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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 2:39:02 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Help !!! The Zombies are taking over the Thread again .... May the Force Be With Us ........

The Force can't help you now.......

I really wish there was an Emperor smiley like on the WotC forums haha, this would be the perfect place.
Posted: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 4:57:00 PM
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corranhorn wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Help !!! The Zombies are taking over the Thread again .... May the Force Be With Us ........

The Force can't help you now.......

I really wish there was an Emperor smiley like on the WotC forums haha, this would be the perfect place.

This would all feel funny if it wasn't all rather bittersweet; my "throwaway" zombie cards have generated more comments than 95 percent of my other custom cards. Oh Well; such is life BlooMilk

However, I'm a good sport .....

I'm feeling swamped at work writing lesson plans .... maybe this Labor Day weekend I'll get around to releasing my next set ......

Let'er Rip .......
Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 7:19:16 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
corranhorn wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Help !!! The Zombies are taking over the Thread again .... May the Force Be With Us ........

The Force can't help you now.......

I really wish there was an Emperor smiley like on the WotC forums haha, this would be the perfect place.

This would all feel funny if it wasn't all rather bittersweet; my "throwaway" zombie cards have generated more comments than 95 percent of my other custom cards. Oh Well; such is life BlooMilk

However, I'm a good sport .....

I'm feeling swamped at work writing lesson plans .... may this Labor Day weekend I'll get around to releasing my next set ......

Let'er Rip .......

lol love it!
Very interesting idea.
Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 7:43:53 PM
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Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program ....

Between grandkids and zombies, I apparently have no life left. I can take the grandkids out to the ballgame when they’re older and the only way to get the taste of zombie out of my mouth is a new set. I’ve got about 60 or so floating around, so here’s 20 to start the new school year off in honor of my hopefully bright students ….. In alpha order because I’m lazy; commentary totally appreciated!

On to the new stuff .....

Abyssin Cantina Thug A New Abyssin is always needed. Just a goodtime drunk; hope the new ability is interesting.

Baragwin Traveler Again, another little seen species; a Baragwin. Some characters are just meant as bystander types I guess … well armed ones because it’s a dangerous galaxy.

Cerean Navigator I wanted to do a Navigator with all the Pilots out there. Maybe a Navigator should add something to adjacent pilots?? Hmmmm ……

Chiss Rogue Haven’t done a Chiss in awhile, so why not …

Chistori Warrior He actually seems a little underpowered to me. Maybe he was the runt of the hatchlings?

Ssi-ruu Worker Another Ssi-ruu for the new mini Ssi-ruu faction. He’ll need his toy ….

Entechment Rig This mini faction is sort of a leap for me. I know next to nothing about this species (I read the book what, 20 odd years ago) so I’m hoping I get the idea right ….

Ssi-ruu Leader In for a penny ……

Jal Shey Mentor I bumped into this idea when looking up the idea of the Jedi as a monastic order of warrior/priest types. Frankly, yet again I’m not sure what to do with this guy but here’s my take on the Jal Shey.

Kowakian Monkey Lizard Hopefully, this is not what my new students are like …..

Morseerian Trader Ok, another Morseerian after having none. Morseerians were mostly traders so ……

Naboo Royal Handmaiden I thought the Naboo I’ve already done could use a new piece. They seemed rather larger a part than they’ve been treated so far.

Oodoc Enforcer A new species I bumped into. Hey, I’m shooting in the dark, but Wook says they’re pretty dangerous.

Rahm Kota, Leader of the Alliance Ok, I saw this pic and Kota jumped up. This is the post Starkiller clone Kota. We don’t know what happened to him by the time Luke shows up. He’s definitely a tactical general type and probably not the Lightsaber fighter he was when a young man but even as an old guy he should have been pretty dangerous.

Rakatan Priestess I saw the pic and I played around with ideas according to what Wook said. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it ……

Talz Sith Warrior I probably made this last Xmas but he’s been on the backburner; don’t ask why, not sure ….. I think he’s from TOR game.

Techno Union Commando I saw the pic, a Techno Union guy is always welcome; why not.

Togrutan Trooper I cobbled this pic together out of various parts. Made her a OR trooper because … well, because.

Umbaran Assassin Saw the pic; she seemed like an Umbaran and the Imps seemed like a nice place to put her since they already had Sly Moore.

Well, I haven’t done any in awhile, so I hope I’ve piqued everybody’s interest with these. Comments much appreciated. Please don’t make me sic the Zombies on all of you …. BigGrin
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2012 1:30:51 AM
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I love you version of the Umbaran. you should have a read of Riptide, it has two umbarans in it and gives you a good idea of thier abilities.
Master Kota is great! Epic picture too!
You should channel you energies into making 'mini sets' sir! 6 card mini sets or something like that!
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2012 3:17:26 AM
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on the Baragwin traveler you have melee and slugthrower seems like an odd combination given what your version of slugthrower does.

I don't understand Leap on the krowakian Monkey Lizard - if it replaced attacks I could see how it works but as is it's worded strangely ("This turn"... so it'd always be active).

Is the Oodoc missing Melee - just seems fitting for the other abilities (though since they all require adjacent enemies it's not exactly necessary).

Rakatan High Priestess - Personal shield seems a bit overpowered, perhaps something like "save 11 to reduce damage by 30 on a failure reduce damage by 10"

Techno union commando - there's a bit of extra text on his card and considering the faction I think with 20 damage and triple attack he might be a bit too cheap I'm thinkink 23 sounds good or maybe adding heavy weapon or something. or drop him to double attack.

Overall a nice variety.

Side note: your jal shey mentor seems to also think he's a stormtrooper zombie
Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2012 5:05:31 AM
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Lord_Ball wrote:
on the Baragwin traveler you have melee and slugthrower seems like an odd combination given what your version of slugthrower does.

I don't understand Leap on the krowakian Monkey Lizard - if it replaced attacks I could see how it works but as is it's worded strangely ("This turn"... so it'd always be active).

Is the Oodoc missing Melee - just seems fitting for the other abilities (though since they all require adjacent enemies it's not exactly necessary).

Rakatan High Priestess - Personal shield seems a bit overpowered, perhaps something like "save 11 to reduce damage by 30 on a failure reduce damage by 10"

Techno union commando - there's a bit of extra text on his card and considering the faction I think with 20 damage and triple attack he might be a bit too cheap I'm thinkink 23 sounds good or maybe adding heavy weapon or something. or drop him to double attack.

Overall a nice variety.

Side note: your jal shey mentor seems to also think he's a stormtrooper zombie

Shows what happens when you're Zombied out and not paying attention. I see me fixing some things and commentary in my future ......BlooMilk

Edit .... I've fixed the obvious errors on the Baragwin, Oodoc, and the Jal Shey. The Monkey Boy tomorrow; I look at the wording and am thinking slight change on Leap.

The Priestess is supposed to be High Powered, THe Techno Commando; maybe a 20, but the Clone Repeatewr has quad at 23; don't see this guy that high .....
Posted: Friday, August 31, 2012 9:20:26 PM
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Score! Nice latest batch, and the zombies have you now... haha
I think the new species are developing nicely; all different niches are being filled and people locally like the cards as a springboard for RPG encounters.
I also really appreciate the techno union commando! I have about 30+ Weird War III models I could convert to them, thanks heaps! BigGrin

Powering through still, way to go!
Posted: Saturday, September 1, 2012 8:43:51 AM
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CerousMutor wrote:
I love you version of the Umbaran. you should have a read of Riptide, it has two umbarans in it and gives you a good idea of thier abilities.
Master Kota is great! Epic picture too!
You should channel you energies into making 'mini sets' sir! 6 card mini sets or something like that!

Well, I actually have already done an Umbaran based on the Riptide version of Nynn Ness back on page 3 or 4 of this thread ....

The Kota pic is just a D&D guy with his sword cut off; looked like an old Kota which was perfect for this guy.

kobayashimaru wrote:
Score! Nice latest batch, and the zombies have you now... haha
I think the new species are developing nicely; all different niches are being filled and people locally like the cards as a springboard for RPG encounters.
I also really appreciate the techno union commando! I have about 30+ Weird War III models I could convert to them, thanks heaps! BigGrin

Powering through still, way to go!

Well, I always suspected half my "audience" were RPG guys; hard to tell when not many speak up Cool

Thanks for the comments, which are always welcome.
Bob Chizo
Posted: Saturday, September 1, 2012 9:40:04 AM
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Nice batch surf, is that Cerean based off of Marr from Crosscurrent?Huh Anyways, I like him, as well as the new Ssi-Ruu groove you've got going! Keep it up.ThumbsUp

P.S. That Umbaran is another metal mini isn't it.Razz I've looked at some of your older pictures and found others too. Is this from a game that you play, or just cool pictures you found?
Posted: Saturday, September 1, 2012 12:20:01 PM
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Bob Chizo wrote:
Nice batch surf, is that Cerean based off of Marr from Crosscurrent?Huh Anyways, I like him, as well as the new Ssi-Ruu groove you've got going! Keep it up.ThumbsUp

P.S. That Umbaran is another metal mini isn't it.Razz I've looked at some of your older pictures and found others too. Is this from a game that you play, or just cool pictures you found?

You know, I never thought of Marr, although I've read the book. Maybe another Cerean with some Force Pt's ...

The Ssi-Ruu were something I bumped into on my surfing; except foe Uniques, not sure if I can really add much more but it does create a mini clique if not a subfaction.

As for the metal mini's ... no I haven't played a SWM game since like June, never mind anything else; but I'll use aAny pic if it looks interesting enough and I can make it usable for a Star Wars themed idea BlooMilk
Posted: Saturday, September 8, 2012 3:55:26 PM
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Well, since things have gotten Very quiet on the thread, and I've been asked to continue into the netherworld, otherwise known as Zombie Land ......

I've had a request to reword a few things. I'm assuming this results from playtesting; I'd rather let all the Zom-boys agree on something than continue to reword things on the fly, so all of you into this, feel free to argue it out on the Zombie thread ...

However, a new character was also suggested. I looked it over and tweeked it a bit. It looked a little Too offensive minded, CM, so I changed a few things. You also forgot to fit in the Immunity idea that would be a basis for this character to even be able to do what it does, so .....

Zahara Cody, Chief Medical Officer

I read up on her on Wook. These SA's make a little more sense, but hey, I never finished the story, so yet again, have at it.

PS - CM, I actually have been doing shorter releases; I've even thought of a few themed ones but frankly, it's not in me as much right now, between work, grandkids and the thread seemingly so quiet, it's not as interesting as it used to be. Also noticed it's closing in on a 1 year anniversary. 14,000+ hits in less than a year BlooMilk Hey, maybe an Anniversary Set, if I knew how/was able to post pdf's on Bloo .....
Posted: Saturday, September 8, 2012 5:26:27 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Well, since things have gotten Very quiet on the thread, and I've been asked to continue into the netherworld, otherwise known as Zombie Land ......

I've had a request to reword a few things. I'm assuming this results from playtesting; I'd rather let all the Zom-boys agree on something than continue to reword things on the fly, so all of you into this, feel free to argue it out on the Zombie thread ...

However, a new character was also suggested. I looked it over and tweeked it a bit. It looked a little Too offensive minded, CM, so I changed a few things. You also forgot to fit in the Immunity idea that would be a basis for this character to even be able to do what it does, so .....

Zahara Cody, Chief Medical Officer

I read up on her on Wook. These SA's make a little more sense, but hey, I never finished the story, so yet again, have at it.

PS - CM, I actually have been doing shorter releases; I've even thought of a few themed ones but frankly, it's not in me as much right now, between work, grandkids and the thread seemingly so quiet, it's not as interesting as it used to be. Also noticed it's closing in on a 1 year anniversary. 14,000+ hits in less than a year BlooMilk Hey, maybe an Anniversary Set, if I knew how/was able to post pdf's on Bloo .....

Spot on surf! Your alterations are the icing on the cake.
Its a shame people cant see the prospects, you are the only person essentially releasing v-sets and additional cards apart from the 'official' setters obviously.
If the Zombie thing works an others like it hopefully it will be a catalist for more interest!!
Posted: Saturday, September 8, 2012 5:37:00 PM
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CerousMutor wrote:

Spot on surf! Your alterations are the icing on the cake.
Its a shame people cant see the prospects, you are the only person essentially releasing v-sets and additional cards apart from the 'official' setters obviously.
If the Zombie thing works an others like it hopefully it will be a catalist for more interest!!

Glad you like the additions to your suggestions. As to my "normal" cards, I've always felt they were a "flavoring" to the V-Sets since I was doing these years before WOTC stopped. Many others also do them and some are quite good; I just happen to mass produce them and the occassional quality control glich proves it's a solo endeaver BigGrin because the V-Sets have more eyes and more minds working on them. Hey I do it for fun and it's cheaper than tennis, golf, fishing, hunting, or auto hobbies! I ask my wife if she'd like me stop and take up another hobby, and she usually smiles and says "Go play wth the Little People cards." Never argue with the wife!
Posted: Saturday, September 8, 2012 5:49:42 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
CerousMutor wrote:

Spot on surf! Your alterations are the icing on the cake.
Its a shame people cant see the prospects, you are the only person essentially releasing v-sets and additional cards apart from the 'official' setters obviously.
If the Zombie thing works an others like it hopefully it will be a catalist for more interest!!

Glad you like the additions to your suggestions. As to my "normal" cards, I've always felt they were a "flavoring" to the V-Sets since I was doing these years before WOTC stopped. Many others also do them and some are quite good; I just happen to mass produce them and the occassional quality control glich proves it's a solo endeaver BigGrin because the V-Sets have more eyes and more minds working on them. Hey I do it for fun and it's cheaper than tennis, golf, fishing, hunting, or auto hobbies! I ask my wife if she'd like me stop and take up another hobby, and she usually smiles and says "Go play wth the Little People cards." Never argue with the wife!

Ha when I'm in my custom making mood my GF says a similar thing! "You are dead cute with your little toys!" LOL

Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 8:12:18 PM
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Ok, once again I’m stuck and need an opinion and as usual, I’m not above a little bribery.
Usually I try to concentrate on non-unique’s with a few stray Uniques tossed in here and there.
I’ve got a bunch of stuff on the back burner and as I was sifting through what I wanted to finish up,
I bumped into Panaka.

I love his CE but he hardly seems to be worth using. No big deal, I thought I’d redo him but keep
the CE. Well, the V-Sets released a Theed set with Panaka (I’ve been working on some Gungan’s
and Naboo myself) so I’m wondering, should I go ahead and do him anyway? He’s not That close
to the V-Set makeover. Opinions?
To get answers, here’s my bribe …. BlooMilk

Bail Organa, Alliance Founder I always thought Bail and Mothma needed to be upgraded and given to the Rebel’s so here are my takes.

Mon Mothma, Alliance Founder

Captain Raymus Antilles He died rather quickly in the 1st movie, yet seemed to be a big part of the video game so I thought I’d upgrade his mini too. I know pilot’s have been getting a lot of love lately, but hey, he was the skipper of Leia’s ship ……

Ewok Renegade Thought I’d do an Ewok without swarm, sorta of the Unfriendly fuzzball.

Opinions on my question requested and comments on any of my cards always welcomed … hey I had time on my hands thinking about my root canal …. BigGrin
Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 11:19:48 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Ok, once again I’m stuck and need an opinion and as usual, I’m not above a little bribery.
Usually I try to concentrate on non-unique’s with a few stray Uniques tossed in here and there.
I’ve got a bunch of stuff on the back burner and as I was sifting through what I wanted to finish up,
I bumped into Panaka.

I love his CE but he hardly seems to be worth using. No big deal, I thought I’d redo him but keep
the CE. Well, the V-Sets released a Theed set with Panaka (I’ve been working on some Gungan’s
and Naboo myself) so I’m wondering, should I go ahead and do him anyway? He’s not That close
to the V-Set makeover. Opinions?
To get answers, here’s my bribe …. BlooMilk

Bail Organa, Alliance Founder I always thought Bail and Mothma needed to be upgraded and given to the Rebel’s so here are my takes.

Mon Mothma, Alliance Founder

Captain Raymus Antilles He died rather quickly in the 1st movie, yet seemed to be a big part of the video game so I thought I’d upgrade his mini too. I know pilot’s have been getting a lot of love lately, but hey, he was the skipper of Leia’s ship ……

Ewok Renegade Thought I’d do an Ewok without swarm, sorta of the Unfriendly fuzzball.

Opinions on my question requested and comments on any of my cards always welcomed … hey I had time on my hands thinking about my root canal …. BigGrin

Like what you have here.
Bail can bring in the Uniques and give them an uber boost!
Mothma can bring in the troops! (question: She was the inspertation but didnt Talon Kard have access to a fleet?) Love how you got the 'insperational' leader bit in her CE.
Captain Antillies CE is intersting, good boost for allied pilots and small amount activation control. He's got to be out there to use it but even with Evade he might not last long, nice.
Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 5:08:32 AM
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Bail should probably cost a bit more at effectively 4 points diplomat and the CE warrant a higher cost I think 40 seems appropriate.
Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 6:20:34 AM
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Lord_Ball wrote:
Bail should probably cost a bit more at effectively 4 points diplomat and the CE warrant a higher cost I think 40 seems appropriate.

You know, costing CE's is actually the hardest part of doing cards, not the graphics, Offense/DEfense, SA's or FP's. I actually would love talking to someone with a formula for CE's. I usually pick a character with similar/equally powerful CE's, cost the rest of them to see what it says and whatever's leftover is what I figure the CE was costed it.

I figured between 31 -38; went with the middle of 34. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it; and as CM noted with Captain Antilles, for his CE to be useful, he'll be up front and his D is low enough to ensure he most likely won't last too long .....

CerousMutor wrote:

Like what you have here.
Bail can bring in the Uniques and give them an uber boost!
Mothma can bring in the troops! (question: She was the inspertation but didnt Talon Kard have access to a fleet?) Love how you got the 'insperational' leader bit in her CE.
Captain Antillies CE is intersting, good boost for allied pilots and small amount activation control. He's got to be out there to use it but even with Evade he might not last long, nice.

Thanks ....

No opinion on whether I should bring in my Panaka?? Huh Dang, so much for bribery .....
Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 7:13:08 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Lord_Ball wrote:
Bail should probably cost a bit more at effectively 4 points diplomat and the CE warrant a higher cost I think 40 seems appropriate.

You know, costing CE's is actually the hardest part of doing cards, not the graphics, Offense/DEfense, SA's or FP's. I actually would love talking to someone with a formula for CE's. I usually pick a character with similar/equally powerful CE's, cost the rest of them to see what it says and whatever's leftover is what I figure the CE was costed it.

I figured between 31 -38; went with the middle of 34. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it; and as CM noted with Captain Antilles, for his CE to be useful, he'll be up front and his D is low enough to ensure he most likely won't last too long .....

I wouldn't go any lower than 38 The Caamasi Noble has 12 defense, 10 HP, diplomat, and can't attack/combine fire for a cost of 5 points with Bail your getting MUCH better than that for (effectively) 4 points, sure he's unique, but that doesn't really offset the bonuses he brings that much. That's how I see it anyway.
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