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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Sunday, June 24, 2012 8:56:19 AM
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Very nice work again !
Heart Nar Shaddan and Tatooine characters ThumbsUp !!!
Magna Commander is very good !Woot


Looking your cards give me a lot of new ideas and character concepts.
Where can I find the original image of your Mirialan Smuggler and of your Magna Commander? I need these for my RPG!
Posted: Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:46:17 AM
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Derf wrote:
Very nice work again !
Heart Nar Shaddan and Tatooine characters ThumbsUp !!!
Magna Commander is very good !Woot


Looking your cards give me a lot of new ideas and character concepts.
Where can I find the original image of your Mirialan Smuggler and of your Magna Commander? I need these for my RPG!

Picked up the "Magna Commander" last spring, not sure where ....

The Smuggler + a few other tidbits ....
Posted: Thursday, June 28, 2012 9:49:14 AM
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wow! The latest batch is a two-in-one, is that to make up for lost time? BigGrin
Im liking the exploratory jedee's, not sold on the Gungan or the Nautolan ones though. Its just a personal thing, first rule of fett club (no gungans, ever.)
I also enjoy the ARC update, i will have to make a new figure to match the pose. It makes the Muunilist 10 more awesome. Speaking of which, any chance of the Muunilist 10 getting their own individual stat cards; kinda like a special mini set? That would be awesome!

Great work on the new spotter pirate; suddenly pirate faction is playable more, and opens up some interesting options in meta for some hefty damage. I also enjoy the slicer droid, maybe you could use the picture of the floaty thing from Gears of War as a unique heroic version?

Onto a different tact, the use of GW images is dubious. Though the resulting stats are cool, and kudos on the Necron... I mean Magnaguard lord BigGrin I always thought it was possible to make Necrons into SWM, ive been slowly converting my necrons to be droids of various sorts. Its hard trying to keep the happy medium of them looking GW-y and still being "tabletop legal" (Jeez.. anyone remember when it was tabletop legal to use paper miniature standins for GW? No?... check it out in White Dwarf 1-80, theres even paper droppods and whirlwinds lol). Long story aside, I made my Necron Lord look remarkably like Grevo.

The Tau (is that Shas'la Vior'la Kais?) is pretty interesting too, though i think i'd hurl if I saw a Space Marine stat card or a My-Little-Pony marine stat card lol.

Would superhero's be worthy of stat-cardification at some point? Could be interesting to do a clix style mashup battle, but in the D20 environment of SWM. I dislike the clix idea, that is fiddly bases which click, and it devolves into scissors paper rock more often than not with the abilities like perplex and outwit, etc. Psssh, if I wanted scissors paper rock, id play it wearing my avengers t-shirt BigGrin

Im seeing a lot of interesting combinations in the last 40 pieces that have been made,
i have to ask, do you feel you can continue doing the "booster pack a week/fortnight" idea?
You show no signs of slowing down yet, and its keeping the game alive haha!

Im thinking of incorporating more vehicles into games but playtesting seems to suggest that strafe runs (as in war-hamster 39K) arent player friendly. Vehicles (take a Tie v Xwing) tend to strafe best on the first activation for a round or the final activation of later rounds, and can break the game/ lead to gambit hogging.
Do you recall the WotC Star Wars Trading Card Game? Ive always been a fan of it! It has 3 arenas, space ground and character. Perhaps we could refer to it as a model for the implementation of vehicles into SWM?
Lol, in english Maybe we need to change turn structure to make a "vehicles only" segment, which resolves simultaneously? So, both the X wing and the Tie attack at the same time, in their own special activation frame between turn 1 and turn 2. This gives players a choice: to destroy the opposition's vehicle, providing future advantages etc. or focus on vulnerable pieces.

That, and its always bugged me that an AT-RT is worth the same VPs as a CT or any other character. I think vehicles oughta count as multi activation by default, and should be worth much more VPs than regular figures. This may reduce lancer squad problems too. And, maybe its my grid iron liking here, but should VPs be based on players starting areas? Ive had a few games, both league official and home games, where due to override or having 1 piece left per side and calling time on a match, there have been draws due to VP scoring. In one case, there were 10 figures per side judged as being within the gambit zone! (it was 200pt match)

Id really like to discuss this idea further,
Lord Ball (if you're out there still, and not too busy) itd be great to hear from you on this BigGrin
Squelch, any thoughts on bringing vehicles into SWM?

@Surf, again
Sorry for the huge post, but ive been busy real world of late (exams, restructure at the salt mine).
Keep up the great work,
and i hope to see some lively discussion on these customs BigGrin
Posted: Thursday, June 28, 2012 4:58:05 PM
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Is the Magna a Necron? As I said, I couldn't remember where I found it.

Yes, the Outer Rim Merc is a Tau; couldn't resist cause I liked the pic so much.

Vehicles are difficult, most definitely. Except for the updates on things like the AT-ST, Cloud Car, my AT-PT I've tried to stay away from the "Strafe"bships like Fighters/Bombers. Unless and/or untill AA are made, they seem to create more problems than they're worth. Having said that. I Have created some 4-6 man transports ....

It's hot up in my attic; I say that because that's my new space for working on 3D ideas, like my AT-AT & AT-ST Imp Assault force hitting my 40k Imperial Guard "merc" force with a Jedi or two tossed in. I'm going to start paining my collection of Dropships, armored vehicles and scenery next week. No idea how long that takes.

Also have another sets worth in the works. How long can I "keep it up?" As long as worthy pics and even worthier ideas pop into my head. When I can't come up with anything more than another variation of a smuggler/pirate/soldier I'll know when it's time. Gotta admit it must be easier for the V-Set guys with everyone throwing ideas at them; I maybe peek at them once a month ... that'd be cheating BigGrin

How're your fighters coming along? ... Oh, what Combinations did you like especially?
Posted: Saturday, July 14, 2012 2:11:03 PM
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Lots of talk about GenCon, lots of games being played in the summer (and I left my dice behind last time I played … memo to self, remind myself to get them next game … ) Little traffic here since everybody’s out and about, unless you’re stuck inside because of the heat … but for my next batch …
Well, I’ve got a bunch of new stuff, and as usual, couldn’t make up my mind what to release and I decided instead of a group of 25 I’ll just do 2 groups of 15. Next one maybe Sunday or Monday since I’m on vacation; been reading a lot, surfing Wook and checking out more Dawn of the Jedi. So some ideas came from here, there and everywhere. The first group, in Alpha order ….

Balosar Security Head swap with a better body. Not many Balosar’s so hey why not.

Bith Jedi Knight Another “Core” species in the RPG that’s underrepresented and I haven’t done a Bith Jedi yet.

Cerean Troubleshooter Another Cerean, with a reverse take on Intuition. I hope I’ve worded it well enough to make sense ….

Clone Anti-Trooper Bumped into the pic on my Wook surfing … liked the idea in general and the pic ….

Dug Recon Trooper A spotter for the Sith … Dugs are the type of species that would be Sith allies.

Dug Soldier Had another Dug pic, thought I’d do a generic soldier.

Duros Engineer You can never have enough people to blow things up. He’s also a Duros for fun and he’s got the Merc handicap.

Falleen Sycophant A Falleen for the Hutt Cartel, with a take on Aggressive Negotiator.

Genoharadan Master of Assassins I’ve filled out the Genoharadan ranks with a few different levels and this guy would be top dog.

Gungan Trooper I’ve had this guy on the backburner for so I thought he deserved a parole.

Hutt Cartel Advisor Can never have enough Hutt’s, and never hurts for someone to help boost an organization as powerful as the Cartel.

Kaminoan Master Cloner The piece that hopefully makes the Anti-Clones work.

Kiffar Enforcer Strangely, I’ve never done a Kiffar before; decided to forgo their Telemetry power since it was supposedly rare.

Killik Hive Lieutenant I’ve been reading up on Rakatan’s and ran into a pic of them fighting Killik’s … what can I say, my take on the Hive.

Killik Hive Warrior Every hive needs a few fighting drones/warriors.

Depending on the wife’s summer Honey-Do list, another 15 or so tomorrow or Monday. Suggestions, comments always welcome ….. I may have to decide what group I do before my summer trip next week … Enjoy.
Posted: Sunday, July 15, 2012 8:55:54 PM
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Well, not much commentary, but I’m probably overwhelming people with stuff to look at, so, as promised, a few more. I also made up a few more today after some ideas popped into my head so I’ve a couple extra’s to throw in and I hope you like them BigGrin ..….

Kitonak Holyman I love the idea of Holymen/Force Sensitive types. Hey, it’s also another Kitonak …..

Quermian Tactician Quermians have that extra brain so why not be a Tactician?

Rakata Energy Core Not much about these things in Wook, so I made it into a ”Super Gonk” type piece ....

Sith Imperial Advisor A sort of “Super Advisor” type for the Sith since the Seps and Imps have them.

Sly Moore, Imperial Advisor Now here’s a piece that was screaming for a remake. She apparently worked on converting padawans and the Jedi Auxiliary types to the Dark Side and was telepathic … Force Sense 2 is my take on Telepathy.

Techno Union Grenadier The Techno Union needs more fodder ….

Trade Federation Negotiator These would be the Neimoidians from the Phantom Menace; Pre-Sep so I “created” a new Card for the Trade Federation. Couldn’t find a color emblem so ….

Troig Jedi Knight Somebody (apologies) mentioned creating a Troig, so …..

Yarkora Freelancer Needed a new Yarkora; I figured an older being might have a good survival instinct and a trick up his sleeve.

Maybe I’ll tickle someone’s fancy with these, maybe not. But I enjoy making them and I hope you all enjoy checking out the ideas … Comments, observations and suggestions welcomed! BlooMilk
Posted: Monday, July 16, 2012 6:01:06 AM
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Hahaha! You made a Troig! Awesome! This is officially going to be a party NPC tag along and a big bad in my next RPG campaign, haha.
Great work, not sold on its stats though. The picture sorta looks like the 2 headed monster from sesame street... lol
Although... I may get one of my players to make a wild Troig variant based on that haha.

As to the rest,
CONTENT BOOM! BigGrin so much content, and its well thought out. I dont see any glaring combination problems, or wording issues.
Only stringent, rigorous playtesting will reveal if pricing points are off, but Id say that these pieces are fairly good.
You give all the subfactions the love they deserve, the fringe pieces look usable and are varied enough to not succumb to the cookie cutter effect.
Im thinking the mercenary and jedi pieces are my favorite of this batch, followed by the Techno Union trooper and the Anti-clones (for recreation/ matching my custom jet pack troopers) BigGrin.

Diverging slightly, The alien 2 headed jedi I was thinking of is apparently called a "Paaerduag" from Kotor; weird but cool looking jedi I imagine being a consular/scholarly type of jedi. It would probably have Internal Strife or Dark Temptation, or both for a laugh.
Although KOTOR/TOR era gives loads of species; just for a little list, and there are a couple of RPG fan forums lurking out there that have already made lists of custom species. I like the starfish like, almost Gendai species I found someplace... im imaging Darth Starro lol.

Also, have you seen GW40ks Mind Controller minis? They look like tendrilled floating brains, which use the force to make zombies... could be fun to make a zombie subfaction? BigGrin

Is there a shaman subfaction emerging? also, what about the bar-brawlers and low-lives? I think a few crowd fighting, impulsive ambushing drunkards and stim users would be fun fodder in a dynamic duos death match haha.

All the best,
and thanks for all the great work so far.
If I find any cool reference pics, ill be sure to whack them up on the species thread.
Posted: Monday, July 16, 2012 8:31:18 AM
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I looked up that "Paaerduag;" Now That is a weird looking species. Not sure I could do anything with the one pic I saw. THe Troigs only had two pics so can't help the Sesame St. look.

I've seen the SWTOR wiki but they rarely give decent full body shots, although I have found interesting pics of other species ....

Zombies remind me too much of Night of the Living Dead; I'll stick to sneaking an interesting 40K pic in Cool

I hadn't thought of shaman's as a group; not sure if I want to play God, but the occassional one should pop up.

Thugs and brawlers; I did my Cantina mini set but an occasional Drunk or Duggie could liven things up.

Glad you liked the new ones. I have a few more lurking; maybe before friday when I leave for a week of In-Laws, wine tasting and music ... heavy on the alcohol whenever I'm not driving .... BlooMilk
Posted: Thursday, July 19, 2012 6:54:29 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
I looked up that "Paaerduag;" Now That is a weird looking species. Not sure I could do anything with the one pic I saw. THe Troigs only had two pics so can't help the Sesame St. look.

I've seen the SWTOR wiki but they rarely give decent full body shots, although I have found interesting pics of other species ....

Zombies remind me too much of Night of the Living Dead; I'll stick to sneaking an interesting 40K pic in Cool

I hadn't thought of shaman's as a group; not sure if I want to play God, but the occassional one should pop up.

Thugs and brawlers; I did my Cantina mini set but an occasional Drunk or Duggie could liven things up.

Glad you liked the new ones. I have a few more lurking; maybe before friday when I leave for a week of In-Laws, wine tasting and music ... heavy on the alcohol whenever I'm not driving .... BlooMilk

Mad What do you have against Zombies surf?!?! OMG They're people to you know....well maybe at one time anyway. LOL Tongue Sorry, I'm a Zombie nut too.

Excellent job on the latest batch dude! Loving the Anti-Clone Troopers. Sweet pic there BTW. Keep up the great work man! ThumpUp

....and it wouldn't kill ya to make the occasional Zombie or two, or Twelve, or Fifty Seven..........see that's the problem with Zombies......too numerous.....

okay....maybe it would kill ya........ You know what, never mind. Pretend I didn't suggest that......
Posted: Thursday, July 19, 2012 9:02:42 PM
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SquelchDog wrote:

Mad What do you have against Zombies surf?!?! OMG They're people to you know....well maybe at one time anyway. LOL Tongue Sorry, I'm a Zombie nut too.

Excellent job on the latest batch dude! Loving the Anti-Clone Troopers. Sweet pic there BTW. Keep up the great work man! ThumpUp

....and it wouldn't kill ya to make the occasional Zombie or two, or Twelve, or Fifty Seven..........see that's the problem with Zombies......too numerous.....

okay....maybe it would kill ya........ You know what, never mind. Pretend I didn't suggest that......

Well, not my thing but since several people have requested it ..... RollEyes .....Wink

What can I say, I aim to please BlooMilk


We now return you to your regularly scheduled Holonews Program .... back in a week.
Posted: Thursday, July 19, 2012 11:06:23 PM
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@Surf, Squelch
Huzzah! BigGrin Stormie Zombie! Its perfect!
Thanks heaps for this one!
Posted: Saturday, July 21, 2012 11:53:22 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
SquelchDog wrote:

Mad What do you have against Zombies surf?!?! OMG They're people to you know....well maybe at one time anyway. LOL Tongue Sorry, I'm a Zombie nut too.

Excellent job on the latest batch dude! Loving the Anti-Clone Troopers. Sweet pic there BTW. Keep up the great work man! ThumpUp

....and it wouldn't kill ya to make the occasional Zombie or two, or Twelve, or Fifty Seven..........see that's the problem with Zombies......too numerous.....

okay....maybe it would kill ya........ You know what, never mind. Pretend I didn't suggest that......

Well, not my thing but since several people have requested it ..... RollEyes .....Wink

What can I say, I aim to please BlooMilk


We now return you to your regularly scheduled Holonews Program .... back in a week.

Gaming scenario

2 players or more.
1 D20 & 1 D12
Ravaged Base map or any other segmented map, small enclosed spaces are best for this.
Each Player picks one unique character. Agree on a starting point and an exit point, these must be on the opposite side of the map to each other.

Game and rules.

Each player has their 2 activations as per normal.
Every time a player opens a door to a new room or corridor, the other player rolls the D12/D20, what ever the roll is the other player places/reveals that amount of Zombie Stormtroopers in that room/corridor.

Zombie Stormtrooper must always move towards a unique character. When being first placed/revealed, the Zombie Stormtroopers must be, when possible a minimum of 4 squares away from the Unique character.

So the activations are as follows

Player 1 moves/activates his character.
Player 2 moves/activates Zombies
Player 2 moves/activates his character
Player 1 moves/activates Zombies
You see the pattern.

Survive and escape BigGrin
Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:47:20 PM
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CerousMutor wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
SquelchDog wrote:

Mad What do you have against Zombies surf?!?! OMG They're people to you know....well maybe at one time anyway. LOL Tongue Sorry, I'm a Zombie nut too.

Excellent job on the latest batch dude! Loving the Anti-Clone Troopers. Sweet pic there BTW. Keep up the great work man! ThumpUp

....and it wouldn't kill ya to make the occasional Zombie or two, or Twelve, or Fifty Seven..........see that's the problem with Zombies......too numerous.....

okay....maybe it would kill ya........ You know what, never mind. Pretend I didn't suggest that......

Well, not my thing but since several people have requested it ..... RollEyes .....Wink

What can I say, I aim to please BlooMilk


We now return you to your regularly scheduled Holonews Program .... back in a week.

Gaming scenario

2 players or more.
1 D20 & 1 D12
Ravaged Base map or any other segmented map, small enclosed spaces are best for this.
Each Player picks one unique character. Agree on a starting point and an exit point, these must be on the opposite side of the map to each other.

Game and rules.

Each player has their 2 activations as per normal.
Every time a player opens a door to a new room or corridor, the other player rolls the D12/D20, what ever the roll is the other player places/reveals that amount of Zombie Stormtroopers in that room/corridor.

Zombie Stormtrooper must always move towards a unique character. When being first placed/revealed, the Zombie Stormtroopers must be, when possible a minimum of 4 squares away from the Unique character.

So the activations are as follows

Player 1 moves/activates his character.
Player 2 moves/activates Zombies
Player 2 moves/activates his character
Player 1 moves/activates Zombies
You see the pattern.

Survive and escape BigGrin

Dear God, I've created a monster ... well, actually, a zombie ... same difference .... Scared

No, I'm Not gonna create a Zombie sub faction, but since friends asked for a card, they get a card ...singular ....
Posted: Thursday, July 26, 2012 4:02:58 AM
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Thats the thing... it always starts with one... haha
I think there is pretty much a sub faction already for the zombies; just modify some select of your custom cards in GIMP2.0 or something to contain the word Zombie in it... and bam! Done.

I am looking forward to the next batch though.
And I finally found large quantities of figures to turn into the mechanic/spacer sub faction.
Turns out Tamiya 1:38 scale minis are about the same size as a gaunt human SWM figure. So, they come with wrenches and kits and stuff, and a figure called "gus" (like the big dude from indianna jones) has a giant wrench, perfect for those stats and low to no conversion required! Base on a 30mm base and done!
The best bit? Online direct order comes with the option to buy movement trays; AND every extra purchase direct from a Japanese owned company helps at the moment (those guys are doing it pretty tough at the moment). I bought 3 sets (100 models total) so when I assemble them in 3 years time lol i'll post pics
Posted: Thursday, July 26, 2012 7:51:59 AM
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Another scenario for the Zombiphiles to check out if you haven't seen it before:
Posted: Thursday, July 26, 2012 8:44:09 AM
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How does the Wookiee Chief and Lok Durd have more reinforcements than they cost? Also, an auto 40 dam is too powerful for the ewok bomb. Great customs though. I like the fact that you added colour pics to the cards.
Posted: Thursday, July 26, 2012 4:06:57 PM
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MaliciousCrumb wrote:
How does the Wookiee Chief and Lok Durd have more reinforcements than they cost? Also, an auto 40 dam is too powerful for the ewok bomb. Great customs though. I like the fact that you added colour pics to the cards.

I think I addressed those booboo's; didn't I put up the new cards? It happens that I occassionally don't double check the costs that the calculator spits out ... that's what you get for doing a one man operation. Bet the V-Set guys don't have big mistakes like that!

The Ewoks are admittedly rather big damage wise but if you're silly enough to let a +40 Damage Ewok with a 12 Defense base you I figure you deserve whatever you get BigGrin

Thanks for looking. My motto on pics is color and full body. I've never (yet) broken that rule, and it's not as easy as it looks .....

@ all the Zombie enthusiasts Gee, I didn't realize I was unleashing a tidal wave ... wish my other cards had brought on this much talk. I'm glad you like it that much.
Posted: Thursday, July 26, 2012 4:57:19 PM
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I noticed the "Stormtrooper Zombie had some misspellings; corrected. Since I wasn't in the mood to work on my newer stuff, I got bored and god help me .....

But this is THE LAST ONE .....
Bob Chizo
Posted: Friday, July 27, 2012 8:11:50 AM
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surf, if I amy make a request, could you do a custom of Krayn, and a Hutt Jedi? I love looking at your stuff, I finally got through the pages I had missed. Thanks BlooMilk

Posted: Friday, July 27, 2012 9:15:56 AM
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Bob Chizo wrote:
surf, if I amy make a request, could you do a custom of Krayn, and a Hutt Jedi? I love looking at your stuff, I finally got through the pages I had missed. Thanks BlooMilk

You didn't see the T'surr Slaver among the cards? As for the Hutt Jedi, I've had one on the backburner for awhile. Nice pic by the way ... I may use it instead of the couple I have.
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