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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Bob Chizo
Posted: Friday, July 27, 2012 10:47:16 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Bob Chizo wrote:
surf, if I amy make a request, could you do a custom of Krayn, and a Hutt Jedi? I love looking at your stuff, I finally got through the pages I had missed. Thanks BlooMilk

You didn't see the T'surr Slaver among the cards? As for the Hutt Jedi, I've had one on the backburner for awhile. Nice pic by the way ... I may use it instead of the couple I have.

I saw the Slaver, but I didn't realize that it was supposed to represent Krayn (like how the Jedi Weaponmaster is Cin Drallig), I just thought it was a generic character.
Posted: Friday, July 27, 2012 11:44:27 AM
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Bob Chizo wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Bob Chizo wrote:
surf, if I amy make a request, could you do a custom of Krayn, and a Hutt Jedi? I love looking at your stuff, I finally got through the pages I had missed. Thanks BlooMilk

You didn't see the T'surr Slaver among the cards? As for the Hutt Jedi, I've had one on the backburner for awhile. Nice pic by the way ... I may use it instead of the couple I have.

I saw the Slaver, but I didn't realize that it was supposed to represent Krayn (like how the Jedi Weaponmaster is Cin Drallig), I just thought it was a generic character.

Well, other than renaming him, I don't think he'd be any different BigGrin

By the way, did you know the only know Huttesse Jedi is Beldorion, who had a purple blade? The only reason I haven't done a Hutt is because I've been too lazy to change my current card from a yellow to a purple one.
Posted: Saturday, July 28, 2012 6:45:19 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
I noticed the "Stormtrooper Zombie had some misspellings; corrected. Since I wasn't in the mood to work on my newer stuff, I got bored and god help me .....

But this is THE LAST ONE .....

Blink Ahhhh..........U Da Man Surf!!!! Woot Woo Hoo!! Don't stop now brother your on a roll. Laugh w00t w00t!

I need just a couple more for my scenario's with my son and brother!!! Pretty Please!!! I'm working on some custom fig's as well. Squelchy Heart 's him some Zombie's Love.

lol Thanks man, I appreciate you making a couple, cool beans dude! ThumpUp

CerousMutor wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
SquelchDog wrote:

Mad What do you have against Zombies surf?!?! OMG They're people to you know....well maybe at one time anyway. LOL Tongue Sorry, I'm a Zombie nut too.

Excellent job on the latest batch dude! Loving the Anti-Clone Troopers. Sweet pic there BTW. Keep up the great work man! ThumpUp

....and it wouldn't kill ya to make the occasional Zombie or two, or Twelve, or Fifty Seven..........see that's the problem with Zombies......too numerous.....

okay....maybe it would kill ya........ You know what, never mind. Pretend I didn't suggest that......

Well, not my thing but since several people have requested it ..... RollEyes .....Wink

What can I say, I aim to please BlooMilk


We now return you to your regularly scheduled Holonews Program .... back in a week.

Gaming scenario

2 players or more.
1 D20 & 1 D12
Ravaged Base map or any other segmented map, small enclosed spaces are best for this.
Each Player picks one unique character. Agree on a starting point and an exit point, these must be on the opposite side of the map to each other.

Game and rules.

Each player has their 2 activations as per normal.
Every time a player opens a door to a new room or corridor, the other player rolls the D12/D20, what ever the roll is the other player places/reveals that amount of Zombie Stormtroopers in that room/corridor.

Zombie Stormtrooper must always move towards a unique character. When being first placed/revealed, the Zombie Stormtroopers must be, when possible a minimum of 4 squares away from the Unique character.

So the activations are as follows

Player 1 moves/activates his character.
Player 2 moves/activates Zombies
Player 2 moves/activates his character
Player 1 moves/activates Zombies
You see the pattern.

AWESOME!!! Thanks a bunch CerousMutor! Woo Hoo! Cool
Posted: Saturday, July 28, 2012 6:50:25 AM
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swinefeld wrote:
Another scenario for the Zombiphiles to check out if you haven't seen it before:

OMG Sweet! Thanks swinefeld, I hadn't seen that one yet. Woot
Posted: Saturday, July 28, 2012 6:58:08 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
MaliciousCrumb wrote:
How does the Wookiee Chief and Lok Durd have more reinforcements than they cost? Also, an auto 40 dam is too powerful for the ewok bomb. Great customs though. I like the fact that you added colour pics to the cards.

I think I addressed those booboo's; didn't I put up the new cards? It happens that I occassionally don't double check the costs that the calculator spits out ... that's what you get for doing a one man operation. Bet the V-Set guys don't have big mistakes like that!

The Ewoks are admittedly rather big damage wise but if you're silly enough to let a +40 Damage Ewok with a 12 Defense base you I figure you deserve whatever you get BigGrin

Thanks for looking. My motto on pics is color and full body. I've never (yet) broken that rule, and it's not as easy as it looks .....

@ all the Zombie enthusiasts Gee, I didn't realize I was unleashing a tidal wave ... wish my other cards had brought on this much talk. I'm glad you like it that much.

Your other cards are top notch too dude. I just don't have as much time as I used to, to get online and check them out. Crying Squelchy has to go to work to be able to support little squelchy's. Along with grand son squelchy's. RollEyes Tongue

Thanks again for all your hard work and effort dude! ThumpUp
Posted: Saturday, July 28, 2012 9:31:45 AM
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Ah .... Grandkids .... #4 is due in a week or two. Between the my wife basking in Grandmahood, the Olympics, and school starting in 3 weeks, I'm Hoping to due my next set in the next week.

@Zombie Nation - Don't have anymore zombie worthy Star Warsy type pics so that about does it for me on that front; now if you bump into a Rakata zombie pic RollEyes
Posted: Saturday, July 28, 2012 1:42:06 PM
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Gaming scenario 2.0

2 players or more.
1 D20 & 1 D12
Ravaged Base map or any other segmented map, small enclosed spaces are best for this.
Each Player picks one unique character. Agree on a starting point and an exit point, these must be on the opposite side of the map to each other.

Game and rules.

Each player has their 2 activations as per normal.
Zombie Stormtroopers/Wookies must always move towards a unique character.
Every time a player opens a door to a new room or corridor, the other player rolls the D12/D20, what ever the roll is the other player places/reveals that amount of Zombies in that room/corridor. Zombie Wookies are placed for each roll of 5 on the dice.
Example - on a roll of 10, 8 Zombie Stormtroopers and 2 Zombie Wookies are placed.
When first being placed/revealed, the Zombie Stormtroopers/Wookies can not be placed closer than 4 squares away from the Unique character.
If the dice roll is greater than the space availible, the room/corridor is filled up to the 4 sqaure distance from the Unique character.

So the activations are as follows

Player 1 moves/activates their character twice
Player 2 moves/activates any Zombies in play
Player 2 moves/activates their character twice
Player 1 moves/activates any Zombies in play
You see the pattern.

Posted: Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:07:16 AM
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Cool beans! Thanks for the update CerousMutor. ThumbsUp Woo Hoo! BlooMilk
Posted: Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:13:29 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Ah .... Grandkids .... #4 is due in a week or two. Between the my wife basking in Grandmahood, the Olympics, and school starting in 3 weeks, I'm Hoping to due my next set in the next week.

@Zombie Nation - Don't have anymore zombie worthy Star Warsy type pics so that about does it for me on that front; now if you bump into a Rakata zombie pic RollEyes

Congrats on #4 dude. Cool I'm hoping to be starting my Grandson playing SW Mini's within the next 2 years or so. 4 is still a little young to learn. Maybe by 6 or so he should be good to start. Wink

Ya, my wife took the day off from work to watch the opening ceremony. It was actually pretty good, I liked it.

I'll be sure to be on the lookout for some Star Warsy Zombie Pic's. Tongue Thanks again man. ThumpUp
Posted: Sunday, July 29, 2012 10:02:32 AM
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Well, my customs page seems to have become Zombie Nation Central (sorry, I can't play the appropriate song.)
So, anyway I need to retake my thread back. I may be able to post some new Non-Zombie cards tonight ...
Posted: Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:37:26 PM
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.... and ....Presto ....

Well, my thread has been taken over by the Red Harvest loving Zombies, so while I still draw breath before I am converted, I present a small group of new cards, new species. It wasn’t until I finished that I noticed they’re All Fringe. I’ve never done that before, even with most cards lately being predominately Fringe … ah well … onwards and upwards …….

Baran Do Master The Baran Do ranks had Master’s as well as Sage’s, so, here’s my take of a learned Master of the Baran Do.

Chadra-Fan Thief-For-Hire A new Chadra-Fan, with a new Thief ability.

Chevin Slaver A requested species; seems they were mostly slaver types.

Elomin Tech Trader Another requested, new species, a new Upgrade idea. Had the pic for awhile … needed an idea.

Esoomian Brute I’d looked for one for awhile but never found a color one till recently … Simpleminded is a new ability/idea.

Gossam Thug Put this guy together from various pic pieces; thought the pic was acceptable. Hard to imagine a small species being Thug’s.

Kilmaulsi Berserker A new species that’s been on the backburner. As I look at this group they’re starting to remind me of a select group of “Scum & Villiany” or at least the idea of that title.

Selonian Trader A new species; a pretty good pic and a new ability idea for the species.

Tiss'shar Pirate Another new species; they remind me of sleeker Trandoshan’s.

Voss Commando I liked the pic and tried to research the species to get a feel for them. Hope I came close.

Well, maybe I can bring in some more later this week. Sorry … no Zombies! However, I hope this doesn’t stop people from commenting, perusing, or speaking their minds. Love to hear comments. Cheers!
Posted: Sunday, July 29, 2012 7:46:43 PM
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I really like small time thief and tech upgrade, both are super interesting and could lead to some interesting interactions. Great job as always!

And the Voss Commando is an interesting piece that could fit well in a few different places (splash and blast cannon is a great combine!)
Bob Chizo
Posted: Sunday, July 29, 2012 8:45:55 PM
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Thanks for the Elomin surf! I love the Small-Time Thief idea, but maybe make it replace attacks? The Kilmaulsi pic is awesome, as well as the stats; a good Melee charger. The Tiss'shar is interesting, although I am not sure the species regenerated. Confused I also loved the Selonian you did (is he wearing a helmet?), the Den ability is interesting, but slightly confusing; it says "an ally defeated by an enemies Betrayal ability," Betrayal doesn't defeat characters, so I am not sure if you meant "an ally affected by an enemy's Betrayal ability." Thanks for these stats surf, and remember there is absolutely no good reason to fall to the dark (zombie) side.Flapper BlooMilk
Posted: Sunday, July 29, 2012 10:10:00 PM
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AndyHatton wrote:
I really like small time thief and tech upgrade, both are super interesting and could lead to some interesting interactions. Great job as always!

And the Voss Commando is an interesting piece that could fit well in a few different places (splash and blast cannon is a great combine!)

Let me know how the play; would love to hear it.

Bob Chizo wrote:
Thanks for the Elomin surf! I love the Small-Time Thief idea, but maybe make it replace attacks? The Kilmaulsi pic is awesome, as well as the stats; a good Melee charger. The Tiss'shar is interesting, although I am not sure the species regenerated. Confused I also loved the Selonian you did (is he wearing a helmet?), the Den ability is interesting, but slightly confusing; it says "an ally defeated by an enemies Betrayal ability," Betrayal doesn't defeat characters, so I am not sure if you meant "an ally affected by an enemy's Betrayal ability." Thanks for these stats surf, and remember there is absolutely no good reason to fall to the dark (zombie) side.Flapper BlooMilk

You may be right; Thief should have said 'Replaces Attacks."

The Kilmaulsi was actually a pain becaise I had to "fake most of a leg in the pic; glad you liked it.

Don't know if the Tiss'shar regens, Wook doesn't say so I guessed it'd be like other reptiles.

I think the Selonian has some headphone-type gear on. I may have to look at Den; I always wonder on long worded abilities ..... I always thought along the lines that if you lose a piece, it's defeated because he may as well be dead to me ... can definitely see the "affected" part .....

Thank you for the comments.

Posted: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 9:23:15 PM
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Ok, I actually would like an opinion on something, and I’m not above a bribe. I’ve been reading Dawn of the Jedi, and with a thread on more Factions/sub factions, I’ve decided to dig out an idea from the backburner and create a Je’daii Order faction card that I’d like an opinion about … and as a bribe I created another …. Zombie … may the Force forgive me …..

Tasha Ryo, Je'daii Journeyer There’s actually not much(yet) on the Je’daii Order or the characters in it. Tasha supposedly had a hand to hand fighting style, using the Force, called the “Empty Hands” ability that she used both to attack and defend; and she used the Force to fight and not, unlike others, a Force imbued weapon.

Zombie Sith Lord Yea, yea, I know I said I wouldn’t make any, especially if it wasn’t Star Wars-y, but I needed a good bribe, I stumbled onto this pic and Red Harvest talked about a Sith Academy being taken out by the zombie disease …..

So, anyway, comments on the card/idea on the Je’daii Order, not to mention other comments welcomed as always …..
Posted: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 10:41:28 PM
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The Voss commando gives a bit too much for it's cost, I would say. It should be a bit more around the 20pt area. Either that, or reduce the splash to 10 and change self-destruct to 20. I like the idea, though, and it is pretty interesting of a piece. Also, shouldn't the zombie SITH lord be sith only? I can't see him fighting with Yoda or Luke that much...
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2012 3:13:21 AM
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Gaming scenario 2.1

2 players or more.
1 D20 & 1 D12
Ravaged Base map or any other segmented map, small enclosed spaces are best for this.
Each Player picks one unique character. Agree on a starting point and an exit point, these must be on the opposite side of the map to each other.

Game and rules.

Each player has their 2 activations as per normal.
Zombie enemies must always move towards a unique character.
Every time a player opens a door to a new room or corridor, the other player rolls the D12/D20, what ever the roll is the other player places/reveals that amount of Zombies in that room/corridor. Zombie Wookies are placed for each roll of 5 on the dice. Example - on a roll of 10, 8 Zombie Stormtroopers and 2 Zombie Wookies are placed.
On a natural 12/20 depending on the dice of choice, place 1 Zombie Sith Lord.
When first being placed/revealed, the Zombie enemies can not be placed closer than 4 squares away from the Unique character.
If the dice roll is greater than the space availible, the room/corridor is filled up to the 4 sqaure distance from the Unique character.

So the activations are as follows

Player 1 moves/activates their character twice
Player 2 moves/activates any Zombies in play
Player 2 moves/activates their character twice
Player 1 moves/activates any Zombies in play
You see the pattern.

on a side note surf, have you thought of doing a techno virus expansion set?
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2012 3:19:28 AM
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Dont know much about the je'daii but I like the direction your going.
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2012 7:38:41 AM
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MaliciousCrumb wrote:
The Voss commando gives a bit too much for it's cost, I would say. It should be a bit more around the 20pt area. Either that, or reduce the splash to 10 and change self-destruct to 20. I like the idea, though, and it is pretty interesting of a piece. Also, shouldn't the zombie SITH lord be sith only? I can't see him fighting with Yoda or Luke that much...

You may be right on the Voss Commando. I was trying to convey their fanatical desire to protect their home. As for the Zombie Sith Lord, I only named him that because he was a Sith LOrd when he was converted; he didn't look like a Sith academy student.

CerousMutor wrote:
on a side note surf, have you thought of doing a techno virus expansion set?

Impossible to see the future is.

CerousMutor wrote:
Dont know much about the je'daii but I like the direction your going.

I don't know much either, which is why we all travel down the Customs Path together ...

Thanks for the comments one and all.
Posted: Friday, August 3, 2012 2:07:50 AM
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Bribe or none,
the more factions the merrier! BigGrin
The zombies are pretty much done now...
and any force tradition added to SWM makes it easier to play mass battles in RPG and vice versa
so im happy to see more stats like the great ones we've been seeing.

The new species are greatly appreciated, and give me ideas for future mini customs.
I may return to them after vehicles im working on are done... sometime in the next decade lol
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