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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 6:45:17 PM
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Lord_Ball wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Lord_Ball wrote:
Bail should probably cost a bit more at effectively 4 points diplomat and the CE warrant a higher cost I think 40 seems appropriate.

You know, costing CE's is actually the hardest part of doing cards, not the graphics, Offense/DEfense, SA's or FP's. I actually would love talking to someone with a formula for CE's. I usually pick a character with similar/equally powerful CE's, cost the rest of them to see what it says and whatever's leftover is what I figure the CE was costed it.

I figured between 31 -38; went with the middle of 34. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it; and as CM noted with Captain Antilles, for his CE to be useful, he'll be up front and his D is low enough to ensure he most likely won't last too long .....

I wouldn't go any lower than 38 The Caamasi Noble has 12 defense, 10 HP, diplomat, and can't attack/combine fire for a cost of 5 points with Bail your getting MUCH better than that for (effectively) 4 points, sure he's unique, but that doesn't really offset the bonuses he brings that much. That's how I see it anyway.

Well, first let me say I appreciate the comments; many times I've areed when people have pointed things out to me. I'm not saying you may be wrong, but the Excel Costing program I used doesn't agree with you.

I'm going to try to expalin my thoughts, but I'm a history teacher, not a logic/math wiz, so my logic could be flawed.

As I said, CE's are hard to cost, so I looked at who had similar SA's; my answer was Garm Bel Iblis
Comparing basic stats between Bail and Garm Bel, Garm Bel has 8 pts greater cost (1 pt per 10 HP's, 1 pt per 1 Attack & Defense.) Affinity + Reenforcements 30 = 5pts; Diplomat + Reenforcements 30 5 pt's (I didn't make the calc numers up, its a program I found on WOTC about 5 years ago.) So straight up, Garm should cost 8 more points; 45 pts minus 8 = 37. Why did I pick 34 Pts? I thought Garm Bel's CE was worth 2-3 pts more. Ergo, my 34 pts cost.

Am I right? Heck if I know BigGrin I could see him at 35-36, but not 40.

Then again, who died and elected me President. I Do however reserve the right of artistic license RollEyes

Thanks for the comments agian,


Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 10:13:37 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Lord_Ball wrote:
Bail should probably cost a bit more at effectively 4 points diplomat and the CE warrant a higher cost I think 40 seems appropriate.

You know, costing CE's is actually the hardest part of doing cards, not the graphics, Offense/DEfense, SA's or FP's. I actually would love talking to someone with a formula for CE's. I usually pick a character with similar/equally powerful CE's, cost the rest of them to see what it says and whatever's leftover is what I figure the CE was costed it.

I figured between 31 -38; went with the middle of 34. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it; and as CM noted with Captain Antilles, for his CE to be useful, he'll be up front and his D is low enough to ensure he most likely won't last too long .....

CerousMutor wrote:

Like what you have here.
Bail can bring in the Uniques and give them an uber boost!
Mothma can bring in the troops! (question: She was the inspertation but didnt Talon Kard have access to a fleet?) Love how you got the 'insperational' leader bit in her CE.
Captain Antillies CE is intersting, good boost for allied pilots and small amount activation control. He's got to be out there to use it but even with Evade he might not last long, nice.

Thanks ....

No opinion on whether I should bring in my Panaka?? Huh Dang, so much for bribery .....

Lol sorry I got hung up the Rebel portion of Bail, Mothma and Kard.
Yes I'd liek to see what your Panaka does! Obviously, he will be republic not Rebel
Posted: Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:04:34 PM
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Well, I’ve been toying with the idea of refining what/how I release my little array of cards and I came up with a sort of themed mini set; maybe around a dozen cards around a particular theme. To Really simplify things, I might even redo/reprint a few cards within the theme to make it easier to find things. Even I have no idea on what page of this thread you can find something.
I’m thinking along themes like Smugglers, Spacer’s, Fringer’s, Cantina Denizen’s, Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, The Exchange, Chiss, maybe a collection of all my Tusken/Tatooine cards, Techs, scouts, commando’s etc. I’m sure I left out groups but they’ll come to me.
I’ve still got about 50-60 cards that are in various stages of completion and I still have lots of pics to wade through for ideas, but I thought I’d do something fun like this for awhile. I’d do pdf’s of the sets if Bloo actually let us post something like that but oh well. Ideas are always welcome and comments are the stuff of life to customizers .... So .....

The First Set

Planet Naboo. A little slice of Gungan and Naboo to round out what has already been released.

Amidala, Queen of Naboo A piece where Padme is a little more regal a less gungho so to speak.

Captain Panaka, Royal Naboo Security Force I’d actually had this guy on the back burner for months and then the Vengence/Theed V-Set came out. Still, he’s a little different to the two released Panaka’s that I said, why not ......

Royal Naboo Security Force Trooper A generic Security Force grunt to go with Panaka and other Naboo.

Chrin, Royal Naboo Security Force I usually try to avoid unique grunt types, but hey, why not the occasional. The trooper who accompanied Panaka on a mission and had a missile launcher; the Naboo could use the firepower.

Captain Tarpals, Gungan Grand Army Captain Tarpals, Gungan Grand Army[/img] Even though I love the KOTOR Tarpals CE, I wanted to redo him to reflect him as slightly more effective commander in battle.

Gungan Assault Cannon The Grand Army had a little more firepower than some foot soldiers.

Gungan Bawoonka Player Hey, every army needs a band, and Gungan Bawoonka’s are probably an interesting but acquired taste.

Gungam Civilian Interesting that this hick Gungan from the sticks was more helpful than Jar Jar; no comment otherwise ......

Gungan Fambaa Shield Generator I’ve actually already released this guy but he fit into the theme nicely ......

Gungan Whizboomas Catapult .... proving there’s more than one way to toss an energy ball around .....

Gungan Farseein Spotter If you have artillary, you need rangefinder/spotter types ….

Gungan Spearman Another grunt for the Gungan Grand Army.

Gungan Planetary Surveyor Now here’s an interesting piece. The pic was a bear to cobble together; ¾’s of a torso and no lower body. I managed to recreate the missing side and find a lower body to match it close enough … course once I created the pic I needed an idea to go with him. Can’t remember what I was reading but Planetary Surveyor jumped out at me. An explorer by any name … Interesting that the Republic doesn’t have too much in the way of Recon.

Well, don’t know how this new trend in my thread will go over. If it sinks I may be forced to create more Zombie’s ….. Ugh!

Comments welcomed, hope you all enjoy.BlooMilk
Posted: Monday, September 24, 2012 4:02:41 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Well, don’t know how this need trend in my thread will go over. If it sinks I may be forced to create more Zombie’s ….. Ugh!

Do I smell a Gungan Zombie? Wink
Posted: Monday, September 24, 2012 5:55:41 AM
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Lord_Ball wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Well, don’t know how this need trend in my thread will go over. If it sinks I may be forced to create more Zombie’s ….. Ugh!

Do I smell a Gungan Zombie? Wink

I'd rather kiss a Wookie .....Scared
Posted: Monday, September 24, 2012 7:39:14 AM
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I like all the new Naboo pieces, and the theme release is pretty cool.
Posted: Monday, September 24, 2012 4:09:47 PM
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Biggsy wrote:
I like all the new Naboo pieces, and the theme release is pretty cool.

Thanks, anything in particular that you like? I'm wondering about Amidala's Head of State SA mand if it's too much.
Posted: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:26:59 AM
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Love it! Themed around her assault with her troopers on the capital building?
The Naboo contingent gets boosted! I think Full HP is too much, either 10 HP or make an attack when defeated.
Panaka is a dark horse! I over looked him at first; his CE is naughty!
As a whole, her and her crew work blasted well together.

Captain Tarpals is pretty sweet. I know the origianl allows you extra SA's but I like his galloping attack and CE helps those pesky gungans.
I like that you have a lot of 'look at me!' characters in the gungans; allows you to control your enemies attacks.
Your spearman and surveyor are very intersting! Opens up the Republic to alot more! Give the spearman FP for rerolls and even Original Tarp and they could be v annoying!
Posted: Thursday, September 27, 2012 11:30:01 AM
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@CM - I actually love the WOTC's Tarpals CE and I wanted to give the Gungans some punch to make them reasonably useful. Glad you liked the theme.

Can't make up my mind on the next theme; possibly Nar Shadda, Coruscant or Tatooine .....
Posted: Thursday, September 27, 2012 12:42:44 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
@CM - I actually love the WOTC's Tarpals CE and I wanted to give the Gungans some punch to make them reasonably useful. Glad you liked the theme.

Can't make up my mind on the next theme; possibly Nar Shadda, Coruscant or Tatooine .....

I want to say Nar Shadda but Coruscant would let you tackle the GA, Chief of States...oh so many!!
Posted: Friday, September 28, 2012 7:53:31 AM
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CerousMutor wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Can't make up my mind on the next theme; possibly Nar Shadda, Coruscant or Tatooine .....

I want to say Nar Shadda

Nar Shaddaa +1

- House-keeping droid
- Gank killer
- Alien refugee
- Bartender
- G0-T0, Exchange head
- Pa'lowick smuggler pilot
- ...
Posted: Friday, September 28, 2012 8:54:32 AM
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Derf wrote:
CerousMutor wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Can't make up my mind on the next theme; possibly Nar Shadda, Coruscant or Tatooine .....

I want to say Nar Shadda

Nar Shaddaa +1

- House-keeping droid
- Gank killer
- Alien refugee
- Bartender
- G0-T0, Exchange head
- Pa'lowick smuggler pilot
- ...

You must have missed my GOTO card a few months ago ....
Posted: Sunday, September 30, 2012 1:54:48 PM
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Oh sorry ! Yes your Exchange characters are sooooo gooood ! I didn't miss G0T0 but I forgot him. Please don't stop !
Posted: Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:35:10 PM
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Well, freshly humbled by yesterday's games (the first game was very competative and I lost to James (crazybirdman) literally on the last roll; second game against another James I set a new record in futility - 2 successful roles the Entire game Cursing ) I return to the safety of this thread .... I was sorta settling on Tatooine because I found some interesting pics. I could literally do 30 pieces, but 17 of them would be reruns so to speak so I'll just list them and do the 13 or so new pieces ... maybe after the shock of the slaughter wears out in a day or so ....... RollEyes
Bob Chizo
Posted: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 12:41:47 PM
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Besides the awful picture for Amidala, the Naboo batch seems to pretty good. But, I am wondering; should "Head of State" limit the character not to attack, or maybe it only remains until the character attacks? Giving a monster shooter diplomat would just be crazy. But, if they couldn't attack, it would still have uses; a character could use Diplomat to get safely back from the front lines (maybe to a healer?), or to maneuver into position to block an opponent. Just food for thought.

P.S. Sorry to hear that you lost.
Posted: Sunday, October 14, 2012 7:48:17 PM
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Bob Chizo wrote:
Besides the awful picture for Amidala, the Naboo batch seems to pretty good. But, I am wondering; should "Head of State" limit the character not to attack, or maybe it only remains until the character attacks? Giving a monster shooter diplomat would just be crazy. But, if they couldn't attack, it would still have uses; a character could use Diplomat to get safely back from the front lines (maybe to a healer?), or to maneuver into position to block an opponent. Just food for thought.

P.S. Sorry to hear that you lost.

Sorry, life, work n stuff ....

Thought about your comment Bob; maybe Head of State should give One character Diplomacy, and losing that ability on the first attack ... still thinking ...

It occurs to me as I was filing my Naboo set that I never included Boss Nass. I'd made one a few years ago and with a real Gungan force available now, wanted to upgrade him so .....

Boss Nass

Well, he was necessary to sorta complete the Gungans BigGrin

If life slows down, I may get to Planet Tatooine by next weekend. Boss Nass is just my warmup act this week ...
Posted: Saturday, October 20, 2012 5:42:13 PM
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Well, Boss Nass didn't go over well .... such is life under the Force ....BigGrin

Hmmmmm, the Customs threads seem to be going all over the place with scenario’s, the occasional stat collection, and custom mini’s (many past my efforts from years past BlooMilk ) but still not much in the way of new cards so I present my latest small themed from Tatooine; I looked and I’ve already released quite a few Tatooine-based cards

Jawa Guard
Jawa Tech Specialist
Tatooine Desert Guide
Tatooine Desert Tracker
Tatooine Moisture Farmer
Tatooine Moisture Prospector
Tatooine Trader
Owen Lars, Tatooine Farmer
Hardened Tusken Raider
Sardu Sallowe
Tusken Bounty Hunter
Tusken Emissary
Tusken Headman
Tusken Healer
Tusken Shaman

… plus a slew of Jabba’s retinue pieces which I’ll include/revise when I do a Jabba/Hutt Cartel themed set.
I’ve tried to round out what should be in a new Tatooine set; thought about Shmi and Beru Skywalker, but they’d be rather fodderish so I stayed away; ditto Tusken women and children, not to mention Anakin’s boyhood friends.

Planet Tatooine

Jawa Droid Trader Started off with I think the first Jawa’s we ever saw, the Jawa who tried to sell the droid with the bad motivator to Luke; if that Jawa only knew what he started by being dishonest.

Jawa Sandcrawler If seen plenty of toy Sandcrawlers and my share of paper model sandcrawlers; might as well have a card for them.

Jawa Sandcrawler Commander Well, if you got the Sandcrawler, might as well have a commander …… he's a redo of an earlier card.

Jawa Shaman I’ve given several groups shaman’s the last few years so its only fair the Jawa’s get one ….

Jawa Tribal Leader …. Well, Somebody had to be in charge of the lil munchkins …..

Pit Droid I saw the pic, was thinking podracer, so why not (No I’m not doing a podracer or podracer pilots; that’d be opening up a card of worms I don’t want to deal with … still getting over Zombie sickness …)

Sandtrooper Sergeant a Tatooine scenario without a few Sandtrooper’s didn’t seem right, so here’s a Sergeant for the Sand boys …..

Heavy Sandtrooper …. And a heavy trooper to go along with the squad.

Tatooine Rebel Agent Well now, if you’re going to have Imperials, you need at leat one Rebel Agent …..

Tatooine Trader on Eopie Well, this piece is a niche piece more for a Tatooine scenario than anything; I suppose he could have sold Bantha burgers but ……

Garindan, Information Broker I always thought the original had Sooooo much potential until I played him and he died on the first hit before he could even get in position to use spotter; he seemed like a great candidate for a makeover.

Watto This gut was part of The New Lost Twenty a group I was part of did a few years ago; I wasn’t quite satisfied with the finished piece (apologies to all involved) so I redid him a bit more to my liking.

Wild Dewback I don’t know if I’ve ever done a savage animal so I thought why not.

Woodoo Another creature from Tatooine to go along with the dewback (bantha’s, ronto’s and eopie’s are waay to tame to do and we’ve got a Rancor and Krayt Dragon already.)

Well, I’ve included a couple new SA’s here and as usual, comments are always welcome.

Posted: Monday, October 22, 2012 5:22:48 PM
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Wow! Thats a lot of customs Surf!

Nice Pit droid! (Bout time one came out! Theyre nasty for swarms of droids... cue evil laugh)
Droids will always capture the imagination... the Exchange ones will be neat too when theyre done.
A Claptrap from the videogame borderlands could serve as a botched r1-astro rebuild, if you felt like making some random R1 Droids... BigGrin

Also, props for the cassowary-like Woodo creature; I always knew those birds were not of this world... now ive the stat card to prove it.

And onto the Jawas, now arguably a sub-faction proper. Theyve got the synergy and the range of pieces now to properly duke it out with either the sandpeople or the ugnaughts... although the quarren sub-faction would have a hard time catching up.

Some thoughts for the future, just in case I don't get a chance to stop by between now and then BigGrin
Could an Ergesh jedi be on the cards? (if youll pardon the pun...) In time for some XMAS shenanigans with the RPG crew... mwuahaha. We use stat cards to represent characters, sorta like the D&D figures and statcards.
What of the weird crystalline jedi (Iron Knights or something) - are they extensive? [extra points if you know what movie line im riffing off there]
Some elemental monsters or environmental hazards could be areas of innovation for the game, and if you're after a really fun challenge, remember those 6x8 terrain tiles that came with the starter set? You could always try your hand at mapmaking; those tiles are great for encounters or quick matches!

I havent had much time for gaming at the moment, but I'll be sure to post when I get around to play testing this latest batch BigGrin
Posted: Monday, October 22, 2012 7:08:25 PM
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@ Koba - My limitations were once make a card for a mini I created. Now my limitations are a full body color shot of a character/object thats not too cartooinsh .... I've seen lots of suggestions for species & NearHumans but no good pics for them, the Ergesh among them. I've peeked at the Iron Knights and they don't do much for me Blink

I tried making a small map ... I'll leave that to Matt (a good man knows his limitations!) and the same goes for tiles ... sorry BlooMilk

I think the Jawa's are what they are, may put up a fight but will lose against real firepower, which would be most sub factions, never mind real factions ( but they at least should be more amusing to play!)

On a side note, if people have species I haven't done and have full body color shot pics I'd be more than happy to consider them.

I'm sorta leaning towards a Galactice Cener/Coruscant mini set next but I could be talked into something else; anyone have any suggestions on subsets?
Posted: Sunday, November 18, 2012 4:20:07 PM
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Well, grades are done, I'm on vacation, my threads been asleep for a month, card design discussion has convinced me to shut up, leave the artful designs to real artists and stick to the nuts and bolts of card making in quantity and reasonably decent quality .....

No comments on my "Galactice Cener/Coruscant" themed set idea so maybe I'll move onto something else. Customs has been fairly quiet so maybe I'll drop a set into this thread in a day or two.

Hope this holiday finds my friends and family recovering nicely from the storms.

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