I might request a custom in the future sets, could I see my custom Jango Fett: Survivor stats turned into a stat card please? BigGrin
Ive already got a Tsui Choi, Survivor card (with a great picture that matches my custom!) But I'd really like to see my "glass cannon fett" made,
also, what do you think of my custom stats for Asajj Ventress, Separatist General? Attack X is pretty neat; with it, she can do up to 14 twin attacks (28 attacks against 9 adjacent figures!) makes her pretty Savage... haha
Bob Chizo
Posted: Sunday, May 13, 2012 8:16:39 AM
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I think that Damage Reduction 30 may be a bit overpowered on the AT-ST, but the rest are cool, I particularly like the pink Mandalorian, I have a custom that looks like that... Maybe I will finally get around to posting my custom figures.

On a different note: Do you still do custom figures, or do you stick to the stats? I remember in your old thread that most of your stats had figures, and I understand that you have gotten away from that (good idea), but do you any customs anymore? I would love to see them.

Posted: Sunday, May 13, 2012 3:25:46 PM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
Neat new bunch of customs; the hit of new fringers is appreciated greatly, as are the awesome jedi.
If I might request a custom in the future sets, could I see my custom Jango Fett: Survivor stats turned into a stat card please? BigGrin
Ive already got a Tsui Choi, Survivor card (with a great picture that matches my custom!) But I'd really like to see my "glass cannon fett" made,
also, what do you think of my custom stats for Asajj Ventress, Separatist General? Attack X is pretty neat; with it, she can do up to 14 twin attacks (28 attacks against 9 adjacent figures!) makes her pretty Savage... haha

I've still got a few more Jedi species I still haven't done generics of .... I'll eventually get to them.

As a present on this fine spring day to you Koba ....

I think he seems a little overpowered; 11 abilities?? Scared Still, your monster, go conquer the Jedi young man!

Haven't had a chance to look at Ventriss. It's Mother's Day in the states and I better make an appearance or suffer the consequences for the rest of my life. RollEyes

Bob Chizo wrote:
I think that Damage Reduction 30 may be a bit overpowered on the AT-ST, but the rest are cool, I particularly like the pink Mandalorian, I have a custom that looks like that... Maybe I will finally get around to posting my custom figures.

On a different note: Do you still do custom figures, or do you stick to the stats? I remember in your old thread that most of your stats had figures, and I understand that you have gotten away from that (good idea), but do you any customs anymore? I would love to see them.


Pink? I thought he was magenta BigGrin Never played the AT-ST; would Reduction 20 be better? I remember reading a discussion somewhere about redoing vehicles to be more player friendly/worth playing. It was a shot, what can I say BlooMilk

I indeed used to do customs; I had a rule that I'd only do a custom if I could do a card for it and vice versa. I gave it up last summer because I hurt my hands and couldn't hold the brush or exacto as well, plus the eyes aren't getting any younger. Maybe this summer ...

The last custom I did was this one May, 2011

If I can get my camera to work just right (My great failing in Customizing) maybe I'll do a set of pics where I have my old customs next to the pic of the card ... something to shoot for down the road. Aren't some of my customs somewhere in the front of this thread??

Thanks for remembering! With so many new people interested into making customs, I just switched to cards. In the old days (3-5 years ago) there used to be only a dozen or so of us that did custom mini's on the old WOTC ...
Deus Sol
Posted: Sunday, May 13, 2012 4:25:36 PM
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Can you put a range on Force Slow? Is it sight, 6, or something in between?
Posted: Sunday, May 13, 2012 5:03:50 PM
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Deus Sol wrote:
Can you put a range on Force Slow? Is it sight, 6, or something in between?

You know, I never noticed that; as I said, I'm a one man operation. I sort of depend on others to notice things I miss. Sounds like a "replaces attacks: sight; " kind of power. I'll be changing that this week. Thank you. Anything else of interest?
Deus Sol
Posted: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:30:54 PM
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Well, there's the ATST mk II... damage reduction seems to be missing the "except by lightsaber attacks" clause and theres some extra text hanging out underneath Rigid (which was actually errata'd to no longer exist). Also, I don't understand "wild eyed desperation"... is it like a replaces attacks lightsaber sweep type thingy?
That quarren JK looks sick. So does Sergeant Fideltyn Rusk... he could clean up with bastilla and saul karath. I love seeing new cards, keep 'em coming!

EDIT: on further inspection, the nikto swoop rider guy needs his "gang +1" text fixed; it prolly should be for allied hutt cartel members.
Posted: Monday, May 14, 2012 2:48:01 PM
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Deus Sol wrote:
Well, there's the ATST mk II... damage reduction seems to be missing the "except by lightsaber attacks" clause and theres some extra text hanging out underneath Rigid (which was actually errata'd to no longer exist). Also, I don't understand "wild eyed desperation"... is it like a replaces attacks lightsaber sweep type thingy?
That quarren JK looks sick. So does Sergeant Fideltyn Rusk... he could clean up with bastilla and saul karath. I love seeing new cards, keep 'em coming!

EDIT: on further inspection, the nikto swoop rider guy needs his "gang +1" text fixed; it prolly should be for allied hutt cartel members.

Thanks for spotting my mistakes on Rigid, Damage Reduction, and the Nikto; Fixed and new cards posted tonight.

Wild Eyed Desperation; basically that the guy has gone bonkers and will attack anything adjacent to to him (I also forgot Melee for him.) Allies get a pretty good save chance with +6. I'll fix the melee tonight too.

Edit: All fixes done; Thanks again.

PS - Deus, Are the Quarren JK and Rusk Too much and just about right as tough pieces?
Deus Sol
Posted: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 1:20:46 PM
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Rusk may be a tad under cost; he has potential for +14 for 20 six times in a turn. the quarren is fine where he is, imho.
Posted: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 6:12:57 PM
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Deus Sol wrote:
Rusk may be a tad under cost; he has potential for +14 for 20 six times in a turn. the quarren is fine where he is, imho.

I don't think Rusk is too far off; the OR Trooper from the Vengeance has +12 for 20 three times and is 7 cheaper. He's maybe at most 1-2 pts undercosted. I believe WOTC would call him "aggressively costed."
Posted: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:44:49 PM
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Honestly, I think Rusk is more than a few points underpriced... I think he's more like 20 or 30 points underpriced!

Sure, the OR Trooper can Triple Attack, but you need to look at what Rusk has in his favor:

1) Slightly better stats (arguably offset for the most part by being Unique)
2) Splash
3) Twin Attack

Now, Splash on it's own is probably worth something like 4-8 points on a shooter who can make three attacks. Especially paired with Twin Attack, Rusk can do MASSIVE crowd control, forcing the opponent's tactics. Yes, the OR Trooper has Grenades, but Grenades are, on the balance, typically not as effective as Splash (and can only be used once per activation).

The real issue, though, is Twin Attack. Forget the fact that the only character with Triple/Twin is GMLS (who is hampered by Melee Attack)--the key is the incredible synergy Twin Attack has within the the Old Republic. The faction is designed to NOT have Twin Attack for the most part. It's no accident that the majority of Old Rep pieces with Twin Attack are pricey. Although there is validity in comparing Rusk to the OR Trooper, it would seem to be equally necessary to compare him to the Unique OR shooters with Twin (both Carths, Mira, Bao-Dur). When viewed as part of that spectrum, I think the cost discrepancy becomes a bit more apparent.

What's the issue with Twin Attack in the Old Rep? Well, there are at least three that I can think of: the Revanchist, the Jedi Exile, and Master Thon. Paired with Thon of the Revanchist, Rusk can make 6 attacks fairly reliably, and with the Jedi Exile, his attack count increases to eight. Generally, characters that can dish out that sort of punishment are in the 40+ club.

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